Facing the olive branch thrown by Long, Li Mu refused without a second thought.

Just kidding.

Li Mu was full of self-righteousness, I also have integrity, okay!

Who do you think I am?

Am I the kind of person who is moved by fame and fortune and is obsessed with wealth?

Of course.

If you add money and give too much.......

We can still sit down and have a good discussion!


"How about this, I will send you a second-in-command from now on?!"

Li Mu suddenly thought of Sabo who was still training in Fengche Village. Sabo had a connection with the revolutionary army. When he went out to sea in the future, he would sell him to the.....To the Revolutionary Army!

Sabo, ah Sabo, Uncle Li has planned your future!

"Oh? Are you referring to the three children from Windmill Village?"

Long naturally knew Ace and Sabo from Windmill Village, as well as his own son Luffy.

Now Ace has gone to sea.

He has made a name for himself in the Grand Line, and the Navy has offered him a bounty of 480 million berries.

In the battle with the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Gekko Moriah, Ace became famous in one battle.���Famous all over the world, shocking the world.

How could Long not pay attention to it.

From all indications, Ace's strength has reached the level of an admiral.

An admiral!!!


Ace is less than 18 years old, but he already has the strength of an admiral.

The future prospects.

Even Long can't imagine.

While secretly thinking about Ace's strength, Long was amazed at Li Mu's terrifying ability to shape talents.

With Ace's previous experience,

I believe Sabo and Luffy are not much different!

"Haha, just wait and see!"

Li Mu smiled slightly, drank his tea, and lay down on the rocking chair........................

The trade was to be held in three days.

When the revolutionary army was ready to set off.

A mischievous little girl came up to Li Mu.

She showed a sunny smile, and her eyes became crescent-shaped when she smiled. Now Kerla has an extraordinary temperament, fair skin and beautiful appearance, especially her pair of watery eyes, which contain beautiful charm and attract the attention of countless male compatriots.

Kerla called out obediently:"Uncle Li!"

"Why are you here?"

Li Mu asked Kerla

"I heard that Uncle Li is going on a long journey this time, and I want to go with you."

Kerla said that she wanted to go on this trip with Li Mu.

"Don't you practice?"

Li Mu asked

"Following Uncle Li is my practice."

Kerla said in a nice way, and then she continued:"Don't worry, Uncle Li, I won't hinder you. I can also serve you tea and water, massage your back along the way....If Uncle Li is really not satisfied, I will just warm your bed for you!" Li

Mu rolled his eyes at her. Am I such a person as your Uncle Li?......

I think I am a clean and honest person, I keep myself clean and untainted, how could I have fallen to this point?

"Well, since you want to go out to sea together, let's go out to sea together!"

Li Mu definitely didn't agree to let her go on board because of what she said.

Definitely not.....


Li Mu looked at the huge ship, which was full of cargo. The cargo was so heavy that the ship sank a little into the water.

After everything was ready.

Li Mu suddenly realized a problem. He looked at the navigator and said,"By the way, how long does it take to go to Wano Country from here?"

"At the shortest, it could take a month, and that's if there are no obstacles along the way. But this is the Grand Route, and a smooth voyage is almost impossible. I estimate that a round trip will take at least three months!"

The navigator answered truthfully, looking at the map in his hand.

"three....Three months!"

Li Mu's face looked a little strange.


He had to live on this ship for three months.


He didn't know at first that this voyage would take so long.

If he had known it would take so long ,....

If I had known earlier..... he just.....he just.......

He went to Long to ask for more money!

Li Mu turned into a gangster, crossed his legs and lit a cigarette in his hand: It's hard for me to do anything with your little money!

Three months!!!

Can't I stick to Uncle Li every day?

I'm so happy!


The happiest person is none other than Kerla.

She was secretly happy on the side. The ship began to sail slowly.

Long and Ivankov saw Li Mu off at the port.

The goods this time were particularly important, and the funds obtained were almost related to the lifeblood of their revolutionary army.

I hope.

Their trip can be completed smoothly.

Li Mu originally wanted to live a muddled life and complete this trade so simply.

Unexpectedly, he seemed to have bad luck.

He encountered a tsunami on the first day of going to sea.

A tsunami frightened everyone on the ship and made them fidget.

Li Mu simply flattened this natural disaster with a slap.

The whole ship was shocked by his skills.

It's not over yet!

On the second day of sailing, there was a thunderstorm, water columns rising into the sky, and the sea was surging with undercurrents.

Everyone had heard about the bad weather on the Grand Line, and now they were in bad luck and encountered everything. It was really fucking awful.

On the third day of sailing, they encountered a group of blind pirates again.

Li Mu looked at the ill-fated trading ship.

He was speechless.

If they really continued to sail like this.

God knows how long it would take before they could continue to be lazy and slack off.


Li Mu seemed to remember something. Didn't he have a portal?

When Li Mu was teaching the three Ace brothers to practice, he would run to Long to eat and drink whenever he had nothing to do.

And the reason why he could go back and forth quickly.

It was all thanks to the portal in his hand.

This is the correct way to open the portal!...........................

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