I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 962 Invitation to join the team

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"It's great, I know Chen Hao can!" Xiang pig riders.

The squid captain smiled slightly, said to the pig: "Yes, you don't have to be nervous, as long as Chen Hao keeps this state, we will win."

The squid captain can be experienced. He has seen Chen Hao's battle ideas, which is to attract the explosion of the locust. At the end of the outbreak, it is relatively weak, and then take the opportunity to start attacks, you can receive a lack of attack.

As long as the middle is steady, it is not greedy, so that the loop is reciprocated, the locust is the fish on the shore, can't take a few down.


After the locusts were knocked down, the arms slammed in the ground, and she stood up with a shock.

His face, Chen Hao, who was looked down and again, he had lost rationality, and when he rushed to Chen Hao, he opened the most powerful outbreak mode.

Because he has found that Chen Hao will be afraid of after opening the outbreak mode, Chen Hao will hard fight with him, and he also has a big increase, and confidence gives Chen Hao.

But he is ignored, Chen Hao has retired in his outbreak before, this time he is brave, but there is not much threat, and it is not as good as it is not intended to have, and Chen Hao has a more relaxing.

And due to anger, the outbreak time of this locust has been surprising, but it is only surprised by Chen Hao, but he is only in the monkey heap, he once practiced It is a few hours, and this is only a few seconds, it is not enough.

When the outbreak time of the aphid, he fell into unprecedented weakness, the energy in the human body was sufficient. His repeated action reserves finally squandered, and the whole person is also in a shortest state.

"Then I will be welcome."

Chen Hao was a chance, and it was a set of combination of punches, monkeys, killing chicken monkeys, ghosts, monkey, monkey brain, all kinds of moves, a locusts were retired, and he did not initiate a counterattack.

Finally, I will make up a hit Qian Sheng. Chen Haoyi punched in the fragile belly of locusts, the whole body was launched, equivalent to the two professional boxing, and put the locusts from the ground, flew out of the two meters, Just on the ground, the body continued to tremble.

Chen Hao didn't want to fall to the reputation of the drowning dog, so he will stand up, the gesture is particularly temporary, and the fragrant pig below can look at the eyes.

The anti-fighting ability of locusts is extremely strong. Chen Hao's series of attacks have not yet smashed him. When he lost his mind, he would counter it, and he ignored everything, so he wanted to continue to open his strongest outbreak. I can't get Chen Hao.

However, the outbreak is good, but it is not long-lasting, and the continuous outbreak is extremely harmful. His body value is close to the edge of the collapse.

"Warning! Warning! Detecting the numerical value of the locust body, the end of the duel, please go to the doctor immediately!"

The robot referee suddenly rushed into the field, and forced the duel, strictly said that this has not really fallen out of the victory, and the burst counts.

However, the locusts didn't even hear, he couldn't help but he only wanted to explode Chen Hao. After standing, he went to the past.

At this time, the mechanical arm of the referee robot suddenly took out a light blue electric spark, and the body of the locust was suddenly trembled, and the eyes were blocked, and the corona passed.

The referee robot immediately reached several tentacles, support him, and then quickly came to a stretcher robot, and walked away from the fainted locust.

"The duel is over, please ask Chen Hao to return!" The referee robot announced the final result.

Chen Hao shook his head and slowly out.

Today, this game seems to be in the wind, but it is clear that this opponent is simple, it is relatively relaxed, if it is a cautious person, then it is necessary to fall into hard work and consumption, and the deer is dead. Not necessarily.

However, if the reality is not so much, the opponent has fallen in the venue, which is Chen Hao won, so he has been enthusiastically praised by his teammates.

"Chen Hao, you are too handsome!"

"The locust is not your opponent, you will be the main attack of our team in the future!"

"It's too cattle, defeat your opponent 5 minutes, I admire five-body investment!"

In the face of the praise of teammates, Chen Hao only smiled faintly, defeating a opponent who only furiously, but also nothing is worthy of boasting achievements.

"Let's go, the exercise is tired, let's go to the oxygen bar to restore."

The squid captain greeted.

Chen Hao didn't know where the oxygen bar was, and the coat of the fragrant pigs came out, and then they went out.

The oxygen is in the same buildings, they take the elevator to the 16th floor, leave the elevator, see this is a bird-shaped green plant, as if it comes to a natural scenic spot.

Of course, it is now underground, these are artificial scenes, artificial sun, artificial lawn and vegetation, some fish are true, only some non-good birds are holographic projections, but they will smell them. To so fresh air, Chen Hao tired because of high strength exercise, it has become easy.

They came back to a row chair to sit well, the so-called oxygen, it is a casual place with a rich oxygen content. After Chen Hao is lie, the automatic massage device on the lounger will start, to mitigate the tired muscles, feel Very comfortable.

"This place is really good." Chen Hao praised.

"The oxygen bar will pay points, this time is the captain of our captain." Zhutian pig smiled.

"That thank you, the captain, next time I ask." Chen Hao said.

This victory, also have a teammate to give him a demonstration, Chen Hao will not forget.

Everyone will start leisure, and the surroundings are natural green vegetation. It is oxygen in the nose. It is a high-tech massage chair. Don't mention more.

Pig pigs can't help but joy, say: "Now Chen Hao defeated the locust in 5 minutes, should it be the first person in the outer person?"

"Don't dare to be." Chen Haoqian was vain.

The captain of the squid said: "This kind of virtual name is not, but Chen Hao considers you to submit to the application, your current strength test is no problem, but it is necessary to regulate the examination period of each child for a year, it may have to turn forward it. "

Snails said: "Yes, the outer personnel will go out with us, gain a loss, but we will give you an extra allocation point, so that we can keep it flat, guarantees you."

"Well, I agree, you!"

Pig pigs raise the table directly.

"I agree!"


Other players raise their hands, and they are all passed.

"So Comrade Chen Hao, are you willing to formally join my fixed team?"

The squid passed the communication device, sent to Chen Hao to an invitation to join the "squid team".

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