You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!While Li Bo led the golden Hannibal away, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying ate the recovery ingots Liu Jian threw to them.

"If you can move around, find a place to hide."

Seeing the two gradually regaining their mobility, Su Qingyun put away the shield and turned the magic machine into a sniper rifle: "You without the magic machine will only distract us now."


Although knowing that Su Qingyun was telling the truth, Li Feng was still a little unwilling: "We too..."

"To shut up."

As always, Liu Jian said to them with a black face: "Get out of the way, don't get in the way!"

"Let's go, Feng."

Zhongyuan Ying pulled Li Feng's arm gently: "Sister Qingyun and Brother Jian are right, we will only get in the way now."


When the matter was over, Li Feng could only sigh softly, "Then let's hide first."

Just when the two turned around to leave, Liu Jian suddenly stopped them: "Hey, take it."

As soon as Li Feng turned his head, a belt filled with coma grenades and some auxiliary items was thrown into his hand.

After throwing the belt to Li Feng, Liu Jian and Su Qingyun exchanged glances and ran to the golden Hannibal.


Li Feng hung his belt on his shoulders, holding his broken magic machine in one hand and holding Zhongyuan Sakura in one hand while running and said: "How does this guy's character feel more awkward than Soma?"


Zhongyuan Ying couldn't help but began to complain about Liu Jian's attitude: "His character is really...I don't know how to evaluate it."

After running a long distance, both of them felt that they should be safe, they found a relatively hidden place nearby and hid.

Although they were hiding, they couldn't help but curiously stretched out their heads and looked at the war zone.

Leaving aside the two people who are hiding in the corner to observe the battle.

After Liu Jian and Su Qingyun joined the battle, Li Bo raised the corners of his mouth first, and then took advantage of the opportunity to jump after avoiding the attack of the golden Hannibal and took out a strange storage tube from his waist pocket.

Seeing Li Bo take out the storage tube, Liu Jian immediately jumped to the golden Hannibal's side to attract his attention.

And Su Qingyun cooperated with Liu Jian's actions to prevent Golden Hannibal from having any chance to pay attention to Li Bo.

After injecting the substance in the storage tube into the magic machine, Li Bo immediately switched to the shotgun form to send ammunition to Su Qingyun.

Su Qingyun immediately passed the ammunition to Liu Jian, who was attracting the attention of the golden Hannibal.


While passing the bullet to Liu Jian, Su Qingyun accurately hit the golden Hannibal's injured arm with a shot.


After being hit and injured, the golden Hannibal immediately stared at Su Qingyun after a roar.

However, Su Qingyun, who had already known that this would happen, had deliberately used the steps to open the distance from the golden Hannibal.

Seeing Su Qingyun retreating, the golden Hannibal immediately moved towards her.

Just like that, a neutral gear appeared behind it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Jian quickly teleported the wild god bullet to Li Bo on the other side of the golden Hannibal.

In all these actions, Li Bo never said a word from the beginning to the end, just by making the actions, the other two had fully understood his intentions.

Seeing all this, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying couldn't help but sigh the tacit cooperation between the three.

As Li Bo entered a state of liberation from the gods, the golden Hannibal stopped chasing Su Qingyun.

Then it turned its head and stared at Li Bo, who hadn't attacked him since just now.

"How is this going?"

Seeing this transformation of Golden Hannibal Sakura, she was a little curious: "Why did Golden Hannibal suddenly give up chasing Sister Qingyun and attack Boge?"

"Provoking pheromones!"

Li Feng stared at the light blue fire on Li Bo’s magic machine and said: “This is a potion I often use in the game to attract the attention of the gods, and Boge also used it.”

As soon as Golden Hannibal was taken away by Li Bo, Su Qingyun and Liu Jian took out the same storage tubes and tied them to their magic machines at the same time.

"Pretend pheromones."

Without waiting for Zhongyuan Ying to ask, Li Feng explained: "This is a disguise potion that makes the gods pay less attention to himself. Lothar and Kakarot usually use it."

"It turned out to be so."

Recalling when playing games with Li Feng and the others, Zhongyuan Ying clenched her right hand and smashed her left palm: "No wonder I said why the goddess bites me except you, and basically doesn't attack them!"

"So you are a little fool!"

Li Feng raised his hand and gently tapped Zhongyuan Ying's head: "If you meet someone who doesn't understand, you would rather check X degrees than ask us, who would be the one if you don't suffer?"


Zhongyuan Ying pouted her mouth where she was knocked: "You have to tell me more, or I will bite you!"

When she said this, Zhongyuan Ying also grinned at Li Feng deliberately.

When the two were arguing, the situation on the battlefield was completely changed by Li Bo and the three of them.

Taking advantage of the attack, defense, and all the characteristics of speed increase after the liberation of the magic machine, the movements of the golden Hannibal were no longer a big deal in front of the three.

