You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Perhaps because of their own concerns, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying remained solemn and silent even when they were eating a lunch carefully cooked by Wang Wei in the lounge.

And because they learned that the two were about to return to the Southern Territory Branch, the other God Eaters in the lounge did not come forward to greet them.

Even the active Wang Wei just stood at the counter and gently wiped the goblet in her hand.

The originally lively lounge became lifeless because of the arrival of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying.

"I said..."

Perhaps because of her lively personality, or perhaps because of the dull atmosphere that made her uncomfortable, Nakahara Sakura still gently put down her fork and said, "The time we return to the team is..."

"Early tomorrow morning."

After being pulled back from his thoughts by Zhongyuan Ying's voice, Li Fengcai replied in a low voice: "No matter what Minister Liu Zhi negotiates, we will have to fly back to the Southern Division early tomorrow morning."

"Your conclusion should be the same as mine, right?"

From Li Feng's dull expression, Zhongyuan Ying guessed some clues: "After returning to the Southern Division, we may need to start from this mysterious organization in Qinli to switch offense to defense."

"It's true. But there are some problems."

Since Zhongyuan Ying mentioned "Qinli", Li Feng could only put down the fork in his hand and shook his head and sighed: "We don't know how powerful they are in the Southern Division. If they act rashly, they may harm the Southern Division. indefinite."

After saying this, Li Feng looked up and scanned the lounge with a complicated expression.

In fact, even if Li Feng did not speak, Zhongyuan Ying knew what Li Feng's glance meant.

After all, the underground facilities of the Southern Division are mostly food and daily necessities processing and production plants, and there is almost no shelter space for people living in surface facilities.

Compared with the Frostwinter Division, if the Qinli organization makes any radical move to cause the defensive wall of the Southern Division to be broken by the gods, then what will happen is probably something that no one can bear.

After seeing Li Feng's thoughts, Zhongyuan Ying's hand holding the fork began to tremble slightly.

"These things are estimated to be accurate by Boge, Secretary of the Branch, and Sister Long."

After seeing Zhongyuan Ying’s trembling hand from the corner of his eye, Li Feng stretched out his hand, gently held Zhongyuan Ying’s trembling hand, and said warmly: "This is not something we should think about. . Don’t put too much burden on yourself."

Feeling the temperature in Li Feng's palm and feeling Li Feng's concern for herself from the words, Zhongyuan Ying's heart suddenly rises with warmth.

After biting her lower lip and hesitating for a while, Zhongyuan Sakura made up her mind to speak, "Feng, maybe, I know who cooperated with Erica to sneak into the Southern Division."

"Should be one of the people who came to the Southern Division with you?"

Zhongyuan Ying hadn't broken it yet, but Li Feng smiled and asked with an expression that he already knew: "Don't you think I can't even see this obvious thing?"

"If you know...then why are you..."

After receiving Li Feng's affirmative answer, Zhongyuan Ying looked a little surprised: "Since you have already guessed it, why didn't you tell Boge?"

"Isn't there anyone in Qinli who got into the branch?"

Li closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, then turned to look at the terminal in the distance: "Whether you use the terminal to send email or voice, the terminal server can be censored. If there is a ghost in any branch, then Things are in trouble."

"So we can only tell Porgon them personally after we go back."

After a short pause, Li Feng continued: "And this kind of thing, I think Boge and the others have been aware of it. But the reason why they left it alone, I am afraid that they want to use this situation to find anything that can be defeated. Erica’s flaws."

"But I don't understand."

After Li Feng made his inferences, Zhongyuan Ying was still full of doubts: "If the humanoid god has fallen into the hands of Erica and the others, then they can directly use her to trigger terminal predation. There is no need to grab Ai. Li!"

"Suppose the node is divided into two? Or trigger another mechanism?"

Li Feng obviously expected Zhongyuan Ying to raise this question. He raised his brows and asked, "God Eater 2: Fury and Liberation, right? If two nodes exist at the same time and trigger terminal predation at the same time... "

"Are you talking about Julius and Yuno Ashihara?"

Because of the situation a few years later, Zhongyuan Ying lowered her voice and moved her body closer to Li Feng's direction: "But the problem is that Erica and the others don't know about this, right? It will take several years for this to happen. ...."

"But 1+1 will never simply equal 2!"

How could Li Feng not know this in his heart? He shook his head and said, "Erica and the others must get rid of Ellie just to ensure the smoothness of the plan. After all, as a node, she has caused another kind of terminal predation. Ability."

