I accidentally married a "CEO"


Ethan was overeating vinegar that he does not see things. The bodyguard and Eva were seating too far away from each other. On top of that, they barely spoke with one another the whole time they were in the VIP waiting room.

That's why both were shocked and speechless when Ethan barged in and asked stupid questions.

The bodyguard hurriedly got up and was going to explain, but Eva stopped him and asked him to step out for a minute so they could talk.

The bodyguard got the clue and left with a secret smile on his face, but before he went, he thought of something. "Eva, I'll be out the door if you need me, alright!" He then walked out chuckling to himself.

As soon as the bodyguard left, Eva gave Ethan the cold shoulder. She sat back down without saying a word; she wanted to see what he's going to say or do.

Ethan was still eating vinegar, he stood there waiting for Eva to say something, but she never spoke. A minute pass, he couldn't hold any longer. "What's going on? What's with the sudden silent treatment? We were doing fine when we arrive from America, what happened after that?" He keeps on asking a question, but not getting any answer.

After asking several questions but not getting a reply, he finally blew up. "EVA!!! Didn't you hear me asked you a question?" Ethan's growl.

"I heard you fine! You didn't have to yell!" Eva yelled back; she's now fuming mad as well.

Ethan yelled back," If you heard all my question, why didn't you answer?"

"Do I have to answer just because you asked? Who are you? God!" Eva then got up and about to walked out of the room. However, Ethan was very quick and was able to catch her in time.

He backed hug her very tightly so she couldn't get away. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's eating you right now." He whispered into her ears. "Please!!! I need to know what did I do wrong to be able to correct my error." He pleaded almost in tears.

Eva was going to retaliate, but the way Ethan was pleading, her heart couldn't take it. She started sobbing silently, then told Ethan everything why she's upset.

"Hahaha! Is that why you're mad at me? Because of Megan hugging me when she greeted me. Hahaha!" Ethan kissed Eva's hair before continuing, "She's my sister, well! Adopted sister anyway. We grew up together as brother and sister alright! There's nothing there to be jealous; there's no way in hell I will fall for that girl." Ethan assured Eva while kissing her softly on her head.

He turned Eva around, so they were face to face. Ethan looks her in her eyes then spoke what's in his heart. "Eva Wen, you are the only woman in my heart. Since the day I meet you I had never looked at any other woman. I love you from the bottom of my heart; you understand that?" He then kissed her lips full of love, longing, and desire.

Eva melted in a heartbeat. Once Ethan touched her lips, she was a goner, good thing they were in a VIP room where no one can enter quickly. If not they would be in for an X-rated show.

They were getting hot and heavy when suddenly they heard people clapping their hands. Eva and Ethan stopped kissing and turned to looks.

Jeff, Ann, Ronald, Lea, and the bodyguard was standing there clapping their hand grinning.

Ethan glared at them, "This is absurd, can't we get any privacy here?" He asked angrily.

Jeff was the one who replied to his brother. "If we give you privacy, you might eat her alive." He banters. "Give her a break alright! Hahaha!" He then slaps his brother on his shoulder.

Eva's face turned scarlet red from embarrassment; she can't look at everyone in the eye especially Ann. To make her feel at ease, Lea started joking. "Thank God, we came early enough, if not Ethan would have probably swallowed Eva whole the way he was kissing her. Hahaha! Poor innocent Eva."

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