I actually became a god eater

Chapter 259 overwhelming

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The forebel said that after inadvertently contacted with Lu Xi, the shyness of the woman was released.

In the face of the power of the wilderness of the power, Li Feng did not dare to hold the big, and the 120,000 points were dead staring at each of her actions.

However, after the release of the power, the wilderness did not launch any attack on Li Feng, but so fixed to stand in that, open the bones and tentacles, and the eyes stared in a direction.

"Do we have to attack?"

Seeing that there is no further action in the wilderness, the Luke who stood behind her with the communication with communication: "Lao Li, now we start attack, the success rate may be higher?"

"Are you crazy?"

Li Han has not answered yet, Zhongyuan Sakai immediately said with an angry tone: "This guy has just been encountered? Now, the ran will start attack, I am afraid that your little life is gone?"

"Sakura is correct."

Zhongyuan Sakura just finished, Li Feng immediately pick up: "The best way now is to prepare for defense, the enemy does not move, I don't move. If anyone dares to go directly to find her trouble, then she is probably the first one Find the guy of the king! "

When I said this, Li Feng also used her eyes to have a little in the other side.

Although Tang Yu is easy to fever, you will hurry up, but she is not stupid.

Although Li Han did not name a name to say herself, but she was also very clear that Li Feng's words were actually warning himself not to act.

However, after a stay, the bloody eyes of the Wild Girl That a bloody eyes looked at Li Feng standing in front of himself.

The line of sight just contacted with Li Han, and the wild girl slammed the posture of the attack at the same time.

Seeing the wreath of the goddess to put an attack gesture, Li Feng rushed to make a defense action in front of him.

It can just be in the moment of Li Han in front of him, and I saw the black shadow of the eyes, and a powerful force was played in Li Feng's gods.

From the wilderness of the goddess, the move will be taken to Li Feng, and the Central Plains cherry they have no way to make any reaction!

Because of all, just happened in an instant.

After flying Li Feng, the shortage girl head immediately stared on Tang Yu from his nearest.

In the next second, she came to Tang Yu to play the right hand in front of Tang Yu.

Although this series of actions, the series of motives are extremely rapid, but Tang Yu is a person who has lived in the wild.

Just when the wonderful girl's fist is about to play the Tang Ying face, Tang Yu's consciousness will be in the hands of the gods, and then take her punches with a wide ax.

Although the little fist of the wreath of the goddess looks that people are harmless, she is moving and very people.

I only heard a huge sound of impact, I took a few meters after I was retired by the gods, and I also left two deep scratches under the foot.

"Good guy, strength is big!"

While Tang Yu blocked the wilderness, the huge power made Tang Yu hands in a burst of numbness, holding the right hand of the god machine, also came to the pain: "This guy is much more powerful ..... lying groove?"

Tang Yu said yet, she saw the black shadow in front of him, and the wild girl had already jumped in the air again to blade his fist.

At the same time, at the same time in the wilderness of the wilderness, the Central Plains cherry and Lu Xi have come back from the shock.

When the goddess of the wreath of the gods, Lu Ji took her to take her merger.

While Lu Xi attacked the wilderness, the movement of the Central Plains cherry was surrounded by her: "Seal, you are nothing?"

"I am fine! Grandma leg!"

At the same time, Li Feng, who was flying by the wreath of the goddess, was climbed from the ground. He got the head to actively hurt the shoulders: "This gimmick looks thin and dry, I didn't expect to be so hard. Big!"

While talking, Li Han also saw that the wild girl was a violent offensive of Tang Yu.

After a little breathing in the original place, Li Feng took the god machine and quickly ran to Tang Yu.

On the other hand, although I have already raised the fist to take the Tang Yu.

But after hearing the dense gun came from behind, the wild girl slammed his tentacles on the ground, and then quickly changed the direction of the fallen to escaped the god bombed in Lu Ji.

However, when she escaped the gods of Luhu, she suddenly shouted in front of her eyes.

Needless to say, this is a purple red, and it is definitely a Central Plains of a purple haircut.

In the instant of the wilderness of the goddess, the Central Plains Sakura quickly lived to the left side of the wreath girl and waving the right arm.

Because the tentacle is just used to do support, it has not been retrieved. The wreath girl faces such a close attack instinct to use their own bones.

However, her bone wings just moved, but it came from hitting the crisp of the metal.