If the improvement in ability alone has weakened the golden Hannibal's advantage, then the tacit cooperation of the three will reduce the golden Hannibal's advantage again.

No matter who the golden Hannibal intends to attack, once he finds himself being targeted, that person will immediately distance himself from the golden Hannibal.

While the golden Hannibal was chasing him, the other two would immediately rush up to harass him.

However, at this moment, Li Feng found a different place in Golden Hannibal.

When fighting against himself before, the golden Hannibal had any tricks, and he felt merciless.

However, facing Li Bo and the three of them, Li Feng always felt that this guy was merciful everywhere.

Not only is the accuracy of the attack extremely low, but it also does not use any destructive attack methods, just constantly biting with the mouth or grasping with the hands.

"Weird thing."

The more Li Feng looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong: "Why is this guy's attack different than when he fought us before?"


Zhongyuan Ying said optimistically: "It's because Qingyun and the others are too strong, this mud can only be crushed and beaten."

"No, it's definitely not like that!"

Li Feng shook his head, the expression on his face was very solemn: "Have you noticed? Since just now, this golden Hannibal has never spit out fire, let alone using a fireball or flame spear."

"It's not that Qing Yun didn't give it a chance?"

Nakahara Sakura raised her eyebrows and smiled: "We can only say that the two of us are not in perfect condition, and the level of the magic machine is too low! If we also use the R6 magic machine, I am afraid it will be easy to deal with this guy!"

"You are too optimistic."

Li Feng frowned, his expression on his face becoming heavier: "This Hannibal's movements and behaviors reveal a feeling of mercy everywhere. Could it be that..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng's mind suddenly felt like a flash of lightning.

"Huh? Could it be!"

Sakura Nakahara also thought of a possibility at this time: "Could it be that...this golden Hannibal is..."


Li Feng nodded: "After the God Eater loses the bracelet, the partial eclipse factor in the body will lose control, and then the God Eater will become deified. In the game, there have been several recorded cases of the God Eater Huang deified. Do you remember?"


After Nakahara Sakura recalled the content of the game, she nodded quickly: "For example, gentian, and those killed by Liwei..."

"Well, so I think..."

Having said this, Li Feng looked at the golden Hannibal who had been struggling: "If it is really possible, this golden Hannibal might be..."

While the two were guessing here, the battle continued.56 Novel

Using the moment when the golden Hannibal's attention was attracted by Su Qingyun, Li Bo turned on the propulsion engine of the impact hammer and jumped high.

Perhaps hearing the sound of advancing the engine, the golden Hannibal stopped immediately and looked up.

When Lee Bo jumped up and lifted the hammer to hit him, the golden Hannibal was about to jump up with his hind legs.

However, the moment it took off, it felt that its right leg was pulled.

It turned out that after Liu Jian noticed that Golden Hannibal was about to take off, he immediately turned the magic machine into a biting blade shape and hooked its right leg.

When it wanted to jump up, Liu Jian pulled its legs back with both hands.

After being pulled so unexpectedly by Liu Jian, the golden Hannibal slipped and fell to the ground with his hind legs.

Then only a muffled noise was heard, and the hammer in Li Bo's hand hit its head directly.

After Li Bo hit the golden Hannibal's head, he immediately used the reaction force to jump back with the rebound of the hammer.

After being hit hard, Golden Hannibal immediately stood up and opened his mouth to bite Li Bo who was still in the air.

Just when it was about to bite Li Bo, a sniper shell unbiasedly hit Li Bo's open shield and ejected Li Bo out of its attack range.

Just like this, the golden Hannibal took a bite.

At the same time, Liu Jian came to the position of the golden Hannibal's tail and raised the sickle in his hand.

The golden Hannibal had already noticed his movements before he could get the knife.

I don't know why, Golden Hannibal didn't directly flick Liu Jian into the air, but chose to twist his body in another direction to avoid Liu Jian's attack.

But just when it avoided Liu Jian's attack, Su Qingyun had already reached its neck from the blind corner of its vision.

"I'm coming!"

Li Bo was already on the ground at this time, he came to Su Qingyun and hugged her waist: "You are going to use that trick, right? Go on!"

While holding Su Qingyun's waist, Li Bo stood firm with his feet on the ground and threw Su Qingyun high with only one hand.

Seeing Su Qingyun being thrown by Li Bo, Liu Jian raised the corner of his mouth and continued to attract the attention of the golden Hannibal.

Su Qingyun, who was flying in the air, quickly switched the magic machine to the form of a charged spear, and then aimed at the heating organ behind the golden Hannibal.


After aiming at the fever organ, Su Qingyun turned on the newly added thruster of the charge spear that Long Xue gave her.

Only hearing the sound of the propeller, Su Qingyun pierced the golden Hannibal's heating organ with a spear like a missile.

