Chapter 127: Two identical Uncle Li!!

Kerra naturally saw Saab’s contempt for himself. Underestimate yourself?


You’ll have to pay later!

Kerra didn’t say much, but the fishman karate slowly lit up. It’s too late, it’s too soon.

Kerra stepped on the ground, her body was weak, but her speed was so fast that she flew.

A burst of breaking sounds surrounded her ears.

And she was like a missile, and came to Saab in the blink of an eye.

With a smile on his face, Kerra raised his hand: “Eight kilowatts of fist!” ”

The fishman karate burst out with terrifying power.

One palm down.

The surrounding water vapor began to evaporate, and a water dragon condensed in Kerra’s hand, and she slapped her palm towards Saab.


Saab and Kerra made a move against each other. However.

This is the first blow.

Saab was accidentally blasted out by Kerra.

He crashed headlong into the cliff behind him, and the cliff was smashed out of a humanoid cave.


Violent shaking shook all around, rocks soared into the sky, and roared countless times. Inside the hole.

Saab crawled out of it in shock. He looked at Kerra in amazement.

This thin body, this tender arm. How could she burst out with such great power?

As far as Fangcai Kerra’s blow, the current Saab almost didn’t withstand even if he was a copperhead and iron bone.

Intense pain strikes. The pain of drilling the heart.

Saab also grinned. As soon as the connoisseur makes a move, he will know if there is one! He realized.

The strength of this yellow-clothed woman in front of her is not simple. Not even under yourself at all!

“What a fast speed, such a strong strength, good means!”

Saab gave three consecutive reviews.

“Thanks for the compliment, since that’s the case, let me see your ability!”

Kerra hooked his hand towards Saab.

Saab twisted his neck, a slight chill in his eyes. The enemy is not simple.

You have to turn on Serious Mode!


Once again, there was a sound of breaking through the air. This time.

Saab took the lead!

He sped fast and came to Kerra. Pinching the dragon’s claw with one hand, he slapped the claw towards Kerra with one claw.


Saab’s attacks were very harsh, and he was completely unlenting towards Kerra. Kerra tried to confront him head-on.

But Saab’s intensity was completely beyond her imagination. Kerra was repelled!

Two moves past.

The two of them were temporarily indistinguishable, and neither of them got the slightest bargain for each other!

“Sure enough, a reward of 600 million is not moisture!”

Kerra nodded, acknowledging Saab’s strength. Saab looked at Kerra.

He remembered Harker’s words.

That big man had a female disciple under him, and his strength was close to his own. Looks like.

It’s this woman in yellow! I really didn’t find the wrong place! And for Kerra. The sandbags are already in place. There is nothing more to say!

“Look at the move!”

Kerla Fish Man Karate keeps coming out. The surrounding lake swirled around her.

Sabo’s dragon claws also pinched out the shape. Boom, tiger and tiger.

Saab and Kerra showed their hole cards one after another, and kept attacking with their strongest moves.

Seeing the domineering color, the armed color domineering was turned on one after another. Their strength is close, and their speed is not weak at all. In a blink of an eye.

Hundreds of rounds passed. But.

Even if they fought for so long.

But it is still difficult to fight, regardless of the uncle.

“Among the people I know, your fishman karate is unmatched, the strongest one, but compared to me, you are a little worse!”

Saab admired Kerra’s outrageous fishman karate, but he couldn’t spare people.

“But among the people I know, you don’t rank high.”

Kerra said sarcastically.

The fighting continues. The two sides remain deadlocked.

Because of his long experience on the sea, Saab encountered countless enemies and had rich combat experience.

In this regard.

Kerla is inferior to Saab.

Although she also defeated Drought Jack. It’s a pity.

In terms of on-the-spot adaptation, she is still inferior to Saab after all.

Saab has slowly taken control of the battlefield. Kerla was defeated.

But even so.

Kerra also showed tough toughness. There are no seven or eight hundred moves.

Saab is hard to find a breakthrough! This woman.

Much stronger than he thought!

Just when Saab was ready to show more strength. In the middle of the forest, inside the grass hut on the lake.

But there was a mighty voice, the owner of the voice was magnetic, and he said unhurriedly: “Two, both are members of the revolutionary army, point to point!” ”

The owner of the straw hut spoke.

Kerra obeyed and immediately withdrew his tricks. Seeing that Kerra gave up resistance.

Saab also hurriedly stopped.

His gaze fell on the place of the hut. At this time.

The huts open.

“Since you came to find me, then come in and sit!”

The owner of the hut slowly spoke, signaling Saab to go in and sit. Saab came here with curiosity.

Led by Kerra, he crossed the lake path to the door of the hut.

arrived. This is it! Right away.

He is about to reveal the doubts in his heart and the answers in front of him! Li Mu… Uncle Li…

Are you alone.

Saab took a deep breath, held his breath, then moved his pace and strode in.

Compared to the outside.

There was a faint smell of tea inside the grass hut. A pot of stove, lit in the center.

This fragrance.

Let Sabo’s impetuous heart also calm down a lot. Kerra came in from outside, and she picked up the teapot.

Fill a cup for the owner of the hut. He also poured a glass for Saab.

“You are Saab, first time we met, my name is Li Mu!”

Sitting in the position of the owner of the grass hut, Li Mu had a kind smile on his face, his eyes hid majesty and solemnity, and the incomparable majesty of his figure looked convincing, and he said to Saab in a calm tone!

Sabo’s gaze fell on the face of the owner of the grass house, that is, Li Mu. After seeing the true face of Lushan.


Saab was shocked.

His eyes widened and he stared at Li Mu deadly.

Li Mu of the revolutionary army in front of him, and Uncle Li of his windmill village… Same!

It’s just carved out of a mold. Don’t.

Is his own Uncle Li’s background one of the important leaders of the revolutionary army?

“Uncle Li… Is Uncle Li really you? ”

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