I accidentally married a "CEO"


Just as the girl was about to reach her destination with full intention to be in between the couple, Lea and Ronald walk in coming from the garden.

"Wow! My dress looks better on you! You have what it looks like a million dollar leg." Lea gives the young girl compliments to get her attention.

The young girl turned around shyly, "thank you! I don't think so; I'm too tall for this dress. However, a beggar cannot be choosy." She replied sarcastically.

Sophia's eyebrow raised from what she heard, and about to say something. However, Ann beat her to it,-" If that dress is too short, I have plenty that would fit you. We're about the same height I think." She said calmly with a frown on her face.

The girl was oblivious to her surroundings; she seems to have her own little world. "Older sister, you don't need to concern yourself. My assistant is arriving soon with my clothing; I would change out of this cheap no-name brand clothing the soonest."

Jeff who's speaking with Albert Tan by the bar saw what's going on and decided to interject. "Everyone! We all should be getting ready, our flight within an hour." He then went towards his wife to help her up from her seating position on the sofa.

"Let's go, my babies, we got a long flight back home!" He stretches his hand towards his wife, eyes full of love and care.

Ann accepted Jeff's helping hand, once she was up and face to face, she gives him a sounding kiss in front of the girl to mark her territory.

"Lea, I'm leaving our guest to your hand, make sure she's properly taken care off." Ann turned her attention to the young girl and bid her goodbye before going to their room to rest for a little before the flight.

Lea understood what Ann meant by taken care, 'she knows what to do to a bitch like her.' "Miss, how about the driver take you back to your home or hotel, we only have a little time left before our flight. I hope you understand; we are not trying to get rid of you, we need to get ready that's all." Lea made it sound urgent.

While Lea and the young girl was speaking, Ethan and Eva got up and left without the young girl noticing. Eva has an idea of what's going on, but not entirely sure that her hunch was correct.

"Thank you for your offer; there's no need. I was able to make contact with my Assistant and Manager; they should be here anytime soon." - The girl looked around and saw that only the elders were left, everyone else had gone.

"I would appreciate it if you don't divulge to them what I had done. I will make sure to compensate you very well." The girl said it with a sarcastic smile plastered on her face.

Lea's eyebrow raised, she didn't like the sound of it one bit. "Look here missy, whoever you are and whatever it is that you do, I don't care about any compensation whatsoever. You don't have to tell me not to divulge anything to your Assistant or Manager, for I have no interest in speaking when them."

Lea was pissed and ready to kick the girl's ass. However, she needs to hold her horses, or she would get in trouble with Ann when she finds out.

" You may sit and wait here for your assistant and manager, or you could go ahead and wait by the front door. It's up to you; I have to go and get my things ready." Lea didn't wait for the girl's reply, she storms off and heads for her room.

"Don't ever let me meet you in a dark alley for I would beat the shit out of you, bitch!" Lea mumbles as she walks in their bedroom. Ronald who's packing their belongings heard every word of what Lea said.

"What's going on? What got you all riled up, that girl?" He whispered to Lea while back hugging her.

"You got that right! That girl is evil, Ethan should off let her drowned."

"Now, now, now! That's not nice to say, your heart sweety, your heart..." Ronald was trying his best to calm Lea. He knows if he doesn't she would be in a bad mood all the way back to Asia.

"She's pretty lucky we are leaving soon, or she would receive something from me." Lea finally calmed down a bit and turned around to give Ronald a fat kiss on his lips.

In the meantime at the parlor, recognition dawn at Sophia after staring at the young girl for a while.

Horror showed on her beautiful face when she realized who this person.

The young girl is a supermodel from Asia who's continuously a headliner in social media. She was famous for her million dollar pair of legs.

The last news Sophia read was about a young socialite who's now a famous supermodel who loves causing trouble. The name of that supermodel was...Sophia couldn't recall the name.

Sophia was about to get up and ask the girl personally. However, just as she was about to do it, a person came walking in. "Miss Si, I'm so sorry, I had to go through too many checkpoints before they let me through that door." She pointed with her perked up lips towards the door of the villa.

Sophia heard what the newcomer called the young girl Miss Si. 'That's right! That's her the famous supermodel Jane Si. She's supposed to be here in Hawaii for an endorsement commercial, but why was she trying to kill herself?' Sophia was in deep thought; she needed to find out what's going on with this girl. She's a trouble maker, and Sophia could sense it from miles away.


Finally, it was time to depart and go back home... What awaits them in Asia would be in the next chapter...

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