You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!"Lieutenant Colonel!"

As soon as the door opened in the command room of the Southern Territory Branch, Li Bo’s voice came in: "I heard there was a problem with the mission?"

"How did you come?"

Li Lan said without looking back, "I don't remember I told you to come here."

"Don't talk about it yet."

Li Bo walked to Li Lan's side, he was a little excited: "Tell me, what happened to the three rookies?"

"The three of them are fine."

Liu Shiqian closely monitored Suan's movements and said: "They are still safe now, but they may not be able to evacuate the mission area for the time being."

"Can't evacuate temporarily?"

Li Bo turned his head and asked Liu Shiqian, "What do you mean by that?"

"There is a wild god Suiyu near them."

Although Li Lan's tone was calm, it was tense: "Initially we thought Suan would not approach their combat area. But we didn't expect that Suan would still enter the combat area in order to swallow other wild gods."

"Damn it!"

Hearing that the one who invaded the combat area was , Li Bo gritted his teeth and cursed: "How come this kind of difficult guy has appeared!"

After a pause, Li Bo asked again: "Is there a way to send reinforcements?"

"No reinforcements."

Li Lan's expression changed: "The defensive squad has just changed guard, and the replaced team has already collected cores on the other side."

"What about the second unit?"

Li Bo then asked: "Transfer the second unit..."

"Nor for the second unit."

Liu Shiqian said with bleak eyes: "The second unit has already left for an expedition at noon, and the expected return time is 8 hours."

"Then I'll go out!"

Li Bo turned and walked towards the door: "I rushed to the reinforcements with Qingyun and Jian."

"You stop me!"

As soon as Li Bo took a step, Li Lan sternly stopped him: "You can't go anywhere! Just stay in the branch for me!"


Li Bo turned his head to look at Li Lan, his expression a little sordid at this time: "This is my subordinate, I have an obligation to protect him!"

"The premise is that you have that ability!"

Li Lan said loudly in an indisputable tone: "Now the magic machine of the three of you is still being maintained and upgraded. What use is there for the three of you who don't have the magic machine? Will you die?"

Don't tell me, Li Lan's remarks abruptly suppressed Li Bo.

He stopped, his hands clenched fists and kept shaking.

"I know you are worried about your subordinates."

Li Lan didn't hear the voice of Li Bo leaving, she lowered her tone and said, "But it doesn't make sense to go out blindly to die. Now, we still believe that the three of them can turn the danger out."

Despite the many helplessness in his heart, Li Bo never took the steps to leave the command room.

At the same time, Li Feng and the others also took advantage of their magical machine and went downstairs.

"I saw it."

Hidden in the elevator, Li Feng and the others saw a huge black god gnawing on the remains of Yasha that looked like Valzheluo, but was not completely dissipated: "Is this the ?"

Using the night vision goggles, Li Feng began to look closely at this wild god unique to the Southern Territory Division.

Judging from the appearance, this should also be a wild god of the genus Vazheluo.

But it didn't have the neck cloak like that of Valzheluo. Instead, it had the same golden mane as the lion.

Although he couldn't see his head clearly, Li Feng noticed that Suan's limbs were stronger than Valzheluo's, and there were defensive armour pieces on both sides.

In addition, a large amount of bone-spur-like substances grow on its raised tail, which is obviously used as a weapon in battle.

"It looks scary, this appearance."

The corners of Li Feng's mouth cocked, dripping sweat on his face: "The big paws are threatening to look at."

"What should we do now?"

Zhongyuan Ying was hiding behind Li Feng, her body trembling a little: "This guy, we guess we can't deal with it?"

"It's definitely not possible to deal with it!"

Lu Erxi lowered her voice and said, "I remember that this product seems to be a desolate god who is listed as a dangerous 7-star!"

"Dangerous 7 stars?"

The smile on Li Feng's face could not hold back anymore: "It seems that it is really not a good master."

"Dangerous 3-star Earth Mother, none of us can handle it."

Lu Erxi added: "You must know that whether it is King Kong or Chi You and Ge Bo Luo, they are just 1 star and 2 star trash fish."

"Let's not have a head-on conflict."

Li Feng also knows how dangerous this kind of guy classified as 7 stars is. He hides his invisibility and says: "Let’s just wait for it to leave and then leave. Rush to fight it, I’m afraid we will all The explanation is here!"

"I agree."

