You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!After Li Feng and the others came to the position indicated by Thunder Dragon, they respectively switched the magic machine into a remote form and quietly hid behind the baffle that was there at intervals.

"This should be designed by an officer."

After hiding and waiting for the order, Li Feng held the baffle with one hand and quietly stretched out his head to look at Huangshenqun and muttered to himself in a low voice: "There is a homogeneous steel baffle every some distance, and there are deliberately flat ground and The location of each channel..."

"Are you saying this may belong to a military fortress?"

After hearing Li Feng's whisper, Zhongyuan Ying asked quietly: "Feng, do you see any difference again?"

"I always feel a bit wrong."

Li Feng shook his head vigorously, but he couldn't get rid of the strange feeling that had been lingering in his mind since entering this place: "I seem to have been to this place, but I don't have any impression of it. "

"No way?"

Seeing Li Feng's slightly distressed expression, Zhongyuan Ying patted his back lightly: "Have you been here before? Or is it similar to other places that make you recall some past that you don't want to remember?" "

"I don't know, but I just think it's a bit strange here."

Li Feng shook his head vigorously again, tossing the strange feeling aside, and then took a deep breath: "It doesn't matter, now is the priority of the task! We must first solve these wild gods that threaten the underground city!"

But just after saying these words, when Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying quietly waited for Thunder Dragon's instructions, something strange happened.

The two only felt a flower in front of them, and then they seemed to have entered another space.

In this space, the few geothermal pipes that hovered in order to absorb heat disappeared, and the huge magma pool no longer existed.

Instead, it was a huge, flat cave and a large number of vehicles and people gathered in the cave.

"This...this is..."

Seeing the crowd shouting in the cave and slowly entering the underground city, Li Feng was a little confused: "When are so many people here?"

"Did you see it too?"

Just when Li Feng was confused by everything in front of him, Zhongyuan Ying's voice came from his right back: "Feng, what is going on?"

"I do not know either."

Li Feng continued to hide behind the baffle to observe the crowd below: "We seem to be drawn into a strange space. In short, proceed with caution. I don't know what will happen here."

Hearing Li Feng's warning, Zhongyuan Ying also shrank back against the baffle.

Although the two of them hid behind the baffle, the hustle and bustle of speech and various noises continued to enter their ears.

At this moment, Li Feng noticed that a large number of soldiers wearing black exoskeletons and holding weapons appeared on the tunnel built against the cave wall.

When Li Feng saw the style of the metal exoskeleton that covered his body, he showed a surprised expression.

"Isn't this the exoskeleton armor that our shadow forces could use back then?"

Looking at the black soldiers holding weapons not far away, Li Feng said again: "Why are there still alive shadows here?"

"The guns in their hands, sealed."

While Li Feng was still surprised by the exoskeleton worn by the soldiers, Zhongyuan Ying noticed the weapons in the soldiers' hands: "Look, that special orange light, is it the earliest trial-produced oracle cell weapon?"

When Zhongyuan Ying said so, Li Feng noticed that the guns in the soldiers' hands were shining with the unique orange light of the oracle cells at the magazines and ejection openings.

After seeing the uniforms and weapons of these soldiers, more questions came to Li Feng's mind again.

At this moment, Li Feng and the others noticed bursts of gunfire and fire from the two passages leading to the wild.

With the sound of gunfire and fire, the already anxious crowd began to commotion, and they flocked to the three passages leading to the underground city.

But because the passage was crowded with people, there was no movement under the push of other people, but some people began to shout: "Don't push, you can't move!"

Seeing the commotion in the crowd, a soldier who was standing opposite Li Feng and them hit the handrail of the passage with a strong punch, then turned and walked to the soldier who had been standing in another position to discuss something with others.

"Colonel, it looks like time is too late."

Although the soldiers and Li Feng are far apart, and there are noisy voices from the crowd, the dialogue between them made Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying clearly hear them: "From the passage just now..."

"I can hear you, don't treat me as deaf."

The person called the colonel didn't wait for the soldiers to finish speaking, he raised his hand to stop the opponent: "How many people still haven't evacuated to the underground city?"

"From the current situation, there should be two to three thousand people."

The soldier stood on the passage and looked down at the panicking crowd below and said: "Colonel, they have already started..."

"Boom boom!"

Before the soldier could finish his words, the colonel suddenly raised his gun and aimed it at the ceiling and fired several shots.

