You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Collect the third day of the core action...

"Huh, so we got 50, right?"

Li Feng let the Divine Machine gnaw at Sekhmet while wiping the sweat on his forehead: "We have achieved good results these days."

"Who said no?"

Zhongyuan Sakura also let the divine machine eat Ge Bo Luo to fall to the sky: "It is this ghost place that is so stuffy!"

"I'm so hot!"

Lu Erxi let the divine machine chew the fallen two-wheeled chariot with his left hand, and freed his right hand to wipe the sweat on his face: "These wild gods with fire attributes really like to move around magma!"

In fact, no wonder they complain about the environment.

Now, Li Feng and the three of them are about 20 meters underground.

This originally seemed to be an area of ​​subway and sewer engineering forgotten and abandoned.

After the emergence of Aragami, due to geological disasters and digging caves by Aragami, it has now become an unusually wide underground cave.

If it's just an underground cave, it's fine, but I don't know why, many places actually see a lot of lava.

The appearance of lava makes the entire underground cave like an oven.

Coupled with the lack of ventilation and the existence of Arakawa who releases heat all over the body, this place is not ordinary dry and hot!

Although their clothes have been replaced with Fenrir's special fire-resistant and heat-resistant clothing and they have brought enough water, Li Feng and the others are still reluctant to stay in such a place for too long.


Lu Erxi felt that he was finally alive again after pouring a big mouthful of water from the kettle.

Seeing Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying who were searching for the remnant gods not far away, Lu Erxi smiled with relief.

Yes, a few days ago, he was worried about what the two men wanted to do and whether he would have trouble following them.

But after the fierce battle of the past few days, let alone because of the two, Li Lan allowed them to enter the underground cave to fight against the stronger desolate god.

Regarding their speech and behavior these days, Lu Erxi can see that they are the kind of people who don't have much thoughts.

Not only that, Lu Erxi also clearly felt that Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying regarded themselves as their own brothers.

When he was in danger, Li Feng would desperately rush up to help him resist the attack of the wild god.

When he made mistakes, Li Feng would not blame himself, but kept encouraging himself.

Although Zhongyuan Ying didn't have the ability like Li Feng, she could always make up for the gaps she exposed because of her mistakes in time.

It's not just about making up positions. If Li Feng reveals a flaw because of covering herself, Zhongyuan Ying will quickly contain the god of desolation and give herself and Li Feng a chance to replenish and breathe.

When Lu Erxi recalled what happened in the past few days, Li Feng and the others had already returned to him.

Looking at Lu Erxi who was smirking in a daze, Li Feng couldn't help but smile and asked, "Hey, Lao Lu, what the hell are you smirking?"


Lu Erxi shook her head as if she was awakened, and then she scratched her head embarrassedly and said, "It's nothing, I just feel that what happened these days is like a dream."

"You are not dreaming."

Li Feng patted Lu Erxi on the shoulder friendly, with a friendly smile on his face: "All these are real things that happened."

"I know."

Lu Erxi closed his eyes and smiled: "It just doesn't feel real."

"Slowly get used to it."

Zhongyuan Ying smiled and bounced around Li Feng and said: "At first, I and Feng were not used to it. Haven't I gotten used to it now? Well, the mission is over. Do you still want to be in this ghost place? Roast pig? Let’s go~"

When she said this, Zhongyuan Ying took Li Feng's hand and walked out.

"Good, good."

Li Feng was led by Zhongyuan Ying to walk outside, and smiled and called Lu Erxi: "Hey, Lao Lu, let's go."

Although following Li Feng and the others, Lu Erxi entered a silent state again and kept her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

When he was about to walk out of the underground cave, Lu Erxi stopped as if making up his mind: "That..."


When Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying heard the sound, they stopped one after another: "What's wrong?"

"That... Li Feng."

Lu Erxi lowered his head and couldn't see his expression, but he was hesitant to speak: "Actually...that's..."

"what happened?"

Li Feng tilted his head and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"that is..."

After taking a deep breath, Lu Erxi plucked up the courage and said, “Actually, I want to say, I doubted you before, I’m sorry. Now, I think it doesn’t matter whether you are Li Feng who trained with me before.. ..."

"Damn, what are you talking about?"

Letting go of Zhongyuan Ying's hand, Li Feng walked directly to Lu Erxi and hugged his neck: "Can you not talk about two families as a family? I don't care about such trivial things! It's a brother, so don't mention it again." Is this broken?"

"That's it!"

Standing not far away, Nakahara Sakura put her hand behind her back and said, "Don't say this to your own people! Feng doesn't like this!"

"My own... brother...?"

