Chapter 162: Christmas at Hogwarts (4K)

Although the other gifts Ivis received were not as shocking as Hagrid’s large bundle of unicorn hair, they were still very satisfying to him.

Harry gave him a new set of broomstick maintenance tools. As a Quidditch fanatic, he always thought that Elvis should spend more time maintaining his Nimbus 2000.

But he probably didn’t expect that Hannah gave Avis a set of maintenance tools last year. Apart from taking it out for use before each game, Elvis has been thrown into the box to eat dust at other times.

Ives’ gift in return was a book called”Emotional Intelligence”, hoping that he could sort out the interpersonal relationships around him.

Ron gave him a book called”Flying with the Cannons”, which talked about some of his favorite things about the Chudley Cannons.

Ives directly gave him an expensive peripheral item from the Chudley Cannon, which was a moving model that recorded the actions of Cannon Seeker Calvin Gjeon when he caught the Golden Snitch in a game.

Opening the next gift, there was a sky blue knitted sweater lying inside.

The considerate Mrs. Weasley took into account that the little wizards were growing up and was afraid that the sweaters given last year would not be worn this year, so she knitted a new one for everyone.

Ives’ gift in return was two books. One was”Household Magic (Latest Revised Edition)” for Mrs. Weasley. He had noticed it during the days when he lived at the Burrow during the summer vacation. There were many books in the kitchen of the Burrow.”Household Magic” is already an edition in the early 1950s, and the latest revised edition has added many practical household magic; the other is”A Hundred Thousand Whys” given to Mr. Weasley, Weasley Mr. Lay likes Muggles very much and believes that this book can serve as his enlightenment reading.

Sirius gave Ives a book from the Black family’s collection:”Take You Into the World of Dark Magic.” Although the name was very deceiving, Ives flipped through it and found that it only recorded the names and effects of many black magics, without more detailed spells and spell-casting gestures.

Ives’s gift was a photo album, which he got from Colin, all of which were secretly taken of Harry.

Colin Creevey, this Gryffindor first-year student is not only a fan of Elvis, but also a fan of Harry. As an avid fan, he has a problem, that is, he likes to take candid photos. Being in Gryffindor House, Colin had many opportunities to interact with Harry, so he saved a lot of photos of Harry’s life.

After Ives paid for a signed photo of himself, he successfully got a book of Harry’s photos from him, hoping that Sirius would like his gift.

What Professor Flitwick gave to Ives was a spell book written by himself, which even recorded the key points of magic such as the Water Prison Curse. It seems that he really treated Ives as a disciple..

What Ives gave him was an exquisite wand head, which was a gilt eagle with its wings spread.

However, Ives felt that Professor Flitwick probably wouldn’t put it on the wand. He had tried it in advance and found that putting this kind of decorative wand head on it would really get in the way when casting spells.

Professor McGonagall’s gift is also a book:”Advanced Transfiguration Guide”. Judging from the dense handwriting on each page, this is probably the book she used when she was in school.

Considering that Professor McGonagall’s Animagus form was a cat, Ives thought for a long time and gave her a pillow filled with catnip, wishing her a good sleep every night.

The gift given by Professor Sprout is a pair of dragon leather gloves made by alchemy, which have the effect of keeping warm and cleaning.

Elvis gave her dozens of kilograms of golden fertilizer. It is said that this fertilizer is widely praised in the Muggle world.

I gave Christmas gifts to all three deans, so Snape couldn’t be left behind.

After much thought, Ives gave him a bottle of Potter’s shampoo, but the gift in return was air…

Well, the narrow-minded Snape did not give him a gift in return. Yes, after all, the surname Potter is incompatible with Snape, and he has a hatred for his wife!

Then there were gifts from several people in the mystery shop.

George and Fred gave him a bag full of prank props. However, Ives kept to himself in school and never played pranks on his classmates. He didn’t even know what these things could be used for.

Elvis’s gift in return was a large bag of Muggle magic show props, hoping that they could draw inspiration from them.

The gifts of autumn are the same specialties from the East as last year. This year’s gifts are spicy strips.

Elvis opened one of the packages and bit into his mouth. Sure enough, it still tasted that familiar!

Elvis gave her a badge with the Ravenclaw emblem painted on it. As long as a little magic is injected into it, the warming spell can last for a whole day.