"Calm down everyone! Don't panic, don't crowd!"

As the gunfire sounded, the noisy crowd just quieted down, the colonel said loudly to them: "Everyone must believe us, we will let everyone enter the underground city without incident!"

I don't know why, as the colonel's voice sounded, the crowd who was panicking just now gradually calmed down.

"You guys, go to the reinforcement channel."

Seeing that the crowd began to calm down, the colonel patted another soldier beside him: "Notify the engineers and prepare to blow up the passage!"

"Blow up the tunnel now?"

Hearing the instructions of the colonel, the soldier looked surprised: "We still have our brother in the passage, if..."

"What I call preparation, not now!"

The colonel slapped the soldier's helmet angrily, and then said sharply: "Hurry up, don't waste time! Let the brothers fight and withdraw!"

"Yes! I'll go right away!"

After saluting the colonel, the soldier hurriedly greeted others beside him and ran to the passage where the gunfire had just been heard.

"How about you guys on the other side of the tunnel?"

After watching the soldier leave with others, the colonel turned his head and asked another soldier: "Is the evacuation over there over?"

"It has ended."

The soldier in question pointed to the soldier who was slowly evacuating from the tunnel, wearing the same clothes as himself, and said, "Colonel, Renner's team has already withdrawn."

"Very well, block the passage first."

After the colonel leaned out from where he was standing to confirm that the soldier was evacuating, he nodded and then patted the soldier: "After the blockade is complete, immediately place the final line of defense here!"


After saluting the colonel, the soldier quickly ran away from the colonel.

"You go too."

After there was no one around, the colonel turned his head to look at the soldier who had been behind him: "Just leave it to me and them here. You take off this equipment and evacuate to the underground city with the people."

"are you joking?"

Although the voice has changed due to the design of the exoskeleton, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying still judged from their tone that the soldier was a female: "How could I leave you here!"

While speaking, the female soldier deliberately gripped the gun she had been carrying, and then pulled the bolt.

"Don't mess around!"

Seeing the action of the female soldier, the colonel stepped up to her angrily, and then reached out to hold her gun: "Put down the weapon, take off this equipment, and then walk with the people, and give it to me here!"

"You are the one who is making trouble!"

Facing the aggressive colonel, the female soldier did not have a trace of fear, but stood up and replied: "I want to stay! I can also fight, and I must fight you to the end!"

"I don't mind how you mess around, but can you stop it now?"

Although the female soldier's expression cannot be seen through the exoskeleton helmet and visor, the colonel's tone obviously softened: "At this time, you should live rather than accompany me to die here!"

"Hmph, don't you know me for so many years?"

The female soldier’s voice is still neither haughty nor humble: "Since we met, we have rushed through so many difficulties and have not been separated? Now you are going to chase me out of this matter? Do you think I will leave you behind and leave? ?"

"Can you not be self-willed at this time?"

The colonel let out a heavy sigh and asked: "You should know what I really think, right? After losing so much, I am the only one left. If you have anything in case, then I..."

"Isn't this my idea?"

Hearing the words of the colonel, the female soldier’s tone also softened: "What is the point of my survival without you in the world? Anyway, now I am only you. If you don’t even have you, I will There is no need to live."

"Dog food! Damn dog food!"

When the colonel and the female soldier were talking about this series of words that made people goose bumps all over the place, Li Feng couldn't help but spit out his tongue: "At this time, they are still in the mood to say these things. Are they full? of?"

When Li Feng spit out, Zhongyuan Ying stared directly at the colonel and the female soldier who were arguing.

After arguing for a while, the colonel let go of the gun in the female soldier's hand and sighed again: "Oh, it's been so many years, why are you still the same as before?"

"Isn't this what you like best about me?"

The female soldier seemed to laugh. She opened her arms to embrace the colonel: "If I were not so headstrong, would you still clenched your teeth and held my hand?"

"Little fool."

The colonel gently hugged the female soldier who held him in his arms, and his voice became very soft: "I don't know what happened to me, as long as I face your girl's insistence, I can always be soft."

Just as the two were embracing affectionately, gunfire and fire came again from the channel where the gunfire came.

But this time, it didn't stop immediately as before, but became more intense.

"It seems that those monsters have fully entered the tunnel."

Hearing the gunshots, the colonel let go of his hands hugging the female soldier and held his gun: "I will ask you one last time, can you go? If you don't go, there will be no chance."

"Do you think I will change my mind?"

