I accidentally married a "CEO"

284 Were sleeping together

Ann was only teasing Jeff. However, he took it seriously and was thinking of what he could do for his wife so she would divulge the reason for their heaves of laughter.

Jeff was interested as to what are they were discussing, but his beautiful wife wouldn't share it with him. Therefore, all he could do was remain and observe.

Ethan was prying as well, mainly if it's about his future wife. [He hope] "So what's so funny that we could hear you guys laughing at the door?" He asked with a simple look on his face.

Sophia saw how awkward Eva at the moment and decided to interrupt. "We were talking about the Bachelor party, how you guys were fooled by the girls that night. That's all, nothing else. Right girls?"

"Yes!" Lea was the quickest one to reply.

Ann and Eva just nodded without saying a word.

Ann changed the topic and asked the men, no one in particular. "By the way, you guys are home early, was everything taken cared off?"

Ethan looked at Jeff; Ronald looked at Ethan and Jeff, and Albert...- Albert was already passed out.

"Everything already in motion as we speak, there's nothing to worry about at least for now." Jeff's the one who replied since Ronald and Ethan has their mouth clamped.

"Hmmm, that's good then. Well, if nothing else, why don't we all go to bed since it's late." Ann told everyone as she was preparing to get up.

Jeff was quick to help Ann get up. "That's not a bad idea; I'm exhausted too anyway." He yawned and acted all sleepy to let everyone know he's exhausted.

"Babe, let's go! I'm worn out too, Ann letting us stay for the night. It's been a long day, and we got another long one ahead of us." Lea told Ronald loud enough for everyone to hear. Ronald sheepishly got up and helped up Lea before saying his goodnight to everyone and left as quick as he could.

Sophia was still trying to wake her husband up, while everyone was getting ready to go to their respective room. " Love...-Love...-Love...! wake up, let's go! You would sleep soundly in a soft bed, wake up love."

Albert was bewildered that everyone was gazing at him and anticipating for him to wake up. "What? What's going on? Why were all of you staring at me?" He anxiously asked, half asleep, half awake.

"Goodnight Uncle! Goodnight Untie!" Ethan bid Sophia and Albert with regard.

"Uncle! Aunty? " Jeff asked out loud while staring at him full of questions.

Ethan gave his older brother a look with intent to kill. "Mind your business, please!"



Eva and Ann laugh out loud at the same time; they thought it was funny how the two brothers were about to kill each other.

Ann tagged on Jeff's shirt, "Honey, come on! Give him a break; he's just respectful to my parents alright!" She secretly smiled.

Jeff felt sorry for acting like a spoilt child, but he didn't stop there. " Why don't you get out of here already, it's late. We still have a lot of things to do ahead of us." He told Ethan with a stern looking face.

"What? Everyone else gets to spend the night here while I have to go home in an empty house; that's not fair at all?" Ethan angrily retorted.

"You know very well that everyone's staying here for the night, and where are you suppose to sleep? All the room were occupied."

"Hmmm..."- He looked at Eva's direction before replying.- " I could sleep with you!"

Ann: "^-^"

Jeff: "Hmm..."

Albert: "He-he-he!"

Sophia: "Grrr..."

Eva shyly looked down and stared at her feet, without replying. She's too want him to sleep with her, but how is she to respond when her Aunty Sophia was shooting dagger at Ethan.

Ann decided to intervene, " Mom, Dad, Honey, why don't we all go to bed and leave the two decide what to do. They're both adult and now better." She then pulled her husband to leave so her parents would follow suit.

Sophia understood what's her daughter trying to do and decided to go along. "Let's go. Love, let's leave them to their device. They're both old enough and knows the consequences." She left after giving a warning look to Ethan and Eva.

After everyone left, Ethan and Eva stared at each other for a while trying to decide what to do...

When Eva wasn't making a move after a couple of minutes, Ethan decided to take it upon himself and ushered Eva, "Which way is to your room?"

Eva: "^-^"

With a big smile on her face, she pointed to Ethan the direction... [You all know what's going to happen after that.]

Read Author's note please!

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