You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Because it was close at hand, although Zhu Huai saw the light blade flying towards him, it was completely impossible to stop and dodge.


When Zhuhuai's painful screams came, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying both saw Zhuhuai stand up with his hind feet to lift his body, and a large amount of black blood flowed out of the left eye hit by the light blade.

After the painful roar, Zhu Huai quickly stabilized his body and stepped back for a while, and his only right eye was full of resentment staring at Shui Shu Shenjia, who was standing not far away, panting.

"Water tree, good job!"

Just when Zhu Huai wanted to attack Mizuki Shenjia, who had little ability to fight back, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, who had already eaten the recovery ingot, came to her and stood between her and Zhu Huai: "We are responsible for containment , You quickly recover!"

Seeing the two of them standing in front of her, Mizuki Shenjia hurriedly held the magic machine in one hand and supported her on the ground to ensure her balance, and tremblingly took out a physical drink from her waist.

Seeing Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, who were still holding each other just now, standing in front of Mizuki Shenjia, and recalling the abilities the two had just used against him, Zhu Huai took a few steps back again, and the resentful eyes became a little complicated.

It seemed that after repeated hesitation, Zhu Huai let out an angry roar at the three of them, then turned and ran towards the snowy field.

"Don't chase, you can't catch up."

Seeing Zhuhuai turned and ran away, as soon as Shuishu Shenjia wanted to catch up, Li Feng raised his hand to stop her: "Furthermore, even if we catch up with it, we have no more power to attack it."

"Aren't you okay?"

Stopped by Li Feng from chasing Zhu Huai's footsteps, Shui Shu Shenjia turned to look at Li Feng with a bit of resentment, and her voice was a little higher than usual: "The three of us are catching up, taking advantage of it to be injured now, you can... "

But before they finished speaking, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying sat on the snow with a relaxed look.

"Shuishu, stop kidding."

Li Feng smiled bitterly, and raised his still trembling right hand: "Did you see it? My hand can't stop trembling now. In this state, let alone crusade against Zhu Huai, I can't even hold the magic machine steady. To."

"me too."

After Li Fenggang finished speaking, Zhongyuan Ying, who was paralyzed on the snow, had a pale face. She didn't even have the strength to raise her hand, and said weakly, "I am struggling to raise my hand now, and I'm still fighting against Zhuhuai."

"Then what am I... ah?"

Mizuki Shenjia just wanted to say a few words to the two of them, but she suddenly felt that her legs were weak and she knelt down on the snow: "This...what happened? Why are my legs..."

"The sequelae of the art of blood."

Seeing Shuishu Shenjia kneeling on the ground and sitting paralyzed, Li Feng explained with a wry smile: "Don't look at the art of blood as a powerful force, but it will greatly consume the oracle cells in the user's body. Physical fitness."

"It turns out... so..."

After hearing Li Feng’s explanation, Shuishu Shenjia raised her hand and took a look. Seeing her hand trembling constantly, she also smiled bitterly: "I still want to take advantage of my absence..."

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, Mizuki Shenjia felt dizzy, and she couldn't help propping her hand on her forehead.

The intense dizziness lasted for less than two seconds, and Shui Shu Shenjia felt that her eyes went dark, and she didn't know anything.

"Sure enough, just like us."

Seeing Mizuki Shenjia fainting on the ground, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying smiled at each other: "After the art of blood is stimulated, they will almost faint once."

"By the way, my whole body is so painful."

After Li Fenggang sighed, Zhongyuan Ying fell on his shoulders like a coquetry: "The muscles all over her body jumped suddenly, making her feel uncomfortable."

"Come on, you didn't vomit blood anyhow."

Facing Zhongyuan Ying’s aegyo, Li Feng shook his head helplessly, and then took out the remaining two cans of physical drinks: "Now the battle is not over, we should quickly regain our strength and gather our partners for help."

When Li Feng and the others regained their strength and gathered their fallen partners together, the battle on the defensive wall also came to an end.

When the last desolate god fell in front of the god-eaters, the cheers of victory resounded immediately throughout the ground facilities of the Frosty Winter Branch.

At the same time as the battle ended, Minister Liu Zhi on the defensive wall also received a request from Li Feng to support the evacuation.

About ten minutes later, with the help of the medical team, Li Feng and the others finally got on the reinforcement vehicle and rushed to the Frost Winter Division.

