I actually became a god eater

Chapter 96 Satellite Base

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!After more than two hours of fighting and walking, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying came to the mountainous area that Li Lan explained.

"Huha~~ I'm a little hungry."

Sakura Zhongyuan kicked away the body of the god who had recovered the core, and gently covered her stomach with one hand: "I said, I'm a little hungry~"

"Wait a little longer."

Li Feng took out the electronic map from his arms and checked his surroundings and said, "We are already very close to the satellite base. Can we wait to eat later?"

"It can be."

Zhongyuan Ying listened to the slight grunt from her stomach, and she swallowed: "It's a strange thing, why haven't I suffered from gastroenteritis recently?"

"Gastroenteritis? Oh, there is such a thing."

Recalling what Steiner said when Zhongyuan Ying first met her, Li Feng smiled and walked to her side: "Isn't it a good thing not to commit a crime? Do you still like being uncomfortable?"

"Not really."

Zhongyuan Ying rubbed her belly, raised her head and grinned at Li Feng with a super cute smile: "I hate it the most! I won't get sick now, I still feel super happy to say!"


Looking at Zhongyuan Ying's cute and mischievous appearance, Li Feng couldn't help but smile and stretched out his fingers and gently scratched her small nose: "Well, let's go to the satellite base first."

"Your legs are all right?"

As soon as Li Feng turned around, Zhongyuan Ying grabbed him hurriedly: "The place where I was injured by Queen Frost just now..."

"It's okay long ago."

Li Feng moved the leg scratched by the ice cone just now, then pointed to the cloth wrapped around his pants and said, "You don't know the healing power of our body. If it's not that the clothes are torn, I won't be entangled here. Kind of rags."

"That's good."

Zhongyuan Sakura stuck the knife in her left hand on her belt and took Li Feng's hand and said, "Let’s go to the satellite base~"

After walking on the snowy field for a while, Li Feng and the others came to the location of the stronghold shown on the electronic map.

"Huh? It's strange."

Looking at the surrounding white snowfields, Li Feng was puzzled by the electronic map: "Isn't it said that the satellite base is at this location? Why is there nothing?"

"Could you make a mistake?"

Zhongyuan Ying put her head next to Li Feng and looked at the map: "Or the coordinates given by the lieutenant colonel are wrong?"

"I can't."

Li Feng shook his head helplessly, then continued to look up and look around: "Lieutenant Colonel shouldn't make such a low-level mistake."

"It's weird."

Nakahara Sakura carefully looked at the map while checking the reference object: "According to the coordinates, it is indeed this. Is it an underground facility?"

The two were talking, and suddenly a man shouted from behind: "You two are not allowed to move, raise your hands!"


Hearing the sound, the two looked back together, "Why is there anyone here?"

After turning around, the two found that four or five people in snow camouflage clothes were standing behind them, pointing guns at them.

"It's you two!"

Seeing the two looking back, a person wearing a hood pointed at them and continued yelling: "Put down your arms and raise your hands!"

"What the hell is it?"

Hearing this guy yelling, Zhongyuan Sakura showed a dissatisfied expression: "You are sick, are you? You howl so loudly, I'm afraid that the gods can't hear you?"


Hearing the word "Wild God", the other party seemed a little scared, and then he lowered the volume: "Hurry up and put down the weapon and raise your hands."

"It hurts if you are idle?"

Facing this guy's repeated warnings, Li Feng showed an impatient look on his face: "We are the God Eaters sent by the Southern Territory Branch to contact. If you don't welcome it, just let it go. What do you mean by pointing a gun at us? Want to fight us?"

As he said this, Li Feng's eyes changed, and bursts of killing intent began to spread from his body to the surroundings.

Perhaps it was because of the waves of killing intent, the other party's eyes were obviously not as firm as before.

After a moment of confrontation, Li Feng took the lead to break the silence: "Are you enough? Do you really want to fight? If your base does not welcome us, then we will leave!"

After dropping these words, Li Feng directly grabbed Zhongyuan Ying's hand and gestured to leave.

"and many more!"

Seeing Li Feng and the others are leaving, the man's tone completely softened: "You said you are God Eaters from the Southern Territory Branch. What evidence is there?"

"Your brain is okay?"

Although from the action point of view, the man's companion wanted to stop him, but Li Feng shook the magic machine at the man before that: "Do you think it's not a god-eater who has a bracelet and still has a magic machine? "

Seeing the magic machine and bracelet in Li Feng's hand, the man hesitated for a while before slowly putting down his gun.