Since Zhongyuan Ying has partnered with Li Feng countless times in the game, she knew that opponents that Li Feng did not dare to easily provoke would be difficult to serve, so she hurriedly said: "Although it is important to eliminate the gods, but to be killed by the gods, just What a big loss!"

Seeing that neither of them wanted to mess with this embarrassment, Lu Erxi quickly stated that he did not want to contact this guy.

After a few minutes, all the Yashas on the ground were gnawed away, and she raised her head unfinishedly.

When it raised its head, not only Lu Erxi and Zhongyuan Ying, but even Li Feng was frightened.

It turned out that this was just like Vazheluo, and its face was not of the same grade as Vazheluo.

Its face is not only covered with nails like Vazheluo, it also has two sharp teeth that are far larger than Vazheluo!

Not only that, its small eyes glowed fiercely against the backdrop of the moonlight, and coupled with the blood stains on its mouth, it felt like a fierce beast had come to the world.

"Damn it."

After seeing Suan's appearance, Li Feng couldn't help cursing in his heart: "This guy's eyes are far more terrifying than Vazheluo!"

When Li Feng scolded this thing secretly, he felt that the hand of Zhongyuan Ying, who had been supporting his shoulder, was trembling.


Li Feng gently raised his hand to hold Zhongyuan Ying's soft little hand, and softly comforted: "We don't mess with it or make a sound. It will leave soon, don't be afraid."

"I... I'm not afraid..."

Although her mouth is still strong, Zhongyuan Ying still can't help but lie on Li Feng's back, and her body trembles endlessly because of fear: "I... won't be afraid..."

"do not worry."

Li Feng smiled slightly, he shook Zhongyuan Ying's hand and added a little force: "No matter what, we can go back safely."

Although he was planning to wait for Suan to leave before going out, this guy seemed to be full and full, instead of leaving, he sat in the small square and looked around.

"Damn it."

Seeing this situation, Li Feng cursed: "This thing is still going."

"How about we go down to the underground garage and go to other buildings?"

Nakahara Sakura bit her lip and said, "It's no way to go on like this. Leave from another building."

"Impossible." 3a reading network

Li Feng shook his head and rejected Zhongyuan Ying's proposal: "This community has only one exit. Even if we go to the exit of other buildings or even the underground garage, we will be within this guy's sight!"

After hesitating, the three decided to wait.

But after waiting for ten minutes, the damn didn't get out, but sniffed around and fell asleep on the small square.

"It's asleep."

Seeing this scene, Lu Erxi asked in a low voice, "What should I do?"

"Wait for it to sleep well."

Li Feng's eyes didn't leave Sui Su for a moment: "We will take it out quietly when he sleeps a little better!"

It is a pity that life is unsatisfactory.

What the three people waited for was not the sleeping Susu, but dozens of small gods who actually entered the residential area after Susu fell asleep and turned on the alert mode around Susu.


Looking at the fusion body dancing beside Suan, Li Feng secretly cried out bitterly: "This way we can't even touch it out, we can only wait for the bastard thing to get out!"

However, as soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Lu Erxi pointed to the entrance of the underground garage in the distance and said, "Li Feng, look!"

Following Erxi's fingers, Li Feng was surprised to find that several ghost face giant tails and the spear of fear entered the basement unhurriedly.

"This time it really sucks!"

Seeing the small desolate god gradually disappearing from his field of vision, Li Feng was also a little anxious: "The underground garage is accessible, and there is no chance that a small desolate god will come over."

"Then let's wipe them out now?"

Zhongyuan Ying frowned and said, "Rather than being discovered by them, it's better to go down and do something."

"That's faster to be discovered."

Li Feng shook his head: "No matter how you fight below, as long as a small barren god utters a roar, it will startle Suan immediately."

Although he said so, Li Feng also quickly outlined the surrounding environment in his mind.

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Feng said: "You two continue to stare here, I will go and take a look behind."

After saying this, Li Feng took his magic machine and temporarily left the team and walked towards the back of the elevator.

Soon after, Li Feng's voice came from the headset: "You come back, there is a small exit here."

Hearing Li Feng's voice, Zhongyuan Ying and Lu Erxi hurried to the back of the elevator.

Only then did they notice that perhaps it was because the gods had come in before that there was a big hole as high as one person behind the elevator.

After getting out of the cave, Lu Erxi faced a wall of more than 2 meters high, and Lu Erxi became difficult again.

"follow me."

Li Fengmao said, "Here is a place next to a small river in the back. The wall is relatively short. Let's go quietly."

After avoiding the sight of the conjugator and finally reaching the lower part of the wall, Li Feng straightened his waist and said, "We'll just turn out from here."

