You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Facing the menacing Vazheluo, Li Feng and Lu Erxi were all ready to fight for a fight.

Unexpectedly, when Vazheluo came near the two, it stopped and stood not far away looking at them.

After the small desolate god arrived, Fazheluo roared at the small desolate god and then turned and climbed onto the roof of a building that had already collapsed for the most part.

"This guy, want to tease us?"

Seeing Vazheluo's behavior, Li Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Could it be that it wants to torture us?"

"What should we do now?"

Although Vazheluo had clearly withdrawn from the battle line, Lu Erxi still had no idea in the face of the twenty-odd small desolate gods: "Or, do we find a way to escape?"

"It's a ghost."

Li Feng paid attention to the movement of the gods around him, his eyes looked at Valzheluo who was on a high place: "We only have 6 coma grenades. How long do you think it can be delayed?"

Before Lu Erxi could answer, Li Feng showed an excited smile: "Compared with running away, breaking this deadlock with your own hands can make people feel the taste of life in desperation!"

When the two talked, the small desolate god had already surrounded the two.

With Fazheluo's roar, the gods screamed and rushed towards them.

Although the two are quite exhausted, these little things are indeed not their opponents.

Before long, there were only a few desolate gods who were besieging them.

"Be careful."

Looking at the Desolate God who had already begun to retreat, Li Feng reminded him: "According to the habits of the Desolate God, Vazheluo may rush over at any time at this time."

Li Feng was right.

Seeing the loss of his own desolate god, Vazheluo, who was still lying on the top of the building, stood up at this time.

Its eyes were staring at Li Feng and Lu Erxi, and fierce light flashed continuously.

As the remaining wild gods fell under Li Feng's magical machine one by one, Vazheluo, who had been watching, seemed to be unable to bear it.

When the small desolate god only had the last ghost face giant tail, Vazheluo suddenly let out a huge roar and jumped from the top of the building.


Seeing that Fazheluo started to act, Li Feng hurriedly reminded Lu Erxi: "Fazeluo is here!"

After jumping from the top of the building, Vazheluo stepped to death without hesitation, and then glared at the two humans in front of him.

Perhaps it was his contempt for his prey. Although Vazheluo glared at Li Feng and the others, he bowed his head leisurely and began to gnaw on the god of waste who was downed by the two.

Seeing Vazheluo's behavior, Lu Erxi quietly approached Li Feng: "Hey, do we take the opportunity to throw a coma grenade and hide?"

"It's useless."

Li Feng stared at Fazheluo's every move and said: "This is very close to the evacuation zone. If it attacks the helicopter, everyone will be over."

"Then what to do?"

Lu Erxi asked in a low voice, "When it finishes eating..."

"Contain it."

After thinking for a while, Li Feng said: "Now we can only try to contain it and wait for our reinforcements!"

When the two were discussing countermeasures, Vazheluo had eaten all the small wild gods on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Vazheluo, who was still thinking about it, once again stared at the two of Li Feng with his small fierce eyes.

"It's now!"

The moment Fazheluo stared at him, Li Feng suddenly shouted: "Lu Erxi!"

Obtaining Li Feng's secret signal, Lu Erxi threw the unconscious grenade that he had already held in his hand to Vazheluo.


A low explosion sounded, and a white light suddenly lit up from the position of the unconscious grenade.


Vazero was caught off guard by a white light flashing in his eyes, he closed his eyes and stood up on his hind legs.

Seeing that Vazheluo was flashed over, Li Feng hurried to the direction of Vazheluo's head and lifted the magic machine into a state of charge.

Because he closed his eyes, Valzheluo couldn't maintain the standing posture on his hind legs, and soon it fell to the ground.

"Eat me!"

Li Feng had already determined where Fazheluo fell. At this time, Li Feng had also completed his energy accumulation: "Go to hell!"

As the divine machine in Li Feng's hand swung from top to bottom, more oracle cells that were stronger than before whistled out of the divine machine.


Vazheluo, who could not dodge, was hit firmly in the face by this charged smashing blow, and a burst of smoke was also raised while making a loud noise.

Li Feng knew that his move had limited damage to Vazheluo. As soon as he took the move, he immediately ran towards Vazheluo from the side.

Echoing Li Feng's actions, Lu Erxi aimed at Valzheluo's head and shot a series of bullets.


Although the eyes hadn't recovered yet, the intense pain made Vazheluo roar, and then he stood up on his hind legs again.

This action of Vazheluo was just as Li Feng had imagined!

