I accidentally married a "CEO"


Everyone that heard what Grandpa Go said was shocked, especially the cashier. She knows it was her fault for giving the old man an attitude was the worst customer service ever.

The cashier runs after Grandpa Go and his entourage, "Grandpa, please! forgive me! I didn't mean what I had said earlier. Please! Don't close the store; many employees needed this fast food place." Tears were flowing on her face.

Grandpa Go stopped for a minute, thought about the situation. After careful thinking, he retracts his order. " You're right; I shouldn't punish others when they had not than anything wrong."

When the cashier heard that, she felt relief and stopped crying. However, the next word that came out of the old man was not what she expected.

"Ron! I change my mind; you don't need to close the store. Just get rid of this cockroach and that rats of a manager." He then turns around and left without looking back.

Ron who had stayed and was still reprimanding the manager. Took out his cell phone and called someone. Once done, he faced the manager once more.

"Pack your belongings and take that cashier with you. You are both FIRED!"

The manager couldn't say a word. He knows there's nothing he can do now. What happened had happened, his currently unemployed along with the cashier.

The cashier hurriedly went to Ron and asked for forgiveness. Unfortunately, he's much worse than the old man. He didn't even glance at her or hear out her grievance. Once the replacement arrived, he provides the new manager instruction then left without hearing what the cashier has to say.

The manager and the cashier were escorted out of the building as soon as Old Ron had left out of sight.

Customers went back into the line to place an order. However, they continued speaking about what happened to each other.

"Wow! That old man must be someone, a significant person to be able to order for this place to close down and fire the manager and that cashier." A customer said to another.

"I think so too! Doesn't he look like Ronaldo V. the actor? Very distinguished and you can tell his rich. From head to toe, his beaming with name brands." Only a person who knows name brand could tell that Grandpa Go was wearing nothing but a brand name product.

While the customer was busy speculating, another person interjects with their conversation and informs them. "That old man Is the Chairman of a conglomerate in Asia. How could they offend him."

All customers who were listening with the conversation pulled out their cell phone and started searching for the old man's information.

One person was speedy in reading and was able to find information right away. "Wow! He is the Chairman of 'MWIGOC,' I can't believe it."

Someone found an article about the Mega World Intl. Group of Company as the owner of the fast food place. Now it's all clear to the customers what kind of VIP was grandpa Go.


The hype was happening in Asia social media. The picture of Jeff, Ann, and that young girl went viral. The kid became an instant celebrity just for taking photos with the couple.

Her intention was only to make her friend jealous, which it indeed happened. But once other people saw the photo, they started sharing it, then sharing it, until it becomes # 1 top search in social media.

With Jeff and Ann's allowing a fan to have a picture together, along with the images taken from the fashion show. They were famous.

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