I actually became a god eater

Chapter 84: True Power

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!After Li Bo led the team to escape from the ruins, they ran wildly into the snowy field as bright as day.

However, they did not run far, but a familiar figure appeared on the flat snowy field in the distance.

"Oh, little brothers and sisters, long time no see."

Lelena folded her arms on her chest and smiled triumphantly: "I've been waiting for you all for a long time!"

"how come...."

Li Feng stopped, his eyes widened and looked at Lelena: "Why is she waiting for us here?"

"You must be thinking why?"

As if seeing through the hearts of everyone, Lelena stretched her finger behind them: "Look at what it is?"

Following Lelena's fingers and turning their heads, everyone discovered that there was a conjugation body floating far behind him.

"We have been staring at you since you left the hideout."

Lelena smiled and spread her hands out: "Why don't I make a small deal with you at the end, how about it?"

"Deal? What do you want to do?"

Li Bo obviously did not want to listen to Lelena’s mouth. He stepped forward to block between her partner and Lelena: "If you still want to use our lives to threaten us to hand over Ellie, you will die. Get this heart out!"

"No, no, no, brother, you made a mistake."

Lelena's mouth was raised high, and she put on an indifferent attitude and said, "As for that girl, you can do whatever you like. I'm not interested. I want to trade with you this time. It's another thing."

"Oh? Lost interest in Ellie so soon?"

Li Bo asked Lelena with a sneer: "Although I am very interested in the reason why you changed your attitude. However, we are in a hurry now, so there is no time to talk nonsense with you!"

While saying this, Li Bo moved his finger and the jet hammer in his hand turned on the jet engine.

"Since my little brother is so impatient, then I won't be circumspect."

Seeing the light blue flames ejected by the jet hammer in Li Bo's hand to start the engine, Lelena unhurriedly stretched out her fingers and pointed at Li Bo and Su Qingyun: "Well, as long as you two commit suicide in front of me, I will Let go of the other three of you."

"are you crazy?"

Before Li Bo spoke, Su Qingyun walked to Li Bo and raised her voice: "Why should we listen to you?"

"It's very simple."

Lelena suddenly opened her arms: "Just because I brought it here!"

As Lelena fell silent, the roar of the god of desolation rang behind her.

Immediately after the earth trembled, a huge blue figure jumped up from a distance.

As the figure fell to the ground, a huge shock almost shook the group of people to the ground.

"This.... This is..."

After seeing the true face of the figure, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were so surprised that they could hardly speak: "Karigula... Dragon Emperor!"

It turned out that what brought this violent shock was a desolate god with a dark blue appearance and a look like Hannibal.

But the biggest difference between it and Hannibal is:

Caligula is protected by oracle cell armor all over his body, unlike Hannibal who only has handguards.

Its arms have attack organs that look like stacked blades, which can open and close with its movements and turn into a fan shape to attack the enemy.

It has a pair of propellers that look like wings on the back, instead of Hannibal's volcanic heating organs.

"Oh, any of you know it?"

Seeing the shocked expressions of everyone in front of him, Lelena slowly walked to Caligula's side and raised her head to caress his chin: "This is the wild god I specially summoned to entertain you. What do you think? ?"

"Okay, now I'll give you one minute."

Lelena, who was stroking Caligula, threw a wink at everyone and then turned her head to the side: "In a minute, I hope to hear your answers that satisfy me!"

"Damn it, why don't you come or not, it just happened to bring this kind of monster!"

Looking at Caligula in front of him, Li Feng cursed in a low voice: "The four things, Dragon Emperor, are the most disgusting except for Nine Tails and Baqi Orochi!"

"Dragon Emperor? Caligula?"

Hearing what Li Bo whispered, Su Qingyun turned to look at him: "Little brother Li Feng, is this difficult to deal with?"

"You haven't seen it before, so you don't know how disgusting this thing is."

Li Feng's eyes fixed on Caligula's huge and murderous eyes: "This guy is Hannibal's snow-covered species. In terms of combat effectiveness, his strength is far above Heavenly Father or even Hannibal. !"

