You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!When Zhu Rong slowly walked into the ambush area, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly left the observation point and waited for the ambush point Li Lan explained before.

"By the way, what is the signal?"

Just as the two were nervously waiting for the signal, Zhongyuan Ying's eyes lit up and asked, "Feng, do you know?"

"What? You don't know?"

Hearing Zhongyuan Ying’s question, Li Feng also showed a look of surprise and lowered his voice and asked, "Didn’t Lieutenant Colonel Lan tell you? Earlier I saw her looking for you alone and thought she was telling you what the signal was!


Hearing Li Feng's answer, Zhongyuan Ying once again showed a flustered look: "Lieutenant Colonel Lan told me to go out just to tell me not to attack Zhu Rong's insteps! She didn't say anything else!"

"Isn't it?"

After receiving such an answer from Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng was stunned: "I also asked Lieutenant Colonel Lan before. She just told me that I would know when the time came. But she didn't tell me what it was!"


Nakahara Sakura's expression became more and more flustered: "What on earth do we do? If the time for the attack is not right, then it will be a bad thing?"

In fact, it is not only Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng is also in a mess now, and he is also a little at a loss.

However, they soon knew what Li Lan's so-called signal meant.

As Zhu Rong stepped into the ambush zone, there was a strange sound of latch bounce on the ground.

Then a series of explosions sounded, and bursts of light suddenly lit up within a radius of about 200 meters with Zhu Rong as the center.

Before Zhu Rong could react, it felt that his whole body sank under the empty feet.

Because of the sinking of the ground, Zhu Rong's huge body was suddenly shrouded in dust.

"So this is the signal!"

Seeing Zhu Rong fall into a big pit, Li Feng exclaimed: "It turns out that the lieutenant colonel set a trap here long ago!"

"Don't be in a daze, private soldier!"

At this moment, Li Lan's voice came out of the earphones: "Central Plains Sakurahara is on standby. Private Li Feng immediately attacked Zhu Rong to attract its attention!"

"Roger that!"

Hearing Li Lan's order, Li Fengchao Zhongyuan Ying nodded and immediately rushed out of the bunker: "Come and taste the special ice bomb prepared for you!"

With the sound of the bombardment, a special silver-white shell tore through the dust barrier and fired directly at Zhu Rong's head.


After the shells hit, bursts of biting chills immediately dispersed.

"It's not over yet!"

After the shell accurately hit Zhu Rong, Li Feng held down the insurance and continued to pull the trigger of the magic machine: "A few more shots for you to cool off!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Following a deafening explosion, the icy air immediately surrounded Zhu Rong's upper body, which was still exposed outside the pit.

"Don't be greedy, go back!"

Just when Li Feng was proud, Su Qingyun's instructions came from the headset: "It just fell into chaos for a while, and it will recover soon! You are within its attack range, leave there immediately!"

Hearing Su Qingyun's instructions, Li Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately moved back at Zhu Rong's shadow while using a step back.

The fact is as Su Qingyun said.

Although he was hit on the head with ice-type shells continuously by the powerful bomber, Zhu Rong quickly blocked the front of the head with his two upper arms.

After the head did not continue to be attacked, Zhu Rong used the other two hands to prop up the edge of the hole and jumped out of the hole easily.

As Zhu Rong jumped out of the hole, it suddenly uttered an angry roar on its back.

While roaring, a fiery gust of wind spread from its body to the surroundings, blowing away all the cold air and dust.

When the cold fog and dust dissipated, Li Feng saw Zhu Rong's true face for the first time!

I saw that Zhu Rong was about ten meters high from head to toe and had a pair of sturdy legs.

The upper part of the leg is similar to the human torso, but the biggest difference from the human is that its torso is covered with peculiar patterns that are very similar to other wild gods.

On its shoulders, two strong arms with sharp claws on the left and right are particularly conspicuous.

Coupled with the appearance of its blue-faced fangs, its wide open mouth, the huge heat emitted from the whole body and the dark red skin, this guy really deserves the name Zhu Rong, the god of fire.

"What the hell is this Nima?"

After seeing Zhu Rong's terrifying appearance, Li Feng couldn't help but stepped back a little out of fear and cursed: "This shit is really a wild god? Why do I look like an alien monster?"

"Don't be in a daze, keep attacking!"