Looking at the sincere eyes of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, Lu Erxi was a little startled: "You mean..."

"Say a fart!"

Li Feng jumped up and slapped Lu Erxi on the back: "Anyway, we are brothers. Don't be bored with anything in the future, just say it!"


Lu Erxi nodded: "I see."

"Go and go!"

After receiving Lu Erxi's answer, Li Feng smiled boldly and said: "Let's go back to the branch! I will invite you to drink tonight!"

But when they first walked to a place not far from the entrance of the cave, the sound of "rustling" from the entrance of the cave made their hearts cold.

"My God~ isn't it?"

After walking to the entrance of the cave, it really started to rain heavily outside. Li Feng exclaimed depressedly: "It's really the sound of rain."

"It's normal for the rainy season, right?"

Seeing the heavy rain, Lu Erxi calmed down immediately: "It's June. This kind of shower is very common."

"Common is common, but it is true that it is not fun."

Nakahara Sakura pursed her mouth and complained: "Although her clothes are waterproof and have a hat, they will definitely get wet when they go to the evacuation point.

"But you can't wait for the rain to stop here."

Li Feng pulled the hat on his clothes over his head: "Although it will be uncomfortable, we must race against time. After all, Zhu Rong will not wait for us."


Although reluctant, Zhongyuan Ying also pulled up her hat: "These wild gods never care about whether we are uncomfortable, they just want to kill us."

"It's okay, the big deal is to go back and take a hot bath first."

After finishing the clothes, Lu Erxi smiled and said, "Anyway, this will be a commonplace meal when we fight in the future!"

The three of them didn't go far in the rain, and Liu Shiqian's voice came from the communication: "Li Feng, are you at the evacuation point?"

"It's still early!"

Li Feng panted heavily and put his hands in front of his face and said, "It's raining very hard now. We still need some time to arrive."

"That's right."

Liu Shiqian's laughter followed the radio wave: "You should have enough supplies, right? A temporary crusade is going to be handed over to you."

"What task?"

Li Feng raised the magic machine in his hand to beckon the other two to stop and asked, "What are you going to crusade on?"

"Vazeluo, there are probably two to three."

Liu Shiqian said easily: "About 700 meters northwest of you, there is Fazheluo's response. There are not many, and Lieutenant Colonel Lan hopes that you can follow along in the crusade."


Li Feng glanced at the compass on the bracelet, and then pointed the target direction with the magic machine: "We act immediately."

When they arrived near the designated location, Li Feng and the others quickly discovered three Vazheluo fighting for the remains of the two-wheeled chariot in the heavy rain.

"The old way."

Li Feng took out a coma grenade: "Take turns of coma grenade, and then solve one or two as soon as possible."

After waiting for a while, the three of them rushed towards Vazheluo while they were still fighting for food and under the cover of heavy rain.

A few minutes later, except for one Vazela wounded and escaped, the other two had fallen to the ground and began to dissipate.


After using fast predators to recover the core and materials, Li Feng said to the other two: "Don't let it escape!"

Following the escaping Vazheluo, Li Feng and the others came to the river.

At this time, because of the rain, the river water skyrocketed.

Facing the turbulent and wide surface of the river, Vazheluo stopped and hesitated on the edge of the river.

"Can't escape, right?"

Seeing Fazheluo who was in trouble by the river, the three of Li Feng and the others immediately surrounded it, "Where are you going this time?"

But just as the three of them surrounded Vazheluo and planned to attack, there was a sound of tumbling earth and rocks suddenly heard behind him.


Immediately afterwards, vazero roars came from around the three.

"Damn, unfortunate!"

Looking around, Li Feng and the others found that they were surrounded by six or seven Valzhelas: "How come the gathering is completed at this time!"

"How to do?"

While back-to-back, Zhongyuan Ying looked at the large number of Vazheluo and asked: "This number is a bit large, maybe we can't figure it out?"

"It's definitely not possible."

After analyzing the situation, Li Feng said, "The only way to survive is to find a way to knock down one or two of them and break out of this encirclement."

Even though he could only think of this way when he was here, after all, there were so many Vazhelaos, and Li Feng and the others would not dare to act rashly for a while.

Seeing that Li Feng and the others did not move, Fazheluo Qun just stared at them from the periphery.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, there was a scream of deja vu from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, Li Feng and the others felt a slight vibration under their feet.

Just when the three of them were on guard, a black lightning suddenly tore through the rain curtain and knocked down a Valzheluo directly.

Before the three of them could figure out what was going on, a huge black figure appeared in the rain.

"The god of desolation... ..."