The gift Cedric gave was similar to the gift he gave Qiu, they were both Warming Charm badges. The difference is that Cedric made the badge himself, while Ives bought it in a store.

But this means one very important thing, that is, Cedric’s alchemy can finally produce some results. It seems that the Mystery Shop will soon launch the Warming Spell Badge as a flagship product.

Ives gave him an alchemy book called”Five Years of Alchemy and Three Years of Baldness”, hoping that Cedric could go further and further in alchemy and become…bald!

Next is Hannah’s gift. The energetic girl Hannah gave Avis a self-answering quill. Yes, it’s the one Ives once saw in Zuko’s joke shop.

Elvis still remembers the twins’ evaluation of it,”It only writes some nonsense like ‘I understand everything’!”

Apparently, the confused Hannah was deceived by Zuko and hoped that it would be useless when she usually did her homework. Get to it.

Ives’ gift in return was a book called”Elementary Healing Magic.” Hannah suddenly became interested in healing magic for some unknown reason. Out of pragmatism, Ives specially selected this book for her.

Neville’s gift was a pack of magical plant seeds that he carefully selected, and Avis gave him a multifunctional shovel that could help him cultivate the land better.

In the end, there were only two gift boxes left, one for Hermione and one for Dumbledore.

Avis thought for a moment, then reached out and opened the red-wrapped gift box on the right.

Dumbledore’s gift to him last year was his Transfiguration Notes, and his gift this year did not disappoint Ives, it was a pair of two-way mirrors! This kind of alchemy tool allows people to talk to each other from a long distance.

Ives knew that the principal loved sweets, so he gave him a large box of sizzling honey candies. Of course, he also remembered that Dumbledore liked wool socks, so he put those bees in wool socks.

The last gift from Hermione was a pair of gloves.

Unlike last year’s scarf, which had all the threads exposed, Hermione’s craftsmanship has been greatly improved this year – from the outside, there are finally no threads visible.

What Elvis gave her this year was also a crystal ball, but the little man inside was replaced by his image, which just matched the one from last year.


After opening the gifts, Ives put on the sweater given by Mrs. Weasley, took out the scarf given by Hermione last year from the closet and wrapped it around

his neck, and then put on the gloves given by her this year.

In fact, after learning the Warming Charm, he didn’t need to dress so warmly at all, but for various reasons, he chose to dress like this in the end.

After leaving the dormitory, Hermione was already waiting in the Ravenclaw common room.

She was also wearing a sky blue sweater today – given to her by Mrs. Weasley – which looked very similar to the couple’s outfit worn by Ivis.

Hermione was sitting in a chair next to the burning fireplace reading a book. When she heard footsteps, she looked up and saw Ives wearing a scarf and gloves that she had knitted by herself. Her cheeks were unconsciously exposed with pear dimples.

“Merry Christmas,” she said with a smile

“Merry Christmas,” Ives replied.

After the holiday greetings, the two of them went to the auditorium together.

At the entrance of the auditorium, the two found that the corridor in front was blocked by a large fir tree.

A pair of big feet fell from the tree. With the bottom sticking out, Elvis and Hermione knew it must be Hagrid – he was the only one in Hogwarts who could lift such a big fir tree.

“Hi Hagrid. The two said hello,”Do you need help?””

Before he could answer, Ives used a floating spell to levitate the fir tree.

Hagrid put a light on his shoulder, moved his heavy hands and feet and thanked him warmly:”Aves, thank you.”

The three chatted and walked into the auditorium side by side, with the fir trees floating behind them. In the auditorium, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were busy decorating Christmas decorations.

Professor McGonagall saw them He walked in, pointed to a place and said,”Just put it there.”

Aves placed the fir tree at the location designated by Professor McGonagall. Then he looked around and found that the auditorium was very festive. The walls were covered with hanging ribbons of holly and mistletoe, and they were everywhere in the room. Twelve towering Christmas trees were erected. Some trees were decorated with sparkling snowflakes, and some trees were wrapped with circles of colorful ribbons.

The fir tree that Ivis brought in was still undecorated, and Professor McGonagall had just She planned to take action, but she glanced at Ivis and Hermione and seemed to have other ideas.

Professor McGonagall said to Hermione:”Hermione, you can decorate this one.”

