I actually became a god eater

Chapter 205 Flame Beast

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!When the huge red body entered the cave, apart from Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, the other four took a breath.

It turned out that the downward chest of this behemoth was purple all the way to the abdomen, but the head and outward parts were all red.

It has a big head that looks very fierce, and the forehead extends to the decorative position but it is very dazzling gold.

Although the eyes are small, they show a dazzling golden light and a vicious atmosphere than the forehead.

As it uttered an angry roar, the big mouth full of fangs continued to emit heat waves.

If its abominable features and wonderful color scheme make people feel a little bit shy, its limbs make people feel a touch of despair.

It has sharp and huge claws on all fours. Although the hind legs are thinner than the front legs, it is easy to see that its hind legs should be very good at jumping and running.

Its front legs are sturdy, in addition to huge claws, the outside of the front legs also has a golden ornament.

What is even more frightening is that it is carrying a heavy golden gun that exudes a high concentration of oracle cells on its back!

Although this behemoth Zhongyuan Sakura has not been seen, but after it emerged from the tunnel cave, Zhongyuan Sakura has always had a strange feeling lingering in her heart.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhongyuan Ying still didn't know where this guy brought such disharmony to herself.

"My goodness! What the hell is this?"

While Zhongyuan Ying was thinking hard, watching the giant beast slamming the gravel on her body aggressively, Mizuki Shenjia stepped back in fear: "It looks like it is very strong... Ever?"

"In terms of intensity, this guy can only be considered high."

Nakahara Sakura stared at the giant beast in front of her, and said with a serious expression: "But the oracle shells fired by the heavy artillery on its back are quite dangerous. Be careful. If you get hit, it will be very fatal."

"Is it that simple?"

Listening to Sakura Zhongyuan's understatement, Rhine couldn't believe it: "Your Royal Highness, are you fooling us?"

"High mobility, high attack power, but poor defense."

Nakahara Sakura carefully watched every move of the giant beast, and said, "Its front legs, body and head are weak points, and damage is not done. But after damage, its oracle cell loss will be even greater."

"that's it?"

Thunder Dragon obviously couldn't believe what he heard: "Do you have any suggestions for this guy?"

"There are no special suggestions or comments."

Nakahara Sakura shook her head, but she noticed that the giant beast began to stare at her and assumed an attacking posture: "Anyway, be careful against it! This guy is ready to attack!"

But when everyone was ready to fight, the giant beast shook its head and leaned its body against the cave wall.

Although it changed its position and posture, its fierce eyes kept staring at everyone.

"What's happening here?"

Seeing the puzzling action made by the giant beast, Dongshan Katyusha was a little confused: "Didn't it mean that it is about to attack? Why is it hiding aside again?"

While Dongshan Katyusha was speaking, Thunder Dragon noticed that Li Feng had been staring nervously at the giant beast without saying a word.

But from Li Feng's tight lips, slightly trembling hands, and sweat dripping from his forehead, he was very nervous.

"Li Feng, is there any problem?"

After noticing Li Feng's situation, Thunder Dragon stepped back slightly and came to him and asked, "You haven't said a word since just now. Is there any problem?"

"Flame Beast: Robona..."

Staring at the giant beast, he swallowed a bit of bitter saliva and licked his lips lightly. Then Li Feng said, "This stuff usually lives in groups! There is no such thing as living alone and Lobona. Case!"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, the vague sense of disharmony in Zhongyuan Ying's mind became completely clear.

"it is as expected!"

Nakahara Sakura suddenly realized it, lowering her voice and said, "I said that I have always thought this guy is a little weird, but I can't say how strange it is. It turned out that it was because it came here alone that made me feel wrong!"

"Li Feng, is this really the case?"

After listening to Sakura's words, Thunder Dragon looked at Li Feng with a worried look: "It's weird that this guy is here alone?"

"too weird."

Li Feng shook his head abruptly, but his eyes were still fixed on Luo Bo Na: "Even if it is not in the same group, it will also move with other wild gods. Now this guy comes here alone, I have to doubt. ..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng moved his sight to the tunnel cave through which Luo Bona passed.

"I think we should solve this guy as soon as possible!"

