You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Hearing the sound of the big man starting again and the shout of Mizuki Shenjia, Li Feng quickly picked up his magic machine and looked around to see if there were any other available anti-tank rockets or loaded launchers.

However, Zhongyuan Sakura and Mizuki Shenjia quickly backed away, and then injected the oracle cell supplement into the magic machine, and switched the magic machine into a remote form on alert.

"Enemy threat determination: the highest level."

Just as the three of them were standing by, the big man after restarting tremblingly made an electronic sound: "The reinstallation form cannot be expelled, and it enters the full power form."

"Full power form?"

Upon hearing this word that she had never heard before, Zhongyuan Ying cast an inquiring look at Li Feng: "Feng, what does this mean?"

"I do not know either!"

Li Feng quickly ran to the other transmitter and watched the big guy's every move as he turned it on: "I haven't even heard of this thing, you ask me?"

"No matter what it means, I just feel that something big is not good!"

Just when Li Feng started the transmitter anxiously, Shui Shu Shenjia noticed that the heavy armor on the big man seemed to make bursts of cracking sounds: "Li Feng, look at its armor, is there anything? Want to get out of it?"

Shui Shu Shenjia shouted so, Li Feng moved his gaze from the transmitter screen to the big man who was standing trembling among them.

Sure enough, although the big man didn't mean to move at all at this time, the armor on its body, which was originally tight enough to have almost no gaps, had begun to slowly open some gaps, and the gaps were still faintly shining with fiery red light.

But after being stretched to a certain extent, those gaps shrank quickly, and then stretched again, as if something under the armor was breathing continuously.

As the breathing rate became faster and faster, the pierced hole on the back of the big man no longer flowed out, and something began to squirm.


Just as the golden tentacles visible to the naked eye were swaying in that hole, the big head faintly heard heavy breathing from high to low.

"How is this going?"

Hearing that strange breathing sound, Mizuki Shenjia widened her eyes and looked around, as if she wanted to find other possible sources of this sound: "Did you hear it? This breathing sound..."


Even if Mizuki Shenjia didn’t say it, Zhongyuan Ying had heard this voice a long time ago. She looked at Li Feng with an ugly expression: "Feng, I remember you told the Griffin that this guy is not a biochemical weapon but a pure machine, right? ?"

"I... I don't know..."

Not only did Zhongyuan Sakura change color when she heard the sound, but at this time even Li Feng, who had always been calm, looked at the big man with a green face: "This thing... is it because of the leakage of the oracle cells... has evolved into a desolate god." ?"


As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, the big man suddenly opened his arms and raised his head and roared into the sky.

While the large piece of hair roared, almost every position on its body swelled up constantly!

As it expanded, the armor on its body also cracked and swelled continuously because of being stretched.


When the second roar sounded, the big man once again made the same harsh buzzing sound from his body.


Less than a second after the buzzing sounded, Li Feng and their ears were stunned by the loud popping sound.


Just when Li Feng and the others were dizzy by this series of deafening sounds, the heavy breathing sound came into their ears again.

Hearing this breathing sound again, Li Feng and the three of them refocused their somewhat distracted eyes on the big man.

However, when they saw the present posture of the big guy, they all showed a look of surprise that could not be described in any language.

It turned out that the crackling sound just now was the sound made by the big guy when the armor on his body exploded.

At this time, the big man had no armour on his body, but blocks of strong and strong muscles were exposed, and the red and yellow patterns of the gods appeared on the muscles.

It's just this human-shaped body with huge muscles, I'm afraid it can't surprise Li Feng and the others.

What really surprised them was the big head and the position that was penetrated.

At this time, because the armor of the head of the big man was burst, a very conspicuous human-like head appeared in front of the three people.

However, the real horror is that the head and eyes are two cameras that emit red light, and the mouth is full of sharp teeth.

And the hole that was pierced by the armor-piercing projectile fired by Li Feng also grew out of something like a heating organ on the back of Hannibal, and at this time, it was continuously spraying a large amount of hot water vapor toward the rear.

If it weren't for the two cameras on its head and eyes, and the hands holding the knife with bare metal fingers, I'm afraid no one would believe that this big man was actually a machine before!