"Oh? So strong?"

Hearing that this blue Caligula is far superior to Hannibal in strength, Li Bo's face rarely showed a happy look: "Have you beaten this thing with Missy?"

"Won countless times."

Li Feng moved slowly among the crowd and lowered his voice: "Although it has won countless times, it is indeed a high-mobility wild god who makes me and Ying feel a bit hard."

"What's its weakness?"

Su Qingyun carefully examined every detail of the Caligula in front of her and asked, "Is there a place that can be destroyed to weaken it?"

"The knife with both arms, the thruster behind it, and its head."

Li Feng took a deep breath and said, "Although the knife looks sharp and hard, it can attack the supporting part behind when it is opened. As long as the knife is abolished, it will be more aggressive. decline."

"I know."

Li Bo stared at the knives in Caligula's arms: "This thing is its main threat. The others should be about the same as Hannibal, right?"

"Well, except for ice attributes."

Li Feng nodded and replied, "It is far more mobile than Hannibal. Because of its propeller assistance, its assault distance and speed are also faster. Don't be careless!"

"Time is up!"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Lelena turned to look at them: "How are you thinking about it?"

"Do you still need to ask?"

Li Bo raised his eyebrows and showed a provocative expression: "Qingyun and I will not commit suicide in idleness! We choose to fly your Caligula!"

"It's up to you."

Lelena touched Caligula's head and slowly walked behind it: "Since you don't want to die faster, I will follow your last wish."

Although Lelena walked behind Caligula, she did not continue to leave uncharacteristically. Instead, she raised her finger at Li Bo and they ordered Caligula: "Kill them!"

At Lelena's order, Caligula let out a roar and rushed towards the five people with his hands and feet.

Facing the menacing Caligula, Li Bo hurriedly opened his shield and ordered: "I am in charge of attracting this idiot, Qing Yun and Lu Cainiao are in charge of supporting, and Li Cainiao and Missy help contain it!

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The crowd responded to Li Bo's instructions and started to act.

Because I had some information dictated by Li Feng in advance, and Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying predicted each movement of Caligula very accurately.

For a time, facing the extremely mobile Caligula, the five did not fall into a hard fight, but made Caligula a little passive.

"Good job."

Lelena, who had been watching the battle not far away, sneered and put her hand on her cheek: "Since this is the case, then I have to show you my true strength!"

While saying this, Lelena began to absorb the surrounding oracle cells.

But a few seconds later, Lelena stopped.

"No, I just used a double!"

Lelena frowned and thought: "If I use the oracle cells to fight now, it won't be easy if this body is damaged."

Thinking of this, Lelena finally changed her approach.

"Just let them deal with other wild gods around."

Lelena sneered at the five people who were at war with Caligula while calling the nearby wild gods with her exclusive method: "Let me see if you can deal with one large wild god at the same time!"

After starting to summon the gods, Lelena quickly received a response from the large gods nearby.

"Well.... Most of them are guys who are not strong."

After closing her eyes and carefully feeling the Aragami who responded to her call, Lelena showed an expression of dissatisfaction: "These guys will not only be of no help, they may also cause trouble to Caligula."

After hesitating many times, Lelena sighed: "Oh, even though I don't want to do this, there is no way!"

After making the decision, Lelena stretched out her right hand towards Kaligou and said loudly with her palm towards it, "Now, let you see the real power!"

When Lelena said this, Caligula was hit by Li Bo with a heavy hammer and fell to the ground.

Hearing Lelena's words, everyone stopped their movements and hurriedly turned their heads to her, for fear that she would suddenly launch an attack.

However, although Lelena raised her hand to everyone and opened her palm, nothing happened for a long time.

Just when Li Bo and the others were wondering why this happened, Li Feng noticed that Caligula, who was still struggling on the ground just now, suddenly rose into the air and hugged his whole body.

Seeing this movement of Caligula, Li Feng immediately understood that the big thing was not good.

