I actually became a god eater

Chapter 37-Confession

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!On the way to the park, in order to find the magic of Zhongyuan Sakura, Li Feng and the others still walked along the waterway as much as possible.

"If we don't go any further, let's turn around."

Li Feng pointed to a fault not far away and said: "When you get to it, turn around, otherwise we might be sleeping out in the wild tonight."

It makes sense for Li Feng to say so.

Although they looked at the park very close, they had only left for a while and the sky was already dark.

Although it is the rainy season, the night at this time is still chilling.

After Li Feng noticed that Zhongyuan Ying started to tremble with his arms, he could only make this decision.

"Huh...whatever it is."

Nakahara Sakura was too cold to bear, and her lips began to turn white because of the cold: "I just want to find a shelter from the wind and get something to warm up a little bit."

"It depends on luck."

Li Feng smiled helplessly and said: "I don't know if there is any combustible left in the park, I only have a lighter on hand."

After another short walk, Zhongyuan Ying suddenly lit up.

"Hey, is that magic machine?"

Nakahara Sakura pointed to the long black pole still soaking in the water and asked, "It looks a bit like my naginata."

"Let's go and take a look."

First, Li Feng watched vigilantly before saying, "Let's be careful."

After coming to the water and seeing that it was indeed a long rod that was soaked in the water, Sakura Chuhara rushed forward with great joy and picked it up.

"Oh Huo, it's really my magic machine."

After picking it up, Zhongyuan Sakura looked at her magic machine and smiled: "With the magic machine in hand, we don't have to be afraid of the gods."

"Let's go."

Li Feng patted the happy Zhongyuan Sakura and said: "We must find a safe place as soon as possible. Are you hungry?"

When they came to the vicinity of the park, Li Feng and the others first observed a little bit in the periphery.

After confirming that there was no movement from the gods, the two men sneaked into the park in the dark.

After research, Li Feng finally decided to take shelter in the underground garage with Zhongyuan Ying.

Entering the underground garage, the two of them roughly searched and decided to take a break behind the car in the corner.

"You sit down for a while."

Seeing Zhongyuan Ying's pale face, Li Feng felt painful in his heart: "I'll find something to ignite."


Zhongyuan Ying squatted on the ground and kept rubbing her hands: "Be careful, just call me if anything happens."


Li Feng took off the heat-resistant suit he was wearing and put it on Zhongyuan Sakura lightly: "You put it on first, don't freeze it."

After giving the heat-resistant clothes to Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng walked away from the corner and searched for combustibles in the garage.

For some reason, Li Feng quickly collected a lot of combustible materials such as wood and paper.

"How come there are so many?"

Nakahara Sakura looked at the small pile of combustibles in front of her and asked, "Where did you find it?"

"There is a security room over there."

Li Feng put down the broken stool and said, "Although it was ransacked by the gods, there is still a lot of wood and paper, which should be enough for us to dry our clothes through the night."

While speaking, Li Feng had already knelt down and started preparing for the ignition.

Soon, warm flames rose in this corner where they were hiding.


With the temperature of the flame, although the burning smoke is a bit choking, Chu Yuan Sakura still stretched out her hands with an expression of enjoyment: "It's so warm."

"Don't fudge."

Li Feng unbuttoned his clothes and said, "Don't squat, take it off."

"Take off?"

Zhongyuan Ying was taken aback when she heard the words, but after seeing Li Feng's actions, her face immediately turned red: "You, you, you...what do you want to do?"

Nakahara Sakura grabbed the clothes she was wearing, and sat on the ground desperately backing: "I, I, I... I tell you, I'm not such a casual person..."

"What are you thinking about?"

At this time, Li Feng noticed that Zhongyuan Ying had misunderstood. He blushed and stopped the action in his hand to explain: "I mean take off your clothes and dry it. Otherwise, you will catch a cold no matter how hot you are wearing soaked clothes!"

"Oh~ Is that so?"

Zhongyuan Ying looked at Li Feng's bewildered look, her eyes were happy and a little disappointed: "But... but here."

"I can't see."

Li Feng turned his back to Zhongyuan Ying and said, "After taking off the wet clothes, we can wear the thermal insulation suit directly, which is waterproof and warm."

"I got it."

After confirming that Li Feng had indeed turned around, Zhongyuan Ying slowly stood up and took off her clothes: "Don't look back! If you dare to turn around, I won't care about you again in my life!"