Although it is not very clear through the rain curtain, the huge black body and golden neck bristles still let the three people know what the person is: "Isn't it such a bad luck?"

After slaying a Vazheluo, Suan first jumped on Vazheluo's body and chewed on his head.

Immediately afterwards, it lifted the blood-filled head.

Although it was washed by rain, seeing the drops of blood dripping from its huge canine teeth, the three of Li Feng felt a little frightened.

It seemed that it was because of the greater temptation of Vazero, Suan just glanced at the three of them, but then attacked Vazero, who was retreating next to him because of fear.

"What are you doing standing stupidly!"

Looking at the Fazheluo group that was in chaos because of the appearance of Suan, Zhongyuan Ying grabbed Li Feng and shouted at Lu Erxi: "Don't you run away while their dogs bite the dogs?"

Zhongyuan Ying's roar awakened the two guys who were still startled by seeing the ferociousness.

After regaining their senses, the two hurriedly followed Zhongyuan Ying to escape.

Before running too far, three black lightning rushed to the three of them.

Perhaps it was because of the loud rain and wearing a hood.

The three people who were fleeing didn't notice the electric lights flying towards them from behind.


As the screams sounded, the three of them were knocked down by the electric shock from behind them almost simultaneously.

Although the heat-resistant suits on their bodies reduced the current damage to a certain extent, the three of them were still beaten by the strong currents.


While struggling to turn over, Li Feng cursed: "I underestimate the enemy, this guy is really amazing!"

As soon as he turned over, Li Feng saw that the stubborn eyes that were gnawing at Valzheluo actually emitted a red light that could penetrate the rain.

When the three of them finally stood up while supporting each other, Suan, who had already eaten up Vazheluo, also slowly walked towards them.

"Trouble now."

Li Feng held the magic machine in one hand, and supported Chu Yuan Sakura, who was shaking with her legs in one hand, with a helpless smile on her face for the first time: "We must fight this damn thing in this state. I'm really not sure."

"Who said no!"

Although Zhongyuan Ying was supported by Li Feng and she was still supporting her on the ground with a magic machine, she still could not stand firmly: "This guy's current is really too strong."

"How to do?"

Although Lu Erxi was standing on his own, he could see from the magical machine deep in the ground and the trembling feet that he just barely held on: "Shall we use the last method to escape?"

"Run away."

After letting Zhongyuan Ying stand up, Li Feng tried to stabilize his legs, but his hands were still shaking so much that he couldn't hold the magic: "This place is flat, we can't find a shelter to hide."

When they spoke, Suan had already reached a position less than 10 meters away from them.

It seemed that the three of them had almost no resistance, and Suan showed a somewhat evil and horrible smile.

"Lieutenant Colonel!"

At the same time, Liu Shiqian, who was far away in the headquarters, also discovered the problem: "I don't know when, Li Feng, and the others have a signal! Within 50 meters! Communication with them has been blocked!"

"what did you say?"

Li Lan immediately turned his head and looked at Liu Shiqian when he heard this: "Why did you tell me now?"

"Because of the clouds."

Liu Shiqian quickly tapped the keyboard and said: "The clouds cut off the signal and obstructed satellite scanning, so it was too late to find!"

"Damn it!"

Li Lan slammed an angry fist on the podium: "Immediately notify Li Bo that they will rush over!"

"Can't do it, Lieutenant Colonel!"

Liu Shiqian pressed the mouse with one hand and the earphone with one hand and turned back and exclaimed: "Captain Li Bo and the others are fighting with 4 Gam now, they cannot leave the battlefield!"

"Where is the second force?"

Li Lan pointed at Liu Shiqian: "You can also defend the first or second squad! Immediately notify the troops that can act to increase their reinforcements!"

"Lieutenant Sun Chenyue, can you hear me?"

After receiving the order, Liu Shiqian immediately began to call: "Second Defense Class, Second Defense Class, please answer when you hear it!"

"heard it!"

Liu Shiqian quickly got Sun Chenyue's response: "This is the second defense class. Our mission has just ended, what's the matter?"

"3 kilometers northeast of you."

Liu Shiqian told Sun Chenyue exactly where Li Feng and the others were, and gave Li Lan's order: "Susu may be attacking the three newcomers of the first unit, please hurry up and rescue!"

"Roger that."

Although it was mixed with the sound of rain, Sun Chenyue's answer was loud and clear: "We rushed right away, with an estimated arrival time of 20 minutes. If they can, I hope they can hold on!"

Looking at the beacons of Sun Chenyue and the others on the tactical map, Li Lan secretly prayed in his heart: "Li Feng, the three of you must find a way to persevere!"

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