I actually became a god eater

Chapter 272 takes out

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After getting the ancient letters in the cave, Li Feng immediately took these letters outside the cave.

After all, look at these things with the light of the flashlight in the cave, not as good as the sunny cave.

This is better for your eyes, and you can see more clearly.

However, when they are about to step out of the cave, there was a burst of explosions in the sky.

"what is that?"

After listening to the explosion, Ironloi rushed out of the cave three steps and pointed out the sky in the sky asked: "You see that!"

"Isn't that a drone?"

After seeing the fireball with the fingers of Carlo, Li Feng immediately guess the identity of the fireball: "Why is it crash? Is it a attack?"

I didn't wait for Li Feng who came up with the reason, he heard the snoring of the wilders in all directions.

"Rely! Is it a bad god?"

I heard the sound, Luke rushed to raise the gods: "What should I do now? I sound us like surrounded?"

"Retreat from our way!"

In fact, Lu Xi just asked, Li Feng quickly outlined this piece of topography and thought of retreating the route: "Let's retreat! Don't let the wildest to block our retreat! If you are blocked here, you are not fun. ! "

"Eth, what do we ?"

Just when Li Feng ordered to retreat and took other people to the road, I was suddenly turned to ask: "Why don't we choose to completely overtake them? From the quantity, it seems that it is not .... thing?"

It has not been there yet, and it has never been said, never distinguish a more intensive wonderful snorkeling.

In fact, even if you don't have to hear the sound of the wild, he is also very clear about the perception of Carlo.

That is: the surrounding wandering is more and more, and it is moving quickly from here.

"We have to move some!"

I feel that the quantity of the wilderness is more and more, Li Feng, after it is possible to cope with it, I originally intended to fight for the war: "Go! Take it! It has not been surrounded by the shortage of shortness, we will come from their voids Escape! "

I heard the Icon who had just thought about the whole ruler, although it was a bit surprised, but I would like to say that I can perceive the wreath of the wilderness before I can perceive it, Li Feng they all silently followed the head. De Carlo.

With the perceived absurdity of El Carlo, Li Feng quickly left the dead alley from the gap in the wilderness of the wilderness.

Although there have been some hindered guys on the evacuation road, because fewer quantities, the number of people who have just formed have just formed have just formed.

"Walking here."

After leaving the encirclement, Li Feng first looked at the compass on a watch, and then pointed to the direction of Ikaro: "It is six kilometers away from our closest to the nearest."

"Can you directly contact the division to evacuate?"

After listening to Li Feng's instruction, I turned back to the doubtful look: "Satellite phone, do you seem to have? Use the satellite phone to contact the division directly?"

"The satellite is not on the head."

Li Feng smiled and said that the sky said: "UAV used to maintain communication has also been hit, and we now do not contact the method of the in addition to the evacuation point."

"But there is a wasteland there."

Li Zhijing explained, I'm turning the horse as a distressed look on my face: "My perception can probably perceive the distance from about one kilometer as the center. I feel about three hundred meters in that direction. There is a wild group. "

"Can you go around?"

I heard that there is a wild group, Tang Yu, rushed: "If we can go around, although it will take some way, but you can also reach the evacuation point."

"Can't go around."

Tang Yu said just finished, Li Feng hurts his face and keeps shaking his head: "That direction is a gentle zone, the field of view is extremely good, and the concealed object is small. If there is a joint, we can't be alarming the situation. Welp. "

"What should I do?"

Li Feng said that there is no way to bypass the area, Tang Yu is a bit anxious: "Otherwise, we simply annihilate the group of the wilders, and the drum is rushing!"

"I am afraid it is a bit difficult."

Li Han has not opened his mouth, and the eyes and feelings of the wildness of the wild are all opened first: "At least twenty medium in the wilderness. Even if I help you, I will annihilate this group will also have a lot of strength. "

After a little stop, I looked at the direction they walked by Qi Qiluo said: "Li Feng, you will make a decision. Just surrounded us of the wilderness, now I am chasing us."

"These directions also have a wasteland in the gods."

Just urged Li Feng to decide, I also pointed to other directions in other directions: "If I feel no problem, I will be surrounded by these wilders."

"Is there a gap between these wreath groups?"

After quick out the appearance in your mind, Li Qi Qa Luo: "Can I promine the heavy surroundings in the absence of a wild group?"

"it should be OK."

After standing quietly, I opened my eyes in my eyes in the heart. "There is no feeling of the wilderness, and we should be able to sneak around."


After you can do it, Li Feng has a lot of you: "According to the road!"


After getting the order, Iqurao hurriedly greeted others: "Action is fast! Hope me!"

About twenty minutes later, Li Feng also had an unharmonic escape from the gap of the wilderness in the wreath of the wreath of the wilderness again.

However, when they are ready to move forward toward the evacuation, there are more absurd gods, and there is a surrounded trend to enter them within the perceptual range of Carlo.

In this case, there is a chasing troops, and if there is ambush, Li Feng has to give up the idea of ​​evacuation.

However, it is strange that these wildestity is a commander, which has always been a certain distance behind Li Feng.

And every time Li Feng is surrounded by the wilderness. Before encountering the wild, I can always find the gap of the envelop with them.

In this way, after the surroundings of the wilderness, Lu Xi and Tang Yu have begun to have doubts about Icon.

Among the games surrounded by surrounded, Li Feng gradually came to the ruins of the marginal of the forgotten waste.

At this time, the plenty of things happened again.