After a long time, the man turned around and said, "Come with me."

After saying this, the man and his companion led Li Feng and them into the snowy field.

After walking for a while, the men led the two to a rather secret ruin.

After walking around in the ruins for a while, Li Feng and the others followed the group into a narrow tunnel.

The tunnel is quite narrow and only allows one person to walk.

Such a narrow tunnel is not a big deal to Zhongyuan Sakura, but for Li Feng, who is holding a heavy round of moon, it is really uncomfortable.

The huge heavy round moon couldn't be carried on his shoulders as usual in the tunnel, so Li Feng had to grab the handle, almost half dragging the magic machine forward in the tunnel.

Fortunately, the tunnel was not very long. About ten minutes later, the men led Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying out of the tunnel.

As soon as they stepped out of the tunnel, a village with dozens of simple houses appeared in front of them.

After carefully observing their surroundings, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying realized that the satellite base was originally built in the topography of a crater.

"You are the God Eaters of the Southern Region, right?"

Seeing the two being brought in, a middle-aged man in his fifties who was already waiting not far away quickly patted the snow off his body and walked forward and extended his right hand to the two of them: "I am the person in charge here. My name is Zhu Zhenyu."

"Ah, hello."

Facing the hand stretched in front of him, Li Feng naturally turned his head to look at the opponent and held his hand: "I am the God Eater Li Feng of the Southern Territory Branch."

"Lee... Feng?"

When Li Feng turned his head, Zhu Zhenyu saw his appearance and heard his name, his eyes widened suddenly from surprise: "You... are called Li Feng?"

"Ah, yeah."

Li Feng smiled and nodded, then released his finger to Zhongyuan Sakura: "This is Zhongyuan Sakura, and it is also the God Eater of the Southern Division."

"You... hello."

Although he gently held Zhongyuan Ying's hand, Zhu Zhenyu's eyes never left Li Feng: "It's nice to meet you..."

"Is there anything on my face?"

After noticing Zhu Zhenyu's strange eyes, Li Feng tilted his head and asked, "Or something else? Why are you staring at me?"

"Ah, nothing." Gougou Novel Network www.ggtxt.com

After Li Feng asked, Zhu Zhenyu hurriedly shook his head: "I have been waiting for a long time, please come with me."

After dismissing the young people who brought Li Feng and the others, Zhu Zhenyu led them to a house built with wooden boards and straw.

After entering the house, with the heating stove and lighted candles, Li Feng can roughly see the furnishings in the house.

The whole house is not big, about ten square meters.

Although it was a house built with wooden planks and straw, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying did not feel any cold wind blowing in.

And in the center of the house is a set of very simple tables and chairs, surrounded by a stove for heating, and the fire in the stove is burning vigorously.

"Please sit down."

Bringing the two to the wooden table, Zhu Zhenyu pointed at two empty chairs: "The two have traveled a long distance, and they must be tired and hungry? I will get some food and drink for them. You guys take a break first."

After saying this, Zhu Zhenyu patted Li Feng on the shoulder and left the house.


After sitting down, Zhongyuan Sakura took off the hoodie she had been wearing: "It's finally warmer!"


Li Feng leaned his magic machine on the chair next to him. He took off his hood and gloves and said, "But I find it a little strange."


Nakahara Sakura came to the fire and stretched out her hand to enjoy the temperature of the fire while asking: "What is strange?"

"This Zhu Zhenyu..."

Li Feng frowned and stared at the door Zhu Zhenyu had brought when he left: "I have a vague impression of this name, but I can't remember it. Also, I seem to have seen him wherever he looks."

"Are you sure?"

Zhongyuan Sakura squatted on the edge of the fire and was burning comfortably: "I see his age, don't you know him?"

"who cares!"

Li Feng shrugged and came to Zhongyuan Ying and squatted down: "Anyway, let's get to the fire first, it's freezing me!"

About ten minutes later, Zhu Zhenyu walked in with a simple tray.

After putting down the tray, Zhu Zhenyu was a little bit dumbfounded when he saw two people squatting in front of the fire: "I said, what are you doing squatting there?"

"Bring to the fire."

Although Li Feng, who was afraid of the cold, was warming his body with fire, he still kept shaking: "Otherwise, what else can I do?"