"Sure enough, completely desolate!"

Li Feng threw aside the launcher that hadn't been activated yet, turned the magic machine into an axe blade shape and shouted in front of him: "Sakura, Mizuki! Now we have to deal with the desolate god rather than the machine. Be careful! "


After responding to Li Feng in unison, Zhongyuan Sakura and Mizuki Shenjia also put on a confrontation gesture: "Since it is a wild god, it's much easier!"

Just when the three of them were ready to fight, the big man shouted again and waved the knife in his hand and rushed towards Li Feng.

Although the speed and strength of the big guy after being completely disarmed and completely turned into a barren god is stronger than before, but after getting used to it, Li Feng and the others still firmly controlled the big guy within a certain area according to the original tactics.

Moreover, after revealing the Desolate God organization, Li Feng and the others were surprised to find that both oracle bullets and melee attacks can cause certain damage to the big man and make it appear stiff!

Not only that, traps and stun grenades that were completely ineffective against it can now also have effects on it!

What's more, although the original attack of a big guy was monotonous, it was more or less difficult to deal with because the mechanical operation did not appear to move forward and prepare.

Fortunately now, after becoming a desolate god, although the actions of the big guys were full of the uncertainty of wild beasts, but because there would be larger forward shaking or preparation movements, Li Feng and the others dealt with it more easily.

As the fighting continued, the movements of the big guys gradually slowed down, and the threat of attack also obviously began to decline.

"It should be almost there!"

After noticing the change in the big guy, Li Feng secretly delighted in his heart: "This guy's oracle cells are losing faster than it can be replenished from the atmosphere. The rest is to find a chance to kill with one blow!"

Thinking of this, Li Feng whispered after avoiding the big three-stranded chop: "Sakura, Mizuki, this guy is already at the end of the crossbow! In order to prevent any accidents, we must also prevent its trapped beasts while attacking! "


Zhongyuan Sakura responded with a sound and moved behind the big man, and pointed the muzzle at the heating organ on its back: "Let me freeze its organs first!" 1234 Novel

While speaking, Zhongyuan Sakura pulled the trigger in her hand and shot a cold radiation towards the heating organs on the back of the big man.

Although the radiation emitted by Zhongyuan Sakura had a unique sound, the big man who was fighting with Li Feng did not notice the strange sound.

When there was a chill and some tingling behind him, a piece of ice had formed on the back of the big man.


After the fever organs were frozen, the big piece of hair let out a painful roar and gave up Li Feng who was fighting with him, turning around and wanted to run towards Zhongyuan Sakura.

"It's now!"

At the moment when the big guy turned around, the long-awaited Mizuki Shenjia ran to the big guy's feet with a leap, and slammed the charged spear in his hand at the big guy's calf: "Kneel me down!"


As soon as he turned around, his calf was attacked, and he roared with a headache, then his body shook and fell to the ground on one knee.

"You still want to run?"

Just when the big man was kneeling on one knee and propped his body with his left hand to prevent it from falling, Li Feng had already come near his supporting hand and raised the axe in his hand: "I think you would be more handsome if you lie down! "

When Li Feng's axe blade slashed on the wrist of the big man, a burst of metal sparks and blood spattered from the wrist of the big man.

"It's not over yet!"

When Li Feng used the ax blade to cut the big man's wrist, Zhongyuan Sakura, who was originally in the distance, also took the opportunity to get close to the big man, and jumped up, stepping on the big man's knee and jumping up: "This is the fatal blow!"

A ray of light lit up, and the naginata in Zhongyuan Ying's hand slashed across the throat of the big man.

After slashing the big throat, Zhongyuan Ying learned Su Qingyun's movements and just planned to make a gorgeous turn. The dirty blood sprayed from the big wound made her lose her balance and almost fell directly to the ground.

"Damn! What is this special mother?"

After steadying her body and landing, Sakura Chunghara smelled the pungent smell on her body and cursed: "Why is there a disgusting smell of engine oil in this blood?"

"Probably because it is still semi-mechanical!"