Before the others noticed this change, Li Feng shouted: "Everyone immediately open the shield! Caligula is going to be violent!"

Hearing Li Feng's warning, everyone recovered and found that Caligula had flown into the air, and a spherical oracle cell protective shield appeared beside him.

"Damn, shameless!"

Seeing that Li Feng had opened his shield in advance to face Caligula, Li Bo also hurriedly opened his shield: "Everyone, open the shield and prepare to resist the impact!"

Li Bo and the others had just opened the shield and adjusted their posture. A harsh noise mixed with Caligula's roar pierced their ears through the shield.

The tinnitus did not go away, and everyone felt a very strong shock from Caligula's position.

It turned out that at this time, Caligula suddenly spread his limbs and let out a roar in the air.

As it roared, the protective cover outside its body exploded. The harsh noise just now was the sound of the protective cover exploding.

When the protective cover exploded, although the sound was loud, there was no ignition.

There is no fire and explosion smoke, but it does not mean safety.

Following the noise and roar, there was a powerful shock wave strong enough to sink everyone's legs into the ground and draw two deep trenches in the snow.

"Well, let Caligula play with you next."

When the blast caused by the explosion was mixed with snowflakes and blown onto Lelena, Lelena said to the battlefield that was covered by snowflakes: "To be honest, I really don't want to see your nasty faces anymore!"

After dropping this sentence, Lelena smiled proudly and left the scene.

Although Lelena left, the battle continued.

As soon as the shock wave passed, Li Feng and the others felt that their limbs were sore and tingling.

However, before they put away their shields, Caligula locked all of them in the snow that was raised by the explosion.


With Caligula's roar, it kept afloat with the propeller behind it and its big mouth was facing down, and a flame of frost from its mouth immediately enveloped the ground under its feet.

Said it is a flame, it is only shaped like a flame.

However, this frost flame did not bring a trace of temperature to the surrounded Li Feng and the others, but sent a burst of cold that penetrated the winter clothes and penetrated the bone marrow to them.

"Can't go on like this!"

Although the frost and flames covered the sky and continued to cover the sun, Li Bo calmed down immediately: "Rookie Li, how long does this guy's trick last?"

"I do not know!"

Hidden behind his shield, Li Feng replied loudly through the communication: "Never seen, unheard of! This may be Lelena's ability to die!"

"Let the wild god be violent and give it abilities it doesn't have?"

From Li Feng's tone, Li Bo judged that he was not lying: "It seems that this dead man has this kind of power in addition to his own combat power!"

"Bobo, what do you do now?"

Su Qingyun uses a small shield. Although she has released the oracle cells as a defense, her feet have begun to form a layer of frost at this moment: "I can't hold it anymore!"

"Wait for a few seconds!"

Li Bo put his shoulder on his magic machine, freed a hand to fetch a coma grenade from his waist, and then bit off the safety plug with his mouth: "Try this!"


As Li Bo threw a comatose grenade and exploded, Caligula, who had been flying in the air, suddenly lit up, and there was a buzzing sound in its head.

Under the influence of the coma grenade, Caligula immediately fell to the ground to stop the attack.

Because of its heavy body falling like this, the snowflakes and frost flames that it had just set off were immediately blown away by the impact.

After the attack stopped and their sight resumed, Li Feng and his party immediately turned off their shields and prepared to attack.

However, when their eyes touched Caligula who was struggling on the ground, everyone looked surprised.

It turned out that the thruster on Caligula's back had already entered the open state at this time, and a burst of blue flames were continuously ejecting from the end of the thruster.

And its body also faintly glowed with a blue light, just like those beasts in the myth.

What is even more frightening is that the knife and wounds on both arms that were destroyed by Li Feng and the others before have been completely restored at this time!

"Don't froze!"

Although shocked, Li Bo quickly calmed down and rushed towards Caligula with the magic machine: "The time for a coma grenade is limited! We must destroy this guy again as soon as possible!"

Hearing Li Bo's shout, everyone recovered and took up the magic machine and ran towards Caligula...

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