Chapter 138 Professor Kettleburn

On Tuesday morning,

Ives and the others walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. This class would be taught by their beloved Potions Professor, the Head of Slytherin, Professor Snape.

When Snape took this class, the teaching content also chose Cornish elves – everyone remembers that this was the first Waterloo that Lockhart encountered in his idol career.

Cornish elves are so named because they are mostly found in Cornwall, England.

They are electric blue, 8 inches tall, very naughty and love all kinds of mischief. These tiny elves have tiny wings that grab unwary humans by their ears and drop them onto treetops or rooftops.

After introducing this naughty magical animal to the eaglets, Snape followed Lockhart and released the elves directly.

The troublemakers left the cage happily, their eyes rolling. They flapped their wings and flew a few times, trying to play tricks on the little wizards in the classroom.

Before they could make any move, Snape raised his wand, opened and closed his lips and said:

“All settled.”

All the Cornwall elves were enveloped by a huge magical power. A layer of frost formed on their bodies, as if they were frozen, and they were motionless in the air.

Then, they flew in the air. The elves fell to the ground. Several Cornish elves were completely covered by ice. After they fell to the ground, they broke into pieces.


The little wizards in the audience all opened their mouths and took a breath of cold air.

Their reactions made Snape’s lips slightly raised, but he quickly pursed his lips and said gloomily:”Someone remember me. Do you have the key points and spells for the spell just now?”

Hermione raised her hand, but Snape turned a blind eye and continued to stare at the other little wizards with his eyes open.

Everyone was silent.

“Humph, the smartest house,” Snape snorted,”I think Ravenclaw is no more than that.”

Seeing that the little wizards in the audience were all burying their heads like ostriches, Snape angrily shouted:”I will only speak once, please hurry up and take notes for me.”

“The casting spell of the freezing spell is Immobulus, which is a spell that stops the movement of people or things. The casting gesture should focus on the angle of waving the wand, which should be level with the ground.……”

Snape’s deep voice echoed in the classroom.

The remainder of the lesson was spent showing them more spells to subdue the Cornish elves, in stark contrast to Lockhart’s first lesson.

Snape is trying to kill someone.

“Before the next class, I ask you to turn in a seven-inch length of parchment, a report on the investigation of the elves in Cornwall.”After assigning homework, Snape hurriedly left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. He would then give a Potions lesson to the fourth-year Slytherin students.

Although he now had to teach two He had to take classes and be responsible for the affairs of Slytherin House. He was often very busy, but Snape enjoyed it. After all, he got the coveted position, and he had planned to continue drugging Lockhart so that he would not be able to leave the hospital for the rest of his life.


After class,

Elvis and Hermione walked across the grass outside the castle, preparing to find Hagrid.

After not seeing each other for a summer vacation, and since they had not visited Hagrid since the beginning of school, Avis decided to go over and say hello.

In fact, Ives always feels a faint sense of guilt when he sees Hagrid now. Mainly because every time he saw the honest and honest hybrid giant, he would think of Norbert and Lu Wei who were raised in his box.

On the way, Hermione angrily accused Snape of his behavior in the Defense Against the Dark

Arts class,”I obviously raised my hand, why didn’t he call me up to answer the question?”

Ivis comforted:”Didn’t you notice? , since the first potions class, he has chosen to ignore your existence. Think about it, did he ask you to get up to answer questions during the entire potions class last year?”

Although Snape always He likes to see Ives make a fool of himself, but he has never deliberately targeted Hermione. Of course, he has never looked after Miss Know-it-all. His attitude towards Hermione is to ignore her.

“No,” Hermione shook her head,”but this is a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and he should give me more opportunities to answer questions.”

Aves sighed,”People have to bow their heads under the eaves.”

In fact, Snape became a lot more tolerant after fulfilling his wish to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. If no one answered his questions in the previous Potions class, he would definitely detain Ravenclaw’s house. points. But in today’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he just made a mockery.

As long as no points were deducted, it was no big deal if he just got ridiculed.

I hope Roja is back, Ives prayed sincerely.

Halfway through, The two of them also met Cedric and Qiu.

After the four of them greeted each other, Ives said casually:”Qiu, how about the Care of Magical Creatures class in the afternoon?”

After entering the third grade, the little wizards can choose several elective courses.

They will also go to the third grade next year, so they can pay attention in advance which elective courses are more suitable for them.

Qiu chose two courses this year, one One door is Professor Kettleburn’s Care of Magical Creatures class, and the other is Trelawney’s Divination class.

Both professors are celebrities at Hogwarts.

Professor Kettleburn teaches Care of Magical Creatures. He became the professor of Care of Magical Creatures during the tenure of the previous principal, Armando Dippet.

To this day, during his career, he has been punished by the school for at least 62 times for various reasons. This is a record that no one has been able to break so far.

Professor Kettleburn’s most famous probation period was due to his performance of the pantomime”The Fountain of Good Luck” on the anniversary of the founding of Hogwarts.” caused an accident.

At that time, Professor Kettleburn, as the person in charge of the props team, was responsible for providing a huge”earthworm” for the pantomime.

After thinking about it, he used a magically enlarged ash snake.

During the performance The flaming ash snake suddenly exploded on the stage, filling the auditorium with smoke and set debris. Afterwards

, the flaming ash snake laid many huge eggs at the foot of the set, eventually setting the makeshift stage on fire. The floor.

In addition, the two girls who played”Amata” and”Asha” at that time began to”catching and fighting”, and Professor Bierley, who was responsible for directing the pantomime, was also involved in their fighting. The auditorium became chaotic. , teachers and students had to evacuate urgently.

After the accident, the campus hospital was overcrowded, and it took several months for the pungent burnt smell in the auditorium to gradually dissipate.

And Professor Bierley’s head was affected by the magic of”Amata” After being hit by the curse, it magnified several times horizontally and turned into a funny rectangle. He received treatment at St. Mungo’s Hospital for a long time before returning to normal proportions. It also took Professor Kettleburn a long time to finish. His probation period


Thank you readers for your support, thank you(・ω・)ノ


I have tenosynovitis in my right wrist, and I am coding hard.……

(End of this chapter)

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