You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!After the preparatory activities, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying came out of the bunker and moved quickly to a distance where they could immediately come forward to fight.

However, even though they are ready to fight, judging from the situation of the battle, they don't need to take action right now.

After this month of running-in, Thunder Dragon and the four of them have already been able to fully trust their companions.

Seeing that Thunder Dragon is in charge of attracting, Rhein and Dongshan Katyusha are in charge of containment, and Mizuki Shenjia is in charge of the battle method of medical treatment and remote support, Li Feng smiled and nodded.

"It looks like we may not have a chance to start."

Observing the situation of several people fighting the earth mother with a degree of advancing and retreating, Zhongyuan Ying smiled bitterly: "These guys have completely brought the earth mother into his own rhythm."

"Not yet!"

However, Li Feng saw their shortcomings: "Although they have restricted the rhythm of the earth mother, there are still problems in this. If the problem is detected by the earth mother, their rhythm may be broken. "

"There are still problems?"

Hearing what Li Feng said, Zhongyuan Ying showed a look of doubt: "They cooperated very well, and the mutual trust also made them give their backs to their partners. What's the problem?"

"First of all, the medical soldiers."

Li Feng pointed to Shuishu Shenjia and shook his head, "Have you not seen anything wrong with her moving position?"

"It really is."

After carefully observing the movement of Mizuki Shenjia, Zhongyuan Sakura also shook her head: "She always moves half a beat slowly. Sometimes the replenishment treatment route will be cut off by the mother, but she cannot change the position in time. It is dangerous for the person being treated."

"Then there is the problem of Brother Thunder Dragon and Rhein."

After listening to Zhongyuan Ying’s comments, Li Feng pointed to Leilong and Rhein: "Although Brother Leilong did his best to attract the attention of the mother, Rhein will rush to attack every time he fails to succeed. This behavior It is also quite dangerous."

"There are many problems with Dongshan Katyusha."

Under Li Feng's guidance, Zhongyuan Ying also noticed some situations: "She always seemed hesitant when attacking, and the flexible features of the dagger-shaped magic machine she used lost its effect because of hesitation..."

"It's okay now, because the earth mother hasn't noticed it yet."

Li Feng shook his hair helplessly and let out a long sigh: "Once the Mother Earth becomes aware of these problems, or if the Mother Earth becomes more violent, they will soon fall into a passive beating situation."

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, he only heard a roar from the mother ground, and then countless ice ridges pierced the snow and poked out of the ground.

Perhaps because of hesitating again, Katyusha in Dongshan didn't have time to open the shield close at hand, she could only step backwards desperately to avoid the ice.

However, the movement slowed down at this moment, and her right leg was immediately stabbed by Bing Ling and fell on the snow.


Seeing someone injured, Mizuki Shenjia, a medical soldier, immediately stepped to the side and pointed the muzzle at Dongshan Katyusha who was struggling to get up: "I'm this... Damn!"

Before Shuishu Shenjia had time to pull the trigger, the earth mother who had smashed the ice leaped to her and gave her a bite.

In order to avoid the mother's bloodbath, Mizuki Shenjia had to give up firing recovery bombs and jumped back to try to escape.

But as soon as she took off, the earth mother's cloak was raised, and several spinning ice also aimed at the water tree Shenjia in the air.

In the face of all this sudden, Rhein seemed to be shocked, as if he was stunned in place not knowing what to do.

And Thunder Dragon, for a while, didn't know whether to rescue the injured partner or contain the mother first.

At this critical juncture, the Mother Earth roared again, and the spinning ice Ling flew towards the water tree Shenjia who could not be avoided in the air.

Seeing Bing Ling flying straight towards her, even though she knew that the small round shield in her hand could only guarantee her immortality, Shenjia Shuishu still had no choice but to open her shield and wait for the moment when the pain came from her body.

However, what Shuishu Shenjia waited for was not the pain of her body being stabbed by Bing Ling, but she felt that she was hugged by someone, and then was pulled away from the direct hit line by a powerful force.

"this is...."

After feeling the change, Shuishu Shenjia glanced back subconsciously and found that she was being held by Li Feng with her left arm and the tribe in the other direction: "How could he..."

While Li Feng rescued Mizuki Shenjia, Zhongyuan Ying first shot a recovery bullet at Dongshan Katyusha, and then shot the hot radiation at the mother of the earth who was about to launch a second attack.

"Oh oh oh!"

