“Age of Gods?”Ives murmured.

In the illusion, Ravenclaw seemed to be aware of his doubts, and suddenly explained:”The ancient wizards called the time when they lived the Age of Gods, which was roughly divided into the first year of AD. point”

“In the Age of Gods, the concentration of magic in the world was far stronger than it is now. Every move of the wizards could trigger strange phenomena in the world. The magic at that time was also far stronger than the magic now.”The other three founders froze at that moment. Ravenclaw walked out of the illusion, walked slowly to Avis, ignored his shocked expression and continued:

“After simplifying the strength of magic and inventing a convenient spell-casting prop like the wand, wizards can still have the ability to cast spells after the end of the Age of Gods.”

“Why did the Age of Gods end?”Aves raised his doubts

“Those monsters.” She raised her wand and manifested a group of creatures of different shapes in mid-air, including a giant with the head of a hundred dragons, a body covered with feathers and a pair of wings, and a giant with countless heads. Ferocious water snakes, as well as huge pythons connected head to tail…

Ives even saw an Eastern dragon with nine claws

“These monsters are constantly ravaging everything in sight, and our ancestors can only survive under the protection of powerful wizards.”Ravenclaw’s eyes were very complicated,”Fortunately, they seem to have the concept of territory and generally don’t move around at will, so humans have survived in the cracks.”

The illusion she conjured continued to evolve, leaving only the water snake with countless heads.

In front of it, many wizards held up tall wands and rushed towards the monster that was very huge for them without hesitation.

Countless wizards It fell, and countless wizards came on top of it.

Finally, the water snake fell.

“Hydra,” Ravenclaw said softly,”It is recorded in the ancient books unearthed in Greece that everyone gathered their strength to kill it once.”

“once?”Aves was keenly aware of the key point in her words.

In the illusion, before the wizards were happy, magic power surged between heaven and earth and was injected into Hydera’s body again.

It came alive again!

“As long as the surrounding magic power is strong enough, those monsters will be immortal,” Ravenclaw sighed.

Hundreds of Hydra’s heads revealed their ferocious teeth at the same time, and magic power gathered in its hundreds of mouths, purely powered by magic power. The light cannons formed surged, and in the blink of an eye, the surviving wizards were wiped out.

“That’s it, those monsters can’t be killed,” Ravenclaw’s eyes were extremely solemn.

“Later, a highly respected and powerful wizard invented a sealing magic.”

The illusion gradually changed, and an old man with a white beard wearing a green pointed wizard hat and green robe appeared.

“Merlin?”Elvis shouted in shock. This image is exactly the same as the Merlin introduced in the history of magic.

“Yes, Merlin,” Ravenclaw nodded.

“But according to the wizarding world, isn’t he a Slytherin student? I remember Hogwarts was established a thousand years ago, right? Ivis asked doubtfully.

Ravenclaw smiled, nodded and shook his head slowly,”Yes or no, Merlin is actually a hereditary name.””

Avis wanted to ask something else, but was stopped by Ravenclaw. She continued:”The magic invented by Merlin can completely seal the monsters of the Gods. For the sake of my own living space, and to no longer worry about the sudden attacks of those monsters. Thus, the mighty sealing operation began.”

Human beings, under the leadership of the wizard leaders of their respective tribes, began to collect all the useful materials.

They paid a heavy price, successfully sealed those monsters, and then built wonders on the seal according to local conditions to deal with the sealing magic. Reinforcement.

Human miracles rise one after another, Stonehenge, the Ancient Roman Coliseum, the Great Pyramid of Giza…

Different from the history that Ives came into contact with, in this world, the establishment of these wonders seems to be caused by wizards It was made possible by one hand and was basically built in BC.

“What they did was very smart.” Ravenclaw had to admire the wisdom of ancient wizards.”After those wonders are built, they will become a corner of culture. People will not destroy them easily, and the seals underneath will naturally not be discovered.”

“Of course, even if these wonders are destroyed, I’m afraid the seal will not be loosened.”