After entering the Frost Winter Branch, the four people who were unconscious were quickly taken away by the medical team, while Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying dragged their exhausted steps to the other people who were gathering in Ganaku.

"Everyone did a great job."

As soon as Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying sat down, Minister Liu Zhi brought people to them: "Now, the Desolate God Group has been repelled, and the crisis of our Frost Winter Branch is resolved!"


When Minister Liu Zhi said these words, excited roars broke out from the crowd.

"Here, I don't need to say more."

Minister Liu Zhi smiled at everyone, and then nodded and said: "In short, everyone now accepts help, eat something and sleep well. Tomorrow noon, I will hold a post-war meeting."

After dropping this sentence, Minister Liu Zhi gave Wang Wei and the staff of the medical team a look and walked towards Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying who were sitting in the corner panting.

After arriving in front of the two, he first confirmed the distance between the two of them and the others, then knelt down on one knee and asked in a low voice: "Just now, you deliberately let go of that wild god, right?

"The branch director Mingjian."

Facing Minister Liu Zhi’s question, Li Feng first gave a pale, wry smile, and then replied, “As far as the situation of our team is concerned, we no longer have the strength to catch up and attack it.”

"I understand your considerations and choices."

Minister Liu Zhi did not blame Li Feng, but patted him on the shoulder with a regretful look: "Although I think it is the best to defeat it. But according to your situation just now, this is the best situation. Up."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Looking at Minister Liu Zhi's sincere eyes, Li Feng still said helplessly: "If I can, I also hope to get rid of Zhuhuai. After all, this guy is very strong. If it comes back next time, it will be even more difficult to deal with. "

"Zhuhuai? You call it Zhuhuai?"

When the word "Zhuhuai" came out of Li Feng's mouth, Minister Liu Zhi showed a very surprised expression: "Wait, how do you know that it is Zhuhuai?"

"Shuishu said it."

Before Li Feng could reply, Zhongyuan Ying tilted her head and asked, "Director of the branch, don't you know that Shuishu is a survivor of the Heilongjiang branch?"

"Heilongjiang branch? Survivors?"

Zhongyuan Ying's words made Minister Liu Zhi even more surprised: "Ah! That's right! Many years ago, I ordered to receive a group of survivors who fled from the Heilongjiang branch! So Shuishu Shenjia was one of those survivors? "

After saying this, Minister Liu Zhi immediately recalled the events of the year.

Facing Minister Liu Zhi who was remembering, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying closed their mouths and looked at him with a smile.Xuefu Novel

For a long time, Minister Liu Zhi said to himself: "It is true that although the narrative of the survivors is a bit confusing, the Heilongjiang branch was indeed defeated by a group of wild gods led by a huge wild god."

"Did Shuishu Shenjia have seen it with his own eyes?"

After talking to himself, Minister Liu Zhi shifted his gaze to Li Feng and looked directly into his eyes: "Or, Shuishu Shenjia is just based on the impression of the year..."

"She said she had seen it with her own eyes."

In fact, even if Minister Liu Zhi did not look directly at him, Li Feng did not intend to conceal: "From her performance, she seems to have not lied."

"I see, thank you."

After tapping Li Feng's shoulder again, Minister Liu Zhi stood up: "I will report this matter to the headquarters."

After dropping this sentence, Minister Liu Zhi quickly led people to the elevator deep in Ganaku.

After the post-war summary meeting the next day, Li Feng and the others were called into their office by Dr. Zhou.

"I've heard the details in the morning meeting."

After everyone sat down, Dr. Zhou walked up to them and said: "I want to figure out what your power is? Why is it so powerful!"

While speaking, Dr. Zhou looked at Shenjia Shuishu with a grim expression.

"It's me."

Seeing Shuishu Shenjia look embarrassed and don't know how to answer, Li Feng said helplessly: "Dr. Zhou, you should have seen it? About the art of blood."

As soon as the words "Blood Skills" were uttered, Li Feng saw Dr. Zhou's eyes widened with surprise.

"Yes, this is a force that the headquarters is still in the research phase."

After a soft laugh, Li Feng began to explain: "However, according to the description, this power should be hidden in the body of every God Eater. The only difference is that it has been activated or is still sleeping."

"In other words, you two have already inspired this ability?"

After listening to what Li Feng said, Dr. Zhou still couldn't believe that there were two god-eaters who were able to freely use blood skills in front of him: "What are your abilities?"

