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See Li Feng, they did not make any statement, and Ali hesitated himself before they were directly handled by Carlo.

There is Alie to hide, and immediately open the bones from Ai Ruka, and then quickly absorb the surrounding god cell therapy itself.

After you are restoring, I'm restored, Ellie is more fierce against Erica's attack.

However, such an attack is not a matter for Erica.

I don't know what my idea she is playing, in this case, I actually give up to continue to chase Icon and choose Ali "Play".

In fact, since I just saw it, Ellie's combat skills and combat power were worth mentioning at all compared with Icon.

So soon, the battle turned into the situation of Alika unilaterally embarrassing.

Looking at this, Li Feng's brow is still locked again.

"This is the final result is broken by this guy one by one."

Seeing in order to help Ellie, I can't take care of myself, I haven't fully resumed it. I'm looking forward to others: "We have not chosen. Either a closed eyes, or wait for it. A little bit likebs to fight. "

"But I don't think you will choose to give up the battle."

After the end of the bill, Li Han revealed the expression of relief: "Although she defeated her possibilities, if they don't fight, we can never do it, isn't it?"

For the problems presented by Li Han, others have no way to make any answer, and can only have their respective doubts.

"In short, even if it is one hundred and even a million, it doesn't matter."

After Li Feng moved a little bit, he was in front of everyone who was full of hopeful eyes and expressions again: "I am this person, I like to gamble, this low pitiful possibility!"

Although the companions also have questions and hopes to hold questions, Li Feng has been prepared.

After a deep breath, Li Feng raised his own gods and rushed forward with Alie to clamatize Irika.

After Li Hanchong, the Central Plains Sakura first is a short image is thinking about something.

After a moment, Zhongyuan Sakama was hesitant to bring a fearful eye to the resolute and firm, like she decided to be determined.

Then, only the people's shadow flashes, the Central Plains Sakura will join the battle in the hands.

"what should we do?"

Seeing Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakuo added to the battle. He looked at Lu Xi to the eyes of Tang Yuethed in Ai Ruka with a fear.

"Is it still useful?"

Until Tang Yu asked, Luhu came back from the surprise, showing the smile of the blind, and asked: "Light rain, what do you think in your heart?"

"I .... I don't hate the attitude of Hope and Sakura Sister.

Seeing Lu Xi's smile, Tang Yu will thrown the fear, show the same smile: "But my mother told me, if you don't want to come, then you don't want it."

"Since you are the same as I think, even if you reach a consensus."

Lu Xi single hand has a few times of his own god machine, then a little active activity shoulders: "Take it, if you turn it here, you will find it from now on, I don't have a way to face yourself, and there is no way to stand in front of them. "

For Lu Xi said, Tang Yu did not say anything, but closed his eyes and showed a bit like laughing, it was a bit like a smile in the heart.

"Well, we are also gone!"

After seeing this expression of Tang Yu, Luke's eyes changed, staring at Erica: "Light rain, let this evil BOSS taste our power!"


After Lu Xi, Tang Yu will join the battle with Lu Xi.

If it is simple to face Alice and Irano, Erika can also swim.

Plus Li Feng and CCONA Sakura, Erika feels some of them.

Now, Lu Xi and Tang Yu also join the battle.

One person has to face six people, and two of them are still the clams of the wild, even if I Rika has gradually felt their own double boxing.

After a short battle, I took the body to re-aggregate the empty block, Erika quickly condensed around the foggy god cells to make more than ten borders.

I don't know why, Ai Ruka gathered this branching is not very strong.

They are not only very different, but also the body's ability is far less than those before.

After guilty, only two minutes later, those who occupied the advantage of the quantity were broken by Li Feng.

In order to minimize Li Feng, they have the possibility of focus on their own concentration, and Erika has to unrestally condense the separation of Li Feng.

"Lao Lu, Xiao Yu, give you all your best!"

And after discovering that these points are only the level of ghosts, Li Feng does not lose the time of the time: "As long as you have a difference, you will get them! Erika will give us! Light rain, use Felimon!"


After getting Li Feng's instruction, Lu Ji turned to a division to the side of Tang Yu shouting to himself: "Light rain, I cover you!"

"Then you have to be a little more!"

While Lu Xi shouted, Tang Yu has already picked up the big ax with a very fast speed, a sweeping, a few shots around him, all the mouths around him, cut into two cuts: "You are the predecessor! Don't drag my back leg! "

After cleaning up the surroundings, Tang Yu quickly touched a Felonzha in the god machine from the waist.

When Felimon was injected into the gods, those who had no brains were like a flies who saw the blood, Li Feng, who was poured in Tang Yu.

"Hey, is this kid to make a command in this situation so calm?"

I saw that I have been introduced in my own, I just started with the gods of Alie and Irano at the same time: "This command is moving .... I seem to have seen it.. .. "

"Don't go, old monsters!"

Just when I was thinking about thinking about thinking about thinking, Li Feng had already went to her in front of her, and I took the heavy wheel as a brain: "Don't go east!"

Li Feng's scorpion made Ai Ruka quickly returned from thinking.

After seeing Li Feng and the boiling edge of the close, Erica immediately escaped Li Feng's attack.

"Wait, this long phase .... can't ..."

At the same time that I escaped Li Feng, Erica also saw Li Feng's appearance: "How did he grow up when he is young? How is this possible?"

"Do you think your opponent is only sealed?"

The Ai Ruka is still not landing, and the Central Plains of her beating trajectory has come to her back to bite twins: "Don't forget that this lady is also!"

"Hey! It's a honest guy!"

I heard the voice of Central Plains, Ai Ruka quickly used a shield between her and Zhongyuan cherry: "How do you still still ....."