Suddenly attacked, the Mother Earth gave up a second attack and jumped aside with a few howls.

"Is it all right?"

After landing with Shuishu Shenjia, Li Feng placed her on the ground and asked softly, "Are there any injuries or discomforts?"

Although she didn't speak, Mizuki Shenjia recovered slightly and shook her head.

After getting a reply from Shuishu Shenjia, Li Feng hurriedly stood up and rushed to the earth mother while shouting at Thunder Dragon: "Brother Thunder Dragon, immediately attract and contain the earth mother, don't give it time to attack!"

Li Feng, who got up and ran to the Mother Earth, didn't notice that even though he ran forward, Shenjia Shuishu still sat on the ground with a strange look and stared at his back.

Hearing Li Feng's instructions, Thunder Dragon picked up his own magic machine to attract the mother like a waking one.

"Rhine, stand opposite me!"

Taking advantage of the thunder dragon's attention of the earth mother, Li Feng attacked the earth mother from the side while giving an order: "Look at the right time, don't rush up and give it twice on a whim! Also, pay attention to the action of the earth mother!"

"Huh? Yes! Comrade!"

After Li Feng's instruction reached his ears, Rhine came back to his senses: "I...I will come right away!"

"Katyusha, are you all right?"

Between the battles, Li Feng glanced at Dongshan Katyusha who had stood up and shouted: "If there is no major problem, join the battle, see the vacant position, and make it up quickly!"

"Ah! I'm here!"

After checking the wound that was healing quickly, Dongshan Katyusha took out the emergency tape and pressed it to the torn position of the pants while responding: "Give me a little time, I will plug the loopholes in my clothes first!"

"Sakura, hurry up and make up!"

After Dongshan Katyusha came to fill the position, Li Feng called out again: "Rhine is injured!"

"Got it!"

Zhongyuan Sakura will resume the bullet and hit Rhein and quickly approach the mother to fill up the gap that Rhein has left behind: "I am not a kid!"

After fighting for a while, Li Feng found that the whole battle gave him a strange feeling.

Although he couldn't tell the difference, Li Feng did feel that something was missing.

Just when Li Feng was thinking hard and still puzzled, Zhongyuan Ying's shout made him finally figure it out.Moxue Literature Network

"Shuishu, what are you in a daze?"

After catapulting the recovery to Thunder Dragon, Zhongyuan Sakura, who was tired enough to take care of four people, shouted: "How long will your special mother stay there? How long can I care for four people to recover? Hurry up and die for me!"

Zhongyuan Ying yelled very loudly, and when it reached her ears through communication, everyone grinned because of the stimulation of the sound.

But Shenjia Shuishu seemed to be unable to hear her, still sitting on the snow with her eyes straight and not knowing where she was looking.

"Damn, you idiot lost your soul?"

Seeing that Mizuki Shenjia still did not move, Zhongyuan Sakura finally couldn't help but scolded: "Idiot! You stupid goose, what kind of shit do you send? Come back to me to fight!"

However, no matter what Nakahara Sakura scolded, Mizuki Shenjia remained motionless like a sculpture.

"Feng, what should I do?"

After another glance at Shuishu Shenjia, Zhongyuan Ying asked Li Feng anxiously: "This stupid goose just doesn't move. Did you just hit her stupid and stupid mentally retarded head?"

"how is this possible!"

Li Feng evaded the mother's claws, then turned over and hit the mother's head with a shot in the air: "I didn't knock her head on anything."

"Then why is she stunned?"

With the help of Li Feng's cannon to knock the mother of the earth back into the space, Zhongyuan Ying rushed forward and preyed the mother fiercely, and then shot an oracle bullet to retreat with recoil: "Is she scared stupid? Up?"

"You tell her to see!"

After finally vacating the space and taking a look at the water tree god Jia, who is like a stone statue, Li Feng said helplessly: "Call when you free your hands, don't be distracted to affect the battle!"

After Li Feng spoke, others also used their own methods to call Shenjia Shuishu without affecting the battle.

However, no matter how everyone called, Shenjia Shuishu still sat motionless on the snow, and did not respond at all.

"It won't work like this."

Seeing that Mizuki Shenjia has not responded, but Zhongyuan Ying has been exhausted because of the need to take care of one more person, Li Feng began to worry: "Sakura can maintain three people at the maximum. Now there is one more person. Sakura's burden is too great. Big. Go on like this..."

