I accidentally married a "CEO"


Eva was excited, this is the first time she would be doing a makeover, and she couldn't wait to see what she would look like afterward. She thought of something and decided to ask her cousin.

"How about we do a before and after picture, what do you think?" She was looking at Ann for approval. This way we would know if we even need a makeover or we are all pretty enough without it. Hehe!" Eva knew the Wen family gene are all beautiful and tall. Whether it's a man or woman, the proof is visible.

"That's an excellent idea, if we don't see much difference, then we can brag about it. Hahaha! " Lea knows she's a beauty as well, the only thing she cannot compete with the cousin where height. She's only 5' 2" and petite, whereas the cousins are both tall.

The men have no idea what the girls were planning; they were all busy planning on taking down the Mafia boss Mr. Wright.

"It's all set then, let us go and meet with the floor manager and the dealers to give them instructions." Jeff got up after giving his orders and went to see his wife who's busy chit-chatting with her cousin and friend.

Ann didn't realize that the meeting was over. She was busy giving few pointers to Eva in regards to Ethan without divulging their history.

Jeff came from behind and back hug Ann. He gave her a warm kiss on her head and stayed there for a little while to inhale the smell of it. "Hmmm, your hair sure smells so good, I can't get enough of snipping it. It's like a drug I'm addicted to the smell. What is that?"

Ann tilted her head and looked up to Jeff. " Done already? That quick, we haven't even begun what we're planning on doing." She puckers her lips for a kiss and Jeff comply like a doting husband he is.

"Ahhh!" Lea said teasing the couple.

"Ohhh!" Eva followed with envy.

"Urrrg!" Ethan and Ronald said in unison.

"You guys make me sick; you know that?" Ethan complains.

The husband and Wife look at Ethan then to Eva then to Ethan before started laughing hard.

"You're just jealous, but don't worry your time is coming and when that happens, you would be in the receiving end of the stick. If you know what I meant." Jeff teased Ethan while playing with Ann's hair lovingly.

Ann loved every minute for what Jeff's doing to her, and she snuggles more closely for everyone to see. Especially Ethan who's face turning red by the minute.

"Whatever! Why don't we get going so we can get this thing over and done? I want to be able to enjoy the company of my 'GIRLFRIEND' you know?" Ethan announced the status of his relationship with Eva without batting an eye.

"You all heard it right!" Ethan got closer to Eva and gave her a peck on her rosy cheek; he then grins at Jeff and Ann with a mischievous look on his face. Hehehe!"

Ethan turned his attention to the other two, 'You think your the only one, who has a girlfriend, I do too.' He's thinking to himself while looking at Ronald this time.

The room suddenly become silence after Ethan's announcement. Eva was quietly playing with her hand while looking down at her feet feeling embarrassed.

Ann saw how Eva suddenly turned quiet and didn't say a word after Ethan announced their relationship. "That's a piece of good news, congratulation to both of you! So, what are we going to call each other in the future, Sister-in-law, Cousin, Sister? Hahaha! I'm confused." Ann jokingly asked Eva to make her feel at ease.

Eva's face lit up from the question, she felt relieved that her cousin doesn't mind her relationship with Ethan. "We can call each other cousin-sister-in-law when it happened." She replied jokingly while laughing.

Everyone started looking at each other, thought about what Eva said, then joined the laughter. The impending danger that's been lurking in their mind temporarily forgotten.

"Alright! Let get a move on, the sooner we get this over with, the better." Jeff got up and gives his wife a kiss on her lips then left to take care of business.

Ethan and Ronald followed suit, kisses their partners then left with a big grin on their faces.

The girl was still laughing when the men walk out the door.

However, as soon as they were out of sight, they stopped and looked at each other.

"Ann, do you know what's going on? Ronald told me that we might be in danger, that's why we had to stay together here with you. Is that true?" Lea asked with a worried look on her face.

"Yes cousin, it's same with Ethan. He warned me that we could be in danger from his adopted Father. Is that true?"

Ann looks at both of them, she can sense from the way they asked the question that they're both scared.

"What do you mean we could be in danger! Look at how many bodyguards we have around us and do you think our men would let them try at all? No way!" Ann told them proudly.

"I guess your right, is just preventive measurement." Lea feels much better after hearing what Ann said.

Eva sat quietly without saying anything, she's still worried for some reason even after hearing what her cousin just said to comfort them.

Lea changed the subject to ease the atmosphere that started to thicken. "WTF! It's been a while already, and the people that would be giving us the makeover are not here yet. What's up with that?"

With that, Eva's face becomes alive again with wide eyes showing excitement. 'Ya! Where are they? I can't wait, I'm so excited I could pee in my pants right now. Hahaha!"

Ann only shook her head and smiles. "Lea, you're the one who made the arrangement, why are you asking me?"

"You're right! What's wrong with me, must be that kiss that I received before he left. Hehe! Got to blame it on something."

Lea started making calls to see what happen and what's with the delay.

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