After hesitating for a while, Li Feng slowly said: "In fact, there is another possibility! Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and there is no evidence."


Zhongyuan Ying was obviously interested in Li Feng's thoughts. She tilted her head to look at Li Feng, but said nothing.

"Perhaps, neither Ellie nor the humanoid god of desolation alone can trigger the final predation."

After organizing the language in his mind, Li Feng said: "Although I don't know why it can't cause terminal predation alone, but if this is the case, then taking Ellie is the top priority of Erica and the others at this stage. weight!"

"Well... can't it cause terminal predation alone..."

Hearing this reasoning of Li Feng, Zhongyuan Ying performed her usual thinking action, tapping her right index finger on her cheek lightly: "If this reasoning is true, then two humanoid gods must be together to be able to do so. ....and many more!"

Just halfway through the idea, Zhongyuan Sakura suddenly stared, showing a look of horror: "Then if Boge and the others had captured the Desolate God, wouldn't it be..."

"I'm afraid it depends on who is leading Ellie and her to swallow the other party."

Before Zhongyuan Ying finished speaking, Li Feng interrupted her softly: "There are still many things we don't know about, so let's not deduce ourselves."

After a pause, Li Feng said as if summing up: "In short, at this stage, Ellie and the Desolate God are the last trump cards in our hands."

After listening to Li Feng's summary, Zhongyuan Ying also bowed her head in silence.

"Hey, there is a new task."

Just when Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying fell silent again, a voice came from beside them: "You two quickly finish lunch, and then go to the strike area to report."

Hearing someone talking, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying looked up at the direction of the sound.

"Don't dawdle."

When the two of them focused on the person, he spoke again and turned to the elevator: "Before you go back, you still belong to the God Eaters of the Frostwinter branch. So you have no right to refuse this task."

After dropping this cold word, the man left the lounge without looking back.

"It seems that Captain Thunder Dragon was also affected by this news."

Seeing his leaving back, Zhongyuan Ying couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Even the tone and attitude have become like this, it seems that he is not feeling well in his heart."

"I think it's uneasy."

When talking, Li Feng's hands were not idle, he quickly stuffed the food into his mouth, and said vaguely: "After all, we are here, and he still thinks that he can't stand it and we can help. We are not here. Now, his burden is heavier."

"This can't be helped, right?" Kanhaoshu Novel Network

Zhongyuan Ying and Li Feng desperately put the unfinished food into her mouth: "Woo, after all, this day will come after all, no one can stop it, right?"

"You slow down!"

Seeing that Zhongyuan Ying almost choked herself, Li Feng couldn't help but laugh out loud, and handed her his drink: "Quickly eat, eat quickly, don't choke yourself to death!"

After quickly sweeping away the food in front of them, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying greeted Wang Wei and hurried out of the lounge.

When they came to the attack area, Thunder Dragon and the others had already arranged their magic machines and the equipment they needed to carry.

But it is different from talking and laughing in peacetime.

At this time, not only Thunder Dragon, but also the lively and talkative Mizuki Shenjia and Zhong Er's Rhein also quietly sorted out their own things.

Seeing everyone like this, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying could only look at each other with a wry smile and then began to organize their equipment.

After taking the mission and leaving the attack area, the group quickly strolled through the snowy plains.

Although the combat area is not very far from the branch, because the whole team is talking and laughing without the usual, this distance is an unusually long distance for everyone.

After arriving in the combat zone, looking at the desolate god in the distance, Thunder Dragon simply confessed the battle plan and did not speak again.

Although they felt that such an atmosphere was inappropriate, they were unable to find any topics to talk about. After all, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying did not break the silence that made them feel uncomfortable.

Although there were a lot of Desolate Gods this time, because they were all small Desolate Gods and King Kong Falling to the Sky, the group of people wiped out these Desolate Gods with little effort.

However, when cleaning the battlefield, everyone still said nothing, preoccupied with thoughts.

Unlike the calm Li Feng, Zhongyuan Ying has already been tortured by this atmosphere and is going crazy!

"Ah! I have had enough!"

With Nakahara Sakura’s complaint and her kicking away from the wild god, this low atmosphere was finally broken: "I'll say you guys, just say what you have! Why is it like someone is dead? same?"

"What can I say?"

However, it was Thunder Dragon's icy words in response to Sakura Zhongyuan: "Do you think we want to say something? Are you too arrogant?"

"Yeah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Are you endless?"

Facing the tone and attitude of Thunder Dragon, Zhongyuan Sakura burst out like she found a breakthrough. She pointed at Thunder Dragon aggressively and said: "You can say whatever you want! Why do you put on such a stinky face? Stinky attitude?"