As monsters were defeated one after another, the scope of human activities gradually expanded.

Muggles suddenly found that they no longer needed the protection of wizards, so a tribe composed of pure Muggles quietly appeared.

The last monster——

A giant wolf covered in frost was defeated.

Everyone was celebrating enthusiastically, and the world finally belonged to humans!

“A very unfavorable change for wizards is taking place,” Ravenclaw said.”The concentration of magic in the world is declining rapidly.”

After those monsters were sealed, the concentration of magic power between heaven and earth seemed to have lost its source. The wizards gradually discovered that the magic that once could cause heavy rain with a wave of hands could only produce a small group of clear water.

Without the support of magic power between heaven and earth, the wizards could only Ability to cast spells using the magic power within one’s own body

“As a result, wizards began to simplify ancient magic and gradually formed the current magic system.”

In the illusion, the magic that wizards used to control wind and rain and easily destroy a city gradually turned into a weather spell that can only change the weather in a small area.

It is precisely because of the loss of those powerful ancient magics that Muggles There is no need to endure the rule of wizards anymore.

Especially during the period when the concentration of magic power just plummeted, ancient magic could not be used, simplified magic had not been invented, and the strength of wizards dropped to the freezing point. The mighty witch hunt began.

From AD From the first year to the seventeenth century, for nearly more than 1,700 years, Muggles brutally exterminated their former patron saints.

Some wizards saw their relatives and friends losing their lives, so they spontaneously formed an alliance, hoping to destroy the monsters of the gods. The seal brought the world back to the age of gods, and wizards returned to rule Muggles.

They called themselves – the Returners

“Merlin and the wizard leaders who once presided over the seal all believed that maintaining the status quo was the most correct choice.” Ravenclaw sighed lightly,”They destroyed all the information related to the seal magic to ensure that future generations could not Break the seal and form Sir Merlin to guard the seal”

“But among those wizard leaders, there are still some who hope

to continue to rule Muggles.” Ravenclaw slowly spit out a name:”Helpo”

“He took away some information and secretly supported the returner’s actions.”

She continued to conjure up a man in black robes with snake eyes,”Helpo invented many black magics, including methods of making Horcruxes. There are various indications that he has been alive to this day”

“The loosening of the seals in Kiev and Vienna was probably his research based on the incomplete information.”Ravenclaw’s face was heavy,”Contemporary Merlin once came to Hogwarts to study. After the seal was loosened, he immediately contacted many powerful wizards who agreed with the Sir Merlin Order, intending to prevent the Returner’s actions.”

“The four of us were also informed of all this,” Ravenclaw said, and the other three founders came to life at the same time.

“Yes,” Grant���Duo nodded with an apology on his face,”It’s a pity that our actions did not achieve good results.”

“What is left here is a little bit of our consciousness,” Hufflepuff explained.”During our lifetime, the seals in many places were loosened. I am afraid that after a thousand years, those monsters will completely remove the seals. Slytherin’s face was so gloomy that he could drip water.”

In order to extract some useful information, I pretended to have different ideas from the three of them and joined the Returners.””

“Apart from occasional reports of locations where they were about to break the seal, no other results were achieved.”He said unwillingly.

The other three looked at their friends gently. Gryffindor put his arms around Slytherin’s shoulders and tightened them tightly.

“One day after that, the prophet Cassandra Trelawney used her life to make a prophecy,” Ravenclaw continued,”There was a painting and a prophecy, and what was painted on the painting was exactly what he would grow up to be. you……”

“Behind me is the ruins of Hogwarts Castle, and I am using magic to fight against many monsters,” Ives murmured.

The four founders breathed a sigh of relief, and Gryffindor smiled:”It seems, Hogwarts The successive principals of Gwarts have passed down this prophecy well.”

“Yes,” Ivis nodded and asked anxiously:”But Principal Dumbledore didn’t tell me the content of the prophecy.”

