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"How? Do you get it?"

Although I can't see Li Feng's expression, from their silence, Li Wei is roughly guessing their ideas: "Now it is not your feelings! If you really happen ....."

"I ... I understand, colonel."

If you don't wait for Li Wei, Li Feng has already lowered the low voice: "If the thing happens, there is no room for it at all. So ... I can understand the instruction you get down."

"You can understand it."

Got Li Feng's answer, Li Wei seems to be loose: "Since understanding, then you will ..."

"Understanding does not mean that I will do it."

However, even the other people turned the head to the side, when Li Feng's expression helpless, Li Feng was turned: "Can I treat this direction as the extension of today? If you can, I still want to turn into the situation. Then solve this thing before. "

"You said just now?"

For Li Feng's answer, Li Wei has become tough: "You plus only half of the probability, you feel ..."

"Now I can answer you, colonel."

If you don't wait for Li Yun, Li Zafeng is more tonic to increase the volume: "If this is the case, I have 100% grasp to stop this! And, unless you have already, I will not execute this command!"

"It is not when you use it!"

Aiming at Li Shuo's tough attitude, Li Wei used the order of order: "Soldier, this is a order!"

"I will do it, but I have a lot of cases."

When Li Feng, he exposed his confident shiny eyes to see the direction of not stopping the explosion in the distance: "As long as there is hope to stop this, I will not perform this instruction, colonel!"

"Happy to be happy."

Despite the can't see Li Feng's expression, Li Wei's first soft voice: "In turn, if the situation really develops to the point, you can't do it, you should know what will happen."

"I know, colonel."

After Li closed his eyes, he looked at his companion: "I believe in my partner, I also believe in her. This thing will never happen! We will stop this and defeat the guy!"

"What are you waiting for?"

After Li Feng once again expressed his idea, Li Wei was so unhappy to urge him: "Hurry to the recent supply box to make up, then help Elli! You will grind, I am afraid that it is too late!"

"Receive! We will go right away!"

After Li Wei, Li Feng smiled and smiled and rushed to the replenishment box.

And I was originally because of this directive morale, and because Li Feng stroned to go to Li Wei's biggest concession and rechanced.

"Hey, this stinky boy is more and more like my bastard you."

The communication is cut off and sees Li Feng to the recent replenishment box on the big screen, and the smile is closed on the face: "Not only the action, even in this area is also The stupid brother is the same. "

"What should I do now? Colonel."

I heard Li Wei's whisper, Liu Shiqian returned to: "Do you want to mobilize the last secret weapon to rush? In case they ...."

"I will hand it to them."

Liu Shiqian's words did not finish, Li Wei opened his eyes to see the big screen: "I have confidence in them. After all, this stinky boy is getting more and more like my stupid brother. Do you think it?"

When I said here, Li Wei looked at Liu Shiqian.

Looking at Li Wei with the eyes of joy, Liu Shiqian is just a smile, turning, turning around and continues his computer.

On the other hand, after returning the body to the best state and put all of the belts, Li Shuo rushed to the region of the Sakura to fight for the fastest speed.

However, when they came to the battle area, the scene seen in front of them made them amazed.

It turned out in the middle of the war area, at this time, Alie and the wild girl are fighting with each other with far super human.

In order to minimize the other party, Alie and she are not only using limbs, but even directly using god cells to gather in their own arms to increase the range of killing.

Under these two human beings so fierce, this area is already a wolf.

Not only is the transformed wild god trees being burned by God, but even the lawn on the ground became a coke.

If you don't look at Alie and her in this coke earth, it will never gather each other's words. If you look at the scene, you will see the scene, Li Feng, and even doubt that it has been smashed by the meteorite before.

"What is this destructive?"

Looking at this huge coke soil, Zhongyuan Caoti can't help but sigh: "I said, how did these two shares have just been playing? This scene is just like a meteorite fall."

"This is too exaggerated?"

Gently stepped on the earth, the old land, Luke was surprised to have a quick look: "This ground has been fully carbonized. What tricks did they use this kind of thing?"