The female soldier put her gun on the baffle and pointed her muzzle at the channel where the gunfire came from: "It's you, but don't be distracted because of me! So many lives here are tied to yours. On the body."

"Huh, you don't need to say that."

The colonel seemed to smile at the female soldier, then leaned out and shouted to the soldier who was guiding the last group of people into the underground city: "Doctor, how long will it take to complete the evacuation?"

"At most three minutes!"

The soldier called the doctor first glanced at the crowd who had not yet entered the passage, and then raised his head to answer the colonel: "But judging from the gunshots, the monsters should not be far from here, is it too late?"

"Ghost! You lead people to reinforce!"

After waving his hand to the doctor, the colonel shouted at a soldier with a skeleton painted on his helmet: "Let the brothers in the passage withdraw!"


After the soldier raised his thumb to the colonel, he quickly took a dozen soldiers and ran up the slope below the passage and rushed into the passage.

"Others, build a line of defense in this high passage!"

After the soldiers ran into the passage, the colonel began to greet the other soldiers again: "Except for the doctor who continued to evacuate the people, everyone else immediately came to establish a defense line!"

Under the command of the colonel, the soldiers came to this high passage in an orderly manner, and then followed the instructions to establish a line of defense.

When the last citizen entered the passage leading to the underground city, with a muffled noise, a huge and heavy isolation door was slowly lowered on the three passages.

"last chance."

Seeing the isolation doors slowly lowering, the colonel once again spoke to the female soldier beside him: "Now you still have time to run down."

"With this spare time, you might as well check the broken gun in your hand."

The female soldier half-kneeled behind the baffle, and put the magazines next to her: "If I say no, I will never leave. No matter how you persuade you, it's no use."

"Hmph, then I won't talk about it."

The colonel laughed helplessly, then raised his gun and aimed his gun at the channel that was constantly shining with fire: "This last battle, let's fight together with my husband and wife!"

As the gunfire approached, dozens of soldiers slowly exited the channel while firing into the channel.

After leaving the passage, the soldiers quickly came to the high passage and ran to various positions with the help of their companions.

When the sound of the isolation door being completely lowered sounded, bursts of barren gods roared from the passage.

"Brothers, this is our last battle!"

Watching the last soldier exit the passage, the colonel stood up and shouted at the others: "Although I don't want everyone to give their precious lives here, this is just hope."

The colonel had just finished speaking, and following a violent vibration, an explosion sounded from another passage leading to the wild, and then a ball of fire rushed into the cave from that passage.

"In order to give people time to enter the underground city, we must build a line of defense here."

When speaking, the colonel's tone was full of helplessness: "Therefore, I hope my brothers can snipe those monsters here with me!"

When the colonel said this, the soldiers fell into silence.

"Of course, we are not completely hopeless."

The colonel pointed to the isolation door at this time: "If we can destroy the monsters here, we can still open the isolation door and enter the underground city. Therefore, I ask you to lend me your power for the sake of your family!"

"Don't say so much, Colonel."

The ghost who had just withdrawn from the passage lightly patted the helmet, and then threw the empty magazine into the cave under the passage: “It’s not the first day we fought side by side, do you think any of us is a coward? ?"

"Yes, are you looking down on us? Colonel."

When the ghost finished speaking, the doctor who had just retreated to the passage also said: "Colonel, it is an honor for me to fight with you. Please don't deprive me of my glory as a shadow at this time?"


As soon as the doctor's words fell silent, the soldiers burst into a deafening roar: "Colonel, please don't deprive our shadow of the glory!"

"Huh, a bunch of lunatics who are not afraid of death."

Facing the roar of the soldiers, the colonel took off his helmet and threw it at his feet, screaming: "For the glory of the shadow, we must guard this line of defense!"

"Stick to the line of defense! Never retreat! For the glory of the shadow!"

After the colonel dropped his helmet, the soldiers also took off their helmets and roared.

After shouting a few times, the figure of Desolate God faintly appeared in the passage, and the chilling roars also overwhelmed the voices of the soldiers.

"Ready to fight!"

The colonel crouched behind the baffle at this time, pointed his gun at the passage and shouted: "Brothers, you can't let any monster pass!"

When Arakawa appeared in the passage, the guns in the soldiers' hands burst out, and countless bullets roared at the Arakawa.

But what surprised Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying was not the soldiers who saw death in front of them. Their eyes were focused on the faces of the colonel and the female soldier...

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