"Hahaha, come over and eat something to warm up."

Seeing Li Feng's appearance, Zhu Zhenyu couldn't help but laughed: "Walking so far in the snow, no matter who it is, it will be cold."

Back at the table, although Zhu Zhenyu prepared ordinary porridge for the two of them, it was a rare delicacy for Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, who were already a little uncomfortable with the cold.

After pouring the warm vegetable porridge into their stomachs, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying felt that their bodies began to warm up.

"You are here to help us solve the desolate god, right?"

After the two of them finished eating, Zhu Zhenyu said, "Really, if there are no more god-eaters, it will be sooner or later that our stronghold will be attacked by the gods."

"Tell me more specifically."

Now that Zhu Zhenyu has spoken, Li Feng is also unambiguous: "Where is the god of waste?"

"Actually it is like this."

Zhu Zhenyu sighed and said slowly: "We are actually planning to migrate to another satellite base. As you have seen, with the approach of Xuanwu, although this satellite base is safe, the severe cold has made it impossible for us to continue living here. ."

"What about fighting against Xuanwu?"

Zhongyuan Ying heard that the reason was Xuanwu, and she immediately put forward her own opinion: "If Xuanwu is attacked, won't it be restored here?"

"I'm afraid not."

Zhu Zhenyu shook his head and sighed: "In fact, even if the Xuanwu is not close, the weather here has deteriorated so much. Since there is no vegetation, the extreme weather here is getting worse and worse. That's why we planned to leave here."

"Where are you going?"

Li Feng frowned upon hearing this: "Are there any other suitable places to live around here?"

"Yes, but we have to walk out of this mountainous area first."

Zhu Zhenyu pointed in a direction and said: "There is a road beyond the mountain over there. Li Lan has already said that he will send a car to take us to other satellite bases. But there are many wild gods on the way from here to there."

"Um...it's a bit troublesome."

Li Feng shook his head and said, "You have nearly a hundred people here, right? We have two people here this time. It is not easy to cover so many of you to go there."

"It's actually not that difficult."

After seeing Li Feng’s expression, Zhu Zhenyu smiled as if comforting him: “Walk in the same direction for about five kilometers to reach the tunnel we secretly dug. As long as we can enter the tunnel, we can go to the highway without worrying about the gods. On the edge."

"The difficulty lies in this mere five kilometers, right?"

As soon as Zhu Zhenyu finished speaking, Li Feng's expression immediately became serious: "What kind of god is there in these five kilometers?"

"One Yanzhi."

Zhu Zhenyu bit her lower lip before answering: "It has been wandering in that area with a few King Zhou, we don't even know when it appeared."


Hearing that his opponent was Yanzhi, Li Feng showed a relaxed smile: "I thought it was something, it turned out to be just something like Yanzhi? It's easy to talk about."

Li Feng stood up and picked up the magic machine: "Wait! Let's kill it!"

After saying this to Zhu Zhenyu, Li Feng looked at Zhongyuan Sakura again: "Sakura, let's go! Go and kill that ghost!"


After responding, Zhongyuan Ying picked up her magic machine: "Isn't it just a Yanzhi? Killing it is not enough to stuff our teeth!"

After Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying left, a middle-aged man with a beard and blindness, who was about the same age as Zhu Zhenyu, immediately walked into the house.

"Is this too similar?"

Before Zhu Zhenyu spoke, the one-eyed man said in a hoarse voice: "His appearance and every move is almost carved out of the same model as the colonel!"

"Even the voice is almost the same."

Zhu Zhenyu shook his head with a bitter expression: "Seriously, I almost called him a colonel when I first saw him."

"Age is different."

The one-eyed man looked at the departure of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, shook his head and sighed: "There is also that girl, who is almost exactly the same as her."

"Indeed, but..."

Zhu Zhenyu stood up and came to the one-eyed man's side and patted his shoulder gently: "Although I don't want to believe in superstitions, if it is really them, what are you going to do?"

"Do you still need to ask?"

The one-eyed man closed his only eye, took a deep breath and said: "Of course it is the same as you think! Anyway, this is what we must do!"

"I know."

Zhu Zhenyu released his arms around the one-eyed man and walked out of the house: "I'm going to prepare now, you also go back and prepare."

Looking at the two figures of Li Feng who had disappeared in the cold wind, the only eye of the one-eyed man showed a strange and complicated look...

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