I actually became a god eater

Chapter 94 Frost Palace

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Without much effort, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying found the entrance to the huge underground facility.

Although gnawed by the gods and buried by the snow, the remains of guns made of composite materials scattered on the ground, as well as the bullet shells that fell on the ground, the dense bullet holes at the entrance of the facility are telling the two of the intenseness of the year The situation.

"It's miserable."

Following Li Feng into the entrance of the refuge facility, looking at everything left around, Zhongyuan Sakura said with feeling: "It seems that this was a fortress against the gods at the beginning, right?"

"should be."

While being vigilant about the surrounding situation, Li Feng picked up a half-length gun: "This is a Type 95 automatic rifle. It should have been used by our country's troops at the time, and..."

Throwing down the wreckage of the gun, Li Feng knelt down and pulled out a piece of rag with an armband from the snow.

"The army... once fought here."

Li Feng took the rag and came to Zhongyuan Ying to let her see the armband clearly: "This armband is used by the special forces stationed in South X City."

Zhongyuan Ying took the armband and looked at the wolf head logo and familiar Chinese characters on the armband. She frowned and asked: "How do you know this is a special forces armband?"

"Because I once served in this army."

Li Feng's expression was bitter, and his eyes were full of tears: "This is my former army. I know this armband even if it turns to dust."

While speaking, Li Feng peeled away the snow again and found a bulletproof helmet with only half remaining in the snow.

Caressing the blood stains left on the bullet-proof helmet, recalling all kinds of service in the past, tears in Li Feng's eyes burst into his eyes.

"do not be upset."

Seeing Li Feng's sadness, Zhongyuan Ying squatted down and comforted him softly: "These are all things that happened in this world in the past. It's useless for you to be sad, right?"

"That said, but I am also very pleased."

Li Feng wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes, with a proud look on his face: "No matter what, these brothers have fulfilled their promise. In order to protect the people, they fought to the last minute."

"Well, they must have died well."

Zhongyuan Ying had never been a soldier, and she couldn't understand Li Feng's feelings at the moment, but she also showed a sad look: "Fighting to the end for her promise is a great honor for a soldier."


After Li Feng sighed lightly, he inserted half of his rifle into the snow, and then covered the helmet on the muzzle: "They died well."

After saying this, Li Feng knelt on one knee in front of the simple tomb and murmured: "May the spirit of the brothers in the sky have eternal rest."

Watching Li Feng pray for his dead comrades-in-arms, Zhongyuan Ying also stood behind him in silence and bowed her head in silence for the brave soldiers who died protecting the people.

"Let's go."

A few minutes later, Li Feng stood up and said, "We are now going to clean up the desolate gods inside, which can be regarded as a comfort to the spirits of these brothers in the sky!"


Zhongyuan Ying raised her head. Although she saw that Li Feng still had a sad expression on her face, her eyes sparkled: "Clean up the gods is our job!"

Walking into the evacuation facility, although there is no snow on the ground, it gives people a very cold feeling.

"Feng, are there any ventilation facilities in it?"

Feeling that there seemed to be a cold wind blowing from the inside of the facility, Zhongyuan Sakura couldn't help but shudder: "How come it seems that there is wind blowing from inside?"

"I think should not be."

Li Feng tried to recall the scene when he entered this facility: "I remember that although there are several other entrances and exits, if there is no electricity to maintain, the bottom should be in a semi-closed state with no air circulation."

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, a bitter wind blew out of the facility, making Zhongyuan Ying hide behind Li Feng with the cold.

"It seems that Huangshen has also opened up other places."

Feeling the cold wind, Li Feng took a deep breath: "There is no smell of corruption in the wind, and it also has a slightly moist feel. It must be a ventilated environment inside."

After saying this, Li Feng turned the magic machine into a bomber: "Be careful, I don't know what's inside."

"Well, I know."

After seeing Li Feng's behavior, Nakahara Sakura also put her double-edged blades together and turned into a ray gun: "Caution first, right?"

After Zhao Zhongyuan Ying smiled, Li Feng led her to the evacuation facility.

The more they go in, the more they feel that something is wrong.

Not to mention the gusts of wind that made the two wearing thick winter clothes tremble, and everything scattered along the way made the two of them feel depressed.

It turned out that in this underground passage that was not covered by snow or frozen, although there were a lot of traces of being eaten by the gods, a lot of waste was left behind.

