I actually became a god eater

Chapter 65: Father in Heaven

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Seeing Liu Jian waving the death sickle in their hands, even though they were unwilling, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, who couldn't even struggle, closed their eyes and waited for that moment.

However, the next second, they are not waiting for a strange place.

A black cold light flashed, and the two felt that the vines that bound them were loosened, and they fell to the ground.

Before the two of them opened their eyes, there was the sound of sickle cutting something and the sound of blood splashing after cutting the flesh.


Immediately afterwards, Erica's painful voice and the voice of vomiting blood came over.

Hearing these abnormal noises, the two hurriedly opened their eyes and looked forward.

When they opened their eyes, the scene before them really surprised them.

It turned out that Liu Jian's wave just now did not aim at them, but directly cut off the vines that bound them.

While cutting the vines, Liu Jian made a 180-degree rotation and swung his sickle towards Erica who was standing behind him.

However, Erica is also a person with oracle cells after all, and while experiencing this incident, she desperately jumped backwards to avoid the attack that should have cut her off.

Nevertheless, Liu Jian's sickle cut a long slit in her abdomen.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Although this attack did not kill Erica and caused considerable damage to her, Liu Jian did not continue to attack. Instead, he looked at her coldly with a sickle and asked, "Am I so easily persuaded by you? Are you seduced by you?"

"how is this possible..."

Erika was injured, so she fell to her knees, her hands covering the wound on her abdomen, her expression in pain: "You are not... you should..."

"Ah, it should be."

After confirming that Li Feng and the others had picked up their magic with the corner of their eyes, Liu Jian's mouth raised slightly: "For Tingting, I am really willing to do anything! However, it does not include my brothers and sisters who betrayed me and promises to her. !"

After saying this, Liu Jian put the tip of the mutant sickle in his hand on Erica's neck: "What you said, I don't even believe the punctuation."

"Huh, miscalculation."

After being put on her neck by the god machine, Erica smiled triumphantly: "Although that is the case, I still succeeded."

"What else do you want to say?"

Liu Jian stood in front of Erica, his expression and eyes were extremely cold: "If not, I will give you a happy one!"

"I do not understand."

Erica raised her head and looked at Liu Jian. There was no pain on her face at this time, but there was a trace of blood hanging on her mouth: "Do you really care about Lin Ting's life and death?"

"I care."

Liu Jian answered quite simply, and his cold eyes were loose: "But I know very well that you will definitely not keep your promise. No matter what I do, Tingting is probably only used to instigate me and control in your eyes. My tools are only."

"You are smart and calm."

Erica showed a satisfied look, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly: "It seems that I was wrong to instigate you. But if you kill me here, do you think you can still see Lin Ting?"

"Always meet."

Liu Jian's eyes returned to firmness: "Even if she turns into a golden Hannibal, as long as she wants to prey on the core, I will be able to see her!"


Seeing Liu Jian's eyes, Erica not only did not despair, but showed a triumphant expression: "It seems that you must attack me today?"

"Is the last word finished?"

Although he noticed Erica's expression, Liu Jian felt that she was badly injured and shouldn't be able to make any waves: "If there is nothing to say, then you can go on the road with confidence!"

At the moment when Liu Jian was about to start and end up with Erica, Li Feng, who had been standing behind him, suddenly called out, "Brother Jian, danger! Get away!"

Hearing Li Feng's reminder, Liu Jian ignored Erica and jumped back.

"Boom boom boom"

As soon as Liu Jian jumped away, several black balls with red arcs hit the spot where he just stood and several spots around him one after another.

As the ball exploded, a huge cloud of smoke rose on the ground.

"It's a pity, you haven't been able to kill me!"

Although I couldn't see clearly in the smoke and dust, Erica's voice came out from inside: "Do you think I will stand here without preparation to rebel against you little ghosts?"

"X's, bitch!"

Hearing Erica's voice, Liu Jian grasped the magic machine and planned to rush into the smoke and dust: "I have to tear open your stinky mouth!"

"Wait, Brother Jian!"

Before Liu Jian took a step, Li Feng raised his hand and pressed his right shoulder: "You can't see such a big smoke. And... the master who attacked you just now is about to appear!"

