The sound of the gunshot was loud, and the bodyguard heard it on the other side of the door. They rush right inside the conference room to protect Jeff. What they saw was Jeff sprawled at the ground blood all over his chest, he looks like he was shot in his heart.

Ronald was on his knee holding Jeff's chest trying to prevent the blood from flowing. "Boss, boss, hold on don't you dare die on me. Think of your wife and your twins how devastated they would be, boss you can hear me?"

The bodyguards that came to rescue Jeff did not give Mr. Wright a chance to shoot at them. One instantly pulled the trigger and shot his hand that's holding the gun and the other's shoot his two legs, and he fell on his knees in agony.

One bodyguard kicked the gun away from Mr. Wright, he then pushed him unto the ground, pulled both of Mr. Wrights arm towards the back and put handcuffs on him. While all this was happening, a paramedic came and tried to revive him in front of Mr. Wrights naked eye.

Ronald was still shocked and unable to take his hands off Jeff's chest that still bleeding heavily.

The Paramedic that was trying to revive Jeff shook his head. He then informed Ronald that they were too late, Jeff no longer breathing. "Sir, I'm sorry, but we are too late, the patient is gone. There's nothing we can do, the gunshot was fatal, and he was killed instantly.

"Hahaha! I told you, you bastard! Now that you're dead, I no longer owe you anything. Hahaha! It only took one of my bullets to hit you and your dead in an instant." Mr. Wright was screaming for everyone to hear, not knowing everything that he had said was being recorded.

The police arrived and took Mr. Wright into custody. He was still screaming and yelling when the police took him away. " I don't care if I rot in Jail, as long as you die just like your stupid father. Hahaha! Now you can say hello to him, with my regards."

Once Mr. Wright was in the custody of the Police and was taken away, "Is he gone? Phew! Good thing I'm a good actor, staying still and playing dead is a tough one." Jeff jokingly said to everyone.

Ronald took his hands away from Jeff's chest, with him was a plastic bag where all the blood had come from.

Jeff got up and took off his suit first, then his unbuttoned his white shirts to show a bulletproof vest with marks of the bullets that hit him. "Ouch!" One of the bodyguards was helping Jeff remove the bulletproof vest.

However, once the bulletproof was remove, it shows red and purple marks from the bullet that hit him. Jeff's chest had a bruise and his afraid that his wife would be upset if she saw it. "Get me something to lessen the redness asap!" He ordered Ronald.


In the meantime, back in the penthouse, Ann was having breakfast with Eva and Lea happily chatting and reminiscing the good all time.

"What do you all think about going around town once were all out of danger," Lea suggested excitedly to Ann and Eva.

"Yes! That's a good idea; I want to see where you two grew up and went to high school. That would be fun!" Eva's face is glowing with anticipation.

"Yes! I can't wait for this to be taken care off, Jeff told me they have a plan and if it works we would be going back home soon, I can't wait to hear the good news." Ann sighs and gave the two girls a half smile.

The three girls sat in a daze after that conversation. All three was praying for Jeff's plan to work and for the men to hurry up and come back safely.

After breakfast, they all moved to the balcony overlooking the strip of Las Vegas. During the day, the strip of Vegas is dead, unlike at night when it's full of lights and lively people walking around.

"Sighs, it would be nice if we could go down and do some shopping," Lea mumbles to herself.

"I know right! I have been here a couple of days already, and I had not done anything productive at all. Before we arrived, I had planned all the things I wanted to do and see; Then this happened." "sighs!" Was all Eva could do while she continued looking below at Las Vegas strip.

While the three ladies were emoting and complaining, the three men arrived happily chatting and the girls heard their laughter from afar.

"It must be a piece of good news, by the sound of their laughter, we soon are going home." Ann happily walked towards the incoming men towards them.

Eva and Lea followed suit, as soon as the men arrived they all went towards their partners, and all three embraces and lifted their woman and happily twirled them around.

Jeff was the one to break the good news. " The planned work and Mr. Wright and all his cronies are now incarcerated." -Jeff put his wife down and kissed her soundly before continuing his announcement.

"The FBI is currently looking at the other gang members in another State; they have enough information to apprehend them shortly. Therefore, I can safely say we are now out of danger, and we can go home anytime." Jeff happily informs them with a proud look on his face.

"NO!!!" Ann, Lea, and Eva all screamed in unison.

The men looked at their partners and wondered what's going on?

Ann sheepishly looked at her husband with a Dowey eye, "Honey, could we stay for a couple of days. We are planning on showing to Eva around the City if that's alright with you. Please!"

Jeff looked around at everyone who's holding their breath waiting for his answer.

"Well...we had stayed too long already, and I have a lot of work waiting for me back home."

Ronald was going to say something, but Jeff saw it in the corner of his eyes and signal him to stop.

Ethan was pretty quick in the uptake; he played along with Jeff. "Me too, I needed to go back home asap. Grandfather had called and told me to take care of the business and get back quickly."

Ann's become sad when she heard Ethan's and Jeff's reason. However, it's the truth, Jeff's is a very busy person, and they had played hookey long enough already.

"How about this, since you guys needed to go back home. Why not go home first, and us girls would stay a couple of days to do some sightseeing then we would follow home alright!"

"Hell no!!!" The three-man yelled in unison.

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