When Li Feng fled into the ruins, the wildest screamers who had been chasing after leaving the perceived scope of Carlo, and those who suddenly appeared surrounded them were no longer appearing.

Thanks to this, Li Feng can be released from the tension chasing battle.

After confirming that there is no absurd God, Li Feng looks at the sky.

"Still find a place to hide, rest to play tomorrow."

After thinking about it, Li Feng finally made decisions: "Although we can continue to act, but now I can't confirm that we are located, if the direction is wrong, we may leave the division."

"I also feel that I should avoid at night."

Others have not stated, and Zhongyuan Sakuo first stopped: "Let's say that we are so rushing one day, everyone is appropriate, I think it is necessary."

In fact, even if the Central Plains cord is not express, Lu Xi and Tang Yu are already very tired after such a round of rushing, they are not intended to continue to take advantage of the night.

Therefore, in the face of Li Feng's proposal and the opinion of Central Plains, the two did not have to choose noddion.

"Continue to go."

When others have selected suggestions from Li Feng, I can't agree on the rest: "Now it is rare to be scattered. Don't take this time, continue to advance, waiting for the wilderness to come up again? ? "

"Lao Lu and Xiao Yu can't see it, is we not see?"

At this time, Zhongyuan Sakuo went to the sound of the Carlo to use only the sound heard by them: "You are also very tired with this perceived ability? In fact, you are also very tired now?"

It is surprised by the Central Plains Sakura and Its Surprised Look in End of Carlo.

After restoring your own expression, I asked Li Feng with a doubtful eyes.

Although she did not speak, she is not willing to believe that the CHAW I have just told myself.

For the eyes of Allah, Li Han only responded with a smile.


From Li Feng's smile, Irano is very clear about his intentions, and the tone is also eased: "Then let's take a break again."

After careful screening, five people stopped on the second floor of a small shop next to a collapsed building.

After eating the food carrying, Lu Xi and Tang Yu, who have already fatigued, and Tang Yu lies in the two corners.

"I am responsible for the whistle."

After listening to the uniform breathing of their two, Li Feng stood up and stood in the window of the street: "Sakura, you and Iranian sleep, two hours later."

"I am still not tired."

It's not as good as it is gave to ... "

"I need some time."

I didn't finish it yet. Li Feng made a hand to interrupt her: "For these things happening today, I need to think about it carefully."

"Let's take a break."

What is inequality to say anything, sitting in the Central Plains sitting next to her, put his hand and put his hand on her shoulder: "Send like yourself in the dark, he said that he is more concentrated."


After sinking, I'm thinking about what I think of, "Then I will sleep first. I remember to wake me for a while."

After the words were finished, I was looking at the door close to the stairway to sleep.

After a smile in Li, the Central Plains cherry is sleeping to the corner of Li Fengzheng.

At this time, the moon is clean, under the white moonlight, the ruins and streets in front of Li Hao's eyes have been plated with a beautiful moonlight.

If you put it in us, this last day of silence is still quite appreciated.

But under this situation, Li Feng is worthy of admiration, but in the mind, it began to organize a series of things happening today.

"Why these letters have only discovered by Carlo, and others can't find it?"

Gently patted the superimposed letter before the chest pocket, Li Zhi's eye wrinkled: "Since the trace I can see, Bogo can also see! No reason, we have been Carlo came to discover! "

Thinking here, a thriller is flashing in the mind of Li Feng.

"This one is put on."

After slamming this thought, Li Feng continued to finish his thoughts: "These tracking our wildest groups have some problems. Why do every time it is asking for the first time?"

When I thought, Li Feng's mind flashed a possibility: "If you can accurately master our location, there is only this left in addition to Irono."

Thinking of this, Li Feng's line of sight moved from the messy street to his own hands.

"Although the satellite has lost half, the positioning function is still there."

Looking at the bracelets on your wrist, Li Feng continued to think: "Use the positioning function of the bracelet to be able to master our position. Even if the positioning is not accurate enough, it is already enough for Erica."

After thinking about it, I suddenly turned over a lightning in the mind of Li Feng.

"Although I don't know what I Ruka's purpose, she has reached a part."

After careful thinking about the cases of escaping today, Li Feng got a conclusion: "Her purpose is to use the wilderness to leave us and division, and induce us to a place."

Then, Li Feng's line of sight is moved towards Ikaro sleeping in myself.

"There is another possibility."

Looking at the sleeping in the sleep, although Li Feng did not want to admit it, he had to think about the worst case: "If this is the case, then from the beginning, we will fall into the trap of Ai Ruka. "

Thinking of this, Li Han did not help but shake his head.

"It seems that this woman is more craft than I imagined."

After all clues and possibilities were sorted out in the mind, Li Han could not help but lamented: "No matter what I think, I've got therefore, the conclusions, there is a buzz. And ..."

At this time, Li Han could not help but emit a gently sigh.

"So many possibilities, it is really exaggerated."

After siguring, Li Feng smiled and put it out again and again: "No matter what, this guy is far more than our people's imagination. In this guy, I am really Can you complete the task? "

After careful thinking, Li Feng's line of sight could not be seen in the Central Plains that was asleep in front of himself.

"First Ai Ruka, and Relina."

Looking at Zhongyuan Sakura, Li Feng's smile is more bitter: "There is also the huge unknown, poor, , etc., think carefully, it is really no."

"Compared to playing games, it is more simple."

After shaking his head, after the bitter laugh, Li Feng looked up at the wheel hanging in the sky: "The game only needs to be fought according to the plot. The so-called reality is still full of people's headache. Break! "

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