Chapter 132: The Arrival of the Three Great Kanban!!

Ace really wanted to endure.

But heaven is not beautiful.

In less than a few days.

The appearance of the Pirates of Spades in the Land of Wano was exposed! For the Black Carbon Great Serpent, as well as his imperial court fanzong.

They may not know the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, who has a reward of 1.2 billion, and has now become the most powerful pirate on the sea.

But for the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Almost all of them have heard of the famous Ace! And I’ve seen a bounty order about him!

“White-bearded man?”

The news was quickly delivered to Kaido the Hundred Beasts.

His bronze bell-like eyes stared viciously at the information in his hand

His eyes were low, and his eyes shot out a ray of essence.

“Why are they in my territory?”

Kaido crushed the wine jar in his hand, and his temper was raging, shaking all directions. Whoops.

Fragments of the wine jar fell to the ground, and the wine inside was ticking and dripping to the ground along Kaido’s arm.

“I don’t know yet!”

Next to Kaido, Ember, one of the three major Kanban boards, held it in both hands, high on top, indifferent!


They don’t even know how the people of the Pirates of Spades broke into Wano Country now.

No one knows their purpose, no one knows why they quietly entered the country of Wano!

If it’s someone else.

Kaido who enters Wano Country will not even look at each other once with the right eyes. But the person who came was the famous Ace.

The most popular guy on the sea at the moment.

The strength is good, they are famous, and the reward is not lost to their three major Kanban. What’s more.

Ace is currently the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates. Whitebeard Pirates.

The existence of the same name as their Hundred Beast Pirates.

Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world. Even Kaido.

When facing Whitebeard, I also had to give three thin noodles. And.

Years ago.

The leader of Wano Country, Mitsuki Ota, is the former captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

More or less has a deep relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates. Don’t forget.

Mitsuki Ota died at the hands of his Kaido.

Now Whitebeard has brought Ace, the current captain of the second team, to his country of Wano. Why did he come?

If you’re passing by, that’s it. But if you are bad for me, it is good.

All right. No need to guess.

Their purpose was originally to come to the Mitsuki Ota. Nothing goes to the Three Treasures Hall.

“This group of people, it’s over to you!”

Kaido turned his head and his gaze fell on Ember’s body.

Ace currently vaguely has the strength of the imperial deputy level. Let Ember deal with him.

Enough is enough!

“I already meant it!”

Ember spoke very shortly, but the sharpness in his eyes could not be stopped. Recently, Ace has become very famous on the sea.

If it is an average person.

Ember didn’t even want to deal with him.

But the enemy is the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment with the same identity as himself. This made Ember very interested.

It’s also time.

Taste the blood of these first-line powerhouses in the New World! As for why Ember has such self-confidence.


It took only a year to become famous. Age in early twenties.

But just a hairy boy.

Which of the three major Kanban boards of their Hundred Beast Pirate Group has not been famous on the sea for a long time?

The strength is extraordinary.

Not to mention a little Ace.

Even if Marko comes, he will not be afraid!

“Has Yamato had any news lately?”

Kaido asked after opening a new wine jar and giving himself a sip

Yamato has been disappearing on Ghost Island for more than half a year. For this unconscious “son”

Every time I think about it, Kaido is always furious! Recently, there has been no news.

I don’t know where to go!

“Currently searching vigorously, just”

Ember hesitated for a moment, and he continued, “It’s just that I think, Young Master, I’m afraid he has left Ghost Island and left the Land of Wano!” ”


Kaido slammed a fist on the table, leaving a fist mark on the table, and the whole house was even more shaken: “Let Jack go, make sure I get her back!” ”

On the side of the Pirates of Spades.

Ace found out in their hiding place. There are several ghosts and ghosts revered figures.

Yamato’s face changed: “It’s not good, it’s Daddy’s scout soldier!” ”

Born and raised on Ghost Island, how could she not know this group of scout soldiers

This group of scout soldiers came and went without a trace.

If it weren’t for Ace’s domineering cultivation being strong enough. I’m afraid they’re still in the dark now!

“Scout soldiers?”

The rest of the Spades Pirates suddenly came in, and each had a different expression on their faces

“It seems that Kaido has already discovered us!”

Ace said with a solemn face.

He looked at the gray sky, the rain rustling down. Didn’t expect it to come so quickly.


This is Kaido’s territory.

If they don’t do a good job of cleaning up the aftermath, their tails will leak out one day.

“We have to get out of here quickly!”

The navigator said solemnly.

“It’s too late, behind this group of scout soldiers is the Hundred Beast Pirate Group from Ghost Island!”

Yamato shook his head, now he wanted to retreat and get out of here, it was obviously too late!

Sure enough. Right at this moment.

Their ground began to shake. The ground is shaking?

The navigator pushed open the window and looked. Outside.

The soldiers of the Hundred Beast Pirates from Ghost Island have surrounded their entire street.

Look around.

There are tens of thousands of people, and the entire street is blocked by water.

The sound of them stepping on the ground was like a horse stepping on the sky, vigorous and deafening.

The one at the head.

It is one of the three major Kanban boards of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, Flame Ember. Hundred Beast Kaido’s most powerful subordinate.

His arrival.

Even more with large troops! No doubt.

It was the people who came towards their Pirates of Spades.

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