Let's talk about Ace.

He tilted his head and looked at Gekko Moriah, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, who fled home in a panic.

When Gekko Moriah came to cause trouble, the other members of the Spade Pirates were also shocked.

Why did the Seven Warlords of the Sea target them? Everyone was confused.

But now is not the time to dwell on this matter.

It's over.

Their Spade Pirates are really finished.

Not to mention the crew members.

Even the calmest navigator frowned and felt uneasy.

He naturally heard about Gekko Moriah's glorious deeds in the past. He could be rated as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea by the Navy.

He could not be a weakling at all.

To put it bluntly.

The current Gekko Moriah is the first and most powerful enemy that their Spade Pirates have encountered, no doubt about it.

"Captain, be careful. This time the enemy is very powerful."

"He is the Seven Warlords of the Sea Gekko Moriah"

"Those who can be named as Shichibukai by the navy are definitely not as powerful as they seem."

The other crew members of the Spade Pirates reminded one after another.

Hearing the crew members' worried words, Ace became serious.

He realized that the Gekko Moriah in front of him was very powerful, completely different from the pirates who were defeated before. He was a mountain that could not be overcome.


Ace did not hold back. He gave it a try and showed his strength that was worthy of being the top supernova.


Then he broke Gekko Moriah's arm, severely wounding him, and he was on the verge of death. He ran away while shouting GG.

This scene really scared the other members of the Spade Pirates.


Ace....Aceta....He was so fierce?

He broke Gekko Moriah's arm with his bare hands?

He was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea! He was the one who checked and balanced the Four Emperors of the New World.

When they saw Gekko Moriah being beaten and running away, the members of the Spade Pirates couldn't help but rub their eyes.

They doubted for a moment.

Was everything they saw real?

Their captain actually chased after the Seven Warlords of the Sea and beat them up.

This, this, this.....

This is too unbelievable!

They were stunned.

Swish, swish, swish.

All eyes were on Ace.

Thinking of Ace's training all the way.

Is this their captain?

I don't know why.

Following Ace.

They have a strong sense of security.

Even if the sky falls, their captain is in front of them!

Ace looked at his fist in confusion.

He also frowned.

Moonlight Moriah's strength.....This is too weak!

Yes, it is too weak!

How can the strength of the Seven Warlords of the Sea be only at this level?

I thought he was different from the pirates I met before.

After all, at the beginning of the war, the people in the Spade Pirates were scared by the name of Gekko Moriah, and praised him to the sky. They even reminded Ace that the enemy this time was not simple.

Now it seems that it is just so-so!

The kind that can be wiped out with a slap.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea selected by the Navy to balance the Four Emperors of the New World, their strength is just like this?

Ace compared the people of the Black Organization with Gekko Moriah.

As a result, he shook his head with a wry smile.

Gekko Moriah's head is compared.

There is no comparison at all! It

's simply one in heaven and one on earth.

Because he was hit too hard by the Black Organization before,

Ace began to doubt his life and his true combat power.

Now with Gekko Moriah's experience.

Ace suddenly realized.

It turned out that.....

My strength can actually beat up the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Gekko Moriah, who was fleeing in a panic, never thought that the kid from the paradise was so strong!

He had been boasting before, thinking that the kid from the paradise could be so capable.


The reality hit him hard.

He almost lost his way.

In terms of physical strength.

In terms of fruit development.

In terms of three-color domineering.

He, the dignified King and Seven Warlords of the Sea, Gekko Moriah, was beaten by Ace, one of the supernovas.

He was beaten in all aspects and had no power to fight back.

After this,

Gekko Moriah finally recognized the strength of Ace. He was far from an existence that he could provoke.

In the New World, he was a top existence.

Gekko Moriah endured his pain, and after hitting the wall, he fled back to the horror barque.

Thinking of everything that happened today.

It is not difficult to guess.

I am afraid that the whole world is laughing at me now!

Gekko Moriah covered his forehead and was silent in regret.

To outsiders,

Gekko Moriah and Ace fought for half an hour.

In fact.

Twenty minutes is Gekko Moriah stating his purpose, asking for Ace's body and shadow by name, talking nonsense, arrogant, insolent, and insolent.

Nine minutes is Ace's answer to Gekko Moriah's nonsense.

The last minute is the scene of Ace riding Gekko Moriah and beating him up!

At present, the news that Ace defeated Gekko Moriah has also been passed to the Spade Pirates.

Ace's mouth is grinning from ear to ear again, and he looks up and laughs wildly,"My luck is against the sky, so what can you do even if you are a Seven Warlords of the Sea?

Even a dragon has to lie down in front of him."

After such a long voyage,

Ace has seen through it.

If the dark organization wants to come, let them come. When the enemy comes, the general will stop it, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it.

Hiding all the time is not the real self.

I want to live a wonderful life that belongs to me.

What he wants is absolute freedom on the sea!

"If the Seven Warlords of the Sea are not enough to fight, I will go to the New World and beat up more powerful people one day."

Ace's goal is the New World.

The pirates in the paradise can no longer satisfy him!.................................

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