“Don’t be anxious,” Hufflepuff said gently.”The content of the prophecy is:

Gods will no longer be gods, and talented people will be born in this world to completely understand all disasters.”

“The content of the prophecy is very short,” Ravenclaw pursed his lips and said,”According to our guess and that of Sir Merlin, the meaning of ‘the gods will not be gods’ means that the monsters from the age of gods who have returned from ancient times may suffer due to the decrease in magic concentration. , loses the possibility of resurrection and can be completely eliminated”

“‘”Gifted Man” combined with that picture probably refers to a certain wizard who will come to Hogwarts.

Gryffindor interrupted:”As for the last sentence, it’s easier to understand.”

He grinned and laughed:”That means you can deal with those monsters.””

As he said that, he walked up and patted Ives on the shoulder.

“But, I’m just a little wizard,” Gryffindor was very powerful, Ives said with gritted teeth.

“So, we left it all.”

All the surrounding illusions gradually dissipated, and Ravenclaw’s voice echoed in the temple.

“Combining the ancient magic given to us by Merlin, we built this altar.”

Everything around is gradually covered with a layer of white gauze

“We entrust the two most important parts of the altar to the centaur and the unicorn respectively. The centaurs are in charge of the main altar, while the unicorns have inherited a special magic.”The pleasant female voice is still explaining,

“As long as you are recognized by both centaurs and unicorns, this altar can increase your magic power to the intensity that you can only have when you are 18 years old. And until you reach adulthood, you can still increase your magic power as quickly as other little wizards.”

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves sounded from far to near. Ives looked back and saw a large group of unicorns!

The leading unicorn with the largest size and the whitest fur was followed by Ives. The unicorn that had just been rescued.

The unicorn leader took the unicorn out of the team, lowered his head and rubbed Avis’s chest affectionately.

“You did a great job,” Gryffindor’s hearty laughter echoed in the room,”I didn’t expect you to be recognized as a unicorn so early.”

“We also left a lot of ancient magic information in our respective secret rooms,” Hufflepuff’s gentle voice sounded, and Elvis seemed to see her kind smile.

“Because I want to go undercover for the Returners, the keys and clues to open the other three secret rooms are all placed in my secret room that was built first,” Slytherin said in a low voice,”I only have one hint: Parseltongue.. ‘Gifted Man’ Show us your talent, if you can’t even learn Parseltongue”

“Can……”Ives wants to say something. Hasn’t your secret room been visited by Voldemort a long time ago? What else can be left behind?

“I know your concerns,” Slytherin interrupted coldly,”No one can open my real secret chamber except you.”

After he finished saying this, the voices of the four founders did not ring again for a long time.

At this time, the white spiral horn on the head of the unicorn leader gradually condensed with white light, and so did the unicorns behind him, but The white light on their horns is converging on the leader’s head.

Finally, a surging white magic beam hits the luminous bead in the center of the temple.

The magic power of the moon, which has been gathered by the luminous bead for thousands of years, is completely absorbed by the unicorn magic. It was poured into Ives’ body, increasing his magic power and heightening his talent without any side effects. The green glow completely surrounded him.

Ives only felt that the magic power in his body was about to move, as if it was about to escape from his control.

The magic power was running faster and faster, and a smooth and fulfilling feeling gradually came to his heart.

He just stood there, feeling the changes in the magic power.

Until the luminous beads lost their effect and the moonlight fell on his face, Ivy Si suddenly woke up.

As he regained consciousness, the violent magic power stopped, and Avis felt a sense of fulfillment that he had never experienced before.

After fully accepting the magic power, his magic power level increased to A terrifying level, far beyond what the four founders said when they were 18 years old.

Ives can feel that some of the powerful magic he learned some time ago can now be easily cast.

What troubles him about his learning speed is , has always been a problem of magic power, and his strength may skyrocket in a short period of time.

Ives bowed respectfully to the temple.

Unfortunately, this place seems to have lost all its magic, and the four founders can no longer No sound


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