Although Li Feng said so, Liu Jian still wanted to rush in and hack Erica.

"Don't worry, Brother Jian."

Seeing this, Zhongyuan Ying also held his left shoulder: "There is a chance to kill her. But if you rush in now, I'm afraid you will be killed!"

"what did you say?"

Hearing what Zhongyuan Ying said, Liu Jian turned to look at her angrily: "You mean I can't beat this stinky bitch?"

"That's not what she said."

Li Feng patted Liu Jian on the shoulder, then gestured forward with his chin: "Hey, the guy Ying said has appeared."

As the smoke dissipated, a huge black figure gradually emerged from the smoke.

"This...this is..."

Seeing the huge figure gradually revealed, Liu Jian immediately shed a few drops of cold sweat: "Father... Diaus..."

And it was Erica that surprised Liu Jian even more!

At this moment, she was actually very relaxed standing in front of the huge black wild god with her hands on her chest.

Although there was still blood on her abdomen, the wound had long since disappeared.


Waiting for the smoke to dissipate, Erica easily erased the blood stains left on her white abdomen: "Do you think your meaningless attack can really hurt me? If it wasn't for me, only I'm afraid you don't even have the qualifications to cut my clothes."


Seeing Erica's relaxed and sarcasm smile, Liu Jian's anger came up again with a "scratch": "I must kill you!"

"That also requires you to have that ability."

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Erica smiled relaxedly and turned around and stroked the black desolate god behind her with her jade hand: "Well, I have enough fun with you, I should go.

Then Erica lightly scratched the chin of the Black Desolate God: "Little boy, you can play with them. Remember, I want them to die!"

It seems that because of getting the order of Erica, the eyes of the black barren god suddenly glowed red, but he did not rush to attack.

"You better give up Lin Ting."

Erica took advantage of the deterrent power of the black god of desolation to waded across the river to the distance: "Even if you can find her, you will never be able to help her. Unless you have the consciousness to kill her by yourself! Ha! Haha..."

As the harsh laughter faded away, Erica's figure disappeared into the forest at the other end.

As soon as Erica's figure disappeared, the black barren god squeezed into an attacking posture.

"This is Heavenly Father, not Heavenly Father Diaus!" Xinfeng Literature Website www.xinfengwenxue.com

Li Feng, who had been staring at the Black Desolate God, spoke at this time: "Father Diaus's relative species has the same combat power and fighting style as the Father, but without bone spur wing-like organs."


Hearing Li Feng's explanation, Liu Jian looked back at him in surprise: "How do you know?"


Li Feng put on a combat action and said: "Heavenly Father's cloak is golden, Heavenly Father is silvery white. Heavenly Father's beard is white, Heavenly Father's is golden."

Hearing what Li Feng said, Liu Jian carefully looked at the black guy in front of him.

Although from the appearance, it looked very similar to Valzheluo, but it was also a huge lion.

But this wild god had a human face, and the chin of his face was covered with a thick beard.

Not only that, but there is also a decorative object like a helmet worn by humans in combat.

In addition to the head and color, the biggest difference between it and Valzheluo is that it has a thicker and more aggressive tail.

In addition, its four claws are far sharper and larger than those of Valzheluo.

Of course, because Vazheluo evolved, it also has a cloak on its back that can release lightning.

After carefully observing the desolate god in front of him, Liu Jian also found that it did look different from his heavenly father Diaus.


After discovering that this desolate god did exactly what Li Feng said, Liu Jian asked while it was not moving, "Is it the same way as Heavenly Father?"

"Grab time!"

Li Feng watched the expression of Father in the sky turned hideous, and after hearing its heavy gasps, he knew that it was about to attack, so he took the time to say: "Destroy its front legs, its head and tail! This way it will be able to fight. discount."

"it is good!"

Liu Jian also set up a fighting posture, and the corner of his mouth raised: "Just do what you say! The battle command is also handed over to you!"


Li Feng hadn't figured out what Liu Jian meant, but he rushed in front of the heavenly Father before he launched an attack.

Seeing Liu Jian rushing up, the heavenly Father jumped back with a mocking laugh.

But the moment it jumped up, a bombardment shell hit its face.

