I accidentally married a "CEO"


While everyone was trying to find a way to save Eva being sold off to Mr. Wright, the men at the poker room were doing their part in killing two birds with one stone.

Jeff signals to everyone to let him play with Mr. Wright one on one.

Everyone found an excuse and got out of the game, not it's only Jeff, and Mr. Wright left.

"Young man, are you sure you have the money to cover my chips right now. I have about 60 million here." Mr. Wright was confident that the young man in front of him does not have the money; therefore, he's a guaranteed a winner already.

The room was quiet, the other players standing around the poker table instead of leaving.

"Don't worry; I got that cover. Do you feel lucky? How about we up that stake?" Jeff said with a poker face.

Mr. Wright loved it; he's too far out already. He's so high with all the alcohol he had drunk and the excitement of winning, in his mind, no one could beat him.

"Young man, do you know who I am? Hahaha! How about we raise the stake to 1 billion dollars playing blind?" 'I know you don't have that kind of money.' He thought.

" If I agree and you lost, are you sure you could afford to pay up?" Jeff asked.

"Is not the question if I could afford to pay up, could you provide? What's the guaranteed I would get my money?"

Jeff called the floor manager, he whispered something to him then turned his attention back to Mr. Wright. "The hotel would guarantee my 1 billion stakes, how about you?"

Mr. Wright asked for a piece of paper. "See this; it's my IOU if I lose then you have this to collect. Everyone at the strip knows who I am." He brags.

"I'm sorry but that's not good enough for me, I need a more clear statement than just a piece of IOU." Jeff signaled the floor manager.

"Gentleman, to make this bet legal we have a document already prepared for a game like this. If you both just put the amount here and signed then, we can continue the game."

The floor manager laid the document at the poker table. Jeff already knows what's written in there, so he didn't bother reading and sign.

Mr. Wright also signed without reading since Jeff had signed first.

"What's the hold-up, let do it deal the card." He ordered the dealer.

With one look at Jeff, the poker dealer understood.

The poker dealer dealt the card; the game is Texas Holdem. Two cards dealt with each player all face down. Mr. Wright put his lucky chips on top of his cards, and Jeff did the same thing with his cards.

The dealer burned one card then put three cards out and spread it on the table. Ace of Heart, Queen of Clubs, King of Diamonds.

Since no more betting, the dealer taps his hand and burned one card again, then flip one more card; It's Jack of Heart.

There are many possibilities and probability. There's a straight, three of a kind, two pairs, etc.. However, there's also a possibility of catching a flush or a full house at the end.

The final card flip and shown, and it's a King of Heart. Everyone was holding their breath, depending on what cards they have, will determine the outcome.

The dealer finished and informed them to show the card.

Mr. Wright decided to make the game fun by showing one card a time. The first card he flipped was a King of Spade that gives him three of a kind already with the possibility of getting a full house.

"Why don't you show one of your first?" Mr. Wright banters to Jeff.

Jeff acted like his contemplating whether he should show a card or not. Then he replied, "It's alright, I want to see all your card first,"

Mr. Wright proudly flips the other card, and it's a King of Clubs. With that, Mr. Wright has four of a kind. That would be hard to beat no matter what, in Mr. Wright's mind he's the winner already.

"Scared now? Hahaha! You should be, there's no way you can beat my four of a kind no matter what kind of card you got."

Jeff just looked at him with his poker face then started to flip his cards one at the time. The first one was 10 of Hearts, then he slowly flips the other card, and it's Queen of Heart.

That gives Jeff straight flush, which is higher than four of a kind. It means Mr. Wright lost and he couldn't believe it.

"No way! it's a rig, it's impossible!" Mr. Wright couldn't accept he lost and started creating havoc. However, Jeff's security and bodyguards were all on standby.

Mr. Wright was apprehended and unable to move. Jeff got up and approach Mr. Wright. "Sir, if you're a man of your word, you would not embarrass yourself for a small amount of money right?"

Jeff then turned around and ready to leave, but before he went, " By the way, I want the money by tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. sharp." Then walked out the door.

"Who does he think he is, I'm the king of the underworld" He mumbles for everyone to hear.


At the VIP lounge, Edward was laying down trying to calm himself. He had lost 20 million dollars, where would he get the money to pay for that. On top of that, Edward still owes Mr. Wright about 5 million too.

Combining the stress and anxiety, he ends up with a massive heart attack and collapsed.

There was no one at the VIP room to see what happened and no one was able to help him.

His body found an hour later, by then it was already too late. Edward Wen died from a heart attack right there in then.

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