I actually became a god eater

Chapter 67-Another Woman

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!The words were divided into two parts. While Li Feng and the others were tracking Erica and taking the Heavenly Father, Li Bo took Su Qingyun and Lu Erxi in the witness area for a whole day.

Not to mention the shadow of Heavenly Father Diaus, not even one of the hair shedding on it was found.

"Hey! It's disgusting."

Following the traces left by Heavenly Father in the wasteland for a whole day, only one Vazero corpse was found in the evening, which had not been dissipated. Li Bo stepped on it a little annoyed: The gnawed corpse!"

"Can you pay attention to it?"

Su Qingyun squatted in front of the corpse of Vazheluo who had lost her head. She stretched out her hand and touched the blood on the ground while comforting Li Bo: "You are not so impatient at all!"

"Can you not hurry?"

Li Bo stood on Vazero’s corpse and looked at the black oracle cells that were drifting in the wind and said: "We have been tracking all day, and we actually come one step late every time. To be honest, I think it seems a bit... ."

"What's the matter?"

Hearing what Li Bo said without a word, Lu Erxi asked curiously: "Boge, what did you think of?"

"It's nothing, just thinking of possibilities."

Li Bo patted his face lightly to calm himself down and asked, "Qingyun, what's the situation?"

"Death time is within fifteen minutes."

Su Qingyun stood up and rubbed the blood stains on the gloves on Vazheluo's corpse, and said, "Judging from the viscosity of the blood and the degree of dissipation of the oracle cells, it should have been preyed within 15 minutes."

"Hey, is it still fifteen minutes?"

Li Bo jumped off Vazero's corpse, and then searched the ground with his eyes: "It's exactly the same as the previous few times. We always missed this fifteen minutes."

"What did you just want to say?"

While Li Bo was searching for traces, Su Qingyun came to him and asked, "I have been watching the way you were hesitant to talk just now."

"I just find it weird."

Li Bo squatted down to check the traces on the ground carefully and said: "You see that we tracked all day and found a lot of predation traces, but kept a distance of about fifteen minutes from Heavenly Father. Don’t you think it’s weird? ?"

"It's really strange."

Su Qingyun took off her gloves and put them back in her pocket. Her face was also filled with doubts: "I always feel that Heavenly Father seems to know that we are tracking it, and then deliberately induced us to do the same."

"Is it impossible?"

After completing his own search, Lu Erxi came to the two with a magical machine: "Does Heavenly Father have this kind of thinking brain? Isn't Huangshen generally without complicated thinking ability?"

"Ellie, how do you explain?"

After confirming that the traces on the ground were left by Heavenly Father, Li Bo pointed the direction and said as he walked: "Although Allie's body is made up of oracle cells, she has a brain equivalent to humans."

"She... is special, right?"

Lu Erxi smiled and replied: "After all, she is the second node, isn't it? The second node is more or less special, right?"

"It cannot be completely classified as a second node problem."

Su Qingyun shook her head and denied Lu Erxi's statement: "It is well known that no matter which wild god it is, as long as it can swallow enough cores, it can evolve. It's just that Allie is born with the potential of the second node."

I don't know if it was the first time I heard it or some other reason, Lu Erxi fell silent after hearing this sentence.

"Actually, it's not a deep question."

After noticing Lu Erxi’s changes, Li Bo pretended to be indifferent and said: “Arabic God is a new species that is evolving all the time. If you are born like the Heavenly Father, there will be a certain unique Arakawa God, and it’s not that a brain that can think complexly evolved. something weird."

"Would you like to include Erica's factor?"

As soon as Li Bo finished speaking, Lu Erxi put forward his own opinion: "What if Erica set a trap and deliberately uses Heavenly Father as a bait to induce us into an ambush?"

"That can only see tricks."

Li Bo looked up at the stars in the sky that was sinking and darkening and said, "Anyway, we will track to the next position. If we still haven't chased the bastard, let's find a place to camp and rest."

"Do you want to be stationed in the wild again?"

Hearing that the camp is going to be camped, Su Qingyun pursed her mouth and showed an unhappy look: "It's very difficult to fall asleep in camping in the wild! And if you sleep in this wasteland for one night, you will get yellow soil on your body and hair when you get up tomorrow!"

"Don't say that~"

Li Bo hugged Su Qingyun's shoulder with a smirk: "It's a big deal tonight...hehehe..."

