During the Potions exam after Chapter 80 Results (please subscribe!) , Snape stood behind Ives and watched him closely.

Goosebumps rose on the back of Elvis’s neck, and he could feel Snape’s breathing. Despite this, he still successfully brewed the potion required for the exam without any fluctuation or expression.

There was also the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam. Considering that the teaching styles of the two professors were very different, Dumbledore did not let Snape preside over the exam, but prepared it himself.

The content of Dumbledore’s exams has been widely praised.

The test content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is that the young wizards must make effective attacks under the attack of several alchemy dummies.

The dummies will fire a special magic that will not feel pain after being hit, but will leave a large amount of paint where they are hit. Paint left on clothing can be wiped away with a simple cleansing spell.

The performance evaluation is very simple. Every time the little wizards hit the alchemy dummy, they will score one point, and every time they are hit, two points will be deducted. The lower the score, the worse the score, and the higher the score, the better the score.

The little wizards can choose how many dummies they want to face. If they are confident in themselves, they can face dozens of dummies and get a few hundred points.

But if you are hit by the dummy too many times, they will still laugh at you,”That’s it? That’s it?”

It’s full of Dumbledore’s bad taste.

After all the exams were successfully completed, Ives took Hermione slowly down the slope to the Black Lake and plopped down under the tree.

By the black lake, a giant squid lay basking in the warm shallow water, while the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were gently stroking its tentacles.

Seeing Elvis and Hermione sitting in the shade of the tree, George and Fred said hello from a distance and sat across from them.

“How was your exam?” George asked curiously

“It’s okay. Ives said lazily while leaning on the tree trunk.

Fred recalled the sparring between the two of them and Ives in the Room of Requirement. Both of them joined forces and were beaten by Ives.

Fred sighed. Say:”These exams should be child’s play for you.”

George nodded in agreement.

Ives ignored the two people playing tricks. The breeze was just right and very comfortable.

He lazily enjoyed the midsummer sunshine.


After the exam is over, there is still one week until the results are released.

There is no homework, no classes this week, and all the students are acting like crazy.

Elvis and his friends also took the time to visit Hagrid’s hut.

In the hut, Hagrid lost his usual smiling expression and sat by the bed with a sad face.

After seeing Ives and the others, he cried,”Norberta, Norberta was picked up by the principal.……”

“”Don’t cry Hagrid,” Ives leaned over and patted his broad shoulder to comfort him,”Professor Dumbledore said that the temporary dragon-raising certificate can only be applied for until the end of this semester.”

“So its departure has long been doomed,” Ives said softly, feeling uncomfortable in his heart. After all, he watched Norberta hatch and grow up, and Norberta was the closest to him.

“I, I know,” Hagrid, who was in his fifties, still cried like a child, sobbing,”I just, I just miss it a little bit. And Lu Wei……”

“Lu Wei?”Hermione said doubtfully.

“It was also taken away by the headmaster,” Hagrid explained.”The headmaster said that it was too dangerous for Lu Wei to s

tay in the school, and he wanted to take him to a Care of Magical Creatures he knew for adoption.”

There is no such thing as a banquet in the world. Without the task of guarding the restricted area, it is indeed too dangerous for the little wizard to stay in the castle with the three-headed dog. Although

Hagrid is very aware of this matter, emotionally, he still cannot accept what he has cultivated by himself. Gouzi left him.

The others chatted with Hagrid for a while, listening to him tell many embarrassing things about Lu Wei when he was a child. The twins also tried their best to show Hagrid some Muggle tricks they bought from their father. The magic seen on TV.

After Hagrid’s mood improved, the group of people left the hut.

On the way back to the castle, Malfoy said:”I will ask my dad where the dragon farm has received a Norwegian Ridgeback recently. Then I can invite you to visit Norbert.”

Everyone else looked at him in surprise. Ives even wondered if Malfoy had been taken away from him, and he would hear such words from his mouth one day.

Until Malfoy snorted coldly, and began to mock Luo again. Well, it took a few people to feel relieved. It seems that Malfoy’s mind is not broken.


A few days later, the test results were finally announced.

Before the results were announced, the little wizards all stopped playing around and anxiously awaited the final verdict. The entire Hogwarts seemed panicked.

George and Fred also took this opportunity to make a small fortune. They made a batch of amulets engraved with Merlin’s portrait and plausibly said:”Merlin will bless every sincere student equally so that they will not fail their exams.”.”

For a time, this kind of amulet was sold out of stock, and several competing products appeared, including ones engraved with Jesus, those engraved with Allah, and even those engraved with the God of Wealth.

All I can say is that if you believe that this kind of amulet is effective, you will most likely fail several subjects.

Among the first-year students, Hermione’s grades ranked first, with Avis’s name below her.

Both of them received perfect marks in all their classes, except for Ivis’ Potions class, for which Snape only gave him a perfect score.”E”, so Ives’s total score is lower than Hermione’s.

Hermione was a little angry. She thought the potion brewed by Elvis should be able to hit”O”, not everyone can resist the pressure from Snape behind him and successfully brew the potion.

She spent a long time talking ill of Snape around Ives.

Among their friends, in the third grade, Cedric undoubtedly won the first place in the grade.

In comparison, the twins’ scores were far behind, with only a few subjects receiving the highest grades.”E”, most of them are”A”Moreover, George and Fred were punished by Professor McGonagall for half a night’s school rules because they threw big dung eggs at the Slytherin table after dinner some time ago.

Qiu’s grades were pretty good and she actually ranked tenth in the second grade. Elvis and Hermione easily found her name.

Next came Neville and Hannah. The two little badgers had mediocre grades, but they both excelled in one or two subjects. Neville’s Herbology score is”O”, Hannah’s flying lesson score is”O”, they still got some classes”E”

Because of their playfulness and the loss of Hermione’s supervision, most of Harry and Ron’s grades were mediocre. Only Harry got a grade in Defense Against the Dark Arts due to his talent.”O”


Chapter Four! Please make your first order!

(End of this chapter)

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