I actually became a god eater

Chapter 274, 10 side ambush

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Since it is already known how the other party is going to do, as long as it is ready to prepare, it should not make each other to account for much cheap.

Of course, this is that Li Feng said when he was under the stairs.

Instead, Li Feng has seen the corresponding law of the other party, but it is better to say that Li Feng put a look at the posture of the move.

Indeed, now this situation, in addition to hardting the other party to the trap set to yourself, what other good methods?

Is it a possibility of jumping into the rolling river in the yellow?

Still directly killing a blood road directly in the hands of both hands and hands?

In contrast, Li Feng chose the most difficult, but relatively safe way.

After all, in the eyes of Li Han, as long as I Ruka and Relina or the big blocks that I have always said in the bridge.

In the case of the four people in combination, even if they are poor or , they do not necessarily defeat their opponents, but they want to kill a bloody road to retreat.

"As long as you cross the bridge to the position I just said, you can find the underground passage that can be passed."

After walking out of the collapse of the building, after the street, Tang Yu pointed to the distance: "Although the journey is a bit far, I think if you can enter the underground channel, it should be safe."

"Is it the channel used by shadow?"

Listening to Tang Yu said that there is a Underground passage, Li closed his eyes and laughed: "I said light rain, you won't know all the distribution of all underground channels in the South X-city?"

"It's still almost all clearly."

For Li Feng's problem, Tang Yin confident smiled and patted his chest. "Not I blow, for so many years, I will travel all over the underground channel! Don't say to live in every road, at least some entrance I am Remember very clearly "

"It turned out to be like this."

When Li Han slowly opened his eyes, everyone did notice that his eyes became the sharp eyes that appeared in battle. He also started to exude a strong killing: "Before we can't Lost your life! "

When Li Feng said, the small ruins of the ruins of the ruins on the street were blamed while they were coming out.

"It's a lot of looks."

Looking at the walnic group that gradually gathered, Zhongyuan Sakura also took a smile, showed the same expression like Li Feng: "But with these rotten tomatoes, you want our life? Ai Ruka is too much Is it simple? "

"Multi-use wide-area prey, less flowers, whistle,"

Zhongyuan Sakato just turned, Li Feng fiercely waved in the gods to put a posture: "Save physical strength! After all, the position of the bridgehead, there is a bad thing to deal with! If it is too big on the road, we can not force Have a long time! "

I haven't waited for Li Feng to finish, and the gentlestone is already legs, raising the hand to welcome the neighborhood.

I saw that I was rushing up, Li Feng also looked at each other and took a god machine to join the battle.

Because there is a clear goal, a group does not annihilate these small absurdesies as in the past.

After killing a bloody road by Carlo, Li Feng immediately followed the pace of Shangkaro quickly detached from the evacuation of the river bridge in the other end of the battle.

Although this river is not large, but in order to cut the quantity of the wildest as possible to prevent the remaining absurd god to give him some opportunities for some wheezing, Li Feng is not straight through the street, but choose Walking forward.

After about one hour and the battle, a group finally broke through a large number of small wasteland groups came to the shadow of only twenty meters away from the bridgehead.

"Let's take a little later."

After determining the wilderness that has not been tracked, Li Feng quickly adjusted his breath and one hand was in killing, and the shoulder shoulder: "This way, how much we consume some, a little restrained action Beyond. "

Despite the excitement because of the murder of the eyes, he was put by Li Feng as a prescription, and the law in the heart was in the heart, I would like to continue the killing of the left leg.

"Iko, do you okay?"

When Ke Luo is calming your mentality, Zhongyuan Sakuo went to her and asked her: "It seems that your state is not very good?"


After the adjustment of the Sakura, I'm exposed to Zhongyuan Sakura, "I also know that under this stimulation, I am hard to completely control the impulse you want to swallow."

"So I have just told you that you don't think it is too before."

Listening to Karo said that it is difficult to suppress the original impulse in his heart, Li Feng smiled and said: "Although it is a matter of human saying, this taste is enough. But for you as a wreath, it is difficult Wonderful fragrance resistance, right? "

Speaking of this, Li Feng smiled and shook his head: "The blood of the wilderness, the core of exposing, is a food for you. Under this composite stimulation, you need a powerful inner heart to resist your own instinct."

It is a few words that the outsiders seem to talk on the pure paper, but once again let Al Carlo seizes the surprised look.

"Y Carlo, what happened?"

Seeing the appearance of Raolo, the Central Plains Sakura gently shakes her: "Is it very reasonable to say what you are surprised?"

"Ah, it is really reasonable."

The Central Plains cherry is gently, lets I Carlo have recovered from surprise, she smiled: "There is also someone in this sentence. Maybe because the past is too long, so I almost forgot."

"Okay, the time of idle chat is over."

Zhongyuan Sakuraqi wants to say something, Li Feng has put the portable drinking water bag in his hand, then turn the line of sight to the bridge head of the one-bedroom: "If you leave, we will wait back! Now there is not allowed to continue here! "

I heard Li Feng said so, others rushed to drink the water that hadn't been drunk in your hand and then started to prepare for fighting.

After everyone is ready, Li Feng is only rushing through the corner and leads everyone to the bridge.

And when they ran to the bridge, the situation on the bridge and the bridge made them shocked.

Let Li Feng are not surprising, not the magnificent momentum of this cross-river bridge or it still maintains a good condition.

Really let Li Feng surprised, but it is within 100 meters of the bridge, actually there is no wildness!

"There is no absurdity?"

On the side of the surrounding situation, Lu Ji, who was detachable, said in the shock: "Why is this? Is there anything right? Do you not let us cross the bridge?"

"It is also ... Maybe it's next!"