Because Li Bo deliberately suppressed his voice very low, Lu Erxi did not hear what he said.

But the kind of treacherous laughter that Li Bo made in the end made Lu Erxi feel a little hairy.

"What are you thinking about?"

As soon as Li Bo laughed, Su Qingyun raised her voice and shouted: "At this time, thinking about these messy things, is your brain broken again?"

"Did you know me the first day?"

Li Bo didn't feel ashamed when he faced Su Qingyun's yelling. On the contrary, he cheered and said with a cheeky smile: "How many times have you seen me when there is nothing wrong with me?"

"Ah~ I can't stand it!"

Seeing Li Bo's expression on Erpi's face that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, Su Qingyun's face was immediately full of black lines: "Why am I blinded to see you as an unscrupulous bastard?"

"What is blindness?"

Although Su Qingyun pretended to be angrily pushed away, Li Bo still stuck it on his face: "You see me to prove that you have vision, okay?"

"Then what..."

Seeing the two close quarrels, Lu Erxi asked with an awkward expression on her face: "Am I looking too much here?"

"Haha, it's okay."

Although Lu Erxi's reminder made Su Qingyun's expression a little awkward, Li Bo didn't care at all: "Sometimes boring tasks require a bit of nonsense to relieve this damn atmosphere!"

Seeing Li Bo's two-skinned smile, Lu Erxi had no choice but to smile no matter how embarrassed.

But don't tell me.

Just because of Li Bo's tossing, the slightly depressed atmosphere in the team just became more active.

When Haoyue was in the sky, Li Bo and the three of them followed the traces of Heavenly Father into an open wasteland.

"Oh, trouble is coming."

In the moonlight, Li Bo looked at the hard land in front of him and said, "It is not easy to leave traces on the land here. It seems that our tracking will end here."


Su Qingyun tried the ground with a charged spear, and when she found that almost all of her feet were rock plates, she looked at the moon again: "Although the moonlight is quite bright, it is a bit difficult to find traces under this kind of insufficient light. ."

"What about night vision?"

Lu Erxi took out the night vision device from his pocket and shook it in his hand: "Did you not bring this thing?"

"Forget it."

Li Bo waved his hand to Lu Erxi: "You can't see the traces clearly while wearing this thing. You must see it clearly under natural light. If you don't believe me, take a look."

When speaking, Li Bo threw a large stone at Lu Erxi's feet.

Sure enough, although Lu Erxi could clearly see where the stone fell, he still couldn't see clearly after putting on the night vision goggles.Dan Pain Novel Network www.danteng123xs.com

"Now you know?"

Li Bo shrugged helplessly: "We only have to camp on the spot and wait for dawn."

"and many more!"

Just when Li Bo walked to Su Qingyun to find a place to camp, Lu Erxi, wearing a night vision device, suddenly found out: "Boge, Sister Qingyun, what do you think it is?"

Following the direction of Lu Erxi's fingers, Li Bo and Su Qingyun saw a graceful female figure with long hair reaching the waist, walking towards the three-person model with a catwalk.

"Gui'an, god-eaters."

As he approached, the figure made a pleasant voice like a wind chime: "When we first met, the little girl was called Lelena Catherine. I came here with friendship. I don’t know if you have the leisurely elegance and my aloneness in the wasteland. Woman chat about the future?"

When she walked closer and the moonlight could illuminate her face, Su Qingyun showed a look of surprise and a little fear.


After seeing Su Qingyun's appearance clearly, Leilina concealed her full lips with her hands in a daze: "It seems that some people are not seeing each other for the first time~ What a pity."

Discovering Su Qingyun's abnormality, combined with what the person who called herself Lelena said, Li Bo roughly judged something.

"You...you are..."

Seeing Lelena's appearance clearly, Su Qingyun stammered a little: "You are the day..."

"Well, it's the little girl."

Lelena put down her hand and smiled extremely seductively: "I was so embarrassed last time, I actually left a hole in your stomach. However, looking at you now, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, right. ?"

When she said this, Leilina deliberately cast a wink at Su Qingyun.

"You guy!"

Turning back from the shock, Su Qingyun immediately turned the magic machine in her hand into a sniper rifle and pointed at Leilina to shoot: "Asshole!"


Before Su Qingyun pulled the trigger, Li Bo blocked her: "Don't act rashly."