At this time, Li Feng almost cut off his large left wrist, and he also smelled the odor of engine oil in the dirty blood: "This guy... really hard!"

Although the position of the throat was cut and the wrist was still being cut by Li Feng, the big man threw the knife away and covered his throat with his right hand. After shaking his figure, he planned to shake off Li Feng and stand up.

"How could I give you this opportunity!"

Seeing that Li Feng could not dodge, and Zhongyuan Sakura’s position was not good, Mizuki Shenjia hurriedly jumped onto the big right knee and slammed the charged spear in his hand according to the position of the knee joint: "You Don't want to move!"


When the left wrist was severed, the huge body of the big man who had almost lost the ability to fight fell to the ground after making a few weird calls.

Although it fell to the ground, it was still twitching and seemed to still want to stand up and continue fighting.

But when his left wrist was damaged, his left and right legs were damaged, and the circuit was cut off, the big man could only use his still movable right hand to struggle in vain.


When a shell hit the big man's right shoulder, the right hand waving wildly in the air also hit the ground.

"Enough is enough, don't continue."

After confirming that the big man had no combat effectiveness at all, Li Feng jumped to its chest and turned the magic machine into a predator form: "You have guarded this place for so many years, it is enough."

Facing Li Feng's words, the big guy didn't use the electronic sound to make any answer, but stared at Li Feng with the camera, his mouth still wriggling.

"Well, you should rest."

When he raised the magic machine in his hand and aimed it at the head of the big man, tears began to flash in Li Feng's eyes: "Thanks for your hard work these years, big man. Thank you for guarding this place for so long."

When this paragraph was finished, the huge predator mouth of the magic machine in Li Feng's hand bit the big head in one bite.

After the core was removed, Li Feng put away the predator of the magic machine and jumped out of the big body.

"Finally done!"

At the same time that Li Feng completed the recovery, Zhongyuan Ying also completed the recovery work. She gently wiped the dirty blood on the mask and said: "Feng, I didn't expect the oracle cells to attach to the machine, turning the machine into a wild god."

"That's it!"

Shuishu Shenjia, who had completed the recovery, walked to Li Feng, wiping the sweat from her forehead and said: "Really, if it didn't abandon its armor, we might not be able to clean it!"

"It's true."

Li Feng turned his head to look at the oracle cells that were drifting away in the wind, with a look of regret on his face: "If this thing could be mass-produced back then, would it be possible to prevent the god of desolate from going south?"

"It's possible."

Shuishu Shenjia looked at the big man's gradually revealing mechanical part and said: "If one machine can have such a powerful combat power, if there are dozens of units, I am afraid that the gods will not be able to turn this into a wilderness."

"Feng, don't forget something."

Just when Li Feng felt sorry, Zhongyuan Ying walked to him and whispered: "Did you forget? Something similar will appear in a few years, and those things..."

"Huh, too."

Zhongyuan Ying's words awakened Li Feng. The "thing" that would appear in a few years immediately appeared in his mind: "After all, it is something made with oracle cells. It is not strange that any problems will arise."

"What are you talking about?"

After Li Fenggang sighed, Shuishu Shenjia looked at them with a puzzled look: "Although I can't hear clearly, what kind of bad topics are you talking about?"

"it's okay no problem."

Unexpectedly, she was heard so quietly by Mizuki Shenjia. Zhongyuan Sakura hurriedly opened up sloppy eyes: "Oh, after this battle, I am a little tired. Shall we hurry back and take a hot bath? Take a break with something to eat?"

"I feel the same way, Sakura."

Li Feng immediately grasped Zhongyuan Ying's hand, "My body is now full of blood mixed with the smell of engine oil, it is disgusting! I want to go back and change my clothes and take a bath!"

After deliberately changing the topic, Li Feng hurriedly held hands with Zhongyuan Ying and turned and left.

"Hey, don't change the subject on purpose!"

Seeing the two turned and left, Shuishu Shenjia hurriedly carried the magic machine on his shoulders to catch up with them, and kept shouting: "Hey, hey, what are you talking about? Tell me!"

When the three people left, no one noticed that a figure that seemed to be sitting in a wheelchair slowly appeared in a hangar not far away.

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