You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!After asking what they knew from the hapless guys, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying collected their weapons together, then stripped off one of the guy's clothes and packed all the weapons together.

After packing the weapons, Li Feng threw the clothes full of weapons into the lake on the side without even looking.

"Okay, let's go."

After throwing away the weapon, he glanced at the hapless guys who were still groaning on the ground. Li Feng stomped the guy wearing the glasses and said to Zhongyuan Ying: "Throw these guys here."


After looking around, Nakahara Sakura showed a worried look: "If you just let them go..."

"It does not matter."

After a sneer, Li Feng glanced at the hapless guys again: "These guys won't get up for a while, just throw them here."

Without waiting for Zhongyuan Ying to say anything, Li Feng grabbed her and strode away from the lawn by the lake.

After returning to the shopping street, Nakahara Sakura first asked after confirming the surrounding situation: "Feng, why did you keep them here just now? Shouldn't we avoid future problems?"

When she said this, Zhongyuan Ying grinned, and then gently stroked the base of her neck with her finger.

"Don't be silly, do you think this is the wilderness?"

In fact, even if he didn't watch Zhongyuan Ying's movements, Li Feng roughly guessed her thoughts. He shook his head and lowered his voice and asked, "Do you think it is necessary to turn out those idiots?"

"Of course it is necessary!"

Nakahara Sakura replied solemnly: "These guys put poison on things and want us to die! If you keep them, they may decide what they will do tomorrow or in the future!"

"My dear Sakura, you are too impulsive."

Li Feng stopped and gently shook Zhongyuan Ying's hands with a smile on his face: "Do you think we will have a good end if we get them done?"

Speaking of this, Li Feng deliberately gestured behind Zhongyuan Ying with his eyes.

"No? Still?"

After noticing the look in Li Feng's eyes, Zhongyuan Ying was very surprised: "Could these guys..."

"They have always had a person hiding in the dark, never showing up."

In order not to make the other party suspicious, Li Feng smiled and opened his arms to embrace Zhongyuan Sakura in his arms: "I suspect that the guy held the satellite terminal in his hand and recorded the whole thing."

"Wait! If you are holding that thing..."

What Li Feng said, although Zhongyuan Ying was also holding Li Feng, her heartbeat began to accelerate: "What we did just now is not completely..."

"It must have been photographed."

Although Li Feng downplayed, Zhongyuan Ying immediately understood the seriousness of the matter in her heart: "If we really kill, then tomorrow we might be the headlines of the dungeon."

"Hey, it's really a despicable method."

Zhongyuan Ying buried her head in Li Feng's arms and scolded angrily: "If these bastards cut the video out of context, we can jump into the Yellow River and we can't clean it up."

"It's not only unclear."

After releasing Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng continued to lead her towards the branch building in the distance: "There are laws here too. Anyway, once we do something out of the box, we can't argue with it even if it's not out of context, know?"

After a pause, Li Feng went on to say: "We have not yet reached the stage of tearing the face with the other party, so there is no need to do things this way."

"Not enough to tear your skin?"

Hearing what Li Feng said, Zhongyuan Ying pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction: "They all used poisoned knives to deal with us. Is this not enough?"

"At least we haven't torn our faces on the surface yet."

Li Feng shook his head helplessly and said, "Although they said so, we haven't verified whether there is really anything on the knife. If it's just to scare us, then the matter is really big enough. Up."

"Hey, it's really troublesome."

After listening to Li Feng’s explanation, Zhongyuan Ying still pouted her mouth in dissatisfaction: “These guys are real, they are all overshadowed all day long. If you have the ability to come out and have a good meal!”

"If you really know the extent of the sword and gun, then the matter will be big."

When Li Feng saw the expression of Zhongyuan Ying, he smiled helplessly and shook his head: "In short, this messy intrigue will only play various dirty tricks. After today's incident, we will be more careful in the future. All right."

Since Li Feng had said this, even if Zhongyuan Ying was dissatisfied, she could only give up after two "hum".

After returning to the branch building, the two went back to their rooms after eating some Wang Wei's special dessert in the lounge.