"What do you think we should say?"

Before Thunder Dragon answered, Dongshan Katyusha asked Zhongyuan Sakura: "As for you about to return to the Southern Division, what can we say?"

"Whether it is resentment or uneasiness, please speak up."

In fact, even if Zhongyuan Ying didn't speak first, Li Feng would have wanted to talk a long time ago. He chuckled and said: "Although we have only been together for a short period of six months, we still know your personalities very well."

"Since you understand our character, you should know why we are angry."

Just as Li Feng finished speaking, Shui Shu Shenjia couldn't help it: "Although the order to return to the team was given temporarily, why not give us buffer time? Ordering today to leave tomorrow is too urgent! Is there such a shortage of people in the Southern Region?"

"That's right, don't you just transfer if the Southern Region Branch is gone?"

After the explosion of Shuishu Shenjia, Rhein also broke out: "I said, comrades, aren't there many god-eaters in your Southern Branch than you? Why are you called back in such a hurry?"

"Minister Lin Zhi and Sister Long are probably going to concentrate all their fighting power."

After a bitter smile, Li Feng said helplessly: "After all, Ying and I have mastered the art of blood. To some extent, we are better than the god-eaters who have not mastered the art of blood. At this point, you It should be clear, right?"

While saying these words, Li Feng's eyes looked at Shuishu Shenjia.

Although Li Feng didn't continue speaking, facing his gaze, Shui Shu Shenjia moved his eyes to the side and avoided Li Feng.

"Shui Shu knows it deeply."

Although Mizuki Shenjia avoided her sight, Li Feng did not intend to stop: "I said unceremoniously, although Mizuki's strength is not as good as Captain Thunder Dragon. But combined with the skill of blood, her battle The power is at least twice that of Captain Thunder Dragon!"

When saying the word "twice", Li Feng emphasized his tone specially.

Facing Li Feng's statement, although others were unwilling to admit it, they all showed helpless expressions.

"This is the point!"

After driving everyone into speechlessness, Li Feng turned his words: "Sakura and I are rare god-eaters who have awakened the art of blood. When the Southern Division was in danger, we two Its combat power is likely to reverse the situation to a certain extent."

"That shouldn't be so urgent!"

After Li Feng's tone became softer, Mizuki Shenjia spoke again: "Obviously the deadline has not yet arrived, they can give us a buffer period of about one week!"

"That's because the war situation has not allowed it."

In fact, Li Feng had already thought about this very clearly: "Whether Minister Lin, Sister Long and Boge. They probably noticed something, so they are so anxious to call us back."

"What about us?"

After Li Fenggang finished speaking, Dongshan Katyusha spoke again: "We are not given any buffers. How can our team operate without the two of you? Who is responsible for the tactical plan?"

"This is how you rely too much on our performance."

Li Feng didn't say a word, and Zhongyuan Ying first became a bad guy: "Your tactical plans all rely on Feng, and battlefield medical care is too dependent on me. That's why you feel that this team will not function after we leave, right?"

"Captain Thunder Dragon, isn't your captain's title just to look good?"

After hitting Dongshan Katyusha, Zhongyuan Sakura unceremoniously aimed her fire at Thunder Dragon: "Could it be that in your heart, you are really better off sealing this child so much younger than you?"


Unexpectedly, Thunder Dragon generously admitted Zhongyuan Ying's statement: "Whether it is in combat or tactics, I admit that I am indeed inferior to Li Feng."

"It's just that you didn't work hard towards these places."

Li Feng smiled and shook his head and looked directly at Thunder Dragon: "After this time of getting along, I know this very well. Captain Thunder Dragon actually has the potential to not lose to Boge. But you have been burying your talents. Unwilling to show it."

After waiting for a while, seeing that Thunder Dragon did not intend to refute himself, Li Feng continued to say: "Although I don't know why you chose to do this, do you think you can continue like this?"

Regarding Li Feng's question, Lei Long chose to avoid it for the first time and did not answer directly.

"I said that before? People who can rely on will disappear without knowing when."

After waiting for a while, Thunder Dragon still did not answer him, Li Feng said again: "Instead of continuing to rely on others like children, why don't you take out your true strength?"

Regarding Li Feng's mental torture, Thunder Dragon and the others fell silent again.

"Let's go back."

Seeing that everyone fell silent again, Li Feng took Zhongyuan Ying's hand and turned to the direction of the Frost Winter Branch: "Think carefully about what you should do and what you can do after we leave!"

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