Broken body armor, broken bulletproof helmets, firearms, unused grenades and other items abound.

In addition, some dolls, daily necessities and other things are also mixed in it.

"It seems they were quite hurried when they retreated."

Gently kicking away the debris on the ground, Li Feng's heart was mixed: "Judging from the traces, when they retreated, they seemed to be chased by the gods."

"Probably something like a ghost face giant tail."

Zhongyuan Sakura pulled out a thick thorn from the wall and took a look and handed it to Li Feng: "Look, this is the needle thrown by the ghost face giant tail?"


After taking a closer look, Li Feng threw the needle aside: "It seems that they retreated here in a hurry, so that's why someone resisted the gods at the door. It's just..."

"These guns are useless."

Li Feng gently kicked the broken guns at his feet aside, with a look of regret on his face: "If there are enough God Eaters, even the first generation of magic machines, I am afraid that this place will not be broken by the gods. ."

Speaking of this, Li Feng turned his head to look in the direction of the Southern Region Branch.

"It's useless to worry."

Zhongyuan Ying walked to Li Feng's side, and her tone was not as playful as she used to be: "From the perspective of time, this has happened more than ten years ago. Even if there are survivors here, I am afraid I can't find them?"


Li Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Anyway, I hope that nothing happened here in other cities."

Although Li Feng didn't explicitly say what happened, how could Zhongyuan Ying not know?

From the time when the wild gods appeared in large numbers, although all countries in the world have mobilized the power of the whole country to resist the wild gods.

But because there is no effective weapon, the attack of the Desolate God Group on the human city is almost unstoppable.

Because they were unable to withstand the offensive of the gods, the militaries of various countries had to change their strategies and let the troops take people into various refuge facilities in an attempt to avoid the gods.

It's a pity, how easily can the gods be avoided?

Whenever a refuge is discovered, the god of desolation that flows like a tide floods the refuge and everything inside.

The final result is a unilateral... massacre!

It is because of the unbridled attack of Aran God that the original global population of 7 billion has plummeted to less than 100 million now.

If it hadn't been for Fenrir to invest a new type of biochemical weapon at the very moment: Divine Machine, I am afraid that in the current world, mankind has already been completely destroyed.

Looking at the evacuation facility in front of him, Li Feng became a little worried.

Since there are traces of Aragami's attack here, then... will it be the one waiting in front of me and Nakahara Sakura...

With this kind of anxiety, Li Feng's pace gradually slowed down.Funny Pen Fun Pavilion www.gxjxc.com

"It's useless to worry, we all know."

Perceiving the strangeness of Li Feng, Zhongyuan Ying tried to pretend to be calm and said in a calm tone: "Blindly afraid and avoiding, can it obliterate what has happened here?"


Since Zhongyuan Ying has seen it through, Li Feng doesn't intend to keep it secret: "I'm just...a little scared... I don't know if I can accept the result... although... I understand it in my heart."

"Don't you think it's weird?"

Perhaps it was to stop Li Feng from thinking about it, Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly turned the topic away: "Isn't there no lighting here? Why can we barely see things on the ground? We don't wear night vision goggles!"


When Zhongyuan Ying said so, Li Feng suddenly reacted: "Yes! There is no electricity here, why is there light?"

"Could it be because of this?"

As soon as Nakahara Sakura looked up, she found that there was a layer of ice on the ceiling of the passage, and there seemed to be faint light reflected from the ice: "The external light source is reflected by the ice surface, so it is reflected by the top ice surface?"

"its not right!"

Li Feng raised his head and glanced at the ice surface on the ceiling, then turned his head to look in the direction he was facing: "This light source is not reflected from the outside! It is reflected from the inside!"

"Isn't it?"

Hearing this inference, Chu Yuan Sakura seemed surprised: "Isn't it supposed to reflect the light from outside?"

"look by youself."

Li Feng pointed his finger at the ceiling and said, "When we look back, the ceiling behind is dark, but when we look forward, there is light. Doesn't it prove that it is reflected from the inside?"

"How could this be?"

Nakahara Sakura was also confused by this abnormal light reflection: "How come there is light from the ground?"

"Go in and take a look."

In fact, Li Feng didn't know why this happened, but he knew that there was only one way to figure it out: "Go in and you will know why!"

Through the dark passage, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying gradually approached the center of the evacuation facility.