It's different from Nakahara Sakura, who slept in bed after taking a bath without heart and lungs.

After lying on the bed, Li Feng kept his eyes open and thinking about something.

I don't know how long after thinking about it, Li Feng also snored softly...

"Feng, get up!"

While sleeping comfortably, there was a quick knock on the door, and Zhongyuan Sakura's voice came in faintly: "Hey, hey, don't sleep, you pig! Something has happened!"

After knocking on the door for a while, Li Feng was finally awakened and came to the door of his room.

"Here comes....huha..."

Li Feng opened the door and yawned: "What time is it? Why did you wake up so early?"

"Don't mention it, look at your terminal quickly!"

Zhongyuan Ying didn't answer Li Feng's question, but just grabbed his clothes and walked towards the terminal in the room: "You still have leisure to sleep? There is something serious in the Shuangdong branch!"

Although his mind was still confused, Li Feng was honestly dragged to the terminal by Zhongyuan Yingsheng.

After Zhongyuan Sakura displayed the screen on the terminal, Li Feng, who was still yawning just now, immediately threw his sleepiness and anger to Java.

It turns out that at this time, the entire Frostwinter branch, regardless of the size of the terminal, is broadcasting one thing: the hostage taking incident!

"At around 5:20 in the morning, the terrorists in Chinli attacked the expansion area at the very edge of the dungeon."

After a series of pictures taken by the monitor, the announcer's voice came out: "They killed and injured many people, and they have taken control of some buildings in the expansion area, and they have also kidnapped several hostages..."

"Fuck, there are still terrorists these years?"

Looking at the screen on the terminal, Li Feng's face was full of incredible expression: "This Nima is at a critical moment for the survival of human beings. What do these idiots think? Is it because the gods are not fast enough to destroy humans?"

"The ghosts know what they think."

Zhongyuan Sakura smiled helplessly and shook her head: "Anyway, the entire Frost Winter branch has entered a state of emergency. Dr. Zhou just called me and asked me to take you to his office."

Although he didn't understand the reason why Dr. Zhou called himself to the office at this time, Li Feng finished washing as quickly as possible, and then changed his clothes and ran out with Zhongyuan Ying.

When they came to Dr. Zhou's office, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying found that only Dr. Zhou was sitting on the sofa and making tea without hurries.

"That... Dr. Zhou."

With a bunch of questions, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying sat on the sofa opposite to Dr. Zhou and asked, "Is there anything wrong with you calling us?"

"Ah, I really want to ask you some questions."

Dr. Zhou slowly poured the freshly brewed tea into the teacup, and then gently handed it to the two of them: "Did you watch the news just now?"

Although they didn't understand Dr. Zhou's intentions at all, after looking at each other for a while, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying nodded their heads as an answer.

"The one who attacked you last night, I am afraid it was also from Chinli."

Dr. Zhou poured tea to himself and said indifferently: "This terrorist organization has always existed in the Frost Winter Division, quietly operating in the dark. To be honest, I never expected that they would do these things directly."

"How did you know?"

Listening to Dr. Zhou's understatement of what happened last night, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths: "We don't have any..."

"Because this was delivered to me at midnight last night."

Dr. Zhou picked up a small memory card from the side and placed it on the coffee table: "But it is probably from a novice, and the cutting marks are very obvious."

"Dr. Zhou, we can explain about this."

From Dr. Zhou's words and the memory card, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura immediately understood: "Last night..."

"Okay, no need to explain."

Dr. Zhou raised his left hand to stop the two of them, and then said, "I have been with you for so long, so naturally I know that the cause of this incident is definitely not you."

After a short pause, Dr. Zhou put the teapot back on the coffee table: "Did you not hear clearly just now? I suspect that the person who attacked you was also a terrorist in Chinli!"

"What kind of organization is this Qinli?"

Hearing this, Zhongyuan Sakura couldn't help but ask: "How could they do such extreme things? And why did they attack the expansion area?"

"Because they believe that the gods are God's messengers and come to purify the world."