Before Li Feng had time to complain a few more, Su Qingyun's instructions came through the earphones again: "At the same time as you attack it, you must lead it to the next position so that Zhongyuan Ying can attack its legs."

"Roger that!"

Li Feng took out the oracle cell storage tank on his belt with one hand and took it to the magic machine while continuing to shoot at Zhu Rong while saying: "I am continuing to induce this ghost thing!"

Although encountered traps and Li Feng's surprise attack, when Zhu Rong saw that his opponent was only a god-eater, he unscrupulously began to chase this tiny human who dared to attack him.

In the process of inducing Zhu Rong, the fog that had been lingering in Li Feng's mind gradually dissolved.

Whether it was the huge trap before, or his surprise attack by Li Feng, no one expected to clean up Zhu Rong in one fell swoop, but hoped to anger Zhu Rong.

Sure enough, after Zhu Rong was raided, it quickly escaped from the trap and started chasing and attacking Li Feng.

At the same time, Li Feng finally knew why Li Lan and the branch minister would choose to fight against Zhu Rong in this chaotic environment.

If it is in an open plain, with Li Feng's speed and human size, Zhu Rong only needs to take a few big steps, and Li Feng will soon be overtaken.

And under the open terrain, whether it was the kind of large-scale trap just now, or other traps, no matter how stupid Zhu Rong was, he would not easily fall into it.

It was also because after passing the trap just now, and because he was afraid that there would be other traps, Zhu Rong was also a bit of a rat avoidance.

Not only did it not dare to take big strides to chase after Li Feng, who was fleeing like a mouse and took the opportunity to attack, on the contrary, it cautiously kicked everything in the way and moved forward cautiously.

However, its caution did not last long, and Li Feng's annoying attack like a fly made it completely angry.

With a roar, Zhu Rong immediately strode towards Li Feng.

"It's now!"

Seeing that Li Feng finally succeeded in angering Zhu Rong, Su Qingyun hurriedly ordered Zhongyuan Ying, who had been nervously watching everything: "Zhongyuan Ying, it's you!"

After hearing Su Qingyun's order, Zhongyuan Ying, who had already waited impatiently, rushed out of the hiding place and pointed the radiating gun at Zhu Rong.

"Attack its back first!"

Before Zhongyuan Ying pulled the trigger, Su Qingyun's instructions came again: "It doesn't feel on its back. It takes about 5 seconds for your radiation gun to reach the overload output. If it does not reach the overload, the attack effect is too bad!"

"Ming...understand!" Dream Island Book Library

Although it is not clear why Su Qingyun knew so much about the radiation gun, Zhongyuan Ying raised the muzzle to aim at Zhu Rong's back and pulled the trigger as she ordered.


As the radiation shot out, Zhu Rong's back came up with bursts of dazzling white mist.

After a few seconds, in addition to the bursts of white fog, a thin layer of frost began to form on the back where Zhu Rong was hit.

"Aim at its legs!"

Seeing that the radiation emitted by Zhongyuan Sakura became thicker and obviously stronger, Su Qingyun's order came again: "Calf, don't aim at the Achilles tendon!"

After hearing Su Qingyun's order, Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly adjusted her posture and quickly moved the radiation along Zhu Rong's back to her left calf.

With the crackling sound, Zhu Rong's left calf was quickly frozen by a piece of ice.

I don't know if it was the unresponsiveness or some other reason, Zhu Rong didn't notice that there was a problem with his left leg.

In order to chase and solve the annoying fly, it still raised its right foot and planned to take a step.

However, just as it lifted its right foot, its inactive left foot swayed its entire huge body and fell straight to the right.

Before falling to the ground, Zhu Rong, who was a little flustered, hurriedly twisted his body and supported him on the ground with his four arms, finally avoiding the bad luck of falling somersault.

But at this moment, Su Qingyun's order came again: "Li Feng, aim at any of his wrists!"

Hearing the instructions, Li Feng hurriedly hit the remaining oracle bullets of the magic machine in his hand at the wrist of Zhu Rong's lower left arm.

"Nakahara Sakura is the same."

When Li Feng fired the gun, Su Qingyun also gave instructions to Zhongyuan Ying: "The wrist opposite Li Feng, freeze!"

After receiving the order, Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly moved the radiation to attack Zhu Rong's lower right arm.

