I actually became a god eater

Chapter 229 Second Stage: Annihilation

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!After the defensive wall gates of the ground facilities were closed, the separation wall was raised and the small gods remaining on the separation wall were driven away or killed by ordinary soldiers, the god eaters ran out of the hiding places in the core area.

Because the middle and large desolate gods travel faster, the medium and large desolate gods in these desolate god groups are all isolated in the core area, while the small desolate gods basically remain in the outer area.

Because of this, when arranging ambushes, most of the God Eaters were arranged in the core area. Only a few in the middle area were arranged in order to prevent them from being deployed. The rest were all ambushes by ordinary soldiers.

After the order to attack was issued, for a while, the ground facilities of the entire Frost Winter Division were filled with intensive gunshots and the roar of Aragami.

The entire battle lasted for about twenty minutes, and ended with the destruction of the wild gods who invaded the Frostwinter Division, and humanity's victory.


When the last two-wheeled chariot fell from the sky, the body was full of blood, and the panting God Eaters burst into cheers: "We have won!"

The cheers soon spread throughout the Frost Winter Division, and for a while, the cheers of victory filled the snow in the Frost Winter Division.

Although there was still pain on the body, the people who were injured and waiting for rescue also uttered the same cheers.

"Hahaha, a big victory!"

In the command room of the Frost Winter Division, seeing that all the signs of the gods on the big screen disappeared, Minister Liu Zhi also applauded and laughed excitedly: "Old Zhou! Your strategy is really great!"

"Quiet, what about the casualties?"

Dr. Zhou first nodded to Minister Liu Zhi, and then immediately asked: "Has both the emergency and medical care teams started to act?"

"The casualties are still being counted."

Although Tranquility was full of joy in her heart, she also knew that the battle was not completely over. While dispatching rescue workers, she replied: "Now the first aid and medical teams have entered the war zone and started to rescue the wounded."


Hearing that the rescue operation has been carried out, Dr. Zhou breathed a sigh of relief: "Although we have won this battle with a little sub-scheme, there should be more or less casualties among ordinary soldiers and God Eaters."

After saying these words, Dr. Zhou's gaze stayed on the big screen, which had been motionless outside the branch.

"Director Branch, I think it is better to reorganize combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

After pondering for a moment, Dr. Zhou looked at Minister Liu Zhi: "Now there is still a group of wild gods composed of hundreds of wild gods outside, and they all continue to threaten the entire branch."

As soon as Dr. Zhou finished speaking, he noticed that Minister Liu Zhi's eyes became dignified, and his gaze had been focused on the wild god signal.

"Quiet, if I guess right, the remaining Desolate Gods should only be medium and large Desolate Gods, right?"

After thinking about it for a while, Minister Liu Zhi turned his head and asked Tranquility, who had been working intensely: "Most of the wild gods who invaded the branch are small wild gods, and only a few medium and large wild gods, right?"


When the busy tranquility heard Minister Liu Zhi talking to herself, she was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at him with a surprised look: "How do you know? It is true."

"Crap! We are in the game!"

After receiving a quiet answer, Minister Liu Zhi's face suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Order all the lightly injured and uninjured God Eaters to gather at the northern gate immediately! The general soldiers immediately covered the medical personnel and quickly withdrew to the underground city! "

"Huh? Yes!"

Facing the sudden instruction, Tranquility was taken aback for a moment, then immediately turned around and quickly operated the computer in front of him and started calling: "Defense class, defense class..."

"Director Branch, what is going on?"

Minister Liu Zhi was scared not only by Tranquility and ordinary staff, but even Dr. Zhou looked at him inexplicably: "Why are you suddenly..."

"It has always been a mistake that we thought that Huang Shen had no wisdom."

Minister Liu Zhi stared at the wild gods who were still standing still in the distance, and gritted his teeth and said: "But we may have overlooked the evolution speed of the wild gods! Obviously, the wise wild gods have begun to appear."

"Wait! What do you mean..."

As soon as Minister Liu Zhi finished speaking, Dr. Zhou's mind immediately flashed: "Could it be that these wild gods did this on purpose?"


Minister Liu Zhi looked at the signal of the fast-moving God Eater, and cold sweat began to ooze on his forehead: "If you guess right, their real main force is still outside waiting for the signal to attack!"

At the same time, in the ground facility, Li Feng, who had been ordered, braved the heavy snow and crossed the entire ground facility to the defensive wall.

At this time, the wind and snow have weakened, and the visibility has increased to about four to five hundred meters.

Nevertheless, looking out from the defensive wall, the wild gods gathered in the distance are still not very clear.

But from the outline, it should be a group of wild gods composed of some very common large wild gods in ice attributes.