She knew Avis’s level of transfiguration very well, but she didn’t know that much about Hermione. Taking this opportunity, Professor McGonagall wanted to test her level of transfiguration.

“OK”Hermione nodded in agreement. She looked a little nervous.

She pursed her lips and took out the wand from her arms, and then slowly cast the transformation spell on the fir tree. As she waved the wand, the leaves of the tree gradually changed. Decoration:

The trunk of the tree is gradually wrapped with many colorful little stars, sparkling among the green pine leaves. Various decorations are hung on the branches, including small Christmas gift boxes and some snowflake-shaped decorative pieces. A heart-shaped heart decorated with lace was hung on the top of the tree. The lace was made of pine leaves with fine snow.

Professor McGonagall was extremely satisfied that she could achieve such a delicate deformation. Hermione’s learning progress was beyond expectations. She expected it.

Before she could open her mouth to praise, Professor Flitwick standing next to her preempted him:”Beautiful transformation spell, ten points to Ravenclaw.”

Professor Flitwick was extremely happy. In addition to Ivis, Ravenclaw actually has such a genius. He glanced at Professor McGonagall with an air of dignity and seemed to say: We have two geniuses in Ravenclaw. Do you guys have Gryffindors? Do you?

But Professor Flitwick is short, and he looks a little funny when he looks at Professor McGonagall.

“Thank you Professor.”Hermione said embarrassedly.

Because there were not many people staying on campus, only one of the four long tables in the auditorium was left. The students and professors were already sitting and chatting.

As a few people took their seats , , Dumbledore, who was sitting at the main seat, stood up and smiled:”The dinner begins.”

The principal’s speeches are always concise, which is what Ives likes most. Unlike some leaders, it takes half a day to hold a meeting.

The food at the Christmas banquet was particularly rich.

One hundred fat roasted turkeys were piled up like a hill. Roast meats and boiled potatoes, platters of delicious sausages, bowls of buttered peas, plates of rich, thick gravy and lingonberry sauce – there were piles of them every few steps along the table. A lot of wizard firecrackers are waiting for you.

These wonderful firecrackers are not like the Muggle ones. No one knows what is inside.

George and Fred smoked one of the firecrackers together. Instead of a muffled bang, there was an explosion like a cannon bombing, engulfing them in a puff of blue smoke. At the same time, a rear admiral’s hat and several lively white mice exploded from the inside..

George happily snatched the hat and put it on his head, and then threw the white mice on Fred. Fred jumped up and stamped his feet crazily.

Ron and Ginny laughed and laughed. Laughing, the sadness that Harry didn’t stay at school was instantly dispelled from their hearts.

Harry, who stayed at school last year, naturally did not choose to stay this year. He was looking forward to spending Christmas with Sirius.

Originally, he invited the students who stayed at school. The Weasley brothers from the school went back together, but considering that this was the first Christmas that the miserable godfather and son had spent together, they decisively rejected Harry’s invitation. At the end of the long table, sat on the main seat The sitting Dumbledore changed his pointed wizard hat into a bonnet decorated with flowers. Professor Flitwick had just told him a joke, and he laughed happily.

Ivis was giving himself another After picking up a piece of roast meat, the Christmas pudding was served on the table.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation. It turned out that the piece of pudding that Percy ate had a silver sickle wrapped in it. The silver sickle almost knocked out his teeth!

This! Scared, Ives and Hermione quickly checked the pudding they were about to pick up.

They both exhaled at the same time. It was okay, and they didn’t know whether this was good luck or bad luck?

Hagrid was drinking one cup after another. As he continued to drink, his cheeks became redder and redder, and he actually kissed Professor McGonagall on the face. Professor McGonagall giggled and blushed, her tall black top hat tilted to one side. Ivis was looking at After scooping the pudding and putting it in his mouth, George and Fred came over and whispered:

“Hey Ives, we got some good stuff here”

“Great staying power”

“Do you want to try it?”The two of them said in harmony.

Ives looked at the two of them curiously, and Hermione on the side cast a suspicious look.

I saw the two took out a transparent bottle from the pocket of their robes. The label on the bottle was red and had Chinese characters on it. It said”Erguotou”.

Although she couldn’t read Chinese, Hermione’s intuition still told her that this was not a good thing.

She quickly refused for Ives,”No, thank you!”


(End of this chapter)

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