At this time, Li Feng had already ran to the position of Vazheluo's hind legs. After seeing the knuckles of Vazheluo's leg, Li Feng horizontally waved the magic machine in his hand: "Pour it to me!"


Vazheluo, who was unstable on his legs, was hit by Li Feng with a heavy blow to the joints of his hind legs. For a while, he fell to the ground with his belly facing up.

But at this time, Li Feng gave up further attacks and chose to jump a certain distance and opened the magic shield.

Before Lu Erxi could see what Li Feng meant, he noticed another thing.

At this moment, Vazheluo fell to the ground and suddenly there were electric arcs visible to the naked eye.

"Run! Otherwise, open the shield!"

Li Feng seemed to have expected it for a long time. He hid behind his shield and shouted at Lu Erxi: "If you don't want to die, move faster!"

Hearing Li Feng's yelling, Lu Erxi did not dare to neglect, he hurriedly jumped back for a certain distance.

As soon as Lu Erxi jumped away, a strong electric current blasted from Valzheluo's body, scorching everything in a large area around it.

"Li Feng!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Erxi immediately thought of Li Feng who was close to Fazheluo: "Are you okay?"

"very good!"

Although the dust raised by the powerful electric shock made Lu Erxi unable to see clearly, Li Feng's voice also came from inside: "Don't be silly, you can support me from a long distance, don't come close at will."

As the dust dispersed, Lu Erxi was surprised to find that Li Feng and Fazheluo were actually fighting together.

Although Vazheluo was huge and quick-moving, Li Feng could easily dodge or use the block to counterattack.

Seeing Li Feng's fighting figure, Lu Erxi couldn't help joining the battle again with enthusiasm.

Although Li Feng has abused Vazheluo countless times in the game, in reality, it is the first time that Li Feng has done so.

Before long, including the coma grenades, Li Feng and Lu Erxi had no supplies.

After the supplies ran out, the situation between Vazheluo and the two began to reverse.

The battle just now relied on supplies and various auxiliary items after all, so the biggest problem between the two has not been exposed.

After all, before they met Fazheluo, the two had already conquered dozens of small wild gods.

Immediately after escaping, against the small wild god led by Vazheluo, and finally fighting with Fazheluo, the physical stamina of the two has gradually reached its limit.

With the sharp drop in physical fitness, not only Lu Erxi, but also Li Feng's movements and reactions began to slow down.Start

Perhaps noticing the exhaustion of the prey, Vazheluo's eyes lit up!

Taking advantage of the chance that his attack was blocked again, Vazheluo suddenly released a huge electric current to knock Li Feng back.

Just after repelling Li Feng, Vazheluo roared and gathered five sparkling lightning balls in front of him.


Seeing the lightning ball, although Li Feng wanted to use the blind spot to get close, he suddenly found that his legs were unusually heavy: "Damn it, physical fitness is almost at its limit!"

Just when Li Feng was ready to be impacted, Vazheluo actually turned his head in one direction just before releasing the lightning ball!


The moment Li Feng saw Valzheluo turned his head, he understood the damn guy's intentions: "Lu Erxi!"

Sure enough, Lu Erxi had been shooting at Fazheluo because he was standing in the distance. He did not expect Fazheluo to suddenly turn his head.

Lu Erxi only felt that a dazzling ball of thunder and lightning flew towards him at lightning speed, and he lost consciousness in front of him.

"Damn it!"

From Li Feng's perspective, he only saw the lightning ball hit Lu Erxi, and then Lu Erxi's entire body was knocked into the air by a powerful electric current: "Lu Erxi! Answer me!"

After falling to the ground, although Li Feng did not get Lu Erxi's answer, he still judged from his twitching body that he might be alive.


Facing the knocked-down Lu Erxi, Li Feng put away his shield and lowered his head in one hand, "No one can..."

Seeing that Lu Erxi, who had been annoying himself, was knocked down, Fazheluo seemed to glance at Li Feng with some pride.

But after noticing Li Feng's low voice and trembling body, Fazheluo's eyes flashed with triumphant expression.

"I said that……"

Li Feng, with his head down, suddenly raised his head suddenly, and his voice sounded like a thunder: "No one can hurt or even kill my partner! You bastard!"

Li Feng raised his head and his eyes were red at this time, and bursts of murderous aura rose from his body.

Perhaps because of the murderous aura on Li Feng's body, Fazheluo's eyes showed a trace of fear and moved back slightly.

At this moment, Li Feng didn't know where his strength was, and suddenly rushed towards Vazheluo at a very fast speed.

Before Valzheluo could react, it felt its right front leg smashed.

