I accidentally married a "CEO"
2014 ATA Magnet High School Las Vegas Nevada
Senior year is the last year of High School. For many high schoolers, this is the end of their teenage years towards adulthood. It's a norm for the teenagers during this era to start dating at a younger age — some start dating as young as 15 years old during their sophomore year while other's waited until the senior year the last year of High School.
That was the case with Ethan who's considered the heart-throb of ATA. Girls would go out of their way trying to get his attention, while boys would befriend him to gain attention with the girls from being associated with him.
Ethan was always the topic of conversation among the high schoolers all through senior year when he joined the football team to play the quarterback. The coach was pleased to see his fan base that he made him the Captain of the football team on his first year of joining; This made Ethan much more popular and the most sought out boys in the whole school.
However, after many attempts from the popular girls in school to get his attention failed. Rumors started circulating that he might be gay. Ethan ignored the talks and continued as nothing bothers him. Ethan's the only one who knows the truth about himself and why he never once looked at those popular girls in school.
On the other hand, Ann never paid much attention to boys during her high school years. She always felt that she's not good enough to compete with all those girls.
She's not ugly, but because she got bullied during primary and middle school for not having parents. In turn, gave her very low self-esteem at the beginning of her High School year.
Before starting High School, she checked with her guidance counselor during admission; if its possible for her to begin taking college courses while still in high school. [A way to keep herself busy.]
Due to her scoring in the top ten of her State High School Placement Test, she was allowed under probationary period for the first year. But she must maintain her grade point average of 4.0 to stay in the program.
For Ann, that's never an issue. She was born with high IQ, taking a full load of college courses along with her normal high school one was no big deal. It's a way to stay to herself, and she has not the time to worry about what people thought of her.
Ann had planned on entering JD-Law at Harvard to study Corporate Law, and part of the requirement was for her to be in the last year of her Bachelor Degree before admittance. Based on her planned schedule, by the time she graduates High School, she will also be a senior in College with only one more semester to go. If she's lucky enough to be accepted at JD-Law, she would be a full pledge Corp. Law at the age of 24.
Ann plans were progressing finely; she was keeping herself busy and no time with interaction with other students. However, that changed when she met Lea. She made her feel a million dollars, unlike the orphan Ann, as everybody calls her. Because of that, they became an inseparable best friend but more like sisters.
With Lea as her friend, Ann became more and more outgoing and always with a pretty smile. Many boys found her pretty cute and started courting her. Unfortunately, Ann was never interested in any of them. None had the luck to become her boyfriend.
For four year's Ethan and Ann studied in the same High School. They had many classes together, but they have never spoken with one another. Lea, on the other hand, had tried her best to get his attention every time he's around. However, Ethan treated her just like how he does with all the other girls. He would smile and politely go on his way.
For four year's Ethan never courted nor dated anyone in the school. Students were all sure of themselves that Ethan is gay. How can a straight boy be around many beautiful young girls and not be affected by it, unless he's gay?
Only Ethan knows the truth, and everyone was shocked when the news of Ethan asking Ann to become his Prom date spread [ Because of Lea's big mouth which spread it to everyone she knew.]
All the boys that courted Ann thought she would also decline Ethan invitation. They were all in shock when they found out that Ann accepted to be Ethan's date on Prom night. Once the news spread, Ann and Ethan became a couple.
Ann keeps denying when someone would ask her, while Ethan would only smile as an acknowledgment.
Ann had told Ethan for them to meet at the venue. She didn't want him to know where she lives and get a wrong impression of her. Ethan agreed in a heartbeat, all he cares was Ann is going to be his date. The rest doesn't matter.
The day of the anticipated Prom night arrived, only that Ethan was heartbroken and devastated when he realized that Ann did not attend at all. His first thought was to confront Ann, but he doesn't know where she lives. He had asked around, but no one was able to tell him. Even Lea, her best friend, was nowhere to be found.
That night, Ethan was embarrassed in front of everyone that attended the Prom. Ethan bows to himself that he would make her pay for what she did. Ethan planned to make her fall madly in love with him then break her heart in return. Unfortunately, that day never came, he heard that Ann's had a family problem and had to be homeschool. Ethan was too proud to Ask Lea for Ann's address. By the time he finally found his courage, it was already too late. The school was over, and Lea was nowhere around.