After taking a sip of the tea, Dr. Zhou let out a sigh: "Since we are going to purify the world, then we guys from the main war faction are naturally a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh."

"It's another cult created by the brains of the Korean Peninsula!"

Hearing this, Li Feng couldn't help complaining: "Are these guys addicted to creating a cult? Is it interesting to create a shit cult organization for nonsense? What a bunch of idiots!"

"Huh? How did you know that it was the cult from over there?"

Just after Li Feng complained, Dr. Zhou showed a suspicious expression: "I don't remember I told you about these cults, right? And you should have only learned about the existence of Qinli for the first time today."

"The theory of the gods of the gods is also circulating in our southern branch."

After noticing Dr. Zhou's expression, Zhongyuan Ying quietly stepped on Li Feng's foot and quickly explained: "Moreover, the shit organization Qinli also wanted to infiltrate our branch before, but it was destroyed by our soldiers."

"Okay, do whatever you want."

Although he said so, judging from Dr. Zhou's suspicious expression, he obviously did not believe Zhongyuan Ying's words: "The reason why I specifically called you here is to warn you two."

After taking another sip of tea, Dr. Zhou said: "Since Qinli has already attacked you yesterday, it means that Qinli has already regarded you two as enemies. In this case, I am afraid you have to act cautiously."

"Conversely, what if they know we are not easy to mess with?"

Li Feng moved his eyes from the tea cup to the window, and looked at the drone with the warning lights flashing in the distance: "I said Dr. Zhou, if we let the idiots in Qinli know that we are not easy to mess with, then will they converge? A little bit?"

"I can't guarantee, but there is a possibility."

Dr. Zhou seems to have guessed Li Feng's intentions, and he also looked at the drone: "If you let them know that you will be cruel to humans, I think there may be fewer troubles, but it won't be without. "

"I understand what you mean."

Hearing what Dr. Zhou said, Li Feng stood up and smiled and said, “It turns out that Dr. Zhou called us to come here. Apart from warning us, I also hope Ying and I can show off a little bit, right?”

"very smart."

Dr. Zhou smiled lightly when he heard the words, and then turned his gaze back to Li Feng: "So how do you think you can show your skills and deter Qinli and the guys who colluded with Qinli to the greatest extent?"

"I'm afraid we have to do something outside of work."

The corners of Li Feng's mouth raised slightly, with a triumphant expression on his face: "Dr. Zhou, why do I think you originally wanted us to deal with this matter?"

"Well, after all, this is an opportunity for us."

After Dr. Zhou showed the same expression as Li Feng, he turned his head and cried out to the small door hidden by his desk: "You think so too?"

"Of course, doctor!"

As soon as Dr. Zhou's words were over, the energetic Rhein in the second stage pushed open the small door and jumped out: "Whether it is a wild god or a human, as long as the safety of the dungeon is endangered, as a knight, I cannot sit idly by! ...Damn!"

"Get out of here! Get in the way!"

Before Rhein finished speaking, he was kicked from behind by Shui Shu Shenjia: "Every time you have to get in the way, it's really annoying!"

Seeing the other four people filed out of the room behind the small door, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying opened their eyes wide.

"This matter is left to your team."

Dr. Zhou slowly raised the teacup, leaning against the sofa with a freehand expression: "If I am, just sit here and enjoy your tea slowly waiting for your victory."

"Roger that!"

After a salute to Dr. Zhou, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying left Dr. Zhou's office with Leilong.

After Li Feng and the others left, Dr. Zhou took out a photo from his arms.

Looking at the photo, Dr. Zhou showed a complicated look.

"Vil, have you seen it?"

Although the photo was a little fuzzy, Dr. Zhou called out the name of the person in the photo: "Our goal is being achieved bit by bit. Everything is going according to our plan."

After saying this, Dr. Zhou smiled lightly, put the photo on the coffee table, and took another sip of tea.

After a brief silence, Dr. Zhou looked away from the blurry photo.

"It seems that the speed is getting faster and faster."

Looking at the blinking warning lights, Dr. Zhou said to himself again: "As long as all the puzzles are put together, then our plan will be able to be carried out..."

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