Because both wrists were frozen and unable to move, Zhu Rong could only rely on the two remaining arms to support his huge body.

For a while, let alone a counterattack, even getting up is quite difficult for Zhu Rong to do.

"Now, attack its head!"

Seeing Zhu Rong arched his right leg to prop up his body, Su Qingyun ordered one after another: "Keep the relative position and attack its big head!"

Upon hearing the instructions, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly jumped over the obstacles and came to a position that was enough to attack Zhu Rong's head, replacing the exhausted oracle cell storage tank and continuing to attack Zhu Rong.

The two thought that this blow would definitely inflict heavy damage on Zhu Rong, but they were soon surprised to find that these attacks not only did not cause any harm to Zhu Rong, but instead stirred up bursts of water vapor smoke.

"Sure enough."

Seeing this scene, Su Qingyun whispered first, and then immediately issued a warning: "Retreat! It's best to hide behind the bunker! Zhu Rong is really angry!"

Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying didn't dare to neglect Su Qingyun's quick warning.

They glanced at each other and immediately ran towards the broken wall that could cover their whole body recently.

As soon as the two of them hid, they felt that a wave of heat was constantly sweeping around from Zhu Rong's direction.

Before the two of them could see what happened, Zhu Rong's angry roar resounded throughout the fighting area.

Although Zhu Rong's roar was very loud, both Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying heard the sound of ice cracking mixed in.

After the cracking sound of the ice cube, the two felt the earth being shaken almost at the same time, and everything around them turned blood red.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Looking at the ominous blood red around him, Li Feng widened his eyes and asked curiously: "Why are all the surroundings red?"

"You will see the scenery of hell."

Su Qingyun's voice is not warm at all, but it is extremely calm: "The appearance of this vision proves that Zhu Rong's true strength is about to be shown to you. Now if you want to regret it, it's too late!"


Li Feng leaned back against the remnant wall, and a smirk appeared on his face: "Sister Qingyun, do you think I need to regret it now?"

"That is."

Nakahara Sakura, who was hiding behind another broken wall, showed exactly the same expression as Li Feng: "Furthermore, are we the kind of guys who regret running away after leaving our partners behind?"

"It sounds nice."

There was a sneer from Su Qingyun: "Which rookie just cried and said he was afraid, and then he had to be comforted by another rookie to calm down?"

"Have you heard it all?"

Su Qingyun mentioned this, and Zhongyuan Ying's face immediately turned red: "That..."

"Human nature."

Su Qingyun's tone recovered a little warmer and said: "It's me. The first time I fought against a powerful enemy was this 10-star Desolate God. I will be as scared as you to cry."

"Sister Qingyun..."

Listening to Su Qingyun's remarks of comfort, Zhongyuan Ying was a little moved: "You mean... I was not ashamed just now?"

"Not ashamed, just stupid."

There was a hint of ridicule in Su Qingyun's tone: "However, to some extent you are as lucky as me. There is always someone by your side who can rely on and comfort yourself."

Speaking of this, Su Qingyun heard a soft laugh again.

"Be prepared, it's coming!"

Just when the atmosphere relaxed a little, Su Qingyun warned again: "A little farther away from the bunker, open the shield and lower your body!"

Hearing Su Qingyun's warning again, the two immediately moved away from the bunker and lowered their bodies according to Su Qingyun's instructions and opened the shield of the magic machine.

"Boom boom boom"

The two had just opened their shields, and a series of explosions immediately sounded.

Along with the sound of the explosion, there was also a burst of hot and dry wind that was enough to scorch any living thing.

Before the wind died down, a raging flame rushed towards his face with a billowing heat wave.


Although the heat wave and flames were blocked with a shield, everything that Li Feng saw in front of him was swallowed by the flames at this time: "Is this the strength of the wild god Zhu Rong?"

"This is just an appetizer!"

Among the sounds of heat waves and flames, Su Qingyun's calm and calm voice is particularly clear: "Hold it up, this flame will probably last for dozens of seconds, don't be washed away!"


Zhongyuan Ying pressed her body to the ground again: "Sister Qingyun, it's almost time for you to make a move? I'm not sure I can continue to contain this monster!"

"Do not worry."

Su Qingyun's tone was firm and full of confidence: "I will show you what the Purple Eye Demon Girl is soon!"

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