2018 Present time:
The moment seems to have stopped for both of them. Ann stared at the man in front of her without blinking while Ethan was looking at her with an uncertainty of how he feels about meeting her again.
Ethan was the first to come to his sense. " Hello! Long time no sees. You sure cleaned up pretty well." With a sarcastically tone of voice.
Ann faces reddened when she realizes that she had been staring at him the whole time. She finally found her voice and replied.
"Hello! I don't think it's long enough, and yes! I did clean up pretty well." She did not elaborate on her response. Instead she did her best to be cordial and asked Ethan a question.
"If I'm not mistaken your last name is Wright, are you a friend of the family?" Ann's looking at him straight in the face. 'He can't be related to Jeff, is he? However, his built, facial features have so much similarity; they could pass as a brother. BROTHER!'
A thought dawned on Ann. 'Please! don't let him be Jeff's younger brother; I wouldn't know how to face him for many years to come.' She was praying wholeheartedly.
"Your right! My last name is Wright, that's because I took my step-father' last name when we moved to the State. However, I was born with the last name Go. You're soon to be brother-in-law." He once again told her sarcastically. 'Maybe not! if I have anything to do with it.' Ethan thought to himself.
Ann was about to say something when he heard her husband voice getting louder by the minute.
"I think it's better if we come in before they start killing each other." Ann was making small talk to lighten the atmosphere.
"Sure! Why not, why don't we go in to join the fireworks. I might be able to help ignite it more to make it more lively. Hahaha!" Ethan laugh while slowly following Ann from behind.
Jeff saw Ann and Ethan came together. His eyes were at his brother who's assessing his wife from behind. Jeff's mother who just turned around saw Ann with Ethan following at the back. She saw the same thing as Jeff. It gave her an idea of how she going to stop the marriage from happening.
A scheme is now brewing inside the mind of Jeff's mother. 'If I have to use Ethan to stop the wedding, why not. From the way he's looking at her, i can see he loathes her to the core of his being. Hahaha! '
Jeff's mother tested the water, to see how hot it is before she would jump. "Ethan, honey do you by any chance know who she is? It seems she's from Vegas as well."
Ethan looks at her mother and tries to read her thought. He knows how his mother's mind works. 'Should he go along with her or not?'
Senior year is the last year of High School. For many high schoolers, this is the end of their teenage years towards adulthood. It's a norm for the teenagers during this era to start dating at a younger age — some start dating as young as 15 years old during their sophomore year while other's waited until the senior year the last year of High School.
That was the case with Ethan who's considered the heart-throb of ATA. Girls would go out of their way trying to get his attention, while boys would befriend him to gain attention with the girls from being associated with him.
Ethan was always the topic of conversation among the high schoolers all through senior year when he joined the football team to play the quarterback. The coach was pleased to see his fan base that he made him the Captain of the football team on his first year of joining; This made Ethan much more popular and the most sought out boys in the whole school.
However, after many attempts from the popular girls in school to get his attention failed. Rumors started circulating that he might be gay. Ethan ignored the talks and continued as nothing bothers him. Ethan's the only one who knows the truth about himself and why he never once looked at those popular girls in school.
On the other hand, Ann never paid much attention to boys during her high school years. She always felt that she's not good enough to compete with all those girls.
She's not ugly, but because she got bullied during primary and middle school for not having parents. In turn, gave her very low self-esteem at the beginning of her High School year.
Before starting High School, she checked with her guidance counselor during admission; if its possible for her to begin taking college courses while still in high school. [A way to keep herself busy.]
Due to her scoring in the top ten of her State High School Placement Test, she was allowed under probationary period for the first year. But she must maintain her grade point average of 4.0 to stay in the program.
For Ann, that's never an issue. She was born with high IQ, taking a full load of college courses along with her normal high school one was no big deal. It's a way to stay to herself, and she has not the time to worry about what people thought of her.
Ann had planned on entering JD-Law at Harvard to study Corporate Law, and part of the requirement was for her to be in the last year of her Bachelor Degree before admittance. Based on her planned schedule, by the time she graduates High School, she will also be a senior in College with only one more semester to go. If she's lucky enough to be accepted at JD-Law, she would be a full pledge Corp. Law at the age of 24.
Ann plans were progressing finely; she was keeping herself busy and no time with interaction with other students. However, that changed when she met Lea. She made her feel a million dollars, unlike the orphan Ann, as everybody calls her. Because of that, they became an inseparable best friend but more like sisters.
