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After the end and Li Feng also had a happy communication in Central Plains, by Carlo was sent back to the room located in the partition wall partition wall partition in Alie.

After taking a shower, lying on your bed directly with the body.

"I haven't had this feeling for a long time."

Lying on the bed by Qaoluo, put the right arm in his own amount: "When is this? It seems that many years ago."

Recalling some of the scenes of the year, I can't help it in the mouth of Carlo.

"Still wearing clothes."

Just when I was indulging in the past, she felt slipped over the body that was slightly hung, and the temperature here was still a bit cold for me. "

Standing to the chair next to the bedside, I dressed in a special dress on the side of the cherry blossoms, showing a smile of missing.

"The last time I prepare my clothes, should I only have my mother?"

After wearing the underwear, pick up the clothes made of Sakura, with the left hand of the left hand, and use the right hand to gently smooth the cloth: "Listen to the Central Plains, this is to prevent me feel stabbed, The clothes made of wilderness materials. "

Thinking of this, De Carlo once again revealed the previous kind of smile, and then gently worn the clothes on himself.

"It is really comfortable."

After wearing clothes, I was saying that myself in front of the mirror said: "This kind of dress is really no stabbed. It is no wonder that Elli likes her clothes so much."

After turning a few laps before the mirror, the satisfied smile was lie on the bed again.


After the quilt is covered, I can lying on the soft bed on the soft bed, and the head is not from the autonomous pillow. "Well .... This bed is really comfortable. The pillow is soft.. .just like...."

Thinking of this, the eye angle of Ikaro suddenly sees the tears of the silk.

"This feeling is really like the feeling of pillows in my mother's legs."

Recalling your parents, the mouth of the original rose, the rose of the original, gradually sinking: "Mom ... Dad ..."

I remembered them again, and I came back in my heart in my heart.

Among this pain, I was able to get into my dreams while installing myself.

"I Carlo, when are you going to sleep?"

I don't know how long I have slept, I suddenly sounded a big male voice like a fried thunder: "Are you done today?"

Although the mind is still a little unclear, this sound, I can't forget it by Ikaro!

Dad ... Dad? "

Ikah opened his eyes. It is a broken white hair. It is burly, the body is burly, and there is a scar from the right forehead to the chin, the right eye is blocked by the eye old man: "You are not ..."

"What is it? Are you sleeping?"

Looking at the unbelievable expression in Carlo, the elderly man sighed and shook his head: "Just now, is your mother give you too much? How can I sleep so confused?"

"Mom is also?"

First, my father has appeared in front of him, now mentioning my mother, sitting on the eyes of the Iko, I am looking for a round: "Wait, don't you have not there? What is going on? "

"Hey, what are you doing? How is this big?"

I haven't waited for the situation in front of Kaolo, a slightly smart, but also with a gentle female voice from not far from: "Icon slept a small meeting, why do you like this? You Isn't it afraid to scare children? "

"This sound ..... Mom?"

I heard the female voice, I was more surprised by Carlo: "Wait, why is my mother is also?"

"Silly children, do Mom, Mom, are not all at home?"

As the voice is getting closer, a good figure is good, and the old woman with some scars is brought into the elderly man: "What happened? What? Is your father ?"


In Front of the elderly woman, I saw that the old woman came to the face. She finally went to the god and shook her head: "Dad did not yell at me."

"Husband, do you say how the child woke up?"

From just now, I'm always talking about it. The mouth did not send any sound. The old woman showed a worried expression pulled a man: "I said, is there any child to eat bad? Do you want? Take her to ... "

"I can't speak it, why don't you talk?"

After this question raised this question, the man went to the single knee knee, lifted his right hand, gently pressing on the shoulders of the Carlo, the eyes were full: "Child, is it you really eat What is wrong? Do you want to see a doctor? "

"I'm fine."

After the temperature of the father's palm, she had completely recovered from the shock, shook his head again: "Dad, mother, I am very good, no problem."

"How do you still talk?"