"Sakura, restrain!"

After a shot hit the face of the heavenly Father, Li Feng turned the magic machine back to the heavy wheel and shouted: "You are responsible for the long-range containment, and I will conduct a melee attack with Brother Jian!"


Hearing Li Feng's instructions, Zhongyuan Ying turned the magic machine into a radiation gun and switched bullets: "It's wrapped in me!"

"Brother Jian, keep your distance!"

When approaching Liu Jian and attacking the heavenly Father with him, Li Feng also gave instructions to Liu Jian: "Except for the wing-shaped organs, all the abilities of the heavenly Father are the same as those of the heavenly Father! Don't be negligent!"

"You don't need to say more!"

After Liu Jian avoided the paws of the heavenly Father, he turned around and turned the magic machine into a predator form: "Don't make unnecessary instructions!"

Seeing the change in the magical mechanism in Liu Jian's hand, Father Heaven immediately wanted to jump back to avoid predation.

However, all this was completely seen by Zhongyuan Ying!


"What do you think?"

With the sound of the radiation, a radiation with god attributes hit its head: "It's not just Brother Jian that can hurt you!"

Because the face was attacked by radiation, Father Heaven immediately stopped his preparations for beating and raised his front legs to avoid Liu Jian's attack.

It's a pity that Liu Jian's action is just a fake!

After noticing that Father Heaven raised his foot, while he couldn't see clearly, Liu Jian immediately put away the predator and stepped to the right side of it.

Noting this action of Liu Jian, Li Feng immediately took advantage of the step to reach the other side of the heavenly Father.

"Hey, try this again!"

With the sound of the divine machine running out of ammunition, Zhongyuan Sakura took out a coma grenade from her waist while switching the divine machine to the bite double-sword form and threw it at Father Heaven: "Please close your eyes first. Huh!"


The heavenly Father, who thought he could fight back after the radiation stopped, was just preparing to act, and the coma grenades exploded in front of him.


After being stunned by the bright light of the grenade flashing to his eyes, the heavenly father closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

"It's now!"

As soon as the heavenly Father fell, Li Feng stepped forward to it and changed the magic machine into the axe shape: "Taste this!"

At the same time as changing into the axe blade form, Li Feng immediately activated the entire oracle cell of the divine machine.

At the same time when the oracle cells were activated, a jagged axe blade made up of oracle cells appeared when the axe blade of Li Feng's divine machine was ascended.

Before Li Feng swung down the axe blade, he suddenly felt his body heat up, and bursts of black and red flames appeared on his body.


Seeing the fire, Li Feng knew that he had entered a state of liberation: "How come..."


Liu Jian changed the magic machine back to the melee mode and preyed on the heavenly Father, still cursing: "Remember the magic machine liberated before attacking!"

"Thanks, Brother Jian!"

Li Feng smiled upon seeing this: "Let me give it some color!"

As Li Feng's axe swept across Father's face in the sky, the sound of chainsaw sawing things and a large number of oracle cell sparks flew out of Father's face in the sky.

While Li Feng was in the comfort zone, Zhongyuan Ying and Liu Jian passed bullets to each other to complete the miraculous liberation.


With a crisp sound, the unconscious Heavenly Father suddenly roared and stood up on his hind legs.


When Father Heaven stood up, Li Feng hurriedly put away the axe and backed away quickly: "This guy is going crazy!"

It turned out that the sawing just now not only broke the helmet-like ornament that was extended to the cheek by Father Heaven, but also made a deep hole in the guy's face!


Seeing the heavenly Father landed on the front legs and yelled towards the sky, Li Feng hurriedly shouted at Liu Jian: "It's angry! Aim at its face, don't attack any other positions!"


Although Li Feng asked Liu Jian to do this, he still looked at Li Feng with a puzzled look: "Other places..."

"Because it becomes hard when it gets angry!"

Li Feng didn't open his mouth to explain, and Zhongyuan Ying, who took the opportunity to fill the Oracle cell storage tank, spoke: "Except for the location that was sealed and collapsed just now, it is immune to all attacks!"

Today, a barren god that only appeared in "God Eater: Rebirth" I gave it on stage, presumably many readers may be a little impressed with this guy~ :)

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