Thinking of this, Li Feng glanced at the Mother Earth who had escaped Thunder Dragon's attack, but was completely wounded.

"It's only one step away from violent."

Li Feng gritted his teeth while looking at the earth mother with a faint silver-gray light: "If the earth mother becomes violent, it is impossible for Ying to take care of everyone alone!"

Thinking of what might happen in a while, Li Feng screamed in irritation: "Shuishu Shenjia, what are you doing? You are still fighting, not when you are in a daze! Come and join the battle again!"

I don't know if it was Li Feng's roar that worked or what was the problem. After the roar, Shuishu Shenjia, who was still in a daze just now, suddenly trembled, and her sluggish eyes also recovered.

"Huh? What...what's wrong?"

After her eyes recovered, Mizuki Shenjia shook her head abruptly, as if she had just woke up from a dream: "What happened?"

"What happened to Te Niang?"

Listening to Shuishu Shenjia said, the anger in Zhongyuan Ying's heart was immediately fried: "You special mother, don't you hurry up and rejoin the battle? Do you want to exhaust me? Damn it!"

"I'm coming!"

After Zhongyuan Sakura's screaming and screaming series of beaded guns, Mizuki Shenjia stood up and began to choke: "What are you shouting? Isn't it just a little tired? As for even the swearing?"

Although Chu Yuan Sakura was choking on her mouth tit-for-tat, Mizuki Shenjia honestly returned to the battle.

Soon after Mizuki Shenjia returned to the battle line, with a roar, the earth mother finally entered a state of violent.

However, due to the return of Mizuki Shenjia, Chu Yuan Sakura was able to reduce the burden and fight, so even though the earth mother's ability was greatly improved after the violent violent, but still in a suppressed state.

But during the battle, Zhongyuan Ying noticed something unusual.

Shui Shu Shenjia didn't know why, and always intentionally or unintentionally gave Li Feng the first time he was injured.

Even when she wanted to prey at close range to restore the oracle cells, she would always appear next to Li Feng intentionally or unintentionally, and even the rhythm began to match Li Feng.

"Hey! This guy did it on purpose, right?"

After Shuishu Shenjia preyed with Li Feng again, Zhongyuan Ying's biggest jealous jar was immediately overturned: "She always does this, do you want Feng to pay more attention to her? Really!"

However, Zhongyuan Ying was distracted by thinking about these things, and the Mother Earth immediately jumped out of the gap on her side and threw a few ice cones at her.

"what's wrong with you?"

Immediately before Bing Cone hit Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng, who had noticed this situation a long time ago, opened her shield and blocked Bing Cone for her: "Why are you suddenly distracted, Sakura!"

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

Li Feng's sudden questioning made Zhongyuan Ying quickly come back to her senses: "I'm thinking about something."

"Then concentrate!"

Li Feng put away his shield and glanced at Zhongyuan Sakura, his eyes filled with concern: "Don't get hurt in such a place, you know?"

After instructing Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng stepped forward to continue fighting with the mother of the earth.

"What am I thinking about?"

Zhongyuan Sakura shook her head vigorously, temporarily putting those distracting thoughts behind her mind: "You must concentrate during the battle, or something will happen at any time!"

After eliminating the distracting thoughts, Zhongyuan Ying regained her original dexterity.

About twenty minutes later, as the prolonged roar sounded, the huge body of the mother earth lost its strength and collapsed on the snow.

"Clean up."

After the divine machine began to prey on the wreckage of the earth mother, Li Feng shouted to the others: "Hurry up and retrieve the material, and then we will temporarily evacuate. The problems revealed today, I will have a meeting to tell everyone later. Avoid similar situations next time."

When Li Feng said this, the others hurried forward to turn the divine machine into a predator form, and the wreckage of the earth mother began to grow in large chunks.

After the miraculous predation was over, Li Feng carried the miraculous machine to Zhongyuan Ying and asked her with concern.

On the other side, Shuishu Shenjia who saw this scene frowned first, and then his eyes were completely locked on Li Feng's body.

With the concentration of her gaze, Mizuki Shenjia gradually felt that her face was a little hot, and her heartbeat became faster and faster.

"Hehe, he is actually quite handsome."

After making some small changes in her body, Shenjia Shuishu showed a shy look for the first time: "Although he and Zhongyuan are now lovers, I am not someone who would give up casually!"

Thinking of this, the corners of Mizuki Shenjia's mouth rose slightly...

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