When the golden Hannibal found Su Qingyun, it was too late to dodge.


Only hearing a scream that shook the sky and the earth, Su Qingyun rolled her body gorgeously in the air and landed lightly on the ground.

And behind her, there are golden Hannibal falling from strength and fragments of broken fever organs.

"It's now!"

Before the golden Hannibal had the strength to stand up, Li Bo came to its head and raised the impact hammer: "Go to hell!"

"and many more!"

Before Li Bo's hammer fell, Liu Jian suddenly stood in between him and the golden Hannibal: "Captain!"

"what happened?"

Although Li Bo stopped his movements, his hammer was still held high: "Get out of the way. If you don't take advantage of this time to kill it, there will be no chance."

"Yes, wait, Bobo."

Su Qingyun also came to Liu Jian's side: "Don't you think something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

Li Bo tilted his head with a confused expression: "What do you two say?"

"Watch it for yourself."

Su Qingyun and Liu Jian moved aside at the same time, allowing Li Bo to see the golden Hannibal's face: "Look at its eyes."

When Li Bo saw the golden Hannibal's eyes, he was stunned.

At this time, the golden Hannibal's eyes were already open.

But in its eyes, there is no anger, but full of nostalgia and reluctance, even with a hint of relief.

Not only that, but there were a few crystal tears flowing out of the corner of its eyes.


Seeing this look, Li Bo put down the impact hammer held high in his hand: "What's the matter?"

"I can't tell."

Su Qingyun shook her head helplessly and said, "But I always think this Hannibal doesn't seem that simple."

"I think so."

Liu Jian's eyes looked at Golden Hannibal at this time. "It obviously didn't intend to kill us when he fought us just now. I feel that this guy..."

"What's wrong with this guy?"

Li Bo asked curiously: "Sword, what do you feel?"

"I can't tell."

Liu Jian looked complicated and shook his head and said, "But I always feel that if we kill it here, we will probably regret it."

"I also have this feeling."

Su Qingyun's expression is as complicated as Liu Jian's: "Moreover, don't you think this guy's eyes make you feel familiar?"

Under the persuasion of the two, Li Bo tried for the first time to observe the wild god who no longer moved but was still alive.

After a while, Li Bo sighed and put the impact hammer on his shoulders: "Forget it, let him go today. I retreated and retreated!"

After hearing Li Bo's order, although he was still confused in his heart, Liu Jian and Su Qingyun left the golden Hannibal's side and walked into the distance.

The moment he turned and left, Li Bo didn't care whether he understood it or not, and left a sentence: "Today I let you go, but if I meet you again next time, I won't let you go! From now on, the farther you go, the better!"

Perhaps after understanding Li Bo's words, Golden Hannibal waited until Li Bo and the others took Li Feng away before slowly getting up and leaving in the other direction.

Regardless of the five people who retreated by helicopter, the golden Hannibal who was released by Li Bo dragged his bruised body back into a huge cave.

"You're back?"

As soon as Golden Hannibal entered the cave, a female voice rang from the cave: "Yo? Didn't you go out to hunt? Why did you get all the injuries back?"

The golden Hannibal did not speak, but came to a relatively flat place deep in the cave and lay down and kept making heavy breathing noises.

At this moment, a graceful female figure emerged from the shadow of the cave.

She came to the golden Hannibal's side, looked at it with pity, and stroked the scars on its body: "The guards and heating organs have been broken? Is there so much damage?"

While stroking the golden Hannibal, she walked around it specially.

Coming to the golden Hannibal's face, she gently placed her hand on the golden Hannibal's cheek and said, "These wounds are caused by a magical machine? Have you met the God Eater in the Southern Territory Branch? How can you escape back?"

Although the female figure had been talking to the golden Hannibal, the golden Hannibal still lay on the ground and panted without a word.

"Forget it, let's help you restore your original appearance."

Looking at the appearance of the golden Hannibal, the female figure smiled: "It is not convenient for me to treat you in your state."

After saying this, the female figure pressed against the golden Hannibal's hand and suddenly bursts of ominous black smoke emitted.

After a while, the huge golden Hannibal disappeared in front of the female figure.

Instead, the figure of another woman fell to the position where the golden Hannibal was lying on her stomach.

"It's so pathetic."

Although the female figure used a sympathetic tone when she said this, no matter who it was, she could hear that she was actually laughing at the other person.

"Next time, you can't fail."

The female figure squatted down and put her hand on the opponent again: "Next time you fail again, I will let you be a desolate god without a brain forever!"

Haha, after writing for so long, I made the real villain appear on the stage~ Many readers (readers who have played the game of God Eater) probably guessed the true identity of this golden Hannibal, right? Who is this villain? Why can she manipulate the gods? What is her purpose? Hey, if you want to know, please read it patiently~!

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