
The navigator's eyes tightened and his face changed.

Not to mention him, everyone on the ship was terribly quiet, not a sound was made.


One of the three current admirals of the navy, codenamed Aokiji, the user of the Ice Fruit.

He has been an admiral for a long time, and few people have seen him take action, but once he encounters a pirate worthy of his attack, almost no pirate can escape his five fingers.


The navigator lowered his voice, looking extremely ugly, gritting his teeth and hesitating.

When Gekko Moriah came to the Spade Pirates, he was just worried about his own captain, but the captain simply relied on his strong strength to deal with Gekko Moriah.


Gekko Moriah is only one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea after all.

After so many days, the Navigator also found out about Gekko Moriah's past.

He was once a powerful warrior, but unfortunately he was hit hard by Kaido. Since then, he neglected to practice, which led to the scene where Ace beat Gekko Moriah.

However, the man in front of him is an admiral of the navy!

A veritable peak combat power of the navy.

Compared with him, Gekko Moriah is far behind.

The navy has been able to defeat the enemy for more than 800 years. In addition to having sufficient foundation, there is also a strict level of strength division.

Who of those who can become admirals is not invincible in the New World?

If you have to compare, even if the Four Emperors want to deal with them, they will probably have to pay a heavy price.

Once the two admirals work together, they can even overthrow the Four Emperors.

How can the Navigator not be shocked?

It's over!

Today, on the Spade Pirates, in the Sabaody Archipelago, their Spade Pirates hit a wall.

The kind that can hit themselves and make them bleed.

""Marine Admiral."

Ace immediately understood the identity of the man in front of him, and he couldn't help but frown, no longer looking as cheerful as usual.

Without a doubt, this was the strongest enemy Ace had ever encountered.

Compared to Kuzan, Smoker, Gekko Moriah and others had to stand aside.

I just don't know who is stronger, this Navy Admiral or the guys from the Dark Organization.

"What are you doing in our Spade Pirates?"

Ace's face was solemn, and he turned on the serious mode.

"Didn't I say this before? I came to see you and...."

Kuzan slowly raised his head and looked at Ace in front of him. He smiled with a"nuclear kindness" and said,"Send you to jail!"

"Humph, I know you are strong, stop talking nonsense, if you want to catch us, you have to get past me first."

After saying that

, Ace's body was flashing with blazing fire, shining with light, and the sharp edge was approaching Kuzan.

"Are you in such a hurry to eat prison food? Have you eaten it before?"

Kuzan just mentioned it casually.

Unexpectedly, Ace paused, and he remembered the prison food he had in Rogue Town.

It was indeed a bit fragrant........

"Watch out!"

Ace came up and burst out with all his strength. The Flame-Flame Fruit burned to the most vigorous, and the firepower reached an unprecedented level. He jumped up and blasted towards Kuzan like a tail with a meteor.

Facing Ace's attack.

Kuzan released ice under his feet. In a blink of an eye, the huge Spade Pirates turned into a world of ice.

An ice wall stood in front of Kuzan.

Ace's fire fist slammed into the ice wall.

One ice and one fire.

In a blink of an eye, the wind rose and the clouds surged. The airflow in the sky kept reversing. Waves of whistling sounds followed one after another. The heat reached an unprecedented level, as if it had turned into a sea of molten lava. Ocean, water vapor instantly evaporated into the sky, smoke filled the air, covering the entire huge ocean, and the scene turned into a nine-layered world of ice and fire.

One side had the Flame-Flame Fruit, and the other side had the Ice Fruit.

The two fruits are inherently mutually reinforcing and counteracting.

It can be said that at this moment, the two became the masters of this world, and no one could surpass them.

Thunderclouds flashed, lightning burst, ice entangled, and flames roared.

The bodies of the two began to intertwine, alternating between ice and fire, and each of them used considerable devil fruit power.

In less than twenty moves, the two were evenly matched.

"You are indeed very strong."

Kuzan's face rarely showed a solemn expression, he looked at Ace in front of him with indifference.

This devil fruit is mutually exclusive with him, and his terrifying physical skills and beast-like body.

Even Kuzan had to admire him.

Among all the supernovas in history,

Ace in front of him was the strongest.

And today's Ace did not have the arrogance and domineering demeanor of the past, shouting that he was not strong enough to fight. The oppressive feeling brought to him by the admiral made him feel like he was walking on thin ice.

"Is this the admiral?"

Ace sighed in his heart. The enemy's strength was beyond imagination.

If the admiral's strength was also divided into different levels.

When Ace went out to sea in the East China Sea, he almost had the strength of an early admiral.

Then in the East China Sea, on the Grand Line, he sailed, trained, and suffered a beating from Uncle Li.


Ace not only improved his abilities in all aspects, but also improved his strength.

Now, his strength has almost reached the middle stage of the admiral.

But compared with Kuzan, who is at the peak of the admiral in front of him, it is still a little insufficient. This is the first time that Ace was suppressed when facing the enemy, except for the difficulties that Li Mu transferred to Ace. However, Ace is the kind of hardworking, hardworking, and tenacious character. The stronger the enemy, the more it can arouse his desire to improve his strength.

"Come again!".................................

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