Vazheluo was in pain. After being recruited, he quickly jumped back to see exactly how the little mouse in front of him did it.

"Get back!"

As soon as Fazheluo took off, the predator of the divine machine opened from just below it and bit its belly: "I told you to get me back! Bastard wild dog!"

As soon as he bit Vazheluo, Li Feng waved his hand and threw Fazheluo to the ground.


As Vazheluo's huge body was smashed to the ground, a loud noise spread out through the earth.

Before Vazheluo stood up, Li Feng used the predator to pull his body into the air towards Vazheluo.

Coming to the vicinity of Fazheluo, Li Feng retracted the predator and turned the magic machine back into the form of a big sword.

Seeing a black light pierced through the air, the leg guards on Valzheluo's two front legs were swept to pieces.

After smashing the guards of Vazheluo's front legs, Li Feng took advantage of the momentum to use a big sword as a support pole to place a little bit on the ground, and then turned over and flew to the position of Vazheluo's head.

When flying, Li Feng actually put the gods on his shoulders in the air and entered the power storage.

When Vazheluo finally got up, Li Feng also completed the charge and flew to the top of Vazheluo's head.


The moment he flew to the top of Vazheluo, Li Feng smashed the charged smashing blow to Vazheluo's injured face.

The face that had been hit hard before was hit hard again, and Vazheluo suddenly stood up and roared in pain.

At this moment, Li Feng had turned over lightly and landed in front of Vazheluo.

"I want you to die!"

Li Fenghong danced with his eyes and rushed towards Vazheluo: "You don't want to leave alive!"

After Valzheluo injured his front leg, it could no longer maintain high-speed maneuvers.

Facing a violent storm attack by Li Feng, Vazheluoden, who lost his mobility, was beaten and injured by Li Feng.

Vazheluo was Vazheluo, and after being beaten up for a while, it quickly recovered from the panic.

Although he was also wounded, it seemed to be unwilling to be defeated by humans.

Taking advantage of the gap after Li Feng's attack, Vazheluo quickly jumped to a position beyond Li Feng's reach.

As soon as he landed, Vazheluo released several powerful electric currents from the feather coat on his back to attack Li Feng, who was rushing towards him.

Little did Li Feng already knew the weakness of Vazheluo's move!

According to the arc of the current, Li Feng roughly judged the location of the lightning.

After judging the minefield, Li Feng didn't choose to retreat, but ran towards Vazheluo.

Sure enough, when the thunder fell, Li Feng happened to be between Fazheluo and the area where the thunder fell without any harm at all.

How can Vazhela be so easy to deal with?

Fazheluo did not finish one move, but started again.

As soon as the thunder fell, Valzheluo once again accumulated five lightning balls in front of him.

"I won't take this trick long ago!"

Seeing the lightning ball, Li Feng whispered: "The weakness of this trick lies in the gap between each lightning ball!"

Although he said so, Li Feng still did not change his trajectory and ran towards Fazheluo.


With a roar, five thunder and lightning balls were hit by Fazheluo towards Li Feng.

Just as the lightning ball was about to hit Li Feng, Li Feng suddenly jumped to the side to a position between the two lightning balls to avoid the attack.

While avoiding the attack, Li Feng did not stop at all.

Looking at Li Feng who was about to come in front of him, Vazheluo raised his tail again and lowered his front legs.

At the same time, the feather robe on Fazheluo's back floated slightly because of energy storage.

But Li Feng, who saw this action, jumped up to meet Fazheluo's head, completely ignoring that there were blue arcs around him.

"Cracky crackling"

With the sound of the powerful electric current, a burst of electric current and thunderbolt that was far stronger than before flew away from Valzheruo's body.

For a time, both Vazheluo and Li Feng were surrounded by a dazzling blue light.

After the blue light went out, Vazheluo fell to the ground because the core was removed by Li Feng.


Standing next to him, Li Feng slowly retracted the predator of Divine Machine, and "spoofed" Fazheluo: "Shit!"

But as soon as he finished cursing this sentence, Li Feng suddenly felt that he had no strength at all.


Li Feng's divine machine dropped and fell, and Li Feng also fell to the ground.

Before losing consciousness, Li Feng saw a few conjugations coming from the sound, opening their blood basins and leaping towards him.

"Is that the end?"

Looking at the conjugation that was approaching, Li Feng didn't even have the strength to move his fingers: "It seems...I'm going to disappoint that female nerve..."

Update notice: The strongest first unit of the Southern Division is coming soon!What kind of sparks will Li Feng make with the first unit next?

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