I haven't finished it yet, Ai Ruka is shocked by the Central Plains of the shield blocked by their shields.

"These two people's long phase .... There are also voices and speaking methods .... This is impossible!"

After landing, Ai Ruka has doubts about the two people who have just read clearly: "Why is this? Why do they appear in front of me now? It is impossible!"

While thinking of these things, I usually flashed a lot of memories in my mind in my mind.

", don't go!"

After the battle continued to have a small meeting, Erica gradually felt that this will not be good for his own plan: "You must come to help!" This is destroyed! "

While thinking, Erika quickly contacted her long-distance communication ability to bring the big guy and Relina.

"Ai Ruka, I can't help you now!"

Soon, Erqi received a reply from Relina: "I am now surrounded by a pile of gladies, I am trying to break around! This group of guys is dedicated!"

While Relina gave a reply, Erica also succumbed to his big guys at this time that is currently fighting with the spear of the big group.

"The spear of the gladish is hard to ..."

After induction, I'm glaring in Ai Ruka and looking at the respiratory to restore their own Ikaro: "Is this ghost?"

"It seems that you finally discovered."

After paying attention to the eyes of Ai Ruka, I was proud of the smile in De Carlo: "Do you think that the long-distance manipulation is the exclusive ability?"

"I Carlo, when are you .....

After hearing the sound of Ikaro directly into the brain, Ai Ruka left her laughter to show his expression: "Is it a start you .....

"When I am with you, I am not always like the slave!"

Seeing the expression of Ai Ruka, Yi Carlo is more proud: "I really would like to thank you. If you don't have to perform these tricks around me, I really can't make this ability so quickly."

"Avil guy!"

After listening to this vacation, I Ruka's eyes suddenly turned like to live, she was generally dead, and I was angry. "I didn't expect me to be a hundred minus, I actually be put on this. One! "

"Do you think this is it?"

For the crazy crazy of Erika, I'm obviously very excited: "Do you think I have to fight with you for so long? Do you think I really can't defeat you in this dense fog? You still be so big ! "

I heard these words, not just Ai Ruka, even Li Feng is all stunned.

"Now it is your turn!"

I saw that I Raulla quickly jumped forward, then reached out the right finger and pointed to the Airaka: "If you don't want to be rolled out, come to me!"

Although I didn't understand the intention of Ikaro, after I look at my eyes, Li Feng did they quickly came to De Carlo and Ally.

"Let these guys will be better for us."

When I came to Li Feng, I came to the side, and I was smiling by Carlo, and my eyes became blood red again: "I am! My servant!"

If the sound is just falling, the ground is a strong vibration.


At the same time, the sound of a large number of wild people came out of the dense fog behind Li Feng.

Then, I don't know what to play a large group of various attributes of all kinds of attributes, hit the fog, Erika and her branching.

"This .... What is this?"

Looking at this big group of privatous spears completely ignored themselves, I ran in Ai Ruka, Li Feng was surprised to gain the Basone to the ground: "Icon, this is you?"

"Do you have anyone else?"

Although the eyes of Carlo are still blood, her tone is obviously not so hard: "If you don't want to attack by these guys, don't leave me too far."

At the same time as Carlo commanded those gladish spears to attack Ai Ruka, the prostitutes originally stopped at the other side of the satellite site also stopped.

After the moment, they induced the call of the call of Eklo immediately twisted the position of Chao Kalo, and didn't look at Lin Dong.

"Captain, what happened?"

See these ridiculous gods that have just been fighting for you, I will run, and a male player who is full of questions came to Lin Dong: "Why is these rupthens suddenly ....."

"How can I know?"

Don't say that he didn't understand it, even Lin Dong was confused in his head: "Do you think I am a god?"

"Colonel, now the situation has changed again!"

Lin Dong, who is full of face, is not mentioned, in the command room of the South Division, Liu Shiqian also noticed that these irregularities: "Now there is a large number of gimmicks in the row of Zi Li."

"what happened?"

I heard this news, Li Wei asked: "What happened?"

"It's still unclear."

Liu Shiqian shook his head first, then looked up to the big screen: "But Li Feng's battle area now has a very strong god cell reaction!"

"And it is still nothing!"

After the data is displayed on the big screen, Liu Shiqian showed another picture on the big screen: "Li Bo leader, there are other people, there are also a large number of gladish spears from fighting!"

"What happened this?"

In the face of this series of changes, even the calm Li Ye can't help but show confused look: "Why suddenly happened such a big change? Where did the places where those rookie are, what happened?"

"Can you still laugh now? Old monsters!"

With more and more spears in the gladish, the fog made from Ai Ruka is getting more and more light: "You should not be able to do anything else."

"Hey, you are very powerful!"

After the situation around the synthesis, Ai Ruka slammed out a large number of gods will approach the full number of the philosophy, then jump out a distance: "Well, this time I lost. You won. "

After you los, Ai Ruka jumped behind him, and the figure quickly disappeared in the fog.

"But don't be happy too early!"

With the fog of Erica disappeared, her voice passed through the gradually thin fog: "One day later, you will fall in my hand! When I went, I won't let you be very good. ! "


After a close look, I feel that I Ruka flew in the direction of Erika, and I pointed to a direction in the hands of the wilderness. "Don't let her!"

Get an instructions of Ekaro, those who are now still gathered in this area of ​​the gladians, and rush to rush to the direction referred to by Carlo.

I saw that Erlo was able to command the number of such a huge flamelings, Li Feng, who was surprised, also full of fear.

At the same time, at the same time, in the perspective of the wildest group, I suddenly fell to the ground.

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