I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 984, the home of the game

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At the plane, the total retaliation came, and some of the commercial or advertising items that were negotiated before Luo Xin, all were unilaterally stopped, and there was a rumor on the Internet, saying that she sold the color. Chen Hao got a strong and became a sister of Xinxin platform.

Even if Yang Chengwu, he has reported that he got a hint of "big figures" in a certain line, as if he blocked Luo Xin, otherwise it may be involved in Xinxin live broadcast platform, to be interviewed by the superior department.

You don't have to ask, these are the generals in the ghost.

After Chen Hao heard, he did not be too angry, but it was a bit curious about this master's strength. It can easily block a well-known female anchor, and energy is not small.

However, Chen Hao is not worried, since ancient evils, this morally corrupted old man, seeing one, cleaning up one, never palliative, otherwise there will be more girls.

The great man said that the strategy despise the enemy, pays attention to the enemy, and to deal with people with the background, you must know his details.

In the flight, Xing Zhao is transferred to the information he investigated.

He is always a famous company, but there are many well-known companies, but few people know his name. He belongs to the invisible rich, and the personal asset conservative estimates are two or three billion, active in multiple provinces and cities.

His many companies are sole proprietorship, so through the stock market blows, the annexation of the annexation is not passed, and it is necessary to use the financial resources to squeeze the opponent. It is not a chartered, and the enemy is one thousand, and the eight hundred behavior is not good. It is not necessarily successful.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to hit the opponent with commercial means. Chen Hao has made a decision in an instant. Since the countdown does not work, then use the oldest method to physically, it is to go to the door directly!

This kind of hitting the door is not the first time, the last time Chen Hao took the column and others to grasp the traitor of the Wongsheng Group, this time, a few people, because the difficulty is even greater.

That traitor is alone, and this time, Zhong Yan, is a strong rich man, there is a relationship between the wrong festival behind it, it must be not so easy.

When the bay flowers fell in the afternoon, they landed in Hui City Airport. They hired a vehicle in advance, carrying their eleven people, and arrived in a Huiji Hotel. According to Xing Zhitao's news, the is here inside.

Because the mobile phone positioning can only determine the location, but I don't know where the goal is in the building, Chen Hao arranges a chart in the hand to play the news.

Their group of people went to the front desk, I didn't have a result of iron, I couldn't let the store will also be alarm directly, so this hand is pretending to be a guest, asking which box is always in.

Yan Zhongyan is a frequent visitor in this hotel, so the front desk is directly told that he is in the 808 box.

So, a group of people came straight to 808, and the pillars were head arranging. He lifted the big feet and wanted to do the door. In the movie, the door to the door was to open, which is domineering.

Chen Hao stopped the column and said: "Let's see if someone is not in it."

Chen Hao once again felt that there was a lack of intelligence role. Lai 5 was qualified, and there was a courage, but he was still abroad. It is not necessary to come. The column is brave, but lacks strain ability.

This column has an eye, push the cabin opens a seam, see the situation inside, a table of big masters, Zhan Zhongyan is sitting in the master, and he is two young girls on the left and right, and he is constantly drinking. The girl is obviously not a bit, and the eyes are blurred.

Look at this situation, Yan Zhongyan is a childrens who use the playboxes that have a star dream.

I saw the goal, I nodded toward Chen Hao. This time I confirmed, he raised his legs, and a big feet opened the door, and their group entered it.

In the room, the hand is put on the girl's thigh, and the face is revealed, but it is suddenly broken.

"Who are you?"

He has always stood up and asked by the class.

The column and others are arranged in a row, Chen Hao immediately walked the forefront, and the face of the old colored skin.

In the face of the face, it was pulled down, and it understood that there was someone to find a revenge. Since he has been a family 15 years ago, it has rarely encounters this kind of thing to be revenge.

"Do you know who is sitting? Dare to come here!" A class pointed at Chen Hao.

"Go to NMD, do you know who our boss is, dare to refer to your hand?"

The pillar is anger, and this foot will fly this foot.

This suddenly opened the prelude of the melee. The men in Khazhongyan copied the bottle rushing up, and the pillars were prepared, and they took out the crowbar and played with them.

This group of people brought by the column is also strictly trained. Although it is not more than the elite that the instructor is written, it is also a lot more than ordinary security, and practiced the fight, and the combat power beyond the other side. .

In less than a minute, after a big chicken flying dog jumped, the work of Yin Zhongyan was all knocked down, there was only one faceful director, and there is a face of the water, and there are two girls. The corner of the wall is scared to zoom in.

"Who are you? Come to me Zhong Yan's site?"

He is self-employed and is not intimidated by the unfavorable situation in front of him, putting a big man.

Chen Hao did not have his first time, but said to the two girl shaking girls: "Don't be afraid, I will find Zhong Yan, you can go."

Said, Chen Hao let the column let the pillars open the way, two girls look at each other, they all packed their things quickly walk out of the box.

"Remember, there is no shortcut in life, and it will lose a lot of valuable things while greedy."

Before they left, Chen Hao said, as for them, they would not understand, they will see themselves.

Two girls think about the disgusting salted pigs on the thighs, slightly realized, and said to Chen Hao "Thank you", then leave.

The column put the cabinet door, which can solve the grievances.

Yan Zhongyan saw his own name, and he knew that it was a little bit, he remembered what big figures were there?

Suddenly, his pupils contracted, it seems to think of what terrible things, and asked: "What are you?"

His finger points to the south, Chen Hao doesn't know what he is suggesting, too lazy to care, he played a gesture, the column will go up, one will pull the kozhongyan from the seat, press the wall.

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