Looking at the sweet-looking woman in front of him, with a very good figure and waist-length black hair and wearing an OL outfit, Lu Erxi was a little confused.

Indeed, no matter where she looked from, the woman in front of her didn't seem to be able to hurt Su Qingyun and the rest of them in an instant.

But seeing Su Qingyun's behavior, Lu Erxi knew that the woman in front of her was the one who hurt her at the time!

"Oh, don't be so rude."

Although the person is very sweet, her tone and form are exaggerated: "The little girl came with kindness and didn't mean to fight with you."

Speaking of this, she actually shamelessly threw a kiss to Su Qingyun: "Little sister, I hurt you last time, the little girl is here to apologize to you~ I hope you can forgive~"

"Come on, isn't it disgusting?"

Seeing Leilina’s kiss that made Su Qingyun skin all over her body, coupled with this awkward appearance, it was really disgusting, Li Bo interrupted her without annoyance: "If you have anything to say, please! Before I ask you for it. Before Qingyun's debt!"

"Ouch, my little brother is so rude~"

Faced with Li Bo's aggressive posture, Leylina still pretended to be twitchy: "Little girls are so scared. But that's okay, little girls like rough ones~"

Speaking of this, she actually glared at Li Bo.


Unexpectedly, Li Bo "spit" directly to the side: "Is this the nonsense you are going to say? How disgusting!"

When he said this, Li Bo withdrew the hand that was holding Su Qingyun: "Qingyun, I am about to be disgusted by this old woman. Let her die."


As soon as Li Bo finished speaking, Su Qingyun couldn't wait to fire Leilina.

But I didn't expect that this close attack would be easily avoided by Lelena.

"Oh, it seems that the little girl was angry last time and scared the little sister."

Leilina avoided Su Qingyun’s bullet, still saying something that made people feel like: "Would you like the little girl to kneel down and apologize to the little sister? If this can calm the little sister, the little girl is willing to do so. ."


Unexpectedly that Lelena could escape her attack, Su Qingyun was also a little angry: "I don't believe it..."

"and many more."

Su Qingyun was about to continue his attack. Li Bo stopped her again and shouted at Lelena: "Hey, old lady. You said you came with kindness? Tell me what you want to do."

"Oh, it seems that little brother is still reasonable."

Lelena twisted her slender willow waist and walked forward a few steps: "Actually, this time the little girl is here to make a deal with the three. If the deal is successful, the little girl promises to never show up with you again. before."

"Oh? A deal?"

Li Boxiao asked with interest: "Is it possible for you to never show up in front of us? Sounds great. Tell me!"

"Actually, it's very simple."

Lelena put on a sexy and sultry pose and covered her mouth and said, "The little girl, the only target is Ellie. If you bring Ellie out to me, I promise I will never show up in front of you again. How is it? It’s a good deal, right?"

"that's it?"

Hearing this so-called "deal", Li Bo showed an unbelievable expression: "I said the old woman, do you have too little bargaining chips for this transaction?"

"A lot~"

Lelena deliberately showed her white thighs to the three of them: "Well, let me serve the two handsome guys for another night, how about?"

"Thank you, old lady."

Although Li Bo is a man, he has no feeling for women other than Su Qingyun: "I have no interest in you, such a strange old witch of unknown origin."

"I don't want it!"

Just as Li Bo expressed his stance, Lu Erxi, who had been stunned, also shouted: "I don't want such a boring mess."

"Oh, it looks like I'm despised."

Rejected, Lelena suddenly put away her pretentious expression, and her face darkened: "Why don't it be like this, the bargaining chip for the transaction is changed to: Either you promise me, or you die here!"

As Lelena's last word fell, a huge black figure immediately appeared behind her.

"Father Diaus!"

After seeing the figure clearly in the bright moonlight, the corners of Li Bo and Su Qingyun's mouth immediately raised: "So you are deliberately tempting us to come, right?"

"That's right."

At this time, Lelena no longer looks like that disgusting person, but her expression and tone are cold and speechless: "I'll give you ten seconds to choose. Die, or hand over Ellie?"

"Sorry, old witch."

Li Bo assumed a combat stance with his signature smirk on his face: "I have never been intimidated by anyone!"

"Then there is nothing to talk about."

Lelena glanced at the three of them with the same cold eyes, then turned and left: "Death!"

With Lelena's figure disappearing under the moonlight, Li Bo's battle with Heavenly Father is about to begin...

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