"Got it."

Li Feng responded like this, but he really had the urge to turn around: "You got it right and call me."

After a while, Zhongyuan Ying said timidly: "I'm dressed, you can look back."

To be honest, Li Feng just listened to the voice behind him, and had the urge to look back several times.

But reason still defeated his impulse, and he persisted until Zhongyuan Sakura spoke before turning around.

Seeing Zhongyuan Sakura wrapped in a thin heat-resistant suit, Li Feng's face turned red again.

Indeed, although heat-resistant clothing has the function of heat insulation, heat preservation and waterproofing, it is indeed a very thin and very close-fitting garment.

Originally, she was wearing other clothes and couldn't see it, but now Zhongyuan Sakura is only wearing a heat-resistant suit, and her perfect body curve is instantly visible.

"Are you thinking of something bad?"

After Zhongyuan Ying noticed Li Feng's eyes, she scolded Li Feng sternly: "Hurry up and find a way to dry the clothes, or I will be angry!"

"Well, good~"

Shaking his head, Li Feng hurriedly opened the clothes that Zhongyuan Ying had taken off to dry on the abandoned car closest to the bonfire: "Fortunately, I chose such a place specially, otherwise there are no branches or anything, so how do the clothes bake?"

"how about you?"

Zhongyuan Sakura pulled the zipper of the heat-resistant suit, opened her hands to face the bonfire and asked, "What about your clothes?"


Li Feng took a rope out of his pocket, tied the two ends to the wreckage of the car and a bump on the wall, and said, "I'll use this to dry it."

With the rope fastened, Li Feng immediately decided to take off his clothes.

"Give you."

As soon as Li Feng raised his hand, Zhongyuan Ying threw his heat-resistant suit on his face and squatted with her back and said, "I'm not watching, hurry up."

Seeing Zhongyuan Ying's clumsy and cute look, Li Feng couldn't help but smile.

After hanging up their clothes, the two sat on the edge of the campfire and took out the remaining spare dry food and water to fill their stomachs.

After eating, the two sat silently across the campfire.

For a while, the two fell into a state of confusion and embarrassment.

I don’t know how long it took before Zhongyuan Ying broke the silence: "Hey, Feng. There is something I always want to confirm with you, can you not know?" Soso Novel www.sosoxs.cc

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Li Feng raised his head when he heard the words, and looked at Zhongyuan Ying with curious eyes: "What is it about?"


Nakahara Sakura looked at the bonfire and tweaked it for a while before asking in a very small voice, "Do you like me?"


Li Feng did not expect that Zhongyuan Ying would ask such a question. He was a little dazed: "What? You...what did you say?"

"You heard it."

Zhongyuan Sakura's voice is still very small, and her face also shows a blush: "Will you answer me?"

"Yes, I like you."

I don’t know where the courage came from. Perhaps it’s a question of the current atmosphere. For the first time, Li Feng answered without evading: "I have liked you since I first saw you.


Nakahara Sakura raised her head after receiving an answer, her eyes were full of happy expressions: "Are you serious? Didn't you lie to me?"

"What did I lie to you."

Li Feng lowered his head in embarrassment, his face was hot. "On the day I got the official title, I fell in love with you when I saw you at the scene."

"It's such a coincidence."

Zhongyuan Ying blushed and lowered her head again, and said in a smaller voice: "Actually...I also liked you that day."


When Li Feng heard what Zhongyuan Ying said, it took a while before he reacted and exclaimed: "What did you say? You...me?"


Zhongyuan Ying turned her head to the side, and the hanging hair just blocked her face so that Li Feng could not see her expression: "You know, I had been suffering from not being able to know you at the time. You are an officially recognized master, and I , Is an unknown rookie."

"However, I didn't expect you to take the initiative to add me as a friend."

Before Li Feng spoke, Zhongyuan Ying went on to say, "That...I want to know why."

"That...not because I like you..."

Li Feng also lowered his head shyly at this time: "Actually, I did a cheat... Before the game started, I sneaked behind you, quietly looked at your ID and took a photo with my phone, and went home. I will add you immediately."

"Ha, I'll just say how do you know my ID!"

Hearing Li Feng's words, Zhongyuan Ying immediately turned her head and showed an angry look: "It turns out that you secretly took pictures of me competing with others!"

"Yes, it is."