After taking a glance at the cave, Li Feng switched the magic machine to a bomber: "This guy just squeezed in. I guess his companion should be stuck somewhere in the cave. If they were squeezed in, we can It's in trouble!"

Hearing what Li Feng said, other people also clenched their magical machine and put on a posture of preparing to attack Luo Bo Na.

Maybe it was irritated by everyone's behavior.

Or maybe patience has already reached its limit.

After shouting at the crowd for a while, the cannon behind Luo Bona suddenly pointed at them.

When Robona pointed the barrel at the people, the golden light on the back of the barrel, which looked like a power furnace, was now even more dazzling, and a large number of oracle cells with golden light appeared around the organ. Gather.


Seeing this scene, Li Feng yelled, and then jumped away from the spot with Zhongyuan Ying: "Quick flash! Otherwise, you will eat shells!"

Although Li Feng's yelling came suddenly, the others reacted quickly and did what they did.

As soon as everyone jumped away from the original position, the giant cannon made a heavy muffled sound, and a fiery red and huge oracle shell whizzed out.

Because everyone escaped, the oracle bomb did not hit anyone but flew directly to the cave wall that was in a straight line.

I thought it was just an ordinary oracle bomb, but I didn't expect that when it hit the cave wall, the oracle cells mixed with high heat instantly blasted the steel-plated cave wall into a big hole.

After blasting the cave wall, countless hot oracle cells entrained with rubble suddenly splashed out.

"Damn, really?"

After avoiding the oracle bomb but seeing such a horrible scene, Shenjia Shuishu almost stared out of her eyes: "What kind of shell is this? It is so powerful!"

"Look ahead!"

Just as Shuishu Shenjia sighed the power of this oracle bomb, Li Feng's shout sounded again: "Luo Bo Na is in front of you!"

"What the hell?"

Hearing Li Feng's reminder, Shui Shu Shenjia hurriedly turned her head: "How could it...X!" To read the novel website www.1ddu.com

As soon as the water tree god Jia turned her head, what caught her eyes was Luo Bo rushing towards him with a big mouth open.

At this time, it was too late to dodge, and Shenjia Shuishu could only open her medium-sized shield in despair to make a futile resistance.

"Turn to me!"

When the scene where she was crushed by Luo Bona had been sketched in her mind, Li Feng's voice once again sounded from her right side: "Hurry up! Don't ask!"

Hearing Li Feng's voice, Shenjia Shuishu didn't have time to think.

She glanced at Luobo Na, who was close at hand, and then pointed the shield of her magical machine towards the direction of Li Feng's voice.

Before Mizuki Shenjia could figure out what was going on, she only heard an explosion that made her ears "buzz", and a powerful force mixed with freezing gas pushed her away in the opposite direction of Li Feng. .


After feeling the coldness of the freezing air, Shuishu Shenjia immediately knew what had happened: "Is it necessary to use such a rude way?"

"This is the fastest way."

Zhongyuan Sakura hugged Mizuki Shenjia from behind and threw her aside, then stood up and said, "If you wait for Feng to push you away, you may have been bitten in two!"

After dropping these words, Zhongyuan Ying quickly confirmed the position of Li Feng who was fighting against Luo Bo Na, she glanced at Shui Shu Shenjia and hurried forward to assist.

After confirming that there was nothing serious about Shuishu Shenjia, other people also joined the battle.

After sitting on the ground for a while, the recovered water tree god Jia suddenly stood up and ran towards Luo Bo and shouted, "Hey, hey, did you hold me just now?"

"Who wants to hug you!"

While fighting with Luo Bo Na, Zhongyuan Sakura showed a disdainful expression and looked at Mizuki Shenjia from the corner of her eyes: "If it wasn't for fear that you would hit the wall and hang it, I wouldn't bother to help you!"

"Hey, really!"

Although she was complaining, Mizuki Shenjia looked at Zhongyuan Sakura with grateful eyes: "I really want to hit her head to death. The feeling of being hugged by a woman is terrible!"

Seeing the two fighting and bickering, Li Feng and the four of them all showed helpless smiles.

However, after mastering Robona's attack method and getting used to its speed, Thunder Dragon, who was still a little flustered, quickly returned to their original level.

"Cut, this thing just looks fierce."

