"This brat."

After Garp saw the newspaper, he had a stern face and groaned from time to time.

Although it was a pity that these three brats did not take the right path.

But after seeing that they actually had the strength to defeat the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Even Garp carefully studied the newspaper for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the little guys were so strong!


Sengoku glanced at Garp on the side, he pressed the newspaper in front of Garp, and said:"Garp, can you tell me what is going on with Ace?"

"What Ace, I don't know!"

Garp naturally understood what Sengoku was referring to. He quickly turned his head away and pretended to know nothing.

New World.

Red Hair Pirates

"Ace? He has a bounty of 300 million!"

Shanks was surprised when he looked at the newspaper in his hand.

He thought of everything that happened in Windmill Village.

The naughty Ace and Sabo, Luffy passing the hat, the hospitable residents, Makino in the tavern, and Li Mu who cheated with him when he was young and arrogant. Shanks couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

"The top supernova? Boss, I think we can take down Ace."

Laki, biting a chicken leg, was attracted by Ace's 300 million bounty and his ability to defeat Gekko Moriah. He shouted to Shanks.

"Indeed, such people are destined to enter the New World in the future. Instead of letting others take advantage of them, we might as well extend an olive branch first!"

Vice Captain Beckman also agreed with Laki's opinion. They had all seen Ace when he was a child, and he was Luffy's sworn brother. It was a good thing to keep him here, so they had to recruit him anyway.

""Okay, if we have a chance, let's go meet him and his Spade Pirates!"

Shanks nodded. He was taught by Li Mu. Not to mention the 300 million bounty and the title of the top supernova.

Even if he didn't have that,

Shanks would still want him.

New World, Whitebeard Pirates

"Dad, we found a potential stock."

Marco, the captain of the first squadron of the Whitebeard Pirates, was surrounded by blue and gold flames and possessed the Phoenix Fruit. He fell from the sky and walked up to Dad with a newspaper.


It was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Edward Newgate, the user of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. In his prime, he was one of the three legendary pirates along with Roger and Golden Lion.

The leader of the new era, regarded as the number one enemy by the navy!

Even later, in order to wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates and the remnants of the old era, he became the leader of the new era.

He did not hesitate to spend huge manpower to launch an unprecedented war on the top.

Whitebeard was sitting on a chair. Although he was on an IV drip, his body was unusually tall and strong. When he looked at Marco, his eyes were full of love and peace.

"You mean Portgas?·D·Ace, right?"

Whitebeard has certainly read today's newspaper.

It can be said that

Ace became famous because of Gekko Moriah!

"Dad, this guy is really good!"

Joz stood up from the side. He was always paying attention to this supernova leader. He was also a man of steel.

The appearance of Ace was very much to his liking.

"Dad, why don't we go recruit Ace!"

Other captains also expressed their opinions.

Facing everyone's proposal.

Whitebeard did not answer directly, his sharp eyes fell on Ace, especially Ace's last name"Portgas".


Whitebeard is the same as Sengoku.

When he saw the four words Portgas, the memories in his mind emerged like a tide.

Pirate King Roger has a wife named Portgas.·D·Luju.

Many years ago.

The Navy offered a bounty on Portgas.·D·Lu Jiu, even at the expense of a huge sum of money, offered a bounty of 400 million.

400 million!

For ordinary pirates, it may not be much.

But Lu Jiu is just an ordinary person. Once the news came out, countless bounty hunters were jealous of her.

When Robin, the son of the devil, was offered a bounty of 79 million Baileys, he was betrayed and kicked when he was down.

Not to mention Lu Jiu.

It is not difficult to guess that she must have been running around and hiding for many years.


After a long 17 or 18 years.

Many people have long forgotten what happened at that time.

But Whitebeard still remembers, especially Portgas's last name!

To be honest.

When Ace was still in the East China Sea, Whitebeard had already noticed the little guy in the remote area who was just beginning to show his tip.

At that time.

He wanted to see if Ace would become famous in the sea and how big a storm he would cause when he came to the Grand Line.

There is no doubt that he did it. In just a few months.

The bounty was raised to 300 million, and he also killed Gekko Moriah, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Gekko Moriah is not very strong, but he is not weak either.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Otherwise, how could he possibly compete with the Four Emperors Kaido?

Roger, Roger.

You gave birth to a good son!

Seeing so many people wanting to recruit Ace, a potential stock.

Whitebeard suddenly laughed:"Ace must be recruited, and he must be recruited before others, but....It's all of us going together!"

"Everyone? Dad, are you going too?"

Marco was shocked. Dad was actually going in person?

The number of pirates that he could recruit by name could be counted on one hand.

Not only Marco, but everyone else was also shocked.

""Gulala, of course!"

Whitebeard nodded, he looked up at the sky, he was the only legendary pirate left, it was time to train a new successor.

The Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates were both interested in Ace.

But as the other two emperors, the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates did not make any noise.

Perhaps, in their opinion, a mere supernova was not worth their fuss!

For Ace, the two major forces were ready to move............................

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