"Mine is deterrence."

After tasting a sip of tea, Li Feng slowly said: "A power that makes the gods feel terrible and dare not resist."

"I am super fast."

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Zhongyuan Ying said: "My blood skills can greatly enhance my speed, allowing me to have a speed that is higher than any desolate god!"

"Damn, so domineering?"

After listening to the two men’s descriptions of their blood skills, Rheinland, who was already surprised, spoke in front of Dr. Zhou: "If you use this ability as soon as the battle begins..."

"Don't be kidding, you die faster like this."

Before he finished speaking, Li Feng put the teacup on the table and interrupted him: "The art of blood will greatly consume the oracle cells and physical energy in the user. The longer it is used, the more burden the god eater will have. Big."

"And there will be a certain degree of backlash."

Nakahara Sakura immediately took the conversation after Li Feng stopped: "Like Feng's deterrent, the stronger the opponent, the stronger Feng will suffer, and the shorter the time it can suppress the opponent. If it lasts too long, Feng will die. of."

"Although Sakura's speed will not be backlashed, there are corresponding problems."

As soon as Nakahara Sakura finished speaking, Li Feng went on to say: "Although the speed is so fast that it can hardly be caught with the naked eye, Sakura's attack power has not increased. Moreover, after stopping, Sakura will fall into a state of being unable to move."

Hearing that the art of blood has such a terrible side, everyone present bowed their heads and remained silent.

"Don't you feel Mizuki?"

The silence just lasted for a short while, and Li Feng brought the topic to Shui Shu Shenjia again: "You should be sore all over now, and your head is still a little dizzy. It's not enough, right?"

"um, yes."

Listening to Li Feng talking about herself, Shuishu Shenjia gently held the teacup with her trembling hand and took a sip of tea: "You can see it now, right? My hands are still trembling."

While speaking, even though Mizuki Shenjia gritted her teeth trying to stabilize her trembling hand, her hand kept shaking slightly.

In fact, even if Shuishu Shenjia didn't admit it, everyone knew that she was not in a good state from the morning till now.

"Is there a way to avoid this side effect?"

After carefully observing Shuishu Shenjia, Dr. Zhou asked again: "If the side effects can be avoided..."

"Don't even think about it."

Before Dr. Zhou finished speaking, Li Feng shook his head and interrupted him: "The situation of the water tree is like a person who hasn’t exercised for a long time. Take a rest for a few days, and then adapt to the art of blood. Appeared."

After a short pause, Li Fengcai went on to say: "But at least there is no way to solve the side effects and backlash when using the blood art. If there is, Long Jie should have found it long ago."

"You said Long Xue?"

When Li Fenggang finished speaking, Dr. Zhou was even more surprised: "Long Xue also knows about the art of blood?"

"Dr. Zhou, you don't think that I and Ying are special?"

When Dr. Zhou was surprised, Li Feng said something that surprised him even more: "Boge and Sister Qingyun, and even the three sisters Ding Ning, were the first god-eaters in the Southern Division to use the technique of blood. !"

"Wait, you mean..."

After recovering from the shock, Dr. Zhou widened his eyes and asked, "There are a group of God Eaters who have long awakened the art of blood in the Southern Region? And Long Xue has been studying this ability for a long time?"

"At least more than a year."

Li Feng took another sip of tea before continuing: "Nevertheless, the god-eaters who have awakened the art of blood in the Southern Region are still using their bodies and will to bear the side effects of the art of blood."

"I know."

After listening to what Li Feng said, Dr. Zhou walked back to his desk while thinking: "Okay, there are so many things I want to know. If it's nothing, you can move around freely."

After receiving Dr. Zhou’s words, several people quickly left Dr. Zhou’s office as if they were about to be amnesty.

"No wonder Long Xue can get the authorization from the headquarters so easily."

As soon as a few people closed the door, Dr. Zhou fell into contemplation at the battle video playing on the projection screen: "The new magic machine technology and the permission of ACE were originally for this reason."

Thinking of this, Dr. Zhou pressed the pause button on the keyboard to freeze the screen at the moment Shuishu Shenjia threw the light blade.

"Weir, I didn't expect all your predictions to come true."

With his eyes fixed on the screen on the projection screen, Dr. Zhou began to mutter to himself again: "The key puzzle pieces are getting more and more complete. It seems that the time is coming soon."

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