After returning to the original state, Shuishu Shenjia showed disdain for Luo Bo Na: "Just avoid its shelling, it is really good!"

"It's really disappointing."

The less talkative Dongshan Katyusha took the conversation: "This guy is not fast, and his attack is very monotonous. As long as you look at the time when it releases explosive oracle cells and the movement of the gun, it has almost no threat. ."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Thunder Dragon, who was attracting Robona, showed a bitter smile.

"These two hairy girls are really ignorant."

While smiling bitterly, Thunder Dragon's gaze glanced at Li Feng who was pinning Robona and the supporting Zhongyuan Sakura: "We now rely solely on the two of them to suppress this guy. Without them, I'm afraid we would have been beaten. Suppress the side that hits."

Thunder Dragon's thoughts are not out of nothing.

In many cases, they did not accurately judge what Luo Bona's actions meant, but instead relied on the prompts of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying to make corresponding actions.

Even if they didn't have time to dodge, Li Feng or Zhongyuan Ying would use the method of shooting magic to use the impact force to make them evade Robona's attack.

About ten minutes later, with the concerted efforts of the six people, Robona uttered a scream and fell into a pool of blood.

"Ha, this guy is really easy to deal with."

When letting the gods prey on Luo Bo Na, Mizuki Shenjia did not forget to raise her head and look up at the motionless Luo Bo Na poor and said a few words: "In front of this girl, all wild gods are scum!"

"Just blow it."

Before Zhongyuan Ying started to complain, Dongshan Katyusha, who was standing next to her, began to complain about Mizuki Shenjia: "If you weren't shot by Li Feng or Zhongyuan several times, you are probably already in two. Right?"

"I guess there are only some debris left."

Dongshan Katyusha had just finished complaining, and Rhine also made a grimace and said to Mizuki Shenjia: "Luo Bona’s mouth, ah, I guess we have only Miss Mizuki left... "

Speaking of this, Rhein specifically pointed at his hands and feet with his free left fingers.

"Damn, can you say something nice?"

Shuishu Shenjia is naturally not so stupid that she doesn't know what this means. She said angrily: "Isn't this girl still standing here with all the leaves? Can't you say something good?"

"For example, you almost became a poop?"

Rhein smiled and looked at Mizuki Shenjia with a disgusting look: "If you are swallowed by it, and we can't attack it and get away by it, I guess at this time tomorrow, you should already be stinky. Aren't you poop?"

"Damn! You bastard is disgusting!"

Mizuki Shenjia angrily kicked Rhine: "Can't you be more serious?"

When the three of them were making noisy, Li Feng kept looking straight at the tunnel cave.

"Feng, what happened?"

After noticing Li Feng's look, Zhongyuan Ying put away the magic machine that had already been predator and came to him: "Why do you look so ugly?"

"Did you feel it?"

Li Feng retracted the predator of the magic machine while looking at Zhongyuan Sakura with a puzzled look: "It seems that the ground under my feet is a little vibrating."

"What you say..."

When Li Feng said this, Zhongyuan Ying also showed a complex look and carefully felt the ground under her feet: "I seem to feel it vaguely too, there seems to be some vibration."

"It doesn't look like magma is about to erupt."

Li Feng turned his head to look at the magma pool with hot air bubbles, his eyes were full of doubts: "If the magma is not about to erupt, but the ground is shaking..."

Before they finished speaking, a thought suddenly flashed in the minds of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying.

"Everyone, hurry up, another god of desolation is coming!"

After the thoughts flashed, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying shouted at the others almost at the same time: "Supplement physical fitness, supplement the oracle cell of the magic machine, the battle is not over!"

Hearing the shouts of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, the people who were still frolicking were instantly stunned.

But then they discovered that Zhongyuan Ying and Li Feng quickly took out the remaining physical drinks and drank them, they realized that the two were not joking.

Just when the group of people finished their drinks and was about to infuse the oracle cell supplement into the magic machine, with a violent vibration, three or four Lobo Nas squeezed out of the tunnel cave.

"Heh, it really is a hordes of wild gods."

After seeing that it was Luo Bo, Li Feng threw the empty tube aside: "Brothers and sisters, our new guests are here!"

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