Although Li Feng did not see Zhongyuan Ying's expression, she also heard from her voice raised a few degrees that she seemed a little angry and lowered her head: "I'm sorry..."

"But that's fine."

Zhongyuan Ying suddenly put away her anger, looked at the bonfire and said: "Although I have secretly photographed your ID, I have never dared to add you."


Hearing these words, Li Feng suddenly raised his head: "You also did the same thing as me?"


This time it was Sakura's turn to lower her head: "It's just...I don't have the guts to add you to it."

After Zhongyuan Ying said this sentence, Li Feng would not know how to answer it for a while.

Suddenly, the scene once again became silent.

Although there was a burst of choking smoke in the underground garage at this time, the two sitting by the campfire stared at the flame in front of them and said nothing.

Under the temperature of the campfire, Zhongyuan Ying's face had returned to normal.

But perhaps because of the topic just now, Li Feng faintly saw that her little face was flushing with love at this time.

"That one..."

Li Feng was determined to break this embarrassment. He slowly said, "You said you came to this world to chase me, right? But why do you want to do this? Isn't it good over there? There is no threat from the gods. "

"But there is no you, right?"

Nakahara Sakura’s eyes did not leave the jumping flames, but she answered very simply: “Although we really spend a very short time together and in the game, but without your game and world, I really don’t know what to do. face."

"That...as for?"

Hearing this statement, Li Feng thought it was incredible: "We...that...seems to just overlap in the game? Actually we seem to be..."

"But that's how I feel."

Zhongyuan Sakura's eyes suddenly became very ambiguous and looked at Li Feng: "Although it has only been in contact for a few months, do you know? After you came to this world, you have never been online or contacted me. I have been all day long. Absent-minded in a trance."


Li Feng still feels unbelievable: "We are indeed true..."

"Yes, really we have nothing to do with each other."

Zhongyuan Sakura looked at the bonfire again, and her eyes became a little lost: "Only when we come to this world can we meet in a real sense. We can sit together and chat and fight together like this. For me, this enough."

"Don't you think it is dangerous?"

Li Feng sighed and asked: "This world is full of wild gods, lacking food and clothing. If you are not careful, you will really die. Although you won't really die, but everything in this world is..."

"I'm not afraid."

Zhongyuan Sakura shook her head and said, "Because of you, I am not afraid of the gods at all. I said that before? I believe that as long as you are by my side, I can face any gods. Besides, won't you protect me ?"


Li Feng's eyes resolutely replied: "This is the case in the game. In this world, I will try my best to protect you. No matter what kind of wild god the opponent is, I will stand in front of you."

"Is that all right?"

Zhongyuan Ying stood up and walked to Li Feng's side and sat down, leaning her body on Li Feng, "So, as long as you are there, stay with you. This world is good, that world is good, and there is something for me. What's the difference?"

"But... I want you to be safe."

Although Zhongyuan Ying leaned on her, Li Feng never dared to put her arms around her: "Your safety is more important than anything else."

"This is your wishful thinking."

Zhongyuan Ying leaned her head on Li Feng's shoulder and said: "Anyway, I don't care, wherever you go, I will go. It is impossible for you to leave me alone and fight here!"

"and also."

Zhongyuan Ying raised her head again and looked at Li Feng’s eyes and said, “Don’t want to throw me away! I will never allow you to throw me away and run away, don’t you? If you dare to do this, I will never Forgive you! Even if you return to that world!"

"Well, it won't."

Li Feng looked at Zhongyuan Ying's eyes tenderly and said: "Since you are all here, how could I get rid of you."

"It's still quite cold."

After receiving Li Feng's answer, Zhongyuan Ying put her head on Li Feng's shoulder again: "Hey, are your hands disabled?"

"Handicapped? Nothing."

Li Feng replied in a daze: "My hands have always been good, haven't they?"

"Then you still put it?"

Zhongyuan Ying whispered, "The girl said cold, what should your dog's paw do? As long as you are not too much, I will not be angry."

When Zhongyuan Ying said so, Li Feng knew what she meant even if she was stupid.

After hesitating for a while, Li Feng still put his arm around Zhongyuan Ying's shoulder...

Someone might want to ask me, didn’t they say that they lost their power?Hey, do you think I will let Zhongyuan Sakura still have combat effectiveness?Oh, I almost forgot, the routine notice.

Next time: New Desolate God debut

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