It turned out that when she waved her bone wings, the Zhongyuan Sakura's wrist, but instead used the right hand to directly cut the inner position of her left bone wing, directly blocking the action of the bone wing.

At the same time of the right hand, the left hand of the Central Plains cherry is not idle.

Taking advantage of the shortcoming of the wreath of the gods, the Chinese Sakura Hand holds the gods hide to her abdomen.

In the face of the attack of the Central Plains, the wild girl slammed away and quickly returned to the tentacle that had not yet returned.

In an instant landing, the tentacle also returned to himself, and the wild girl suddenly took the arm and the bones, and the tentacles like the spirits were crossed by her body.

For the attack of the wilderness, the Central Plains cherry is obviously available.

The tentacle has not been able to touch the Central Plains, and she escaped the attack on a light back pad.

While the Central Plains Sakujou is escaping, the wilderness of the wilderness slammed a smile.

Noted that the smile of the Central Plains, the wild girl quickly glanced over the gap.

Just a distance from She 's and Tang Yu, there is still a distance from themselves, and the black cold light flashed from her eyes when she did not constitute a threat.


After that, after the cold light flashed, the wild girl sent a painful scream to retreat.

With her back, the ground has left a large number of black silents and several tenthers who are cut after being cut.

It turned out that at a series of attacks on her, the Central Plains was just a series of guise.

Zhongyuan Sakura really wants to deal with it, in fact, it is a tentable tentab that she is born behind him and still troubles!

After all, the cooperation between Central Plains Sakura and Li Feng is not a day two days. Although there is no speech communication, from the Central Plains Sakura, Li Feng still sees that she wants to solve those troubles.

Therefore, when the Central Plains launched a milesty and the attention of the waters of the gods, when he was in the CHANG Sakura, Li Feng came back to the walked girl.

When the wreath girl retreats and put the tentacles toward the Central Plains, Li Feng also leaps behind her, turning the heavy wheel in the hand into an ax-form and aimed at those tentacles.

From the two-stage attack actions, Tang Yuxi and Lu Xi also judged that their intentions were dealing with those tentacles, so the two were quickly retreat, as a scorpion that attracted the pain of the goddess to reduce her attacked behind him.

Sure enough, while this series of dormous counterattacks, the wild girl only saw the expression of Zhongyuan Sakura and Tang Yu and Lu Xi's position, did not pay attention to the wind.

Waiting until her tentacle is flashing after the Central Plains has not come back yet. When the Li Han from the sky, Li Feng waved the ax on the hand, and the annoying tentacle came a knife!

"Call ...."

In the tentacle was cut off, the waliful girl's eyes were in the eyes of tears, staring at Li Feng, her throat also issued the kind of whispering like a beast is angry.

"Don't give her a chance to rebirth!"

However, after Li Han, he fought his feet and quickly turned around, and then lifted the gods to the wilderness of the gods: "Take advantage of her now, we should win!"

I heard Li Feng's shouts, and a little bit of Central Plains immediately immediately put away smile and Li Feng together, the front left and right pins were still in the painful pain, the goddess.

In the face of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura, the pain came back, and the pain of the wilderness can't concentrate on recovery, and can only passively keep your bone wings for defense.

Seeing that the wild girl is falling into a fat-defensive state, Lu Xi and Tang Yu are not lost to the time.

One person gave one person to the four people, the watered girl lost her tentacle, and it became very passive for a moment. Even the feelings of thinking were not, let alone the more than ten sharp flexible tentacles.

However, it is short-lived for the suppression of the wilderness.

When the wild girl gradually adapts to the pain, her faster and flexible body shape will showcase in front of Li Feng.

And this time Li Feng, they really kicked a piece of steel!

After the wild girl began to counterattack, the fierce attack and extremely flexible movements quickly broke Li Feng and relieved the advantages of cooperation with the establishment.

After only a few minutes of war, Li Feng, who was injured, and it was on the ground.

Although Li Feng, it is hurt, but the walnic girl does not have the lower hand to them, but the four people standing in the ground, and the vitality of the victory will keep watching everyone.

"Too .... too strong ..."

Although Lu Xi's hands wanted to get up on the ground, the dozens of the dozens of deceased girls were painful, but they didn't do it at all: "This guy ... is too strong ... .. "

"is not it......"