After returning God, Tang Yu has some position that I can't believe in the riverside railings, pointing at the river embankment below: "It must be ambush, we are waiting to be ambush ..."

But when she moved the line of sight to the lower side, the river embankment of the empty, but she made her feel surprised.

"It seems that these things are just appetizing."

Just when Tang Yin didn't know what to say, Li Feng went to her, and the face hanging on the face: "It is not here to set an obstacle, I hope we can go directly to the bridge."

At the same time, Li Feng turned around the river bridge.

See Li Feng, take the lead in the bridge. Others have hesitated to be alert to the bridge with Li Han.

"Everyone is careful, don't scattered."

Although this bridge is only a few tens of meters long, Li Feng still slows down, vigilant, observing the status of the other bridge: "If you have a bridge, you will be arranged to wait for us to go to the bridge!"

Listening to Li Feng said, everyone has a cautious thing to play a twenty-thousand points. With Li Feng on the bridge.

However, until they came to the other side through the bridge, and those that were expected in their minds did not happen.

Just through the sprocket of the river through the river bridge, it was preparing to pine tones, and the nerves who just relaxed again came again with a series of water.

I haven't waited for Li Feng, they figured out what happened, countless Ge Pooli jumped out of the river and launched them to attack them.

"Don't stay in love!"

After cutting the first Ge Polo, Li Feng hurriedly greeted partners who were resisting other Ge Po Luo: "Withdraw! These Ge Po Luo is too much, we can't kill!"


Li Feng has just dropped the retreat, and by Carlo pointed to the wide avenue in front of him: "We will run directly, although you can't get ridiculous, but at least you can guarantee that there is enough space to support us!"

Although the wide area is sufficient to support the battle, this area can also accommodate more absurd gods to attack their own attacks.

If the command behind these wreath is really Ai Ruka, then it is possible to break the situation even after the battle is in a wide area.

While Li Feng thought these, he didn't stop the surroundings of the gap.

And when he quickly glanced around the road around, he could only make this choice: "Everyone will go smoothly!"

After getting Li Feng's instructions, everyone no longer watches, and she has followed Li Feng and the footsteps of Carlo began to retreat.

In this way, a group of people and fight, a group of Ge Polo chased behind, both sides launched a chasing battle on this wide eight lane road.

Although the team is still evacuating, it is worried that Li Feng, which has a variety of situations, has not stopped observing the roads on the road, trying to find out the road that can hinder these Ge Puelo can make their own peers.

It can always come out of the old, and the situation around the road is not very ideal.

Either the Room is unable to block the building that is collapsed, or there is a large amount of gravel and other obstacles that cannot pass quickly.

In short, it is the situation that the road encountered on this road is unable to enter the situation!

"This is bad!"

Just after the road passed a big dent, Li Fengxin was anxious: "The direction of this Jiang X Avenue is to the city center, and there is no evacuation point in the city center. If you continue this, we Will only be driven away from the evacuation to the evacuation. "

Thinking of this, Li Feng has a blockade of Ge Polo, along the road to evacuation in the road.

But when Li Hou saw a large number of Ge Polo losing behind himself, this thought is thrown away from him.

Although I know this will be very dangerous, Li Feng, there is no other choice, can only continue to follow the avenue and fight to find the entrance of the shadow or the road.

At this time, I only heard the surrelence of the wilderness, and suddenly rushed out of a large number of small absurdes in the ruins of the buildings on the road.

"Hey! Kill a blood road to retreat!"

Despite the raid, it is the enemy that has little threatened, but looks at the ghosts that have been rushed out from the ruins, Li Feng still chooses to continue to retreat: "Everyone keeps up with me and sauxi!"

Even if there is no indication of Li Feng, others are also very clear.

If you are stumbling with these little things here, Ge Poe, just that is not easy to open, will catch yourself.

When Ge Po Luo chased, Ge Po Luo plus a bunch of small and bad wildest siege could not play!

There is this idea in my heart, and everyone withdrew the footsteps and the speed of waving the gods are not autonomous.

After killing a bloody road in the wilderness, Li Feng did not forget to use the dungeon to make these absorbent to stop the pace of the chase struggle and they pull a larger distance.

When Li Feng, when they did not easily pull the distance, as the snoring sounded, more small ruined nages rushed out from the ruins of the building on both sides.

"I'm endless!"

Seeing the small rufford group that once again, Tang Yuqi, a belly, I got up, I plan to welcome: "Do you think that I am a sick cat?"

"Little rain, don't love!"

Tang Yu has not gone out of a few steps, Li Feng stops her: "Now there is also the land and quantity, we can't deal!

After being stopped by Li Feng, Tang Yu is still full of anger, but in order not to drag everyone, she can only continue to follow Li Feng and retreat.

However, the other party seems to not intend to let Li Feng can escape the birthday.

Every time Li Feng is hard to kill the road and hurt the gods, and after a certain distance from the wilderness, there will be another group of absurd people to kill them from the roads.

"This is .... 10 side ambush!"

When the same thing happened in the fourth time, the faint feelings in Li Fengxin suddenly clearly: "Although it is different from the soldiers, this placement is a 10-sided ambush!"

After watching the corresponding correspondence, Li Yuhe immediately sat down.

That's right, this road to chase the troops, the firebell is also good, the opponent's roots have not thought of using these guys to kill Li Feng and their groups.

The other party is indeed arranged in a certain location, and it has always made the chasing the soldiers to catch themselves.

All of this is not to kill Li Feng, but to continue to produce pressure and consume their physical fitness, do not give them a chance to rest and drive them to really furnrate the position.

Despite the breakdown of this schedule, Li Feng in the countdown did not think of the method of crack at once.

In this way, under the double role of the spending, Li Feng, a group, is slowly rushed to the country ...

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