"This is not a problem."

However, the other people who put their attention on the foot of the feet, Li Feng will focus on the sight of Ai Li and the wilderness that is fighting: "You look at their movements and speed."

I heard Li Feng said so, everyone will look at two people who are fighting rapidly in coke.

After a while, Tang Yu revealed the confused look: "I said that Feng Ge, the speed of the battle now, we seem to keep up? It's too fast."

"No, we are following."

However, Li Han showed a smile and looked at Tang Rain: "More specifically, we can keep up with this speed. And compared to them, there is no time."

Speaking of this, Li Feng turned his head to stand in the middle of the original cherry in his left.

"Ah? Are you saying my god?"

See Li Feng mentioned the speed and looked at yourself, Zhongyuan Sakui knew his intentions: "If I use the god speed, I really follow their speed. But ..."

Speaking here, Zhongyuan Sakura looks to Alie, and it is full of worry.

"You are worried that Alie will lose ration like her herself?"

After seeing the expression of Zhongyuan Sakuo, Li Feng turned his head to look to Luke: "Old Lu, do you like some recovery bomb?"

"Bring it."

Lu Xi patted his own god machine, quite a chest saying: "When you are not there, I have been responsible for the recovery of light rain."

"That's no problem."

After getting the answer from Lu Xi, Li Feng showed a smile on his face: "Since La Lu can launch recovery bombs, then Alie should not enter the violent status.

"Is this reliable?"

Although Tang Yu also looked at Li Feng in a completely unintererated expression, Zhongyuan Saku has fully understood the idea of ​​Li Feng: "I said, it is better to go together to help with Alie together?"

"My blood skills can not be divided into me."

For the proposal of Central Plains, Li Feng has shook his head: "My blood skills will be suppressed together. When I use blood skills, I can't move is also a big problem."

"I can help you resist."

When Li Feng said, Luke made his opinion: "You press the girl, then I as your shield, let the Central Plains and light rain offense ..."

"Little rain will be the first to die!"

Lu Xi did not finish, Li Feng shook him: "There is no blood skills, and she can't keep up with the guy. Again, how long can you have to bear?"

Speaking of this, Li Feng deliberately took the foot of the land on the floor with his foot.

For the problem proposed by Li Han, Lu Xi immediately speechless.

"The best way is this."

When Lu Xi didn't talk again, Li Feng was then said: "Sakura is responsible for helping Alie to use the god speed. You have been recovering Eli. And I am with Xiaoyu, hiding behind you, responsible Auxiliary you and the cherry. "

When I said this, Li Feng took the waist and filled the pocket of the supplies.

After listening to Li Feng's conception, others will be silent first.

After thinking that a moment, I didn't have a better way, everyone took a little bit to Li Feng.

Just when they were prepared to participate before the war, suddenly came from the distance to the deafening explosion.

Just passing the explosion, a powerful shock wave swept from the direction of the voice, and the grass that was already chemical as coke was rushed over.

This sudden impact wave makes everyone can't prevent it, but they have to quickly reduce the body and open the shield of the god.

"What happened?"

Impact waves, Tang Yu, shouted with Li: "Feng Ge, what is this?"

"Wat! It seems that we have just wasting too much time."

However, Li Feng has already seen the distant things and showing desperate look: "If we arrive early, or just haven't observed for so long!"

After listening to Li Feng, Zhongyuan Cheroid them quickly collapsed the shield appearance.

When they see the situation of Alie and Wild Girls, everyone has the same expression with Li.

It turns out in the area where Ai Li and the wilderness, I don't know when I have been covered by deep dark clouds.

In this dark cloud, dozens of tornadoes formed by two powerful strength collides are not a very large range of speed rotation and quickly swim.

If it is just these tornadoes, it is not desperate to let Li Feng desperate.

The most made Li Feng is desperate, it is almost uninterrupted, the purple black light strikes falling from the clouds.

These lightning strips not only have no signs, but also the position of the fall is completely random, and the speed is still very fast.

The main center of these vibration is the still in Ai Li and the wilderness.

