Perhaps because Flint had just fallen on his head, his control of the broomstick was somewhat deformed.

Without his command, Slytherin has been unable to prevent an effective attack

“140:50,” Li almost jumped on the table,”Ravenclaw opened a full 90 points!”

On the rostrum, Snape’s eyes became colder and colder. He clenched his fists tightly and couldn’t stop roaring in his heart: My seven consecutive championship dynasty!

Fortunately, although Snape is extremely eager to win, at least he is a decent person. , will not do anything dirty.

Soon, the golden snitch was caught by Qiu

“300:70!”Lee yelled,”Ravenclaw broke Slytherin’s invincibility.”

Starting from Ravenclaw, there were waves of voices. Except for the little snakes, everyone was shouting Ives’s name.

“Elvis Evans! Elvis Evans! Ives Evans……”

In the stadium, the Ravenclaw players threw Avis high into the air. If he hadn’t hit the Slytherin captain hard at the beginning, they would never have won so easily.


At the end of January, the Wizengamot convened the Sirius case retrial as scheduled.

Ministry of Magic.

The tenth floor courtroom.

The Supreme Wizarding Court and the Magical Law Council of the Wizengamot conduct comprehensive criminal trials against wizards here. The courtroom can only be reached by passing through the corridor leading to the Department of Mysteries and going down one level. The elevator cannot reach it directly.

Ives took the elevator alone to the Department of Mysteries on the ninth floor.

The Department of Mysteries is full of black tiled walls. The walls are empty, with no doors or windows. There is only a simple black door at the end of the corridor leading to the Department of Mysteries.

Avis saw a gap on the left side of the corridor, which was the entrance to the tenth floor. Walking down the stairs slowly, the tenth floor is full of rough stone walls and torches protruding from the walls.

Passing through a corridor full of iron bolts, Ives stopped in front of a dirty black door with a large lock.

The door reads”Judgement Room 10″.

Avis tidied up his clothes a little to make them look tidier, then turned the heavy iron door handle, opened the door and walked into the courtroom.

The walls of Courtroom No. 10 are made of black stone, and the torches on the wall emit dim light.

The benches on both sides of the stage were filled with people, all of whom were important figures in the wizarding world – senior officials from the Ministry of Magic, reporters from major newspapers, and celebrities from all walks of life.

Dumbledore sat in the center of the highest bench at the top, which shows his high status.

Dumbledore is the chief wizard of the Wizengamot. He wore a silver and elegant robe today.

There were about fifty people sitting there behind him, all wearing plum-colored robes, with a beautifully crafted silver embroidery on the left side of their chests.”W”, they are members of the Wizengamot.

Everyone present was staring at the young man who walked into the trial room. Some people had a hint of curiosity in their eyes, but today’s trial was very solemn and no one dared to whisper to each other.

Ives slowly walked to the chair in the middle of the courtroom, and the sound of his feet falling was particularly loud in the

quiet hall.

He sat on the edge of the chair and stared straight ahead.

Dumbledore stood up, used his wand on himself, and said softly in a loud voice:”The witness Ivis Evans has attended, let’s get started.”

“Elvis Evans, were you the one who discovered that Peter Pettigrew was still alive?”Dumbledore asked seriously. Several wizards beside him picked up their pens and wrote down quickly on the parchment.

“Yes,” Ives admitted with a nod. He looked calm, as if he was not attending a hearing, but having an afternoon tea party with the principal.

“So please describe how you found out.”

“My friends George Weasley and Fred Weasley once obtained a magic item,” Ives collected his thoughts and continued,”That magic item can display the map of Hogwarts Castle. , and can also display the location of each person in real time”

“George and Fred gave it to me as a gift. When I was using it, I discovered that it always displayed a person’s name, and that was Peter Pettigrew. I once thought that the magic item had been damaged, because as far as I knew, Peter Pettigrew died heroically ten years ago. But in the many times I’ve used it without a single glitch, I’m starting to get a kick out of it.”Aves pretended to recall

“So I re-read the reports at that time, and I noticed that Sirius Black was imprisoned in Azkaban without trial, and I made a bold guess. Ives paused before continuing:”That means Black was not the one who betrayed the Potters, Peter was.””

This sentence caused an uproar. Everyone was surprised by the wisdom displayed by this little wizard.

“Later, when I came into contact with my good friend Ron Weasley’s pet Scabbers, I discovered that it was abnormal. How could an ordinary mouse have a lifespan of nine years? As far as I know, the life span of an average mouse is generally 2 to 3 years.”

“Combined with Professor McGonagall and the Animagus we mentioned, and the name Peter Pettigrew shown on the Marauder’s Map has always followed Ron, so I suspect that Scabbers is Peter!”

Professor McGonagall, who was listening in her seat, showed a satisfied smile. She was very happy that Ivis could combine what she had learned in the Transfiguration class. If she were in school now, she would probably give Ravenclaw ten points.!

Dumbledore ordered to the Ministry of Magic officials on the side:”Bring Peter Pettigrew up.”

With the roaring sound, a floor in the center of the trial room gradually rose up. Under the floor was a cage, and Peter Pettigrew was sitting on a chair inside. His hands and feet were tied with shackles. , the shackles were enchanted to ensure that Peter could not transform into a mouse and escape.

“Peter Pettigrew,” Dumbledore’s blue eyes were full of solemnity,”Do you admit Mr. Evans’s accusation that you are an illegal Animagus? Do you agree with this?”

“I admit it,” screamed Peter,”but that does not prove that I am a traitor!”

Although Peter had already admitted his crime in previous interrogations, now facing a public trial, he still wants to struggle again.

“Do you have anything to say against the fact that you have been hiding out in the Weasley household as a pet rat for nearly ten years?”Dumbledore continued to ask


“What makes you willing to be a mouse for ten years? said Dumbledore sharply


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