In this process, the light in the channel is getting stronger and stronger.

When the two came to the center, everything that appeared in the suddenly clear space in front of them made both of them amazed!

It turned out that in this huge underground refuge facility, I don't know when it has become a territory of ice.

Underneath is a vast glacier-like ground that is white as a mirror.

Looking around, there are all kinds of crystal clear ice crystals wherever you look.

These ice crystals have various shapes, and they perfectly decorate the underground facilities that originally seemed empty.

And in the ceiling of the central area, a huge hole pierced by a godless god sent outside sunlight and air into this underground facility.

"Oh my god!"

Looking at the icy world in front of her, Chu Yuan Sakura sighed sincerely: "What's the situation? There is such a world in such a place."

"It's really breathtaking."

Li Feng's eyes widened, his gaze constantly scanned in the ice field: "No wonder the map shows that this place is called Frost Underground Palace. It turns out that this is the reason."

"These...Did the gods do it or were they condensed naturally?"

Walking on the mirror-like ice surface, Nakahara Sakura couldn't help but stretch out her hand to caress the peculiar ice crystal in front of him: "Although I don't understand art, I feel that these peculiar ice crystals are really beautiful."

"You should look at this."

Li Feng pointed to a cluster of sharp icicles not far away and said, "I'm afraid we have only seen this scene in the world of XX hunters, right?"

"Boom boom boom"

After tapping the ice crystal in front of her a few times, Zhongyuan Ying let out a sigh of relief at the ice crystal.

"what are you doing?"

After seeing Sakura's behavior, Li Feng couldn't help but smile and asked, "Do you want to try whether this ice crystal can make shaved ice?"

"No, I just want to see if it is ice or crystal."

After confirming that water vapor had condensed on the ice crystals, Zhongyuan Ying turned her head to look at Li Feng and said, "It looks like it's all real ice here!"

"Let's go inside and see."

Li Feng gently pressed his toes on the ice surface twice, and then tried to polish the soles: "It seems that our boots will not slip on this ice surface."

After Zhongyuan Ying responded, she reluctantly left from the ice crystal and walked into the ice field with Li Feng.

However, they didn't go far, and their hearts cooled down as if they were frozen.

It turns out that the more you go inside, the less pure the ice under your feet.

As seen before, there is also a large amount of previous remnants frozen under the ice here.

"It seems that this happened after that incident."

Looking at the objects under the ice under her feet, Zhongyuan Sakura shook her head: "Originally, there should be no such things here."

"Yes, but there must be desolate gods living here."

Li Feng pointed to a huge icicle not far away and said, "Look at what's inside."

Following Li Feng's fingers, Zhongyuan Ying saw the scene that surprised her even more.

Among the huge icicles not far in front, the corpse of King Kong has been frozen at this time!

Because it was preserved in icicles, the corpse of King Kong's fallen from heaven did not dissipate into oracle cells but stayed here.

"There's more here."

After discovering the body of King Kong’s fallen from the sky, Sakura Zhongyuan found several small wild gods that were also frozen in icicles not far away: "The ghost face giant tail, the joint body and the spear of fear, these small wild gods are also frozen in This is it."

"It's not just these things."

Li Feng pointed at a place farther away with a look of surprise: "Sakura, look at that guy. I didn't expect it to be frozen here and turned into an ornament."

What Li Feng's finger pointed at turned out to be farther away, and a Heavenly Father Diaus was also frozen in the icicle.

Judging from its wide open mouth, the bone wings sticking out of its back, and its posture, it should be in a violent state.

Especially the faintly visible arc traces in the icicles made them feel that this guy might be planning to release its signature black lightning before it freezes.

"Wait! Let's evacuate first!"

After carefully observing the icicles that were freezing Heavenly Father, Li Feng was shocked: "It seems that the guy who lives here is not an easy master!"

"I think so!"

After noticing the traces of the arc, Zhongyuan Sakura also began to retreat in her heart: "It must be frozen almost instantly before Heavenly Father discharges it, this guy must be extremely dangerous!"

"Don't wait! Withdraw quickly!"

After learning that Zhongyuan Ying had the same idea as himself, Li Feng hurriedly grabbed her arm: "Walk around, it is not suitable to stay here for long!"

However, it was too late for Li Feng and the others to plan to retreat at this time!

Just when the two turned to leave, a huge figure stood in front of them.

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