Don't say that you have to escape those tornadoes to the central zone, it is already very difficult, plus that completely uninterrupted crazy landing thunder, people who go in are only afraid of ten deaths!

Looking at the horror scene in front of him, Li Feng quickly slowed over from shock.

"Sakura, switch the ammunition."

After returning the god, Li Feng rose his left hand to sway in front of Central Plains: "The worst thing has happened, we have to execute that instruction."

"This .... I may be able to rush."

After being woke up by Li Feng, I went back to the Zhongyuan Sakura and said: "Sealing, give me a chance, let me rush in to help Elli."

"Do you think you go?"

For the proposal of Central Plains, Li Feng has a helpless expression to refer to the death of the death in front: "Do not say the speed of the tornado, just randomly and intensive falling thunder, can you hide?"

Looking at those tornadoes and unbelievers, the Central Plains Sakura didn't know how to answer Li Feng's problem.


However, when the Sakura Sakura is silent, Li Feng switches his own god machine into a remote form and starts to switch the ammunition: "This is my fault. In order to stop the final prey, we only have this method."

"Do you want, we give Alice a little time?"

When Li Hanzhi was changing the ammunition, Lu Ji took the hand of Li Feng before the arrow: "Lao Li, do we want to believe in Alie, believe in her ....."

"Do you think I can still believe? This situation is now."

Although Lu Ji stopped the action in his hand, Li Feng didn't look at Lu Xi. "Do you want to use your eyes to confirm the current situation? Take a look at what they fight now? "

Listening to Li Feng said, Luji wrinkled, and then turned his head to the direction of Alie.

At this time, in addition to the tornado and falling thunder, the position of Elli and the Women's Girl's battle did not know when it was also surrounded by the tornado. It didn't see the figure of their two.

But from time to time, the rays that are bright in the tornado, Alie and Wild Girls continue to fight in the tornado.

"That is the precursor of the final predation."

After Lu Ji exposed more surprised expressions because of the changes in the field, Li Feng slowly opened: "You may not know, but this precursor is said to me and the cherry, but it is familiar to unfamiliar."

Listening to Li Feng said so, Luke rushed to see the Central Plains.

In the face of the eyes of Lu Shina, the Central Plains Sakura first escaped his line of sight.

While silence, the Central Plains Sakura bite his lips.

"It's okay."

After biting the lips, the Zhongyuan cherry pain closed and said: "The vision here happens is a precursor to the beginning of the final predation. If we want to stop the final prey, there will be only one chance."

Speaking here, Central Plains cherry is uncomfortable in the heart, but she still switches her own god machine into radios and switching bullets.

"Is there any other way?"

After getting the answer from Zhongyuan Sakuo, Luke once again told Li Feng: "Don't we kill the guy to stop the end of the end? Do you have to kill Alie?"

"I just said this possibility."

Li Feng lightly raised his hand and pushed Lu Xi to press the hand on his wrist, and his eyes were refused to give up: "Lao Lu, you are right! As long as they are one of them, then the end of the final prey termination."


I heard Li Han said this sentence, Lu Ji slammed: "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"These vibrators will stop before the end of the final predation."

After switching the bullet, Li Feng slowly went to the region of the vision: "At the moment of the vision stop, I took the lead in launching an attack to the guy. And you and Xiao Yu ..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng stopped and turned his head to see Lu Ji and Tang Yu: "You are to align the muzzle. If we lose your hands, you will shoot in Alie, and you must kill. "

"There is no other way?"

When I saw Li Feng, I would like to see the god of the nephew. Lu Xi wants to fight again: "If you can't ....."

"There is nothing wrong with the end of the last predation!"

Lu Ji didn't finish the time, Li Feng shouted: "We only have this last chance! If you fail, everything can't stop!"

After the Chao Luke finished this sentence, Li Feng immediately turned his head to everyone.

"If you can't do it, give it to me."

Back to everyone, Li Feng threw this sentence and whispered: "Hand kill Alie's sins, maybe I will carry more appropriate than letting you carry."

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