Lea and Ronald decided to follow Jeff and Ann to New York. As they were in line to get tickets, someone tapped Ronald on his shoulder. It was Ethan, they also decided to follow Jeff and Ann in New York, since Eva had never been there.

Eva and Lea were happily chatting when they heard someone screamed due to the excitement.

"Oh! My God! this is so beautiful, I had never seen such a beautiful wedding dress and complete with a perfect couple." The person said.

"Are they really model? From the look the both of them giving each other, a person could tell how in love they are. I want a groom like him." The lady told the guy next to her.

"Let me see! How could you say that right on my face, I'm your husband." The husband looks at what his wife was watching then," Whoa! I want one of her, so beautiful." Then smiled mischievously to his wife.

"Now you know what I'm talking about. You can have her, and I want him along with the wedding dress. Hahaha!" The wife jokes to her husband.

"Wait, isn't that CEO Go? And the woman... Yes! That's his fiancee, they are about to be married soon. Maybe this is their wedding ceremony, let me see again." The husband grabs the phone from his wife's hand.

Lea and Eva heard the conversation and was curious. "Excuse me! can we see what you're looking at just now." Lea asked the couple.

They were kind enough to let her see. Sure enough, it's the boss man and boss lady, and they gotten married without them.

"This is not right! If they were planning on getting married in New York, why are we not invited? " Lea's now pissed and couldn't wait to get to New York so she can scold Ann.

Eva search the internet for the video that was posted. After seeing the whole thing, she started laughing hard. "They did not get married, it's a fashion show, they were the finale," Eva informed Lea who's now fuming.

"What do you mean it's a fashion show? Jeff's not a model, and I'm Ann's manager. Why don't I know anything about this?" That's not possible at all.

She hurried up and made a call to Ann, she needs to find out the truth behind that video.

*Buzz, buzz, buzz.* No answer. She tried once again but to no avail. Still no reply. She then tried Jeff's number. Same thing, no response. "WTF! What are they doing that they couldn't answer the dang phone." Lea was ready to throw her phone away.

Eva was having fun watching Lea throw a tantrum like a child, only because she wasn't there to see the fashion show in person.

Ronald saw from the corner of his eyes what's happening, "Ethan, could you take care of our ticket, please! Something's wrong with my better half. I better go check before she goes berserk."

When Ronald saw the video clip, he's the same way as Lea, "WTF! I'm his second in command, and he didn't even let me in on this. Maybe, we should forget about joining them." He grumbles.

Ronald and Lea sulked all the way to New York. As soon as they were allowed to make a call, they both dial their bosses.

Unfortunately, it's the same as before they left, no answer.

Jeff and Ann were busy with people congratulating them for the beautiful performance.

Everyone was teasing Jeff, one of the guests couldn't hold it and taunted him. "CEO Go, if your company ever go bankrupt, you can always turn into modeling as a career. You will surely top everyone. Hahaha!"

Jeff who still has his stone cold look on his face started to get agitated and restless.

"Sweetheart, aren't you tired yet? Remember the two in there." He whispered only for Ann to hear.

MC didn't want to let Ann go, he tried to introduce her to everyone that's anyone in the industry. He's so proud of his muse and model. Only she can make the CEO of one of the biggest company in Asia do a catwalk.

MC was happy for the outcome of his fashion show. He received nothing but praises from masses. It's a success, a picture perfect.


As soon as they arrived at the hotel, the first place Lea went to was the ballroom where they held the fashion show.

Even though the fashion show was over, they still require invitation card to get in. Unfortunately, none of them have one. "I'm Miss Wen's manager, you can go and ask her if you must," Lea told the organizer.

"I'm the personal assistant of CEO Go, here's my card if you don't believe me," Ronald told the organizer as well, hoping that the card he handed her would weight something.

The organizer took his card, looked at it then, "I'm sorry all of you, but unless you have an invitation. You cannot enter, even though the show was over.

"What kind of bullshit is this, why don't you go and check with them." Lea was now upset, and her voice is getting louder by the minute.

Ethan finally intervenes before it gets out of hand. "Why don't we all go our room first, freshen up and wait until they are done. I'm sure it won't' belong they planned on watching a Broadway show after all.

Eva was just staying her ground at the corner trying to be inconspicuously.

Ronald and Lea thought about Ethan's suggestion. However, it did not work either, they insisted on going into the after party.

Lea was about ready to give the organizer the hell when the door suddenly opened, and Jeff and Ann came out with MC.

"What in the world? Ethan, Eva, Lea, and Ronald. What are you guys doing in here?" Ann asked with a surprised look on her face.

Lea who was fuming earlier faced Ann with a sad look on her face. " I HATE YOU!"

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