Although I saw Y Carlo shot, but didn't hear her speech, she was very anxious, she kicked on the man's shoes: "You see you, what is it? I am scared. Not willing to talk. Your idiot! "

"Is this blame me?"

I heard my wife blame myself, the man also lifted his head and looked up: "I usually speak this voice, you don't know. I know how will my child be scared?"

While explained with your wife, the man showed an annoyed look.

Indeed, although it is a bit wrong, if you really scare the Raolo, you don't dare to talk, then you are really a stupid.

"Dad, Mom, I am fine."

Looking at the man who was strange by the woman, I bite his teeth, I was anxious, and I said that I said: "I just didn't scare me, just me ..."


I didn't expect to talk to the words of Carlo, she was shocked by himself: "Is my scorpion be broken by Ai Ruka? Why can you talk?"

"Scared me, children."

After hearing Y Carlo is finally opened, the woman is so relieved that her husband came to Yi Carlo, and she gently took her in his arms: "Mom is really afraid that your father is frightened, Let you talk, you can't talk. "

"Mom, I am fine."

Being a familiar hug by mother, enjoying the familiar hug, I can't help with tears, the open arms hug women: "This feeling ... I miss ..."

"Silly children, what do you miss?"

Listening to such a saying that the woman showed a kind smile to gently pat the back of Carlo: "Are you not always with Mom and Dad? Is it too busy to be too busy? Have you? "

"Nothing, mother."

From the mother's arms, let Al Carlo are full of warmth, she buried their heads in the woman's arms: "Mom, can I hold me again?"

"Go it."

Seeing the wife of the wife, the man just planned to open, and the woman who went to him as he said: "You roll to see the situation around!"


First, I looked at Raolo, and I looked at the wife who was full of angry. The man was a little smile and scratched: "Time ..."

"Time you ghost! Idiot!"

If a man is finished, some of the angry women are holding him in one hand, and they will drive him away: "Go away! Children want to spread, what is your big man? go with!"

I saw my wife is really angry. Although the man is quite helpless, it is still a turn away.

"Child, nothing is fine."

Feeling that Ronalo is gently sobbing, the woman is distressed, she is more tight, I still can't stand soft: "Dad is so stupid, is it frightened? Don't cry, mother Here. "

"Mom, it is really a mother."

Familiar arms, familiar tastes, and familiar sounds, let Al Ka ​​Luo tears, but there are stupid dads, Mom and Dad .... These things ... I won't be dreaming ? "

"Silly children, how can you dream?"

The woman is gentle and gentle in the back of Carlo, the face is full of kindness: "Do you have a nightmare? How did you cry?"

"No ... I just miss you too much."

Enjoy the touch of the woman's generous palm, and the most soft part in the heart is instant in the heart of the tears. "I miss you, my mother."

"Silly children, isn't my mother stay here?"

Listening to the words of these don't have the end, the woman couldn't help but laugh: "Mom and Dad have never left our Xiao Yi Carlo."


I heard the woman again, I couldn't help but couldn't help my heart.

After crying for a while, I gradually calmed my emotions under the pretty of the woman.

"What did you dream?"

After the emotional emotions of Carlo are calm, the woman will gently launch my own arms by Carlo: "How did you cry so loud? Is anyone bullied you because of your identity?"

"No, no one is bullying me."

Looking at the familiar and strange faces in front of him, I looked up at Kaolo and wipe the tears of my eyes and shakes his head: "I am doing a dream, a long and terrible dream."

"Nothing, just dreams."

The woman raised his hand gently wiped the tears of the other corner of Carlo, and looked up to help the Kaolo. She had a hair: "No one can bully my daughter, anyone can't. So you don't have to use it. Scared, there is a mother here. "

"But .... There is a bad woman bullying me."

Once again, I felt that my mother helped myself to comb my hair. I couldn't help but I told me what I had encountered: "She kept me, but also broken my throat, just to let me Yield to her and become her tool. "

When talking, I also pulled the sleeve if the sleeve was still leaving the injury on his arm.

"Mom, look at it, this is ....?"

