I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 950 I want to lose weight

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Xia Jing was shocked, immediately ran to the front of the mirror, I found that she was fat, she refused to believe in facts, stepped on the weight scale, and screamed.

"what's happenin?"

This is shocked by Chen Hao and is busy running.

"Oh, I have fat 15 pounds, ah, I want to be ugly!" Xia Jing collapsed the feet.

Chen Hao is speechless, Xia Jing is too excellent, the original weight is also more than 100 pounds, and there is no more than 120 pounds, and there is much a rich state, it is not obese, Chen Hao believes that she is in a big strange.

However, Chen Hao did not understand the woman's pursuit of slim body. Xia Jing suddenly sorrowful: "No wonder you have alienated me recently, because I gain fat, I want to lose weight, reduce it back to one hundred pounds or less!"

"OK, pay attention to reasonable meals, don't hungry the stomach." Chen Hao said.

"I decided, starting from today, I only eat a meal one day, you have to help monitor me." Xia Jing said.

"OK." Chen Hao agreed.

Chen Hao then comforted, Xia Jing recovered calm, she sat back to the table, the look was low, think that she was not beautiful, could not attract Chen Hao's attention.

Chen Hao said a thing in order to tease her.

"I have recently arranged a decoration team, modified the box, preliminary intended to get three big bags, bring holographic projection, as a *** box." Chen Hao said.

Since I learned that I can purchase a holographic room reform plan in Panlong, Chen Hao has this idea. He has received 100 points recently, and it has been modified.

Who knows that Xia Jing is not interested in this news, and the meaning of Xifu, "Well", she is now full of "weight loss" two words, and everything else is not concerned.

Suddenly I thought of underworld pig a meal, Chen Hao and Xia Jing said that after the hotel was renovated after a week, she prepared a banquet, he would ple.


Xia Jing is still unburable, answering is weak, she has a hit by 118 pounds of weight, and the damage is second only to the disfigurement.

Chen Hao saw her state of this state, if there is no mood, this food is not good, you must let her cheer.

So Chen Hao advised: "You have to cheer, as long as you help me get ready to open the banquet, I will help you lose weight."

"How do you help?" Xia Jing watched him.

"Anyway, you can make you down quickly." Chen Hao picked his eyebrows and tempting.

"Okay, as long as you can lose weight to 100 pounds, let me have a good time!" The summer issued a commitment.

Chen Hao Dun refuted: "Somal is not used, remember to prepare for meals."

Said, he put a bowl of porridge to the summer, first full of food, and losing weight.

"Well, I will eat!"

Xia Jing is happy, she has a meal, she has unconditionally trusting Chen Hao, and she has a heart to eat.

As for Chen Hao to help her lose weight, then I want to think about it from the billion subsidies. Chen Hao is going to find a job in the app to see if there is any weight loss device.

At this time, Luo Xin and Peng Yuyan dragged the flower dance that had not woken up and had breakfast, and the flower dance this girl wearing cartoon pajamas, and his eyes did not open, and it was coming by two beautiful women.

"Why, is it to be tied?" Chen Hao asked.

When Master can't be too lazy, don't you eat, don't forget to have the oath of last week.

The flower dance is lazy to Peng Yuyan's shoulder, and it is slightly said: "I am so sleepy, I will make it tomorrow."

"Who let you stay up late at night!"

Peng Yuyan really hatened iron, it is too uns, and it is too much to get up. It is a lot to fold her face, and must treat her.

Peng Yutong is not good, just give Chen Hao, I will help him.

Chen Hao also felt that the dance dance was so decadent, and he must spur.

So Chen Hao mentioned the voice, saying loudly: "I intend to let Yang Chengwu organize a Xinxin platform fan party, take a few lucky audiences, visit the Yushu Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Day, or take some Vlog , Or not, start shooting today, you can use it as a clip material. "


Luo Xin and others clapped. Peng Yutong took out the mobile phone and danced.

Originally fascinating, I heard this news, I blouded from the seat. I used it to fly to the corner. "Don't shoot me, I haven't changed clothes, comb, happen!"

"Then you have quickly changed clothes and dress, we are waiting for you here." Peng Yutong shouted.

"Okay, wait for me for 10 minutes ... No, 15 minutes!"

After that, the flowers dance flew back to their own accommodation, and they went to the clothes.

Such a interesting scene, let the people in the seat are not laughing independently.

"Or is the boss, find the soft ribs of the flower dance, have a fan to spur her, see that she is still lazy!" Peng Yu Yan smiled.

"Flower dance is now lacking self-made power, everyone helps to mention it, let her go into some, with her day, future future is unlimited."

Chen Hao's words have got a recognition of ladies in Zha.

At this time, Chen Hao's first assistant Cao Rui wore a wine red OL set and walked in, and his body was aunt.

"Wow, Cao sister is so good today." Luo Xin saw a great advice.

Chen Hao also felt that Cao Rui's clothes were especially fit. I couldn't help but think of yesterday afternoon and her time. I couldn't help but get it in my heart. I quickly collapsed my heart. Now it is not to think.

Everyone got together, so I have a good time to eat breakfast.

At the end of the breakfast, Chen Hao met Cao Rui. In the afternoon, he went out to do things, helping him push some entertainment, Cao Rui nodded.

After Peng Yuyan heard, his face was smile, and Chen Hao came out with her in the afternoon.

When Chen Hao left, I also packaged a breakfast. I went back to Zhou Xi Tong to eat. He didn't go this morning. I accompanied my girlfriend. The distance is so close, but also parents.

In the morning, Xiang Xi Tong got up, it took a mobile phone. The two spent a warm morning together. Wait until noon, she was reluctant to replace the career installation, ready to go back.

"When I am not there, don't you put it!"

When Zhou Xi hugged before and Chen Hao, he said in his ear.

"No." Chen Hao said.

"Well, if I miss me, I will go to me, I will accompany you later."

Don't have a meaning in Zhou Xi Tong, I heard that Chen Hao wants to leave her relatives.

However, the time is not allowed, Zhou Xitong has an important customer to meet in the company, only after kissing, take the car to leave, Chen Hao has also driven to the high-speed intersection.

Looking at the car of my girlfriend left, Chen Hao firmly made the idea of ​​making money to make money, can't let Zhou Xi Tong have worked so hard.

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