I accidentally married a "CEO"


"What is all this? Is there a party going on that I don't know? Whoa! This is a lot!" Ann finally found her voice after being shocked for a moment.

Mr. Chef came in as Ann was speaking with wide-eyes looking at all the food that's being put at the side counter and in the middle of the dining table.


Lea arrives in time while the kitchen helper was bringing in a hearty spread and setting it down at the table. Mr. Chef had outdone himself. He prepares three types of eggs — poached, fried and scramble. Matching the eggs were french toast, croissant, and bagels.

For the meat, sliced ham, bacon and sausage links. Ann's mouth was watering while the kitchen helper was setting it down one by one.

Ann could smell the aroma from the cheese, and butter with honey-spread. "Hmmm! Yummy!" She's salivating from looking at the food.

Lastly, there's also a platter of various fruits, consist of sweet melon, apple, peeled orange, seedless grapes, and banana. It's a feast fit for a Queen.

"Good morning! Wow! You must want something hard to find for you to ask your Chef to prepare all this food only for a favor." Lea bunters while hurriedly seating and started reaching out for the food and filling up her plate with one of everything, or maybe two of everything.

"What do you mean I had it prepared to bribe you, what made you think your that special. Hahaha!" Ann jokingly told Lea while also reaching for the food spread out in the middle of the table.

"What's the occasion? Why this much food when there's only you and I to eat? Unless you planned on feeding the poor and hungry. Hahaha!" Lea bunter back while she kept on shoving put after food into her mouth.

"That's not a bad idea; I should do that after the wedding. We need to give back even if it's only food to feed the poor and hungry off the street." Ann said it with sadness in her voice.

Lea looked at her friend and felt terrible, it was a tasteless joke. She should have never said it at the beginning. "I'm sorry! - Friend."

There was only two of them eating, but the spread looks like it's for a whole battalion of armies.

Ann has no choice but to do the same as Lea, filled her plate with almost one of everything.

The two started eating with gusto; they hardly spoke a word with one another after that joke and continued eating without taking a break. Once in a while, Lea would say something while a mouth full of food.

"Chew, don't just swallow alright! No one else is here, it's only you, and I too finished all this food. Alright!" Ann was staring at how Lea was eating like there's no tomorrow and very unladylike. She only shook her head and gave Lea a half of smile before she continued eating.

The two were busy eating when it dawns to Ann that Rita was waiting for her at the parlor. She forgot to invite her for breakfast.

"Mr. Butler! Mr. Butler! You who-ooooo..! Mr. Butler!"

Ann called for Mr. Butler, but no one answers. She turned around to see if any of the kitchen helpers was around. No luck, it seems that they were all busy preparing to go shopping. She has no choice at all, Lea's in no way would get up from the table even if the house were on fire.

Ann got up to go to the parlor herself to invite Rita to join them for breakfast.

"Lea, I'll be right back alright! You better not eat all the food, knowing you everything would be inside your stomach by the time I come back. Hahaha!" Ann jokingly told Lea as she leaves to go ask Rita to have breakfast with them.

As she approached the parlor, she heard someone having a conversation. One is a man and the other was Rita for sure. 'Who could the man be?' Ann was curious.

She pokes her head inconspicuously; she doesn't want to announce her presence. She was afraid that Rita would be embarrassed...

"If you don't mind I would like to ask for your number and email address so we could chat sometime." The mysterious man said to Rita.

Rita was hesitating to give her number away, but this man does look impressive. He might not be the CEO of any company but...

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