After the sleeve pulled up, Icon seeing his fair and smooth skin. I didn't know when I was abused by Ai Ruka. I have disappeared: "This is ..."

"Don't my mother say? You just have a nightmare."

In the face of Icon's some puzzle, the woman is not angry, but still keeps a kind and kind smile to touch her head: "Do you see that you are not all good? And your scorpion is not bad. ?"

At the time of the woman, I felt that I was a lot of clothes that I dressed in my body, I was no longer sleeping in the room of the South Division, but the shelter!

It is not a comfortable and soft bed under the southern part of the southern part, but a simple single shop on the ground!

Seeing all this, I'm slamming the nose, and the familiar temperature in the refuge is instantly full of her nasal cavity.

"How is this going?"

In the face of this, I was shocked by Carlo, and I was chaos in my head: "I am not in the South Domain? How come back to the refuge?"

Familiar "room", familiar smell, familiar mother, all in front of himself.

"In the end ...? Which is a dream?"

After the death of God, I'm beginning to suspect that everything in front of you and before: "Is me a dream from the branch of the South Domain? Or me now is in the dream?"

"You are in the dream now."

Just when I didn't know where to be a dream, her father suddenly appeared again behind her: "Child, you are now confused, right?"


At the same time as the man's voice sounded, the mother in Beqa Luo also disappeared, and her whole person suddenly fell into a dark world: "Dad? Mom? Where are you?"

"We are here, Xiao Yi Carlo."

It is said that when he is helpless in the dark, when you find a parent figure, a bright light sudden appears in front of her, and the parents' figure also appear in the bright light: "What happened? Our Xiaoyalo."

"Dad .... Mom ... Why ..."

Once again, I saw the voice of the two people. The tears that I can't stop it was still in the eyes: "Why do you want to leave me? You don't know how many people don't know if you are going?"

"Of course we know."

Seeing the weak and uncomfortable in Carlo, the two slowly walked to the side of the Carlo, and one taking one of the hands of the Carlo: "Although we are not there now, but we have been guarding you not? ? "

"Since you are guarding me, why do you have to experience those pains?"

For a time, I have been tortured by Erika, I am in my mind, I don't want to remember the pain memories I think of it again. "You don't know how much I have more painful? Especially It is the stinky woman torture me! "

"But we can't help you anything."

In the face of the Queen's Question, the woman left tears: "We are not there, there is no way to save you, and there is no way to help you share the pain."

"Why? Why is I not human?"

In fact, I'm very clear in my heart, she is actually looking for a place to vent: "If I am human, I can go with you!"

"Silly children, what is stupid?"

I heard that Ico said this, the man was angry with the sound: "Dad teaches you something, are you forgotten? What is the hardships? Can't live in? Is this my daughter? "

"I know! I know!"

The man just reprinted, I was shaken by Carlo and said: "So I support it! I will continue to live for my father's dream! I have arrived the day!"

"This is right, my little girl."

Get the response of Ekaro, the man puts up anger, looked at the loving: "And, do you not be alone? You have them around you."

When a man talking, he raised his hand to refer to the card.

On the hand of the man, I asked Alie, Li Feng, and Zhongyuan Caoti, and Li Bo.

"Go, my daughter."

At the moment I returned back, the figure of the two disappeared in front of her. The darkness was only coming in the dark: "I am proud of my daughter, go with your hands and your partners. Create that world. "

"The daughter, Mom and Dad have never been far away, and they have never left you."

The man's voice has just disappeared, the voice of the woman sounds closely: "My little girl, work hard. Mom and Dad will always guard you."

"Dad! Mom!"

As the voice of the two gradually went, I was here to sit up: "Don't go! Please come with me ..."

However, this is just a dream.

I woke up Ikuo saw myself in the bed of the southern domain division, and her eyes immediately dull.

"Although I don't know what this dream is."

After this quietly sat in the dark, I looked at the tears on the pillow in the dark. I was confirmed: "But you can rest assured! Dad, mother. Dreams you expect, I will definitely be with my partner. Let us help you! "

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