"Damn, there are so many more!"

Standing on the defensive wall, Li Feng, who was panting undecided, looked at the looming Desolate Gods group in the distance. He smashed on the fence above the defensive wall in a circle: "Hey! The main force of the Desolate God did not launch an attack at all!"

"Feng, what should I do?"

After looking around and discovering that there was no stranger by her side, Zhongyuan Ying quietly asked, "Now there are so many medium and large wild gods outside, should we continue to fight on the defensive wall or..."

"It's useless!"

Li Feng shook his head, with a helpless look on his face: "Although the defensive wall here is thick, it is not an insurmountable obstacle for these guys. If I guess right, the defensive wall will be destroyed in ten minutes at most. Make a hole."

While speaking, Li Feng's gaze was focused on the somewhat different figure in the Desolate God Group.

"so what to do now?"

After looking around at the more or less wounded God Eaters in the Frost Winter Division, Zhongyuan Sakura worriedly asked: "If these guys are not removed, they will be possible at any time..."

"Division must be divided, the key point is how to divide."

Before Zhongyuan Ying finished speaking, Li Feng shook her head and interrupted her: "But with the current situation, I am afraid it is not so easy."

Speaking of this, Li Feng looked at the medical personnel and transportation personnel who were running up the defensive wall.

"Everyone, please report the injured immediately, and we will have medical staff to treat you."

As the transport personnel and medical personnel came to the defense wall, a familiar voice came: "If anyone is hungry, please shout and we will deliver food immediately."

"Why is Wang Wei again?"

Hearing the sound, Li Feng turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound: "Why does Wang Wei care about everything? Now even the battlefield treatment is mixed up?"

"Originally, transportation and field treatment were Wang Wei's job."

After Li Fenggang complained strangely on his face, Mizuki Shenjia laughed and said, "Although Wang Wei usually works as a chef in the rest room, she is actually the transportation and field medical team leader of the Frost Winter Branch!"

"Huh? She is so versatile?"

Hearing that Wang Wei could also serve as the captain of the transportation team and the field medical team, Li Feng was very surprised: "I didn't expect that she still had so many skills?"

"It's because you don't need field medical treatment at ordinary times."

Leilong glanced at the God Eater and the medical staff who were undergoing treatment, and he shook his head helplessly: "Usually our branch takes refuge in most of the gods, and the chance of injury and first aid is very low."

"Moreover, the transport team rarely does missions." Douzisc.com www.douzisc.com

As soon as Thunder Dragon finished speaking, Rhine also reluctantly answered: "We rarely stay away from the branch for long-term continuous operations, so the transportation team is usually idle."

Hearing these words, combined with the expressions on their faces, Li Feng lowered his head and remained silent.

At this moment, Minister Liu Zhi brought Dr. Zhou and Jing to the defensive wall.

After arriving on the defensive wall, Minister Liu Zhi and the others first observed the desolate group of gods in the distance through a telescope, and then began to count and inspect the god-eaters who were still on the defensive wall at this time.

"How about, Lao Zhou."

After the inspection, Minister Liu Zhi asked, "How many God Eaters can still guarantee combat effectiveness?"

"The situation is not so good."

Dr. Zhou turned his head and glanced at the God Eater who was undergoing treatment, and then sighed: "There are 144 God Eaters on the defensive wall, and more than 90 people are injured. Although it does not affect the battle. , But it will take some time for them to recover."

"Is there only so much manpower left?"

After listening to Dr. Zhou’s report, Minister Liu Zhi first thought about it, and then asked: "Old Zhou, do you have any strategies? You need to know..."

"There are too few people."

Before Minister Liu Zhi finished speaking, Dr. Zhou shook his head repeatedly: "If there are two hundred or more God Eaters, there may be a way. But now..."

Before he finished speaking, Dr. Zhou shook his head again and again with a helpless expression.

"Hey, it's hard to get a victory, but in the end, do you have to hand over the ground facilities?"

After listening to Dr. Zhou's opinion, Minister Liu Zhi looked at the wild gods outside with angrily: "Is there no solution to these guys?"

When Minister Liu Zhi said this, not only Dr. Zhou, but also everyone standing around showed a look of surprise.

Indeed, from the beginning, Minister Liu Zhi was a staunch supporter of the Turtle Defense faction.

No matter how the Arakawa invaded and attacked, Minister Liu Zhi pursued the tactics of being able to fight without fighting with him.

But this time, Minister Liu Zhi not only failed to avoid it as usual, but chose to agree with the proactive defense opinions of the main combatants, which has already surprised many people.

And now, Minister Liu Zhi actually said that he wanted to solve the Huangshen group not far away. How could it not be surprising?