With Lea as her friend, Ann became more and more outgoing and always with a pretty smile. Many boys found her pretty cute and started courting her. Unfortunately, Ann was never interested in any of them. None had the luck to become her boyfriend.
For four year's Ethan and Ann studied in the same High School. They had many classes together, but they have never spoken with one another. Lea, on the other hand, had tried her best to get his attention every time he's around. However, Ethan treated her just like how he does with all the other girls. He would smile and politely go on his way.
For four year's Ethan never courted nor dated anyone in the school. Students were all sure of themselves that Ethan is gay. How can a straight boy be around many beautiful young girls and not be affected by it, unless he's gay?
Only Ethan knows the truth, and everyone was shocked when the news of Ethan asking Ann to become his Prom date spread [ Because of Lea's big mouth which spread it to everyone she knew.]
All the boys that courted Ann thought she would also decline Ethan invitation. They were all in shock when they found out that Ann accepted to be Ethan's date on Prom night. Once the news spread, Ann and Ethan became a couple.
Ann keeps denying when someone would ask her, while Ethan would only smile as an acknowledgment.
Ann had told Ethan for them to meet at the venue. She didn't want him to know where she lives and get a wrong impression of her. Ethan agreed in a heartbeat, all he cares was Ann is going to be his date. The rest doesn't matter.
The day of the anticipated Prom night arrived, only that Ethan was heartbroken and devastated when he realized that Ann did not attend at all. His first thought was to confront Ann, but he doesn't know where she lives. He had asked around, but no one was able to tell him. Even Lea, her best friend, was nowhere to be found.
That night, Ethan was embarrassed in front of everyone that attended the Prom. Ethan bows to himself that he would make her pay for what she did. Ethan planned to make her fall madly in love with him then break her heart in return. Unfortunately, that day never came, he heard that Ann's had a family problem and had to be homeschool. Ethan was too proud to Ask Lea for Ann's address. By the time he finally found his courage, it was already too late. The school was over, and Lea was nowhere around.
2018 Present time:
The moment seems to have stopped for both of them. Ann stared at the man in front of her without blinking while Ethan was looking at her with an uncertainty of how he feels about meeting her again.
Ethan was the first to come to his sense. " Hello! Long time no sees. You sure cleaned up pretty well." With a sarcastically tone of voice.
Ann faces reddened when she realizes that she had been staring at him the whole time. She finally found her voice and replied.
"Hello! I don't think it's long enough, and yes! I did clean up pretty well." She did not elaborate on her response. Instead she did her best to be cordial and asked Ethan a question.
"If I'm not mistaken your last name is Wright, are you a friend of the family?" Ann's looking at him straight in the face. 'He can't be related to Jeff, is he? However, his built, facial features have so much similarity; they could pass as a brother. BROTHER!'
A thought dawned on Ann. 'Please! don't let him be Jeff's younger brother; I wouldn't know how to face him for many years to come.' She was praying wholeheartedly.
"Your right! My last name is Wright, that's because I took my step-father' last name when we moved to the State. However, I was born with the last name Go. You're soon to be brother-in-law." He once again told her sarcastically. 'Maybe not! if I have anything to do with it.' Ethan thought to himself.
Ann was about to say something when he heard her husband voice getting louder by the minute.
"I think it's better if we come in before they start killing each other." Ann was making small talk to lighten the atmosphere.
"Sure! Why not, why don't we go in to join the fireworks. I might be able to help ignite it more to make it more lively. Hahaha!" Ethan laugh while slowly following Ann from behind.
Jeff saw Ann and Ethan came together. His eyes were at his brother who's assessing his wife from behind. Jeff's mother who just turned around saw Ann with Ethan following at the back. She saw the same thing as Jeff. It gave her an idea of how she going to stop the marriage from happening.
A scheme is now brewing inside the mind of Jeff's mother. 'If I have to use Ethan to stop the wedding, why not. From the way he's looking at her, i can see he loathes her to the core of his being. Hahaha! '
Jeff's mother tested the water, to see how hot it is before she would jump. "Ethan, honey do you by any chance know who she is? It seems she's from Vegas as well."
Ethan looks at her mother and tries to read her thought. He knows how his mother's mind works. 'Should he go along with her or not?'
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