Looking at Ace who suddenly slapped them, the crew members of the Spade Pirates were stunned.

But they quickly came to their senses.

Everyone knew that in the eyes of their captain, Uncle Li was a complete lazy man who had no achievements.

Now they suddenly found out that this lazy uncle actually had a complicated background.

He was naturally shocked, stunned, and dumbfounded. It was normal to have such a reaction.

Kuzan asked again:"Did he really teach you these skills?"

"Uncle Li has raised me for seventeen years. I think, apart from him, no one should teach me skills!"

Ace's mind was also in a mess now.

Uncle Li, Uncle Li, how many secrets are you hiding from your nephew?

I have been your nephew for seventeen years.

You actually hid it so deeply. You never revealed your background story to your nephew.


If I hadn't got some clues from the general's mouth.

I would still be kept in the dark until now.

Woo woo woo....

��This is outrageous.

He didn't even tell his own nephew.

It's a pity that Li Mu is not here. If he were here, he would really want to slap Ace again.

I told you all these things as a bedtime story.

What happened?

You insisted on listening to Naruto.

Do you regret it now?

"That means he is still alive."

Kuzan didn't care about filling his stomach. He had no appetite to eat anymore.

At this moment, Kuzan decided to go to Garp to find out what happened.

"Well, thank you for the dinner, I have to leave now.

Kuzan already wants to leave the Spade Pirates.

"Wait a minute, you seem to know something about Uncle Li, can you tell me what kind of person he is?"

Ace hurriedly called Kuzan, wanting to learn about Li Mu's past from Kuzan.

It was hard to catch the clues.

Now he only got a superficial understanding from Kuzan.

How can this be?

In any case.

Ace also wants to figure out this matter. It's really too uncomfortable to get in or something like that!

"It seems that he hasn't told you anything yet. In that case, go explore it yourself!"

Kuzan understood the situation at the scene at a glance. He didn't say much. He simply said,"If you really want to know about your uncle Li, it's best for you to go to the New World. I think there should be the answers you need there."

He jumped and flew back to Marinford.

The admiral will fly.

This makes sense!

After Kuzan left, the Spade Pirates were all silent.

Swish, swish, swish.

All eyes fell on Ace.

"Ace, what do you think?"

The navigator looked at Ace with concern and asked

"I don't know either." Ace couldn't believe it. For many years, he had always thought that his uncle was a good-for-nothing. Even if he wasn't a good-for-nothing, he was not much better than a good-for-nothing.

Apart from taking care of them and helping them practice, he hadn't made any achievements at all over the years. Today, someone suddenly told him that your uncle had an amazing background. Anyone who came here would probably be shocked at the beginning, and would be at a loss when they came to their senses. My good-for-nothing uncle who was so lazy that he couldn't be any lazier actually had such an unknown side. Everything happened so suddenly that Ace didn't know what to do.

"The admiral said that if they wanted to find out the truth, they had to go to the New World.

The navigator reminded them that their destination was the New World!

"It has to be this way!"

Ace looked towards the direction of the new world.

Soon, they would reach the new world after passing through the Sabaody Archipelago.

An unknown voyage was still waiting for them. Before, Ace was just for sailing and adventure on the sea.

But now it was different. He discovered a big secret, a shocking secret about Uncle Li! He couldn't sleep or eat well until this secret was solved. With Kuzan's departure, the supernova event in the Sabaody Archipelago came to an end.



After Kuzan returned to the Navy Headquarters, he didn't even bother to submit the report. He went straight to find Garp in a hurry.

At this moment, Garp was lying in his room, gnawing on the delicious senbei in his hand, eating happily.

Such a leisurely life! Wow!

Since he retired behind the scenes, eating senbei, shopping, shopping, and eating senbei every day has become his daily routine.

It's so cool to be a hands-off boss and do nothing!


The door was pushed open.

Kuzan rushed in:"Senior Garp, I want to ask you something!"

Garp was so shocked by Kuzan's impetuous appearance that the senbei in his hand fell to the ground. He sighed, my exquisite collection of senbei, he raised his head helplessly and asked casually:"What's the matter?"

"Is Li Mu still alive?

Kuzan asked solemnly with a serious face.

"you...Why are you asking this?"

When he heard that Kuzan was asking about Li Mu's whereabouts, Garp put down the senbei in his hand and looked at Kuzan with a surprised look.

What's wrong with this kid? He has nothing to do but ask this question.

Oh, right.

A while ago, Sengoku asked him to capture Ace.

Did he know about this from Ace?

It seems so!

It's about Li Mu.

Garp also became serious.........................................

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