Tang Yu is on the ground, holds the ground with the right elbow, the left hand wants to hold the body, but her left arm has the deep wound of the deep bones, but she fell into the ground: "This power ..... Jane is overwhelming Sex .... "


Central Plains cherry rely on a stone, she can't stand hard, but she can't stand up, she can't stand up. "This guy is stronger than anything is strong than anything." Seal, right? "

However, for the doubt of Central Plains, Li Feng did not answer.

"Seal .... What happened?"

Didn't hear Li Feng's answer, Zhongyuan Sakura never hurts the head to twist the head of Li Shu: "Seals? Are you okay?"

When the line of sight of the medium cherry hits Li Feng, her lifted heart is almost directly from the eyes!

It turned out that in not far, Li Feng has strongly endured the pain of the wounds, and the body is working hard to stand up!

"Sealing! Don't you live?"

Looking at Li Feng, who is still standing hard because of the activity and blood flow, Zhongyuan Sakura's urgent shout: "Don't move! If you move, your body is not as good as you will die!"

"Can you still live?"

For the cry of the Central Plains, Li Feng Hua Wi is the god of the gods, and the eyes are straight to see the wilderness: "Don't you think that she will be big, compassion, etc. We will fight and stand up and stand up. ?"

For Li Feng's counter-question, Zhongyuan Sakura doesn't know how to answer.

Indeed, no matter where they stand or stand up, it doesn't matter for the wonderful girl.

After enjoying the joy of winners, she will definitely kill killers for everyone who has not bought.

During this time, even if you can rely on strong recovery, you can't resist the attack from her again.

"To say, I don't plan to do the lamb."

After standing up, Li Feng took out several recovery ingots from the pocket and swim into the mouth: "It is better to stand, it is better to die, it is better to die!"

"Feng Ge, we can't win."

At this time, Tang Yin is too much blood, and his eyes have been somewhat awkward: "She is too strong .... No matter how we resist, it is impossible to overcome her ..."

"I don't know what is impossible."

After swallowing the ingot, Li Feng said while adjusting his breathing: "I only know, I will have hope. If you don't gamble, you can have no hope."

"It's also ...."

I heard Li Feng said, Luke also tough from the pocket to restore ingots, put into his mouth with trembling hand: "Lao Li, just like you said ... we should have Resist up ... "

"count me in."

When Lu Xi said, Zhongyuan Sakuo has already taken a restoration ingot and slowly stands: "No matter what the last, like a play, it is not good."

At the same time, the Zhongyuan Sakuraries will lead the god of the hand to Tang Yu and take a restore bomb.

After restoring the bulb, Tang Yu also had a silk force from the pocket to take a restoration ingot.

Looking at the hand of the hand that was just hitting another one, he climbed up, the wonderful girl was confused in the eyes of the original fierce.

When she saw the four people stood up and stood up and took the restoration of the ingot, she twisted the five senses became confused.

She could not understand Li Feng in this time.

It is clear that it has been defeated, it is not his opponent, why do they still stand?

Obviously, as long as it is waiting in place, wait for you to appreciate the expressions before they are dead, they will give them a happy!

Isn't this better?

Why still stand up?

Why do you want to raise weapons in your hand?

What makes them still stood up?

What is anything worth fighting and fighting?

"You may not understand our behavior?"

Looking at the wonderful expression of the wilderness, Li Yaowu smiled once again: "Because we are God's god! In order to guard, in order to live, we can swallow up!"

"This is the reason for our fight."

After a slight restoration, the Central Plains cherry again holds their own movable bithography and puts out the battle: "We can't fall, because we still have people who need to protect!"

"Yes! For Yuer, I can't fall."

Luke, who stood up, put the last resumed ingot in his mouth, the original scattered eyes became firm: "As long as we have a breath, we will never fall!"

"I promised my mother, I have to build a world that has no absurd threat."

After Tang Yu recovered slightly, she biting his teeth and pulling the gods in front of: "I can't give up before I agree, I can't give up!"

Looking at the stood up and faced your own Li Feng them, the expression of the women's girl is first twisted, I can't understand, and then confused.

But when they set out the battle of the battle, the wonderful girls are clearly understood.

That is: If you don't kill these guys directly, then they will stop standing, standing in front of themselves!

After understanding this, the wilderness of the gods collapsically, the completion of the face becomes dignified and the attitude of the attack again.

"It seems that you seem to understand what."

After seeing the changes of the Wild girl, Li Feng shouted the gods to her: "Come on! Before we stop, you will continue to go half a step forward!"

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