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Minister Liu Zhi stared fiercely at the wild gods in the distance for a long time, and then coldly dropped a sentence: "Go back, have a meeting!"

"Director Branch, you go back first."

Facing Minister Liu Zhi and others who turned and left, Dr. Zhou turned to Li Feng and the others while saying: "I will first check the status of the God Eater I belong to."

After Minister Liu Zhi led the people away, Dr. Zhou ran to Li Feng and the others.

"How? Do you have a way?"

In fact, during the inspection just now, Dr. Zhou secretly talked to Li Feng about the current situation and asked him to think of a solution: "The situation is urgent now, do you have any clever plans?"

"Hard to say."

Facing Dr. Zhou’s question, Li Feng shook his head bitterly: "If it is the God Eater from the Southern Territory Branch, I have countless ways to annihilate those guys outside. But now..."

Halfway through the conversation, Li Feng looked at the god-eaters around him.

Although Li Feng didn't speak, he could tell from his embarrassed expression and constantly shaking head that he had nothing to do with the current situation.

"Is there really no way at all?"

After seeing Li Feng's expression and attitude, Dr. Zhou anxiously asked: "Even if the success rate is only 1%, think of a way?"

"There is a way, and the success rate is more than one percent as low."

Hearing Dr. Zhou's almost pleading tone, Li Feng sighed and slowly said, "But I'm not sure, and it's too dangerous. After all, that guy is a wild god who has never met before, maybe it will be very strong. ....."

Speaking of this, Li Feng deliberately patted the defensive wall under his feet with his feet gently: "There is another problem depending on how long it can last here!"

"Is it impossible..."

Seeing Li Feng's movements, Dr. Zhou showed a suddenly realized expression: "Could it be that you plan to..."

"You and I think the same."

After Li Feng sighed again, he cast his gaze to the wild gods in the distance again: "To break through this dilemma, there is only one way. But the time must be well grasped. Once the time is exceeded, the final result, Dr. Zhou, should be better than me. clear."

After Li Feng said these words, Dr. Zhou fell into silence.

After a while, Dr. Zhou clenched his fists and raised his head, as if he was determined to ask: "Are you sure? If you use this plan."

"Hard to say."

Li Feng gave a wry smile and shook his head: "If it is Boge and the others, I am 100% sure. But..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng glanced around at Thunder Dragon and the others: "As for now, I can only say 50-50."

"I know."

After receiving Li Feng's answer, Dr. Zhou gritted his teeth and turned and left: "I will go back to the proposal. As to whether it can be passed, it is not the scope of my interference."

After Dr. Zhou left, Zhongyuan Ying stepped forward and asked, "Feng, do you really want to use such dangerous tactics? Dr. Zhou also said just now? The core of this group of wild gods is probably..."

"Whatever it is, we have only this way to go."

Before Nakahara Sakura finished speaking, Li Feng interrupted her: "If I am not mistaken, the next wave of offense, that guy will send all the gods to attack the defense wall. Once the defense wall is destroyed, you I should know the result!"

As soon as Li Feng said this sentence, Zhongyuan Ying, who had seen the tragic situation after the defense wall was breached in various situations, bowed her head and stopped speaking.

"But you give us a higher rating!"

Just when Zhongyuan Sakura fell into silence, Mizuki Shenjia stepped up with an unhappy expression: "What is a five-fifth opening? Obviously, you have the winning ticket, okay?"

"That's it!"

Dongshan Katyusha also came to complain at this time: "Even if we don't have the strength of Li Bo and the others, as long as we cooperate with each other, we can win, right?"


Seeing the two beauties attacking him, Li Feng was a little confused: "But strength..."

"Strength and cooperation are indispensable. But good cooperation can make up for the lack of strength."

At the time when Li Feng was in trouble, Lai Yi received his usual secondary second attitude and said seriously: "Isn't this all comrade you taught us?"

"Yes, by this time you have no confidence in us?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Leilong smiled and walked to Li Feng's side and patted his shoulder: "Seriously, we know that you look down on our strength. But it's all about this time. You are still right. Don’t we have a little confidence?"

Facing the words of his friends, Li Feng first showed a surprised expression, then he smiled and bowed to everyone: "Haha, you are right. Sorry, I still underestimate you."

After apologizing, Li Feng stretched out his hand in front of everyone: "Come on, brothers and sisters. Let us work together to complete this task and drive these wild gods out of the Frost Winter Branch!"

"Oh! Good!"

Seeing Li Feng stretch out their hands, Thunder Dragon and the others put their hands on Li Feng's hands one after another: "Work together to overcome the difficulties!"

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