But when Li Feng just planned to turn out, the things outside the wall made him take a breath.

It turned out that in Li Feng's impression, although the outside of the wall was close to a small river and a little high, it was covered with weeds outside.

Jumping out from here, there should be no noise.

However, he forgot that the plants had been eaten clean since the appearance of the gods.

In addition, it is now the rainy season in the southern branch area, and the occasional heavy rains have already washed the soil slopes outside the walls to be extremely slippery.

At the end of the soil slope, there is a river that is rushing across the banks.

"It's a bit bad."

Li Feng sat on the wall and looked at the slippery soil slope below. He had no idea: "If you can't stabilize your body, you may fall into the river."

"How to do?"

Lu Erxi also noticed that the soil slope below was slippery, and he was a little worried: "So 90% of the jumps will fall into the river, right?"

"Go over there."

Li Feng slowly returned to the surrounding wall and said: "The land over there is more solid, and it is far from the god of desolation."

Came to the farthest position of Lihuang Shen, but here is another 2 meter high wall.

"How to get up?"

Lu Erxi asked in a low voice, "This is a bit..."

Before Lu Erxi finished speaking, Li Feng had already jumped onto the fence with two or three steps.

"Jump up."

Li Feng lay on the wall and whispered: "Did you forget the bounce of our God Eater? Just jump!"

Seeing Li Feng jumped up, Lu Erxi calmed his mind and jumped onto the wall with a few steps.

"Can this work?"

Although Li Feng and Lu Erxi both jumped on it easily, Zhongyuan Ying still had a little bottom in her heart: "This is too high."

"It's okay."

Li Feng was riding on the fence, holding the magic machine in his left hand to support the wall, and his right hand extended downwards: "As long as you can jump to reach my hand!"

Seeing Li Feng's stretched out hand, Zhongyuan Ying hesitated for a moment or stepped back a little.

Through the run-up, Zhongyuan Ying still jumped up easily and grabbed Li Feng's hand.

"Come up."

Li Feng slowly pulled Zhongyuan Ying up and said: "Be careful not to hit the wall, otherwise you will..."

I was really afraid of what came of it. Just when Li Feng was pulling Zhongyuan Ying, a conjugation that didn't know where he was hiding just floated out from behind the building.

Before the three of them reacted, the joint screamed.

Hearing the screams from the conjugation body, Suan who was asleep just opened his eyes and stood up.


Noting Suan's movements, Li Feng hurriedly pulled Zhongyuan Ying onto the wall and shouted, "We have been found!"

After jumping out of the fence, Li Feng immediately pointed to a bridge not far away and said, "Go over that bridge! Hurry!"

When the three of them ran up the bridge, they only heard a loud noise coming from a distance. Sui Su actually broke through the wall and rushed out.

"Cross the bridge!"

Li Feng asked the two to speed up, and took out a paralyzing trap from his pocket and threw it on the ground: "I hope this thing can delay a little time!"

Seeing that Li Feng dropped the paralysis trap, Lu Erxi and Zhongyuan Ying also hurriedly took out the paralysis trap they were carrying and threw it on the bridge.

Fortunately, Li Feng estimated that it was right. When Suan stepped on the first paralysis trap, the strong electric shock made it tremble in place immediately.

Although the paralyzing trap temporarily slowed Suan's progress, this trap would not be triggered by a small god.

In order not to let the small Aragami pose a threat, the three had to move and solve the approaching small Aragami.

After fighting and leaving, the three finally passed the bridge about 100 meters long.

After crossing the bridge, Li Feng immediately carried the magic machine on his shoulders and said: "You two cover me! I broke the bridge!"

Seeing Li Feng preparing to use a charged smash, Lu Erxi threw a coma grenade while repelling the rushing god with a submachine gun.

Just when Suan came to the middle of the bridge, Li Feng's long-awaited attack also slammed.

With an explosion, the small gods on the bridge were buried under the attack, and the bridge was suddenly enveloped in smoke and dust from the explosion.

But when the smoke cleared, Li Feng found that the bridge was almost undamaged!

Seeing Suan who had managed to escape the electric shock, Li Feng immediately took the other two people into the nearby ruins after a coma grenade contained it.

Today is the New Year’s Eve, the update is slow, I’m really sorry.In the coming Chinese New Year, I will try my best to keep one watch every day. I hope you can continue to support this work, thank you.In the new year, I wish you all a happy new year, all the best, and a happy family.

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